Three Ways You Would Make Raw A Better Product

This is elementary and obvious and yet totally vital I think:

1) Experimentation: - By which I mean you don't have to end every feud on PPV, you don't need to have the weaker face or the cowardly heel win by roll-up half the time, you don't need the heel to walk out on his partner to get him heat as often. It's all down to creative. Experimentation is risky but rewarding if it pays off.

Things like Mankind choking himself out and not submitting. These intuitive changes to simple booking ideas just keep things fresh, keep the whole product moving. Things like the MITB idea for example are what I'm talking about, the unpredictability. Have somebody not cash i successfully. But outside of MITB also. Remember when CM Punk was at the top of the titantron earlier in the year? Those things are cool. That's what I'm talking about.

2) Microphones all round - More people should get more opportunities to do more talking. Those little tidbits before matches they used to air where each guy would get a 20 second round of talking, more of them. If people don't speak enough in front of a live televised audience, it shouldn't be any surprise when they aren't very good at it. Speaking and character are ultimately more important than in-ring ability in the world of professional wrestling and sports entertainment, this is where to start.

3) Don't make cuts to spite your own pockets - If somebody rubs you up the wrong way and is going to be difficult to work with, but makes a lot of money, draws a lot of people and is very talented, you keep that guy. Vinnie Mac is supposed to be all about the money but he has a very large ego and sometimes let's that get in the way of the right business decision. CM Punk should count himself lucky, other people who have crossed the boss have been looking at the years of indy bookings ahead of them from there on in.

There's more but these three came to mind first.
#1. Better story lines which may mean better writers.

#2. Make Michael Cole the Raw GM or a manager and not at the announce table.

#3. Take Cena off Raw or make him change his character to some extent so the grown up fans aren't puking their guts up with the same worn out Cena ending to Raw every week. With Cena I think less could mean more. Give us a brake from him. Give him a holiday or something. Back in the day Hulk wasn't on every week which made it extra special when he was there. Why can't they do the same with Cena if he is WWE's modern day Hogan?
1) Get rid of the "Circus" atmosphere. Remember the Gobly Gooker? Well that same embarrassing type gimmik seems to morph it's self in different ways onto the WWE Product. Santino, Hornswoggle, The Boogie Man (at one point), or The Muppets coming to Raw ect.., all that needs to stop. It makes me emmbarrased to watch.

RAW isn't a wrestling show it's an entertainment show. Bringing the Muppets brought a form of entertainment so that's why having them on the show works, sure there are several odd gimmicks from down the years, those like you've mentioned, but that is in your opinion. Some others scream out for gimmicks to be rejuvinated in that comedic sense. You're one fan whose calling out for WWE to be all serious, sadly that'll never be the case.

2) The international stars need to better represent their country by being someone their respective countries can truley be proud of. Don't you think the U.K. wants a Randy Orton over slant face Barret? Or Ierland Wanting a Young rising stud like Cody over a pale, red hair Sheamus? WWE needs to stop patronizing and steriotyping the international fan base.

Ehm you seriously need to stop acting as if Cody Rhodes is the standard for every professional wrestler. He isn't. I'm Irish and I'm more then happy to support Sheamus as someone who represents; even though poorly at times due to how they used him during his US Championship run, but as someone who represents Ireland well. For one he fits the stereotype in a sense which is funny in itself. One look at Sheamus and you know he's Irish, one look at Cody Rhodes and you wouldn't know if he's American or Australian. Sheamus fits the Irish image and therefore it isn't patronizing. You're not Irish, you can't argue that.

3) Grab some of those Abercrombie & Fitch marketers to start designing clothing merchandise. They could also mix up the ring attire for certain wrestlers to help them appear more modern to a broader audience.

In your opening post you call for a more serious approach and in the final one you seem to be asking for them to dress in Cryme Tyme-esq clothing. Make up your mind. The attire they wear is fine, the ones that choose to "mix it up" don't usually do all that well, John Cena adorning jorts is probably the one exception. Zack Ryder's mixed length tights are an example, they were never getting over.

