Which wrestlers would you fire from TNA to make it a better product?

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Dark Match Winner
Which wrestlers would you fire from TNA to make it a better product?

Here is the link to the TNA roster if you need help with this question.
And please use this link so there are no answers like Booker T who is already gone from TNA.


Some of the names on this page are not wrestlers, but are announcers and interviewers, all I'm asking for is wrestlers.

I’ll be back later with my answer.
honestly I looked at the list and to be truthful they don't need to fire anyone to make the product better everyone on there roster is good at what they do from house show wrestlers , jobbers, knockouts, x-division, mid-card, and main event wrestlers . As far as the announce team goes I really enjoyed Don West as a heel announcer and it was a great idea I thought they should of did like wcw did and have a three announcer gig going I use to enjoy tony schavona,mike tenay, and bobby heenan (heel)
Cody Deaner, who is probably about to get a pink slip since we haven't seen him since No Surrender, and Shark Boy are the only two people I could think should be let go. Neither of two are funny or bring anything to the product.

TNA has a pretty solid roster.
Definitely Eric Young, the guy is ridiculous and i would never take him serious as a heel like he is now after those terrible gimmicks he has had. Cody Deaner and Jesse Neal, and i would repackage a lot of wrestlers to keep up with wwe. We all know tna is the inferior product, they cant even do nationwide day to day house shows, but with the right creative direction, storylines and acquisitions <ie hogan, bischoff> it might just work to be another if not better wcw.
The only person I would get rid of is Rob Terry. He is just taking up roster space for someone else. Hell, even Cody Deaner can put on a better match than Rob Terry.
i would get rid of

Shark boy( his gimmick is not the best and he is boring IMO)
Cody Deaner( he is just a joke and not really funny)
Rob Terry( all muscle and cant wrestle)
Jethro Holiday( is not really a fit for TNA and he is boring)
Dr. Stevie( his gimmick is boring and he really is not needed)

those are who i would get rid of with the reasons i put
Kevin Nash, Kip James, Scott Stiner all sad parodies of once talented stars I die a little each time one of them gets in the ring
If you didn't expect me to say it, then you're crazy. One person only does TNA need to fire. Kurt Angle. I've gone into detail on VoW, so I'm not going to on here.
If you didn't expect me to say it, then you're crazy. One person only does TNA need to fire. Kurt Angle. I've gone into detail on VoW, so I'm not going to on here.

OK....for one, you are crazy. Angle's a bit loopy but he could make anyone a star on his day. And two, why post if you aren't going to justify it in anyway?

Kip James is a road agent who may feel under threat given the power shift. Deaner served a purpose, which was to get ODB involved in the title picture. Given that she defended it at BFG and Deaner's not involved at all, it's clear to me he is a goner. Shark Boy is hilarious but his gimmick doesnt really fit in TNA nowadays.

I feel Steiner has a place in TNA so long as he can still go. I think he owuld benefit from a part time schedule but TNA does have a good roster. I think they may need to expand a little given the two show plans as unfortunate injuries could decimate the roster.
TNA could do without Big Rob Terry, Lacey Von Erich, and Team 3D. Especially after Bubba almost killed Sabin in the ring last week. Big Rob can't do anything in the ring and neither can Lacey. Lacey is attractive but she is sloppy as hell and can't act to save her life. It's pretty bad when even WWE doesn't hire you, considering they hire any diva that is a model. Steiner can still go and so can Angle. Angle and AJ Styles had the match of the year on Impact a few weeks ago so I don't know why anyone would want to fire him.

I know him Rhaka Khan and Jarrett have had personal problems but that's all over. TNA needs Angle, they don't need Lacey, Rob, or Team 3D.
Thanks for all the responses, I’m surprised at some of the responses.
For example I think turning Eric Young heel and making him the leader of world elite was a good idea.
There is one guy that I think needs to be repacked and with a new gimmik and that is Jethro Holliday.
Anyways here are the ones I would fire to make TNA a better product.

1 All of the female wrestlers EXCEPT Daffney (I think she is great, and this is coming from someone who never liked the idea of female wrestlers).
You might be thinking what could TNA do with Daffney if there are not other female wrestlers, well I don’t know, maybe keep my second favorite female wrestler around (ODB) and occassionally have them brawl. And team ODB up as a valet with someone, kinda like Daffney is with Dr. Stevie.

2 Amazing red, if you can’t talk on the mic you’re out.

3 Bobby Lashley, never liked him, his face doesn’t fit his body and he has no personality on the mic.

4 Cody Deaner, the southern gimmik is stupid and that is not how southerners are, false image.

5 Consequences Creed and Jay Lethal, classic case of talent in the ring but no personality and mic skills.

6 Hernandez and Homicide, no mic skills and no personality, and I hate the gang banger stuff, and only Homicide has talent in the ring.

7 Jesse Neal, for obvious reasons.

8 Kip James, never did anything for DX, never did anything for TNA.

9 Kiyoshi, can’t talk on the mic you’re out, plus never liked the idea of cross promoting with Japan.

10 Scott Steiner, can’t move around in the ring anymore and is always fumbling his words on the mic.

11 Shark Boy, for obvious reasons.

There are 2 guys I possibly would fire and they are Abdul Bashir and Suicide, but that would leave the X Division type wrestlers as a group a little thin.
I would use them as jobbers for the X Division.

One last thing, who the heck is Willie Urbina at the end of the roster list?

Again thanks for all the responses.

Oh I almost forgot, I wanted to address the Vince Russo argument/debate. I think Russo is great at creative stuff in the wrestling business, just look at what became of Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and others under Vince Russo as head of creative in WWE. I do admit that Russo has his flaws when it comes to booking and that is where Eric Bishoff could step in and make better.
Bischoff could make production better and could make booking better, but Vince Russo still has his place in the company as far as creative is concerned, coming up with ideas for wrestlers, gimmiks, packaging, forming groups, microphone promos, ECT. Russo is good at that kinda stuff.

I’m excited about TNA with Russo, Ferrara, and Bishoff behind the scenes. You could have the best wrestlers in the world but if you don’t have a good creative team you will fail. These guys are the best for creative. 1 guy missing tho, Paul Heyman.

PPPSSS……Dixie Carter, go get Paul Heyman.

Final thought, I would clean house in WWE if I was in charge, it would be easier to list WHO I WOULD KEEP then it would be to list who I would fire.
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