Three Ways You Would Make Raw A Better Product

I don't think that question is simple enough to answer without a 15-20 page research paper, after years of analysis of both the current product and the product during the era when WWE was on top. After all, if the answer was out there...Vince probably would have come up with it by now.

I have a few suggestions, wholly based off of what I want to see in a wrestling product, but I don't think I have the knowledge to be speaking on this kind of topic. I don't think anybody really does... The best thing you can hope for is throwing ideas against the fan and hoping one or two of them work.
since when isn't WWE Raw number 1?
it's still the number 1 and Smackdown the number 2 wrestling based entertainment show and always will be til they pull the plug

UFC/TNA isn't even on the same schedule, there's a reason why they plan PPV's so they don't overlap, cause PPV providers will only show one and probably dictate first come first serve which WWE does 12 months in advance.

So your idea i for WWE to sacrifice themselves by flogging a dead horse til it becomes higher rated then there own show has been in years? you do realise RAW only gets at most a 3 rating right? TNA gets a 1, no way they are gonna see 5's and 7's again there just too much else on TV.

have to agree with tehaskl56, the wrestling business is not suffering because of lack of competition or money it's suffering because it's just not interesting anymore, least not on the same level it use to be, the stars are not star worthy, they can't act, they can't talk, some can barely perform in the ring. TNA have no idea what they are doing booking/storyline wise and WWE just don't seem to care anymore.

maybe the promo Vince gave back in the day when the nWo came into WWE saying he was gonna kill his creation, maybe that's been his intention all along, as soon as the other avenues become profitable he'll drop out of "sports entertainment", since that's not gonna happen anytime soon WWE is as a sports entertainment is here to stay and TNA will get no love because they simply aren't worth it and there's people there that would never work with Vince as it would have to be on Vince's terms not theres.

and you want people to flip back and forth amongst two shows, yeah sure Vince would love that idea, people turning off his product to watch a "competing" show that wants WWE to be gone. You do realise that's not what

face it TNA management need to save themselves, they have monetry backing, they can be there own threat to WWE. If they need WWE to help them become a threat then what is the point, WCW didn't need WWE's help they stole the spotlight
For the good of the business, and to bring in millions of new fans, TNA has to succeed. Vince should send a couple stars to TNA for about 2 years, But under a WWE/TNA mutual contract, and allow TNA to grow to the 3.0 range (.7 PPV avr) and 5,500 per event. HHH, HBK, Big Show, and Y2J would suffice to make TNA a Monday night competitor that would launch a new boom era and with-in 2 years, Raw would be back in that 7.0 range

You're logic is flawed; how would using existing stars bring in "millions" of new fans? You're just spreading your existing audience between two organisations, most of which watch both WWE and TNA to begin with.

While I agree with the notion that competition breeds ingenuity, what you’re proposing is naive fan-service, not a plan to grow the industry.

Btw, I hope your signature “The Democratic Party Is The Party Of Intelectuals” is intended to be tongue-in-cheek, considering you spelt intellectuals wrong.
I think the poster of the blog is really trying to figure out how to make wrestling in general get better ratings.

He throws out a cornball idea of having wwe lend tna there stars to help tna's ratings thinking it will boost ratings but i think the same fans that watch wwe are the same fans that watch tna. So the fan base is already divided. What the wrestling business needs is something new and cutting edge.

Look back in history...when was wrestling interesting to watch...thats my answer for ratings...make me me something different...

Hulk hogan vs ultimate warrior face vs face at wrestlemania...with a exciting ultimate excited to watch...

scott hall walking on to live wcw show then kevin nash poppin up wih hogan then turning excited i'll watch...

stone cold walking in the ring disrespecting a then controversial mike tyson yep im a stone cold fan i'll watch...

rock with his over the top catch phrases i'll watch.

DX invades wcw i'll watch.

Goldberg walking badass...kick ass doesnt take names...