Your observations would do nothing to better the product in a common sense perspective. WWE strive to be an entertainment brand, not a wrestling brand so they can bring in people like the Muppets. These examples you've given of patronizing fans with the foreign talent is irrelevant to what they actually do in the ring, as someone from the country of an example you listed, it isn't an argueable case. And ring attire wouldn't better the brand because tights, singlets and all that are the norm, those who've excessively tried to change this have failed.
#1. They need to start changing the fan's viewing habits when it comes to Raw. The Show is scripted so tightly each week, that it is so predictable. It is so predictable that the fans know when commericial breaks are coming. There is zero spontaneity. They know when the 10 o:clock hour hits, something more important will happen. They know the show will run over 7 minutes. We can predict the lenght of matches. We can predict which matches will never ever end in a clean pin fall. All of this is nothing you can change in a week, it will take a year or so to change people's idea of what Raw is. And how Raw is run. If the audience couldn't predict when something would happen, or when someoen would appear, they would have to watch the entire show. Thus the entire product is now getting exposure.

#2- Long term planning. This is no secret and is not hard. It is simple storytelling. Beginning - Middle - End. The bigger picture should always be in mind when writing shows. They should always have an understand of the next WrestleMania's matches. I don't care of it's May. They really do have lazy writing on Raw, and that needs to change.

#3- Cena- He is one of the biggest problems. He drives away all the true fans. Personally if i never saw another second jean shorts, baggy t shirt or horrible matches, i'd be more than happy with the product. Keep him away from the Main Event, keep him away from the 11:00 pm hour. They need to require him to freshen his character.
The only way possible for them to turn raw around at this point in time is to establish the divisions they have going. they shouldn't add any championships, the shouldnt have any new talent acquisitions until you are set up completely. main event scene should include exactly who is there now, cm punk, del rio, cena , miz and r-truth, the rock ( during the road to wrestlemania) and kane or undertaker when they make their WWE return and as a side note. when they have such awesome storylines they dont show any type of constants . the mid-card is doing well right now and the title is serving its purpose so i wouldnt change that. and the divas divison is also becoming better each and every time they are on tv, i say that because we are finally getting real story lines and thats what we all wanted. the tag divison needs a jump start. we have seen awesome truth, air boom, curt hawkins and tyler reks,the usos, percy watson and titus oneil and yet the wwe has yet to shine the light on the divison any other ways you guys know of?
1 - Make the Brand Extension mean something again. NO SmackDown Superstars on RAW, and vice versa, except during the weeks leading up to WrestleMania. Interpromotional matches should be very rare and treated as special events when they do happen.

2 - Drop the Twitter/trending garbage. And by the same coin, stop booking shows based on whats trending. Push people with talent and charisma, not the ones that are the latest Twitter fads.

3 - Remove the kid-friendly comedy bits. No guest hosts, no Hornswoggle.
The commentators definitely need improving upon as do the Divas. I wouldn't mind seeing the Divas scrapped altogether personally. The tag team division has lost some steam but WWE has done a solid job and have been moving in the right direction overall the past few months.

As for most of the other suggestions I've read, it's basically the same old IWC crap.

I'd like to address the comedy complaints for a bit. Most of the complaints about the comedy skits or segments suggests that WWE has this stuff going on week in, week out on every single Raw. That's bullshit. If this was 2009, I'd agree wholeheartedly because we did see corny stuff like what went on with The Muppetts on a weekly basis, sometimes in multiple segments that ate up a lot of time. In 2009, we had Hornswoggle & DX to contend with. The WWE does sometimes put on some comedy stuff. Some of it's lame, some of it's actually ok but when they do put it on, it's usually quick & painless. For instance, the whole thing with Aksana & Teddy Long over on SD! isn't gonna draw in viewers by any stretch, but each of those encounters lasts all of, at the most, 30 seconds.

As for the PG complaints, I'm not getting into another discussion on that. If you're too stupid to focus on the PG rating in and of itself rather than actually trying to enjoy the product, that's your problem.

As for the "better main events", I can agree to some degree. For instance, we're all tired of seeing John Cena appear in the main event match on Raw each week and I get that. But can anyone sit there with a straight face and say that the Punk vs. Ziggler match on Raw sucked? If you can, then you might as well just stop watching pro wrestling altogether.

