Which wrestling promotion will you remember Randy Savage from?

Which wrestling promotion will you remember Randy Savage from the most?

  • WWF

  • WCW

  • TNA

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CM Steel

A REAL American
The late great Macho Man Randy Savage will be remembered for being what professional is suppose to be! In your face, entertaining. The Macho Man had wrestled for over 35 years all over the globe. But Which wrestling promotion will you remember Randy Savage from the most?

WWF: The promotion that made the Macho Man a household name. Making history their with great matches, great rivalry's with Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Ricky Steamboat, ECT. Headling various Wrestlemaina's, and winning various WWF gold. The Macho Man was and still is a cornerstone to today's WWE's success! Who can ever forget Randy Savage's time working for Vince McMahon?

WCW: When Randy Savage signed with WCW in 1994. We saw him in matches with guys who he's wrestled in the WWF on pay per view. But now the Macho Man was wrestling the same guys on Nitro on a weekly basis. Ric Flair, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan. And new faces to have good rivalry's with. Sting, the Giant (Big Show), Diamond Dallas Page. The Macho Man proved that he still had juice inside of him to keep us entertain at his age at the time.

TNA: Basic deja vu of Savage's time in WCW, but only smaller. Savage was still wrestling those same guys from the deceased WCW. But now he was just getting older and slower in the ring. But got the greatest "Macho Man Randy Savage fan in the world" out of it, Jay Lethal.

Rest in Peace Macho Man Randy Savage! OH YEAH DIG IT!!!

But really, which wrestling promotion will you remember Randy Savage from?
For me personally it is not even close...I will always remember Macho Man for his time in the WWF over anything else he went on to do throughout his career. He was one of the wrestlers I grew up watching and one of the first to stand out for me and this happend when he was in the WWF. He main evented the first PPV I ever watched, that being Summerslam 1992 (well main evented in as much as was in the WWF Championship match). His match with Hulk Hogan from a 1989 world tour is one of the first matches that stick in my mind and even though I was a Hulkamaniac at the time, I liked Savage and the way he wrestled, looked. Enjoyed his work in WCW and did not see any of his TNA matches...Macho Man Randy Savage will alway be a WWE Legend/superstar in my eyes, as will Hulk Hogan despite the fact he achieved a great deal in WCW as Hollywood.
WWF... to me his first half of WCW run was pretty good. And he does get the fame for being the man Hulk Hogan turned on at Bash at the Beach.. But to me WCW just kind of wrecked his career. Turning him heel for the NWO made NO sense and after his long absence, he came back with a bang as a face then went heel again.

In WWE he was established, was successful as a heel and face, but at least his turns there made sense, and he was the biggest face of all after the Jake snake bite.

So my opinion, WWF and it's not even close.
WWF is where Savage became a top star and he was used right until near the end but WCW and TNA didn't use him right. Macho Man would have never followed Hogan and be apart of the nWo Savage was not a follower.
WWF, no question.

He was never used in WCW more than a caricature of his WWF persona.

Which, when I watched WCW, all I wanted was the WWF Macho Man, so even when he was still active, I remembered him better in WWF.

His Match with Steamboat alone outdid his entire WCW run.
I voted WCW.

His accomplishments in WWF are probably more important from a historical standpoint, but Savage had already jumped ship by the time I started following wrestling, so most of my memories of him are from his WCW run.
He was never used in WCW more than a caricature of his WWF persona.

True. It's ironic; in WCW's heyday, they tried to show they were the greatest wrestling promotion in the world...... by hiring their competition's best performers and elevating them over all the guys who were in WCW in the first place. In effect, Bischoff & his gang were saying: "The WWE guys are better than our guys, and now they're gonna come in here and take over!"

It was in such context that Randy Savage was used in WCW. He was a carbon copy of the hell-raising loner persona he created in WWE. Of course, with the advancing years, Randy was older, slower and less motivated than he was in this prime and this made the WCW-Randy look like a shadow of his former self.

It's WWF where he created one of the most compelling characters ever.....and that's where I'll remember him. Ooooh, yeah.
I voted WCW.

His accomplishments in WWF are probably more important from a historical standpoint, but Savage had already jumped ship by the time I started following wrestling, so most of my memories of him are from his WCW run.

you're missing a lot of good stuff. i suggest you watch savage's dvd or youtube his wwf matches. his early stuff was great.

like Azane said, his WM3 match with steamboat was better than his wcw/tna run combined.
I agree that the WWF Savage was the best, but remember that Savage was another that honed his craft in Memphis before going to the WWF. While it was not as significant as his WWF time, anyone who remembers his early days will agree that Savage truly wrestled like one in his early days and in fact was given the name Savage while there. I would put his WWF days first, but his Memphis days were better than his WCW or TNA days.
His WCW run is fresher in my memories but I feel the Savage of the mid to late 1990s was definitely up to date. He was more off the walls in WCW and I enjoyed seein him take on various NWO guys as much as I did Sting. WCW depicted Savage as a train that never ran out of steam even when there were no more coles to burn.

Savage's WWF character was a certain type of hero confined to an era of heros. WCW Savage was more real and showed the nitty gritty side. And i could not ever see any wrestlser other then him taking that legendary and historic leg drop at Bash at the Beach.
I would think his time on the independant circuit or in Memphis would be more memorable than in TNA. I mean, I think I liked Savages look best in TNA, he was "The Last Outlaw" before Undertaker was, but his feud with Jerry Lawler in Memphis was pretty damned cool.

There isn't a pro-wrestler I miss more than Savage. He was the entire reason I became a fan of pro-wrestling.

