Which Talents From NXT Do You Want To See Brought Up?


According to a report I read a little while ago, it's likely that WWE will be promoting talent from the NXT roster to the main roster very early next year. The report says that these talents will almost certainly include both male & female wrestlers. The current NXT roster looks like this:

NXT Superstars

NXT Divas

I think a couple of the most likely guys to be brought up from NXT would be Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. They've both gone on the road with WWE and worked dark matches at house shows off & on for quite a while now. They're also both insanely talented. Rollins is currently the NXT Champion but, for some reason, I expect him to drop the title to Corey Graves as a program for them is about to start. Without the NXT Championship, there's nothing really to keep Rollins in NXT.

Among the NXT Divas, I think it's possible that Paige will be brought up to the main roster. She has a whole dark "anti-Diva" thing going on that could be interesting. The fact that she's wrestled for about 7 years before heading to NXT is a good thing as well. Since Sara Del Rey isn't listed on the Diva page, she's probably not really looked at as a member of the roster but as just a trainer. I'd like to see her brought up at some point.

So anyhow, who would you like to see brought up?
Bray Wyatt: Aka the best thing going on in NXT, and someone with great potential IMO, to be around for years in the upper echelons of the card.

Dean Ambrose: Has got a great gimmick and possibly a ready-built feud repeat with William Regal if he's still around. He's a decent wrestler from what I've seen on NXT/FCW, and I'd like to see him stick around.

Connor O'Brien & Kenneth Cameron: The next great tag-team for the WWE I think. Excellent gimmick, lots of intensity, and great tag-work.

Travis Tyler: Don't care at all about him, just wanted to mention he resembles William Regal, a lot.

NXT Divas: Paige definitely. I've seen some of her matches over UK-side + in the USA, and she's good for someone so young.
There's a lot of wrestlers I'd like to see. Ambrose, Rollins, Wyatt, Steamboat, Woods, Ohno, etc....but I don't want them to get called up just to job or if WWE doesn't have a short and long term plan to give them the air time needed for them to get over. And with the Road to WM just around the corner, how much time will they get dedicated to them? I'd rather see them continue to hone their craft and their personas and gimmicks before seeing them brought up and wasted. They should all come up with ready-made storylines to sink their teeth into, with a loose plan in place for what their 2nd storyline/feud will be. And right now, I just don't see where that time will come from.....the WWE has a whole lot of guys already on the roster that need air time to build themselves up....Barrett, Ziggler, Kofi, Miz, etc are all in need of upping their air time to get bigger and more over. It's just not good business to bring anyone up until after WM, imo.
The Ascension. They have one of the best gimmicks going in the company today, they've got lots of intensity, and they work like a well oiled machine in the ring- only problem is the WWE's tag team division is still a wreck and needs more fixing, so if The Ascension came in now, they'd got lost in the shuffle. There's like only 4 tag teams that are the focus of the division and 3 of them aren't even legit tag teams, they need to expose more of their other tag teams and give them storylines & feuds of their own, and until they can fix the problem with the tag division, only then should The Ascension be brought up.

I really love The Ascension, they remind me of two of my favourite tag teams, The Acolytes (when they were in The Ministry) and The Eliminators cause their tag team finisher is reminiscent of the Total Elimination. If they were brought up now though, I could really see them having a good feud with Team Hell No, where they could terrorize & play mind-games with Kane for not being the monster he once was, and in time they bring the monster back out of him and cause him to turn on Daniel Bryan. I could see them having a good feud with pretty much any team.
Oh lord, here comes the Abrose suck-a-thon.

Anyway, Bray Wyatt is the obvious choice. Most people thought he was future endeavored when he was sent back to OVW. Boy, how they were wrong. Now people want to kiss his ass cause they were wrong about him.

Please bring him up to the roster. Just imagine the promos that could be!
I'd say the following talents need to be brought up:

Dean Ambrose- He's a great wrestler and gives incredible promos. He is a natural heel, but not the typical cowardly heel. He could be the next Randy Orton or CM Punk.