I like the fact that we don't see a lot of gimmick matches on Raw. Gimmick matches are supposed to feel special. The novelty of certain matches is what holds their attraction. I wouldn't mind seeing something besides a cage match now and again on Raw but, at the same time, I don't want a gimmick match every other week either.
Cruiserweights, a dynamic tag team division, and for the love of JESUS a completely new and better announce team. Cole puts himself over all night and gives little to no focus on the show, lawlers doesnt even seem to like wrestling anymore, and as for Booker.....:disappointed:

.....nuff said
Okay lets begin, I haven't got three specific ideas but more generalisation.

1: Non-Wrestlers/Other On-screen talent // Okay so Michael Cole cops a lot of flack on this board and I really hope the WWE notices this. Michael Cole can be a great play-by-play commentator when he is calling the match down the middle and actually calling the action. I hate the fact that the p-b-p commentator is a heel. I believe it would much more entertaining if Michael Cole called matches as they happen and (heel) Jerry Lawler added smart-arse comments and comical jokes. It makes me sick when the King cheers for Cena when I know that going back only a few years ago he was cheering heels. (I used to love listening to JBL and even Tazz to an extent as the heel colour commentators)
Next, they need to take emphasis of twitter!! For christ sake it's getting ridiculous.
Lastly, Johnny Ace needs to be dumped as GM. They need someone with personality, charisma and authority. I'd love to see a badass heel GM with Johnny Ace as his whipping boy/bitch/dirty-worker.

2: Talent // There is a lot wrong with the way the 'E are handling their RAW talent. I don't mind having Smackdown talent feature on RAW, but, they should only feature as add-ins to matches with RAW talent. We don't need Mark Henry and Big Show taking up RAW air time with promos when they have their own show to do that.
Their is so much 'wasted' talent on RAW at the moment. I mean young guys like Hennig, Riley and Hawkins who, may not be high-quality talent, but still deserve air time. If they can't think of a storyline for them then why not change their gimmick, make a new tag team (lets face it, the Tag Team division has not been revived yet) at least something!
WWE fans should get to see these guys (even if in short segments) at least cut a promo or feature in a match where they're not getting squashed.
I'd like to see main event guys, who aren't directly involved in a WWE title feud, drop back to the mid card to add some credibility to the US title division.
The WWE championship picture has featured 3 guys for the last 5 or so months. (Del Rio, Punk and Cena) I think it's time to refresh the WWE championship contenders. I mean with Punk as champion, you have guys like The Miz, Dolph Ziggler (after his inevitable title loss to Ryder comes) and even R-Truth (once back from suspension) that are credible heel opponents.

3: Storylines/Promos/Angles/Matches // WWE has really dropped the ball when it comes to storylines. I mean one week they build a storyline, next week nothing happens. I know they tried to push the walk-out angle but they totally f****d that up! Why couldn't we have a rebellion group set up and we eventually get a heel v face tag team match at SS with the winning captaining taking over WWE? Maybe it's a little predictable but it would have been a huge build-up especially with Rocky on the face team. Instead we get nothing after the walk-out and a terribly built-up Cena/Rock tag team match where they basically squash a weak looking Awesome Truth.
It seems as if the WWE are scared to push the boundaries. Why was Money in the Bank the most anticipated PPV of the year? Because they pushed the boundaries with the build-up.
Most people talk about how they want Cena to turn heel and others say get your head out of your arse rah rah rah. I'm not a typical Cena hater, I would've like to have seen him turn heel though. Imagine the up-roar at MSG when John Cena AA's The Rock and costs him the match. Cena justifies his actions next night on RAW, then at the RR, Rock returns to cost Cena the WWE title.
Finally, they need some creativity in the matches. Lets be honest, the good old Heel v Face tag team mainevent is way to overused. We want some variety! Even if it's not a gimmick match, how about more championship matches on RAW?

Overall, RAW has been a very average product of late and the WWE better start picking up their slack and get their head the game before Mania.
3 ways to make Raw better, quite honestly they came easy to me:

1) Get Zach Ryder off of it- Now I don't get zach ryder but hear me out. Put zach Ryder exclusively on smackdown. You can use his "star" power to attract more marks to it. Smackdown seems like the minor leagues and if you put him on smackdown, he can win the IC title from rhodes who clearly doesn't need that strap anymore since he is way over. Ryder has got to be tired of getting beat by ziggler so allow him to beat Rhodes