So ye what will boost wrestling ratings isnt the acquisition of talent...its new original ideas and story line...entertain me damn it...thats what will make people say hey wrestling isnt lame...they will say i wanna watch that...there onto something cool over at that wrestling company. now give me the innovative ideas this isnt 1999 dude its 2011/ 2012 the times have changed!!! Now that i think about it punk said the exact same thing...go figure "he is the reason i got excited about watching wrestling again he entertained me damn it." outsiders got curious so they may tune in to see it too..

think about my answer this way have u ever heard of a tv show through a friend or through hype on tv and wanted to watch because of how good the reviews were...same with a movie coming out...thats what the wrestling business needs to do deliver me cutting edge entertainment change my mind make me interested.
Look TNA is good for what it is. An indy promotion that got a good tv deal and alot of great legends and wrestlers on its roster. The only way it can even think of taking on the giant that is WWE is to first get a billionaire to invest in them and then (somehow) get John Cena on board, then work from there. Nash i remember also said something similiar. That is the simple fact IF it wants to compete with WWE. But heres the thing, at the moment i dont think it does want to compete with WWE. They seem to be moving and progressing pretty well as an indy promotion that is getting more brand awareness everyday.
Not to get into a political debate, but competition doesn't make capitalism work, capitalism is like Monopoly, at first it's fine, but eventually everyone's bankrupt except for the SoB who screwed everyone out of their money.

The main positive of the Monday Night Wars was that it got WWE to change it's product dramatically in order to fit the times, it doesn't happen the other way. Vince wouldn't intentionally help competition, he's better off with his safe, stable product that maintains his billionaire status, that provides 1000's of jobs. If WCW had the capital, and stopped hemorrhaging stars (Jeff Jarret ended up MEing ffs) the last few years, there was a chance that Vince could of lost the Monday Night War.

Let's also keep in mind the concept of Kayfabe was nowhere near as mainstream as it is now, seeing who jumped ship and what one upsmanship would occur was a big par of why the competition was interesting, today, with the abundance of Internet fans Kayfabe has become common knowledge and anything good would be spoiled, remember the "Butts in the seats" quote? that would be how an entire competition between wrestling companies would go today.

It's in Vince, the shareholders and every person who works in WWE's interest to limit TNA's exposure, and kill their product as best as possible.

We also saw what TNA can do when it attacks WWE and makes a shot at it's time slot, that went about 2 PPV cycles before they realized people weren't channel surfing like they did in the late 90's
Competition is no guarantee that you are going to get a better product.

Quite the opposite, much of the time. What if, as suggested, WWE sends some of it's best people to TNA to bolster them......and TNA winds up putting WWE out of business? Granted, that's a highly unlikely scenario, but why put the weapons in TNA's hands and trust them to not turn those weapons on their benefactor?

It would be like McDonald's saying to Burger King: "Look, BK. The Big Mac is an American institution created by us. Why don't you take it on your menu and run with it for awhile?":blush:

What the OP doesn't seem to understand is that TNA and WWE don't harbor good will toward each other; they're competitors, not partners. Two years ago, TNA launched a direct attack on the bigger company, putting their prime TV show on at the exact same night and time as RAW. Do you think they were interested in "growing" the pro wrestling business......or were they looking to take it for themselves?

A course in Business Theory might be in order, amigo.
Raw is doing pretty well these days the last I know. It may not be number 1 but it's still among the top 5 shows on American television.

What you are suggesting, OP, is impossible. Firstly, you have to understand that you cannot force your way upto the number 1 spot, it has to happen organically. Look at the other times when wrestling was immensely popular. Did the promoters have to force some change into the product? Nope, both the attitude era as well as the Rock n Wrestling era happened organically, because it was a natural evolution of the product.

Secondly why do you think that sending people to TNA will get wrestling back on top? It would surely benefit TNA and in due course they might start getting higher rating but how can you be so sure that that would lead to either company dominating the American television market. Like Saga said, this is not 1999. People just aren't that into wrestling and the reasons for that are not neccesarily because of what type of product is being dished out on television. There are more options these days, people want to just plain watch something different, the Benoit murders have turned people off wrestling and many more.

So while competition might lead to a more interesting environment for the wrestling fans that does not mean that that competition will draw non wrestling fans into the business as well. Believe me when I say that the WWE is doing well. It is doing the best it can and there is nothing wrong with the product.
You people are hopeless. My entire argument was set around the over-all good of the business. Not what Vince would ever do. most of you have proven you cant think out-side the box and you try and re-write history, as if a tallent exchange never turned into the 96-01 boom era. You all know you would be watching TNA if this were to happen and you would also be watching Raw. The first part of my equation is sure to work, what is not sure is it launching a new boom era. And I would really appreciate if you people stop putting my own writings in YOUR own context. I meant it as a "broader idea" . I am well aware of Vince's current monopaly, and realisticly it would never happen. But for the good of the business, Vince must recieve competition. It's the only proven formula to better a product. Go check out those 96-01 shows. They were great because of competition. Even if vince has to subsidise TNA (on a mutual benifit bases). long term: Possibile great out come. Short term: Spark a new interest.
Didn't you make a thread JUST LIKE this one yesterday? With your "3 ways to make Raw #1 again'? Yeah, you did. Let's pretend for a second that this scenario has ALREADY happened, hypothetically of course. Let's pretend behind the scenes vince McMahon sends some of his upper mid card names to TNA to "help their ratings out" to boost up competition.