Bray Wyatt- Everyone's right. He is very good with his in-ring work and promos.

Seth Rollins- A solid choice to bring up. Very good in the ring and reminds me of a young CM Punk.

Kassius Ohno- Tag Team, nuff said.
Bray Wyatt: I've only seen one of his promos so I don't know much but everyone else is praising him so why not.

Dean Ambrose: I just think he's a natural and the WWE really needs young talent because they can't rely forever on the bigger name vets to keep the ratings up.

Seth Rollins: Pretty much the same reason as Ambrose. He has the look and the wrestling skills. He's NXT champ so now he has nowhere else to go but up to the RAW or SmackDown roster.

Paige: I've really only seen one NXT diva match and I really like this girl. She is real young though so maybe keep her in NXT longer but the Diva division really needs help.

The Ascension: They look really good to me and we could use another interesting tag team.
Byron Saxton. No, I'm not joking. The guy's got the best chance of becoming the next Rock in the WWE, and if the higher ups would just call him up, he'd be able to show people why. I've never understood why they didn't let him win Season 4, but I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Richie Steamboat. He's without a doubt the best pure athlete on the NXT Roster. He's got the legacy of his father to help him, and is easily able to get over as a baby face. He just needs a nice gimmick that will work, but other than that, he's a great choice.

Xavier Woods. I've followed him since he and Lethal were a team in TNA, and he's been one of my favorites since then. He's very energetic and could easily play a foil to PTP. He's kind of in the same boat as Steamboat, but that again can be fixed.

Charlotte... Put the Flair name on her, stick her with Hennig, and get them to be the next heel power couple. I'm not offended by the McGuillicutty name as much as others are, but maybe with Charlotte they can start calling him Michael Hennig and go that way. I mean you'd have the daughter of the 20x World champion and the son of the man who was simply perfect and a former AWA World champion... how does that not equal a heel power couple?
Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are obvious picks. I also like Byron Saxton and Conor O'Brian's work, but not on the level of the former two. Overall, all 4 have good in-ring skills, at least decent mic skills, and could be put into good feuds, either with each other or others on the current E roster that are floating around with little going for them.
I don't think there's ever a lock to make an impact on the big stage. I wouldn't have predicted that Damian Sandow would have made as big an impression as he has, and there have been plenty of others who looked good in the minors and then bombed big time.

That said.

Bray Wyatt is damn riveting on the mic. He's more modern day Raven than Waylon Mercy (despite conventional wisdom --Waylon never saved people or called himself a monster, especially at his picnics), but his promos are better than anything in the E at the moment, and that includes RAW and Smackdown. He's just that good. A lot will depend on how he's booked, but he's unlike any other heel at the moment. I can see him easily on the big stage.

Cassius Ohno is really coming along well, also in the role of a crazy-dangerous heel. We know Chris Hero is a proven commodity from the indies, but again, that's no guarantee that he'l elevate well, or whether he'll be botched as (arguably) Kaval was. I like his mic work. His "what are you going to do, arm drag me?" to Ricky Steamboat is a candidate for quip of the year. I tend to agree with Jack that he could spend a little more time in the gym toning his look.

The Ascension has some really great tag work; the dark gimmick usually plays well, and -- more than any team in years -- they look like a throwback to the halcyon era of tag wrestling from the 90s. That said, their promos are one note, and whether they can evolve their characters to sell a feud out of the ring is unproven at this time.

Big E. Langston may be more over than anyone else on the roster. Mark Henry meets King Kong Bundy with (unfortunately) limited mic skills, and not much of a ring arsenal beyond five crushing moves of doom. He has a great finisher and he's really connected to the crowd in a way I never expected, but his promos need a lot of work, and I have yet to see him in something other than a squash. He's been NXT's Ryback so far.

Richie Steamboat and Bo Dallas have come across as pretty bland second generation faces so far. Sorry. Steamboat is better, but largely because his dad is one of the most awesome men to ever step in the ring, and even a shadow of Ricky Steamboat is pretty good. Still, this probably isn't where he wants to be, but it beat David Flair or Eric Watts.