2) End The "SuperShows"- to repeat my previous point, smackdown seems to be the minor leagues. So why have your best guys wrestle on raw every week and on smackdown. One of the reason's raw gets great ratings is because you only see the Rock on raw, You really only catch Cena on Raw and CM Punk is primarily a raw guy. I get it, you want to have Orton, Sheamus and Henry shown but just have them on the show that they were "drafted" on. Allow them a few months off of the show, so when they do show up on the show it seems special rather than when they don't show up you think something is wrong

3) CUT OUT ALL THE DAMN PRMOS- Raw has kind of become like a late night tv show. An opening monologue by someone (I.E. Miz,Cena,Truth,HHH or Punk) then we get a commercial, then we get a few bad matches (I.E. the second guest on the late night show), with then the main event (I.E. The first guest on a late night show). I swear it seems like the bulk of the show is promos and commercials. If they were to actually have matches rather than all those promos, then maybe guys who were at the bottom of the rung could get a little tv time.
Hire new writers/bookers - It's no secret that the team of writers WWE has had over the past few years are incompentant and incapabale of creating logical, coherant and well-thought-out storylines. Apparently they are former comdey writers, so that pretty much explains it. As for the bookers, they are just as guilty as the writers for not making storylines/wrestlers' pushes make any sense. For example, one minute there will be a guy dominating a show, then the next minute he'll be pushed back down near jobber status even though he has decent amount of heat. Jack Swagger, Sheamus and Wade Barrett all being recent examples. And they wonder why there aren't very many credible, over guys on the roster.

Build the divisions - The Tag-Team and Divas division are at the worst they've been in a while. Pretty much self explainatory.

Change the format of the show(s) - The way the shows are "formatted" are over a decade old. A opening promo to start the show. Filler matches/segements until the main-event. Something "big" happens to close show. Maybe make the shows alittle more spontainous, unpredictable. Have something somewhat big happen in the middle show, for example.
Like alot of people have said on this thread already is most of the answers we get will only apply to a few people if not only just you so i cant really say. I for one think raw is doing okay wrestling wise i mean ziggler and punk just had a hell of a match on raw monday and while the end promo left a little to be desired and most likely wouldn't have happened if r-truth didn't get suspended i think its going to open up good in the long run. Truth will come back babyface and miz will stay a full blown arrogant heel. Vince is shooting for little jimmy merchandise to sell anyway and if it doesnt i will be shocked. But i would say end the brand split ups and cut the tag team main event bullshit. Its good for ryder but leave the tag team stuff to guys who are going to gun for the titles like otungacutty were. Still I think raw is fine i mean its doing the same ratings as the summer and it has mnf on the other channel so dont change too much just stop rewriting shit so much and I THINK it could help.
It's just simple for me
1. Get rid of divas they do nothing but give you an excuse to go to the toilet
2. Enough is enough of johnny ace coming out half way through matches to talk shit
3.have the announces actually go back to talking about the match and promoting the talents in the ring instead of talking about who is trending on twitter or arguing with one another over who has the best JR fat jokes.

Other then those 3 things i am actually happy and quite content with the product i'm recieving
Now when I'm refering to "#1" again, I mean reclaiming cable TV's #1 show they once held, and wrestling held (WCW included), during the 98-01 boom period. It made wrestling relevant and it was a true power house. Wrestling in general peaked in early '99 when both Nitro and Raw were trading 5.0's. Raw peaked after Nitro lost steam and 7.0's became the norm.

TNA has to become a credable threat for this scenario to become a future possibility. As long as TNA is doing 1.0's with no competition and preforming in settings with only 1,000 people, it will never become that "creadible threat".

For the good of the business, and to bring in millions of new fans, TNA has to succeed. Vince should send a couple stars to TNA for about 2 years, But under a WWE/TNA mutual contract, and allow TNA to grow to the 3.0 range (.7 PPV avr) and 5,500 per event. HHH, HBK, Big Show, and Y2J would suffice to make TNA a Monday night competitor that would launch a new boom era and with-in 2 years, Raw would be back in that 7.0 range
That's stupid.

For one WWE don't acknowledge the threat TNA has supposedly held for the past several years. It's common knowledge that Vince McMahon doesn't see it as a competitor at this point in time, so assuming they ever did become a "credible threat" as you put it, why would he send Superstars of an Entertainment company to a wrestling company in order to gain new viewers or even send his own viewers over to watch the opposition. That would be stupid.

