Which wrestler in the history of WWE helped put over the most superstars?

"Getting over" is all about a wrestlers own ability. The Miz was getting over originally when he was spatting off on Cena and his horrible acting skills.

Miz "got over" DESPITE the actual interaction with Cena who once again BURIED him. You can't credit Cena just because Miz used his name.

I agree Miz got The Rub / Legitimacy by using Cena's name and having a match. But he was still destroyed.

And I'm still waiting for a name that Cena "made" or "put over". Edge?

Let's see, Edge wins the World Title in one of the most talked about moments in recent history, cashing in his MITB. He has the highest ratings in years, and no more than the very next PPV at the Royal Rumble, Cena takes the title back. It takes Edge 6 more months to face Cena. And this is where i give Cena credit for losing to Edge at SummerSlam (depsite not cleanly). But then once again at the very next Raw PPV, Cena beats Edge for the title again! I hardly call giving a guy 21 day title reign, and zero PPV successful defenses "putting over".

Did Cena put over Johnny Nitro when they had the small fued with Federline? No.

Umaga?? - No The Monster was undefeated until Cena took the streak, then subsuquently beat Umaga in 2 ppv's in a row. Leaving Umaga irrelevant for the rest of his career. Did Cena ever put Umaga over?? NO.

Then for the longest time Cena did nothing to help any younger guy, he stayed with the big names.

Then after 7 years you think he would finally put someone over in Wade Barrett, but once again he completely buried Barrett by not laying down. He could have helped a young guy out, but he refused to use his stroke. And now Barrett is banished to Smackdown within two months of losing to Cena.

I'm still waiting for someone Cena "put over", let alone "made".
"Getting over" is all about a wrestlers own ability. The Miz was getting over originally when he was spatting off on Cena and his horrible acting skills.

Miz "got over" DESPITE the actual interaction with Cena who once again BURIED him. You can't credit Cena just because Miz used his name.

I agree Miz got The Rub / Legitimacy by using Cena's name and having a match. But he was still destroyed.

And I'm still waiting for a name that Cena "made" or "put over". Edge?

Let's see, Edge wins the World Title in one of the most talked about moments in recent history, cashing in his MITB. He has the highest ratings in years, and no more than the very next PPV at the Royal Rumble, Cena takes the title back. It takes Edge 6 more months to face Cena. And this is where i give Cena credit for losing to Edge at SummerSlam (depsite not cleanly). But then once again at the very next Raw PPV, Cena beats Edge for the title again! I hardly call giving a guy 21 day title reign, and zero PPV successful defenses "putting over".

Did Cena put over Johnny Nitro when they had the small fued with Federline? No.

Umaga?? - No The Monster was undefeated until Cena took the streak, then subsuquently beat Umaga in 2 ppv's in a row. Leaving Umaga irrelevant for the rest of his career. Did Cena ever put Umaga over?? NO.

Then for the longest time Cena did nothing to help any younger guy, he stayed with the big names.

Then after 7 years you think he would finally put someone over in Wade Barrett, but once again he completely buried Barrett by not laying down. He could have helped a young guy out, but he refused to use his stroke. And now Barrett is banished to Smackdown within two months of losing to Cena.

I'm still waiting for someone Cena "put over", let alone "made".

Personally, whilst I'm sure Cena has a lot of pull backstage, I doubt that's his fault. Unlike Triple H for example who is tough, yet human, Cena is booked to be 'superhuman'. I don't think this is Cena's fault to be honest. Just bad booking (especially with Nexus) and a characteristic trait.

By the way, I also agree with The Rock being a good wrestler to get people over.
I'm not understanding the Undertaker argument, I have watched him for years and unless you count the monster heels they bring in over the years to face the Undertaker then I really can't put my finger on anyone specific that has really catapulted to a major star based on the Undertaker's rub. The two possibilities being Kane and Mick Foley with Kane's success outside of feuds with the Undertaker a definite question mark and Mick Foley already an established wrestler.

U forgot one thing, what happened after Kane's push was out of Undertaker's control. Meaning, he had no power whatsoever to decide how successful Kane would have been. It was Kane himself who preferred to be a jobber. Since Lesnar was put over mostly by The Rock, in Undertaker's defense I'm going to say Randy Orton & Ken Kennedy.