Perhaps he sends them, oh I don't know, Mr Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Bobby Lashley, The Dudley Boyz, Matt Morgan and Elijah Burke to really inject some talent to get those rating sky high. The ratings would be through the roof!!!!!!

Okay, now these guys will be top.....oh, wait...they're already IN Tna, and the ratings haven't improved the way you are proposing they would. It's not just the talent, it's the booking and storylines that get ratings. Not your best thread, pal. Actually, It's pretty awful
Having TNA pulling in a better rating is not whats going to make WWE #1 again. It will just light a fire under Vince Mcmahon's out of touch ass and have him pull triggers on so many great angles that got ruined too fast. Thats their problem. Every damn ratings grabber angle (take the Summer of Punk angle) is stopped well short of its potential because of something. I don't know if its Vince Mcmahon just pulling the strings, Triple H wanting to be the focus again, or whatever, and I don't care. But they've had a lot of potentially great angles that stopped short.
For those of you complaining about PG haven't watched the show pre 1998 and just confirms that you're Attitude Era fans vs. fans of the Attitude Era. Also stuff in 2002 and most of 2006-2007 were horrible yet the show was TV-14.

1)Cena. Alot of the product's issues revolve around him. His current character needs to be dead like Lita's baby. Turn him heel already. The Word-Life gimmick was over with the crowd; bring it back. A trickle-down effect on the show for the better will occur.

2)Backstage segments. More brawls in the back, behind the arena, in the street, etc. Make it look real. Spontaneous. There's a lack of intensity in today's product.

3)Stop pandering to the casuals/kids: Muppets, guest hosts, Hornswoggle, Twitter. They all have got to stop. In the grand scheme of things it hasn't helped to further better your wrestling product.
WHy doesn't Vince just buy out TNA then? This B.S and STUPID "mutual contract" is just that.....STUPID BULLSHIT lmao.

If the current crop of WWE guys can't get the ratings up then what would sending them to TNA gonna do? Maybe if they stopped the scripted promos and got rid of the committees and went back to letting Vince/Patterson/Hayes book the shows, it would be better.

Don't see how sending talent to another company that has worse booking and a smaller market is gonna help anything.
1) No more John Laurinaitis on-screen. He's a part of management that needs to focus on doing his job, not acting. When you don't wrestle and your role is limited to that of a General Manager, your entire job is acting. There's no in-ring ability to save your mediocre mic skills, and if Ace held his own performance to the level he expects of the other talents...he'd future-endeavor himself. It's not his fault remember, he didn't sign up to be an actor. His character flip-flops as a heel making face decisions, and it's frustrating at best to watch from week to week. He draws heat in most situations, but it's not good heat, in my opinion. It's not DRAWING power heat, it's channel changing heat.

2) Distinguish the brands again. I'm one of the few who appreciated the brand split for what it was... Without it we're getting story-less cookie-cutter matches every week on Raw just to give certain people face time. When half your Raw show is booked with Smackdown stars because you can't build enough of them on your own, that's a problem. The SD bandage won't hold for very much longer... And I'm talking FULL split, with brand-specific PPVs and everything. Make the shows MEAN something. Make the characters that show up on those shows MEAN something. Limiting a PPV to a brand means having to actually work to build up a card and a roster worth watching. Right now they're just treading water because they can.

3) What happened to story telling? It used to be that the WWE was the master of the art of stories. The tales that they weaved every singe week were compelling! Now it takes the return of somebody huge to peak any interest, or tell a good story; either on the mic or in the ring. Now all we get is Wrestler A being mad at Wrestler B and fighting him at a PPV, usually for a title of some sort. THere's no creativity, and NOBODY benefits from it. THey're going to end up with a roster of 67 of the same guy, with 7 matches on a card that are exactly the same... Stories make sports entertainment fun.
1. Storylines- This is not just a Raw problem it's a WWE problem. I know they are a lot more restricted because they are PG. But their storylines used to be much more compelling.