You need to stop using such a pro-active mind-set, it damages your perspective on reality. In reality that'll never happen, in reality it probably wouldn't work. Every week people make threads titled, "How to Save TNA," "How to Make WWE HUGE Again" and what not - you're an armchair mystic meg, you can't look into the future, therefore you don't know what will work to do anything, you can only hypotethically assume. WWE will never be as huge as it was in the 90's due to the fact its product doesn't appeal to everyone, anymore, as it did back then. Back then it hadn't the issue of losing viewers to the more realistic UFC. Back then it hadn't countless scandals interfering and forcing them to alter the product.

This isn't 1999, it's 2011. Get with the times.
People, please. Think of this discussion in a more broader context. History proves this scenario can work. Only this time, It could happen under a controlled environment. Each side would have an equal interest in the success of the idea, and neither would have the goal of "putting the other out business."

Capitalismn has proven to be the most sucessfull way of creating economic sucess and the main principle behind that is competition. If you have two businesses competing for the same market, you get a better product and inevitably increase the size of the market.

when one wrestling company controlls the product, people either stop buying because their is no where else to turn when the product becomes stale, or they dip in and out every once in a while; AKA: The Rock's return.

If my scenario were to happen, what would start out as 2.8's vs 3.0's, would eventually turn into 5.0's vs 5.5's as the value of the product increased gradually over a couple years. Both companies could hit 6 and 7.0's at their apex.
No. I see what you're trying to do, and in theory it's a great idea, but...again, just no. No no no. There are two HUGE problems with this idea:

First, wrestlers aren't the problem in TNA. You want legendary names that bring mainstream attention? They signed Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair. You want huge names that are old but can still go? They signed Sting, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Scott Steiner. You want main eventers in their prime? They started with Jeff Jarrett and they signed Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, and Rob Van Dam. You want guys who didn't peak in WWE and grew to become main eventers in TNA? They signed Christian, Mr. Kennedy, and Bobby Lashley. That's just off the top of my head. HHH, HBK, Big Show, and Y2J can't do anything all those guys didn't.

Secondly, even if wrestlers were TNA's problem, your solution would fail because it does the opposite of what you want it do. A "mutual contract" where neither side has the goal of "putting the other out of business" (all your words) is NOT competition. It's a merger/takeover.

If you want pseudo competition for the WWE, suggest that they make Raw and Smackdown! two completely separate entities that are at war with each other and go all out to make it as real as possible.
I feel that my eyes are melting. What is wrong with this? Let me count the ways.

1. You want ratings to increase for TNA so you pick a guy who barely wrestles anymore, a retired guy, a guy who has been irrelevant and mediocre most of his career, and a glorified midcarder. Nice work.

2. Assuming these guys supposedly get TNA a 3.0, why do you think that will sustain after two years? Did you even factor in what network TNA is on?
I'll let someone more knowledgable on the ratings system and thesimilarities between the past and the present fill you in.

3. This thought probably never entered the space between your ears but there might, just might, be a possibility that TNA is not trying to be like the WWE and they like to view themselves as an alternative. Marinate on that.
How can some of you sit here and say that vince doesn't see TNA as a threat!! Thats why he foams at the mouth waiting for TNA to slip up so he can have his lawyers threaten them, so yes vince sees TNA as a threat.

Your objections to the idea are very understandable. I can easily see exactly where your coming from. But I can't lay out my entire proposal like i want, to adress those objections due to the limited post writing.

limited-mutual-contracting isn't a "merger", It's a descision to benifit both companies while remaining soverign entities.

If Dana White and Vince Mcmahon got togather and decided to allow Brock Lesnar to do a 3 month program with WWE for the benifit of cross-promotion, and allow him to compete at WM (like was being highly pushed by vince a year ago), The contract agreement would be "mutual". That means equal benifit. That does not mean UFC/WWE merger.

And if It was promoted that a HHH/HBK "envasion" of TNA was imenent, no-one could argue that most of the WWE base would tune in on Thurs Impact. Then, over the next 2 weeks, you promote aditional WWE "invaders", and deliver with Big Show and Y2J.

This is the angle WCW got sued over in '96. But now it could be done "legit".
People, please. Think of this discussion in a more broader context. History proves this scenario can work. Only this time, It could happen under a controlled environment. Each side would have an equal interest in the success of the idea, and neither would have the goal of "putting the other out business."