Randy Orton still wasn’t an established main eventer after facing The Undertaker in 2005 though. Let’s remember that Randy Orton jobbed frequently 2006-2007. Randy Orton was always paired up with someone that could elevate his status as a solidified main eventer. The Undertaker raised his credibility for a while, but Randy Orton still stayed as an upper mid carder. Edge tried helping him in late 2006 with Rated RKO and Orton’s feud with John Cena also solidified Orton as a main eventer. I would say that Triple H made Orton into someone and then The Undertaker raised Orton’s credibility and helped him get ready to feud in the main event. Before his feud with The Undertaker, Randy Orton was a mid carder who didn’t really do much significant things after his loss to Triple H at New Years Revolution and The Royal Rumble.

Randy Orton had a very personal rivalry with The Undertaker regarding over the streak. It was during this time that the streak grew increasingly popular and noticed. Randy Orton had the buildup, preparation, and ability to put on suitable matches against The Undertaker. Randy Orton was first booked as the Legend Killer; a remorseless man who destroyed legends in front of the fans. The Undertaker was a legend that refused to be killed and Orton taunted Taker for weeks and weeks until they finally clashed at Wrestlemania. There were many moments in the match where people thought Randy Orton was going to come out victorious over the deadman with the counters he made. It was a tremendous fight that was billed as Legend vs Legend Killer. Their feud turned very intense and personal over the next several months.

The Undertaker did turn Randy Orton into a worthy main eventer because Orton got much more noticed after his ongoing rivalry against Undertaker. Triple H gave Orton the necessary start to become a main eventer and The Undertaker gave Orton a chance to become a main eventer. Randy Orton turned into a credible superstar after this feud with The Undertaker, especially after their classic match at Wrestlemania 21. Bob Orton eventually joined his son to go against The Undertaker and they had matches at Summerslam, Casket match at No Mercy, and the epic clash in Hell in a Cell at Armageddon. Randy Orton took The Undertaker to the limit in many occasions. Randy Orton and his father even crashed The Undertaker with a car. This feud had the atmosphere, intensity, and desire to beat the other. WWE realized this and called it feud of the year for 2005.

Orton’s career was elevated after The Undertaker and Randy Orton had a dramatic feud. They had a very heated feud with both superstars literally wanting to destroy each other. Orton didn’t only want to end The Streak, but he wanted to demolish The Undertaker as a whole. Randy Orton played every dirty trick in the book while The Undertaker continuously played mind games with Randy Orton. Their final match at Armageddon in Hell in a Cell was a great ending to such a heated rivalry. In just a year, Randy Orton created history with The Undertaker more than The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, and Ultimate Warrior ever did with The Deadman.

And altho Mr. Kennedy might have been rapidly pushed by the WWE in numerous occasions, but the only notable superstar he had a feud with is The Undertaker. Kennedy didn't have a prolonged feud with Batista, John Cena, Chris Benoit, and others. The Undertaker and Mr. Kennedy had a lengthy rivalry starting from No Mercy 2006 because Kennedy wanted to go to Raw and he said that he defeated everyone on the Smackdown roster. The Undertaker was introduced as Kennedy's opponent for No Mercy and they had multiple gimmick matches such as First Blood and it all culminated with a Last Ride match.

This feud is what made fans gain interest in Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy was finally given a lengthy feud with a main eventer. It's what elevated him to the main event picture on multiple occasions. Kennedy's feud with The Undertaker is the only significant feud in Kennedy's career in WWE. What happened after that was Kennedy screwed himself, it wasn't The Undertaker's fault at all his career didn't work out after a grand feud.

Will u blame Kane for MVP's career because Kane was the one who launched MVP's career?

To a lesser extent, Undertaker has feuded with so many big men wrestlers to push them albeit unsuccessfully. And of course I'm referring to Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, A-Train, Mark Henry, Kama, Kozlov, FBI, Khali, and Heidenrich. Dunno if u can blame him for all this, but doesn't it take two to tango?:p

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