2. Announcers- Get rid of King! Bring back JBL or even someone like Jericho. King is stale as an announcer. I'm glad they got rid of JR, they need to stop living in the past. Have Cole to focus a little more on the in ring action.

3. Tag Teams- If they built up the tag division they could find some use for some of their underutilized talents.

I don't care who is commentating but have them actually pay attention to and call the matches. 90% of the time it's either dead air, twitter, sponsors, making fun of each other, making fun of Vicky, or them cracking themselves up. No more commentator feuds. I think we're all burned out at this point. Also I don't agree with the commentators basically going silent when something "serious" is going on like a vicious attack and only talking about it after the replay starts.

2) Stop burying everyone

This started during the "walkout" when HHH basically buried everyone backstage except the holy face trinity of Punk, Cena, and Orton. Oh and Sheamus. How about you build up the undercard instead of tear them down.

3) Unify World Heavyweight Title/WWE Championship

This is controversial but I think something necessary. With there being two "top" titles (even though it's pretty much fact that the WWE championship is the most important) and having them mostly confined to their own show they are seriously cutting down the matchup possibilities. This is why we have the same damn fights and feuds. Orton had a match with Christian every show and PPV for what felt like 2 months straight. The Cena/ADR/Punk match-o-matic has been spinning for quite a while now also. If there was one title there would be a huge pool of people always vying for the chance to face the title holder. Also this would incentivize people to watch Raw as well as Smackdown because the single top title could change hands on either show. And with there being only one top title this makes the IC and US titles (which I believe are pretty much equal in importance) much more important because there is only one title above them that they are all striving for.
First, let's define the word "better" shall we? Do you want ratings and more merchandising sales and ticket sales right now?

The answer is simple, pander to the lowest common denominator. Make it Jerry Springer Gone Wild in the ring, backstage, and on your t-shirts. Swear, have sex, draw blood, talk trash like never before at very public figures who are tabloid favorites and invite them to join in the chaos. Afterall that's what the attitude era did and that's how they got to be the "best" ever right?


That's the difference between planning for the future and only caring about the now. Attitude era was unsustainable and in the end the results of what it did damn near killed it and had it kept up much longer it very likely would have. The attitude era was a slightly more drawn out version of WCW's sinking ship. WCW won the ratings war for well over a year and remained competitor much longer than that, but in the end it died for its' stupidity.

What the WWE is doing RIGHT NOW, is exactly what it needs to make Raw a better product.

1: They're appealing to social media and paying attention and using (to some extent) IWC's input at their own discretion to give them what they want.

2: They are marketing themselves as a family friendly product and giving back to charity in the form of The Make-A-Wish Foundation and Be A Star. 1 Family > 1 angsty teen.

3: They're getting back to basics. They've brought back the old Intercontinental Title as a symbol of that, but it goes way beyond that in subtle ways most people here are probably missing.
-R-Truth as a heel character is a good example of this. When was the last time you saw such an animated, over the top character that was over as a heel that people loved to hate? He's a throwback to the heels of the early 90's. He's obviously bad, and overtly attacks children in his promos. He's not a complicated sophomoric idiot that points at his crotch and moons the camera, he's a paranoid schizophrenic that claims little children are his ruin, and kids react to him more than anyone in the WWE, even John Cena, because he gets the children involved in his promos and taunts them with the "Don't 'WHAT!?' me!" comments he makes and as a result gets an even better callback from the crowd. This is all very classic heel tactics from the 2nd golden age and early new generation era.
-Disqualifications and Countouts and the lack of run-ins is another good set of examples. Back before the attitude era, and even before the steroid scandle, when the WWF was still a growing product and very successful, run-ins ending every match was unheard of. Run-ins in general were actually a rather special occasion and cause for discussion. DQ's and CO's ended matches as a way to keep interest in a feud without giving someone a clean victory and thus deciding the winner of the feud, and it worked far more effectively when the face, who tried so hard to overcome so many obstacles, like a cheating manager, or the heel walking away from the fight, finally DID pin his opponent that much more special, than if he won a best of 5 matches that spanned 5 pay-per-views and weekly episodic main events.