Capitalismn has proven to be the most sucessfull way of creating economic sucess and the main principle behind that is competition. If you have two businesses competing for the same market, you get a better product and inevitably increase the size of the market.

when one wrestling company controlls the product, people either stop buying because their is no where else to turn when the product becomes stale, or they dip in and out every once in a while; AKA: The Rock's return.

If my scenario were to happen, what would start out as 2.8's vs 3.0's, would eventually turn into 5.0's vs 5.5's as the value of the product increased gradually over a couple years. Both companies could hit 6 and 7.0's at their apex.

No, we already have capitalism in the current market. Competition is no guarantee that you are going to get a better product. Do you really think these two competitors could coexist and negotiate so easily? It is more likely that you are going to saturate the market and hurt the organization that is giving up more talent. Competition from other wrestling organizations helps the talent/labor the most since it provides them with options and therefore more power in bargaining, not necessarily the product.

In actuality, WWE has more competition now than did in the late 90's. It just comes from other sources like the Internet (YouTube), additional TV stations, UFC, the DVR and fantasy football.
Competition is why capitalismn suceeds. Competition is what creates a better poroduct. you are forced to, or you will lose market share. A better product leads to, over time, higher PPV buy rates, higher attendance, higher ratings, and higher advertizing revenue.

This would be the long term goal of my plan. To get from 3.0's to 5.0's to 7.0's, it takes a while. But the immediate impact of my plan would get TNA in the 3.0 range. You adjust the plan to accomadate the growth. Nothing in my plan would be done in a vacume. Impact would stay on thursday nights untill they showed a stable 3.0 rating base. At that point, I would move them to Monday night. This would get people to flip back and forth, instead of hitting the DVR. When their is two great games on, you flip back and forth.

Ufc is only a competition in the abstract; how many times do they go head to head with WWE? Their on Wen. or Thurs. evenings. And an analysis of PPV buyers, bare out the fact that they have almost 2 seperate fanbase.

BE BOLD!!!!!!!
You are thinking too simplistic here. Competition is a buzzword for ideologues and politicians. Take VCRs - in the 80's there was competition between Betamax and VHS. Anyone would tell you that Betamax was a superior product but they failed and VHS succeeded. This is just one of many examples of where a better product failed.

Capitalism has worked in America because we have had bright minds, cheap labor, vast resources, land, a strong goverment, years of history and relatively peaceful neighbors. If anything America succeeded when it lacked competition.

I love bold ideas and a talent exchange is certainly bold. Unfortunately, it is also too risky to WWE and although you have provided some facts you have yet to convince me or anyone else that your idea would work. I recommend that you add some more ideas to make Raw more successful. It is too large a leap in logic to go from exchange talent to two years later Raw is doing 7's or even 5's.
TNA is not a threat on any level to WWE, be it ratings, advertising, mainstream. TNA is a haven for washed up or released WWE talent to ply their trade for a quick 4-6 week push, which is filmed over two days then back to the mid-card for nonsensical matches and totally destroying their brand and legacies. WWE is #1 and still a major cables ratings winner. Even seeing how rubbish the product is these days, WWE Raw is still drawing 3.1 and 3.2 which is very passable. If they ever opull the trigger on Punk and finally revolvee the show around hiom and not Cena, the 4 and 5 ratings will return immediately
This is possibly the most stupid idea I have ever read on this board. Capitalism has absolutely nothing to do with helping your competition. The reason TNA is a shit product (and the reason WWE is a shit product) is due to storylines, not star potential. If you remember back to the mythical Attitude Era, they had plenty of wrestlers with crappy gimmicks much like now, but it was good storylines that put them over. Can you ever imagine Gold Dust getting over if he debuted now? Or the Undertaker for that matter?

The simple fact is that WWE is never going to help TNA. You are talking absolute shit and illustrate many of the problems with the IWC when it comes to things like this. Unfortunately, Vince and the 'E have to operate in the real world. Where real things matter. Let us suppose your idea happened (which it wouldn't). And it worked (which it wouldn't) and suppose TNA beat WWE in the ratings (which it wouldn't). Vince would have directly helped his competition to beat him.

I really hope you're trolling because if you're not then I have serious concerns.

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