His time in the WWF was simply epic, and for me, his feud and ongoing storyline with The Ultimate Warrior was even better than his feud with Hogan. I think the reason I liked Savage & Warrior better was because they ended pretty much on a high note in their storyline, as newly formed tag team partners & best friends, after having had such a heated rivalry with each other. For me, Savage vs Warrior both at WM7 & again at SS92 were the best matches in Savage's career.
I think if both was an option, I would have picked that. I don't picture him at a specific company, I just picture him in general as an entity.

However, given the options available, I chose WCW. I was really into WCW back in the day and one of the moments I think of first when I think of him would be (somewhat unfortunately) Hogan's leg drops as he joined the NWO.

But in general I think Macho Man is one of those few characters from down the years that transcends wrestling.
WWF, all the way. I became a fan of Savage almost immediately after he showed up in 1985 and he had so many great matches and moments there.
Im old enough to remember when Savage first hit WWF. However, he always seemed so cartoonish to me, probably because the whole WWF product was cartoonish. In the NWA you had bloody cage matches, baseball bat parking lot beatdowns, and WWF had British Bulldogs searching for their missing dog, it wasnt the same. In WCW he was portrayed as more edgy, more dangerous, it was a more adult product and he was portrayed as such.
Back in the mid to late 80's until the early 90's, before the Hitman became the WWF Champion. Macho Man , Ultimate Warrior, and Hulk Hogan were the top three in the bussiness. That`s what I will remember Savage the most from. Being one of the top three which held the WWF Championship at the end of every Wrestlemania until Mania 10 when Bret took over as the top guy.
Macho was/is my favorite wrestler, but he's also a cultural icon. I'll always watch more of his WCW matches, but his name is synonymous with the WWF. Personally, I never really think of the promotions when I think of Savage

ICW/CWA days.I met him in a gas station here in my hometown one night after an ICW event.

in Kentucky, by any chance?
It probably would had been best to have a wcw and wwf option or a "he transcends promotional boundries" option.. when was he even in TNA though?! :shrug: Savage's age at the time of his company run will effect voting.
I am going to go with the WWF, that's where I first heard of Macho Man and that's where I have all my fondest memories. I enjoyed the WCW stuff but when I was watching RAW which was EVERY WEEK when I was a kid (never missed an episode for years straight)...I was saddened (keep in mind I wasn't even 12 years old yet) that Savage had departed to go to the enemy territory. But at the same time when you saw the Billionaire Ted skits with the Nacho Man and The Huckster you knew that Savage was still relevant when the WWF had to go the route of lampooning him. Great stuff.

Now I don't want to play the game of speculation and rumor mongering about why Savage did leave the WWF and never came back at any point save for doing a SmackDown magazine interview and a couple of legends promos (for his Defining Moments Mattel Figure and WWE All Stars), but bottom line it was disappointing to not see him relationship with WWF/E ever be renewed on television. Him passing away was a horrible occurrence obviously and I definitely never stopped thinking about his contributions to wrestling even after he retired (Following his TNA stint) nor will I since his passing several months ago.

Randy Savage is definitely a top ten favorite of mine and no matter where I'll remember him best from, I do know that I'll never forget him!
I agree... Randy did so much in the WWF... The one thing he never did that he should of...was get to defeat Hulk Hogan. Other than that I think he did everything in his career that he wanted to do. RIP Macho... you were a true inovator for your era.
I have to go with most people and say WWF, even though he was really good in WCW. WWF is where we had the pleasure of seeing him at the top of his game. Then we saw him together with Miss Elizabeth which was really cool too. Hogan was the star there but he clearly showed he was some one who never gave you anything less than 100% in the ring hurt or not. He became an iconic figure in his own right.

WCW showed he could still wrestle and perform, but he wasn't treated the way he should have been. He should've beaten Hogan for the belt at least once and that never happened which really pissed me off about his run.
I agree... Randy did so much in the WWF... The one thing he never did that he should of...was get to defeat Hulk Hogan. Other than that I think he did everything in his career that he wanted to do. RIP Macho... you were a true inovator for your era.

I'm as big a Hogan mark as the next guy and even I resented Macho Man never getting a pinfall win over Hulk Hogan, granted in the Hulkamania era Macho Man got DQs and count out wins over The Hulkster while he held the IC Strap, which at the time was as good as anyone else was going to get..it was a decent consolation prize for the Macho Man character but a pinfall win should have happened for Mach no doubt about it.

Damn man, bringing back memories for now and shit I'm feeling like all 29 of my years just for reading this thread and the responses! But that's not a problem I enjoy the discussion just the same. Good start here on the forums Chaosdog, hope to read more from you!
This is a complete no brainer for me...WWF and it's not even close. From his feud with Tito Santana, Ricky Steamboat, the Mega Powers, rivalry with Hogan, the Ultimate Warrior, the relationship with Miss Elizabeth, the all-time classic promos, nothing he did in WCW or TNA can match that. They had him when he was past his prime...but when he was in the WWF, he was pure gold.

Besides, to this day, I can't go to a graduation ceremony and not do a mental "OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" when they play Pomp and Circumstance. When I hear Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child, I don't think of Savage. At all.
I get the feeling that anyone who picked WCW is just trying to be different and the two guys who picked TNA are just in it for the LOLs.

Savage will always be remembered for his WWF years. While there he became a household name, almost as well known as Hulk Hogan. He was always a legit main eventer and much like HBK could get a great match out of anyone. Not to mention this was his prime, and I would think you'd all want to remember him in his prime.
The wrestling promotion that I'll remember the late great "Macho Man" Randy Savage R.I.P. from is the World Wrestling Federation because it's in that promotion that he first established himself a a true all time great by having memorable feuds with Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Hulk Hogan, Honky Tonk Man and Jake "The Snake" Roberts and that's where he wrestled his all time great match with Steamboat at WrestleMania III.

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