Right now, the WWE is doing exactly what it needs to, and people need to stop being so impatient, and realize that not everything you want is going to happen in 1 week and takes weeks, maybe even months to develop. All of this contributes for a healthier and sustainable revenue that can continue well into the future and which builds upon itself. That to me, is "better" than burning your bridges and killing your talent through reckless policies and driving away sponsors.

Raw is a better product right now, for the 3 practices I've listed, than it was at this time a year ago, and without changing a thing, it will continue to get better for those same reasons.
1) Neutralize the announcers. The focus should be on the action in the ring, and the commentary should support that, not take away from it. Move Cole to a manager job, and park the rest of the announce team in front of college football games all weekend until they can successfully emulate those guys.

2) Mature the storylines. If it has to be PG, fine, but don't be afraid to shock and confuse the audience with interesting twists and turns. Just because it's kid-friendly doesn't mean it should be written only for children. A perfect example would be, during the Nexus vs. Cena feud, if one of Cena's team WWE had turned on the team, and infiltrated Nexus as a double agent, working with Cena the whole time to destroy them from the inside.

3) Decide what direction you want to take the Divas division and stick with it. If you want models, then it's time to bring back bra-and-panties matches and swimsuit competitions. If you want wrestlers, get the barbies out of competition and hire women who already know how to compete in the ring. The current situation proves you can't have it both ways.
1 - Turn Cena Heel. Im not one of those that cries about it every week on here but nobody can deny it would be interesting. Whether it makes sense for business is another thing but personally I wanna see it.

2 - Create a new faction. I really enjoyed Nexus (lead by Barrett). I really want to see John Laringitis, The Miz, Kevin Nash and 1 or 2 others take over the WWE with a battle for supremecy ending at a PPV.

3 - Sack the creative team. I am sick to death of them dropping stories - mystery GM, Nexus burying Undertaker, conspiracy in WWE etc. Get some people who understand the business writing scripts - not soap opera writers or dinosaurs like Michael Hayes....Bret Hart is very creative. Get him involved.
Turning Cena heel is NOT the idea that would make RAW a better product. That's a quick fix for those impatient fans that don't understand that the WWE value both short-term and long-term success. They don't just decide one day to randomly turn Cena heel just because they think that would hit the ratings up. They think of the various benefits AND consequences it would have. Right now, the consequences outweigh the benefits IMO.

Turning Cena heel will be a monumental moment in the history of the WWE. It means that someone has already been deemed to be the next face of the company. That will not be coming any time soon. I don't see it by next year. I don't even see it in the next two years. In 5 years? Possibly, depends if they've already found the next big thing.

Here are 3 suggestions I can make in making RAW a better show:
1.)Storytelling has to improve. It has to be consistent. Lessen those random dropping of storylines.

The Conspiracy Angle was one of the most inconsistently booked angle I've seen in my time watching WWE. Kevin Nash screwin' Punk twice or thrice even if you count the tag match at Vengeance. Yet!!! He seems to have completely forgotten that as he proceeded to feud with Del Rio. Vince Mcmahon's flat return. Awesome Truth's flat return from their firing by the hands of the CoO.

Right now, they just focus on having a "clear and definite direction" in regards with the storylines. If they think the angle isn't hitting it with the fan, they should consider adding something(or someone) to it. If not, then drop it BUT make sure at least to give it a proper closure.

2. Commentary.
They tend to talk more about the main-event storylines during matches. Not exactly the best way to put the match and the competitors over.

3. Gradually reduce Johnny Funkyman's airtime. I'm not hatin' on the guy but he just isn't fit to be given a speaking-role with that voice. As they do that, slowly transition to Otunga. The guy may not be the best wrestler there is but he can talk.
Since this is more a place for everyone to just come up with 3 wishes that would make the show better for my liking I will try my best.

1. Less Zack Ryder and Santino. At least in the character they have now. Less "woo woo woo" cant be bad,and no more "the cobra" cant hurt. As a once in a year thing I could accept it just as I can accept the muppets one time.

2. Cena either has to stop being superman or he has to go heel and that way have heel wins. There must sooner rather than later come the time when I can get to see someone beat him clean. He is weak in the ring but for some stupid reason is portrayed as being impossible to beat clean. I have watched WWE for 2-3 years now,and also watched a bit from the good old days. I am however pretty updated these last years even as far as maybe 5 years back even if I did not watch Raw/Smackdown then. I have seen som of the PPV from back then.
One quick question: Has Cena ever lost clean?

3. Get back to the original format Raw. No supershow! It is in my opinion nothing more "super" about it. We get stars from both brands,but do we really need that? If anything Smackdown is the one that needs to borrow stars from Raw. And as a side note to that: Since I started watching weekly Smackdown has lost stars as Punk,ADR,Mcintyre,Swagger,Edge(had to go.),Ziggler and if am not mistaken mr. 619. They have got Orton,Christian (came back after edge left) and Sheamous from Raw.
My point is: Smackdown need Raw-stars way more than the other way around.

I could easy trow in a 4,5 and probably 6,but instead I will just add some comments.
There are many here that wants longer matches and more wrestling on Raw,and I am not like that at all. Actually I like the Raws that have only one or two matches best. If the promos and things that takes time from in ring action are good. I don`t watch WWE to get wrestling,but I do like good matches as well,but the real entertainment for me lays in the drama. Some good things happens in promo,and some happens in the matches.

Raw should focus more on stories that last and not just got dropped with no reason given. I know I might be alone in this opinion,but I like promos and "soap opera"/weird things better than just average matches between Ziggler and Ryder. Or whomever Morrison looses to. I actually rather listen to Cena for 10 minutes than see that for the third or fourth time this month alone. And I am not a big fan of Cena.
1) Get rid of the boring formulaic booking. For example. Nowadays being a heel means you either complain or brag about what happened the week and sometimes insult the fans; face means you smile and compliment the "wwe universe", get lot's of facial close-ups and spit out a few corny lines. Then of course you got your super faces(Cena/Orton) who are supposed to "carry the company" and get people over. Before you jump all over me, yes I know that faces and heels have been around forever but what I'm saying is that there used to be characters not just "generic first and last name" that fit the current WWE stereotypical face or heel superstar. For example: DX would say some of the most vulgar things, Austin would beat people up all the time and drink beer and use the middle finger. These are typically viewed as bad but they were faces. They didn't have to be cheesy, they were characters and the crowd cheered for them because they loved them not because they were faces. I remember the huge pops Goldberg would get when his music hit. He would come out as a wild animal and destroy his opponent. Nowadays you would have to be a heel to be a destructive monster. The main "desctructive monster" type character on raw now is Mark Henry and that's because he's a heel. Not too long ago he was a face and would just come out smiling and clapping and looking like a joke. Same can be said for heels(ie Kurt Angle) And then the booking is so formulaic: Start feud between heel and face with pointless angle(can't even call it a storyline) and have them wrestle each other each week either one on one or tag teaming with another face and heel. Here and there throw in a generic bragging or complaining recap promo. Whenever they have a match either the heel cheats or the face does their repetitive series of signature moves that the crowd has been programmed to pop for. So for step one I'd make it less systematic and throw in an element of surprise. Mix it up a little by having occasional non feud related matches, heel vs heel and face vs face matches, and heels getting clean wins over faces(gasp!).

2) Secondly there needs to be a storyline for wrestlers throughout the card. And no Vicky managing Dolph is not a storyline. It's just an angle. More wrestlers will be involved and not just during their segment but throughout the show. Given the current roster and status I'd first fix the main even scene. I'd put the belt back on ADR and build a stable around him with Broadus, Laryngitis, Otunga, Nash(part time of course) McIntyre. Keep him feuding with Punk for a while making his life hell and making some nice matches between Punk and McIntyre(bringin him into the picture again). I'd do a storyline with Ziggler and Ryder in which Ryder almost wins the belt but then falls to a believable injury putting him on the shelf for a couple months but keeping him on the show each week with videos of him from home or in hospital(perhaps some surgery scenes) and tone down his "woo woo woo" and make him become more serious as he may never wrestle again only to have a huge come back. Ziggler could spend the time dominating the mid card so that when he loses his belt to ryder he'd be in line for a wwe title shot. Give tag belts to McIntyre and Broadus Clay to further that story etc etc etc.

3) Once the first 2 steps are complete I'd merge the brands as well as titles. Why cut your talent in half? It limits the possibilities for storylines and match ups. There will be no A show and B show. They will bot have serious booking and full rosters. The champions would have to wreslte their counter parts from the other brand making the belt worth something again. The WWE champ used to mean you were at the top. It takes away the meaningfulness when there are two of them. Plus with the titles merged there would be room for a light heavy weight belt too. We need another cruiser weight division especially since wrestler seem to get smaller and smaller nowadays(cody, evan, gabriel, punk, danial bryan etc). Also with the brands merged there will be the possibility of a legit tag division.
1. No Supershow: I've seen others mention it, and I feel inclined to agree. It takes a lot of time away from most of the undercard guys, who are instead looking forward to getting some time on Superstars just to be on TV that week. If Superstars is wishful thinking for you, then there may be something wrong with a show's booking.

2. No Tag Team Main Events: This applies to Smackdown too, which Teddy Long is notrious for. It seems that half the time, if not most of the time, the opening segment is just there to set up the predictable tag team main event, which itself is usually crap. Give us some singles matches, even between main event and midcard, or even some multi-man matches instead.

3. No Divas: I know there is no chance of this ever happening, but in a perfect world, Divas matches would not exist in the WWE. The ladies can still be valets, which I would prefer, and do backstage segments, but I find it hard to believe that anyone outside of a very small niche of fans actually look forward to their matches. There's a reason people call them "bathroom breaks".
I agree with your first point, its enough of the comedy crap. Certain guys are a waste of space.

Build up more rivalries and make them long term. If two guys are fighting over the US title there needs to be a sense of competition.

Stop bringing up so many new guys at once. The roster works better when its not so crowded with green talent. Work on the guys that you have on the main shows and make them household names. Work on the guys down at FCW and make sure they are up to task both in the ring and on the mic.

Change the WWE title to the undisputed one.

Let guys act like themselves more. Punk and Cena are two great examples of guys who can make a connection to the audience because they arent portraying some goofy character.

Get a heel GM for RAW. Someone whos in it for the long run too. Emphasize the importance of GMs on SD as well.

More steel cage, table, ladder matches on RAW.

Bring back stables. Guys like Drew McIntyre, William Regal, and Wade Barrett can form a foreigner group. You did it in WWE12, you can do it in real life.

Stop creating cowards. The Miz wasnt taken seriously last year because he needed a man servant to help him win. Same thing for Sheamus' title run.

Capitalize on the media. Del Rio was on the cover of "Hombre" magazine while he was champ? Why on earth was he not promoting the WWE on latin TV networks? Put those Be A Star commercials on TV on all networks. As far as the clothing line goes, create clothes that people will actually want to wear and not feel embarrassed. Sweaters, hats, sweatpants are all things the youth is into today. if you got a guy like R-Truth that can rap, make a music video.
1. Send Cena to Smackdown.

Why? Because at the end of the day, no matter who you are, if your in every single RAW main event, RAW ppv match, 90% of the time every RAW title match... Then things get stale.

This isn't a rip on Cena comment, he can do all those things on the blue brand, just give RAW a fresh change and be-rid us of Cena. Only thing can RAW prosper and see new talents rise above, just like they currently are on Smackdown.

For the love of GOD, please let some of the mid card talents so there abilities. We know that Miz can main event now. Ziggler is this generation's HBK Shawn Michaels, give him the chance to shine and don't waste his current potential. If Ziggler becomes a John Morrison I'd come close to abandoning wrestling.

2. Give wrestling a realism/ all midcard titles defended interbrand.

This might have backlash, but here me out.

Realism: if wrestling wasn't scripted then you'd be chasing a title... If it wasn't the world title then it'd be another title. So put emphasis on the mid card belts, and have people wanting to challenge for the title. For instance, an example at the moment.

Morrison, Mason, Ryder were all chasing Ziggler. None of us really knew who was getting a shot or who would actually take the belt. That is good for wrestling and that is somewhat realistic.

You can have 2 people fueding for a belt who know who the next contender is, and on that note not all fueds need to be face vs heel, therefore it doesn't have to give away the result.

Midcard matches are good for ratings, if you utilise that type of talent. Tell me Bourne vs Ziggler couldn't steal the show.

Having the midcard titles will add to the amount of wrestling combinations and title contenders.

Don't get me started on the tag titles.... Take me back to Edge/Mysterio vs Los Guerreros vs Angle/Benoit and TLC.

3. Take wrestling back to the non PG stuff.

Not necessarily to the extremes of the attitude era, but at least a midpoint. Telling an opponent you'll whip the arse is fine, it's wrestling it isn't a childrens television show. At the end of the day, it's a product that a parent would need to ok to watch, therefore don't eliminate your 16-35 audience by using words like 'private parts' 'poop' and 'hiney' come on now... it's too much of an extreme.

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