Seth Rollins is CM Punk with a better moveset, more likability, and poor mic skills. He has "it". He should make it big with a little work and good booking.

Paige is pretty over as a diva and she has a different look than anyone else on the roster. If the E follows the IWC suggestion to debut her as Kane and Taker's half-sister (or cousin) and she'll go to the top pretty damn fast.

Before her departure, I also really liked Vickie's daughter's mic work, but she needed much more work in the ring. But I hope she comes back, as I'd love to see a Guerrero in a WWE ring.

Roman Reigns has a great look. That's it so far. His ring work in the squashes has not impressed me nearly as much as they have to the announcers.

I liked Bronson in the one outing I saw him, but he really doesn't have the WWE look. I heard he had a brutally epic dark match with Ambrose, so he may be able to overcome that.
Dean Ambrose: Moxley is Gold & I've been awaiting his debut long before Justin LaBar started a whole band wagon & created a universe of haters, which I'm convinced most who hate Ambrose just dislike LaBar or dislike the idea of Ambrose already having hype or a following. The roster is somewhat crowded & I understand that WWE wants to develop him into their own style, but I just hope WWE doesn't waste Moxley like Kharma. Just my opinion, but I'd pay to see Ambrose perform over 90% of the full-time roster.

Kassius Ohno: Another amazing worker who has done nothing but evolve since getting to WWE. He has size & a work ethic to kill! Just what Vince likes. I can forsee Ohno on WWE screens for years to come, if used correctly.

Seth Rollins: First ever & current NXT champion! Again a great worker from the indies that has only evolved. I'm not sure about his recent statement on twitter about how he could be "carrying the wrestling world on his shoulders" if they'd let him, but I'd sure be intertesed to see him try.

Beyond those 3 being absolute MUSTS to bring up to the full-time main roster asap, I'd prefer to see McGillicutty, Steamboat Jr., The Rotunda boys, & The Ascension all over any 3MB, JTG, Khali, Fandango(Johnny Curtis), Hornswoggle, Brad Maddox, David Otunga, or any of the other pointless, boring characters they give any screen time or resources to.

I'd also prefer to watch Sara Del Ray & Paige over the whole full-time, main roster Divas division.
In order of preference.

Seth Rollins.
Bray Wyatt
Dean Ambrose
Kassius Ohno
Xavier Woods

Seth Rollins will at some point in his career have the "torch" on him. He has everything you need in a wrestler, Speed, Agility, Power, mic skills, if you say a wrestling attribute you need to succeed, Seth Rollins has it, theres a important reason why hes the first NXT champion.

Star Potential: 10

The "Bray Wyatt" character is one of the best WWE has produced in a while, and will probably be one of the best gimmicks of the decade, it makes it even better that Husky Harris has the character, and it will carry him pretty far, I don't see Wyatt winning the WWE or WH titles, but hel defiantly be a contender.

Star Potential: 9

Dean Ambrose is only 26, yet he is already a legend on the indy circut, and its only a matter of time until he becomes a legend in the WWE, this guy is just like Rollins, he has every wrestling ability needed, the only difference between them is i think Dean will do what Damien Sandow did, show up for weeks and not wrestle, then he finally will, maybe they will do this, maybe they won't but it'l be good to see.

Star Potential: 9

The only problem with Kassius Ohno is his age hes 32 right now, so rather he become a singles champion, why not put him where hes good? and re-team him with Antonio Cesaro and have him become a tag team legend? the tag division is better then it was before, but to restore it to its former glory, the kings of wrestling NEED to reform.

Star Potential: 7 1/2

Xavier Woods was a pretty underrated superstar in TNA, he had a good gimmick, and athleticism, but he absolutely needs a manager until he improves hes mic skills, why not give him another boxer gimmick, and give him a manger that would be his "trainer"? I'm sure someone could come up with a better idea, but it would be good to start with.

Star Potential: 7
There's a guy called Justin Gabriel who's caught my eye recently...

I mean, erm, Kassius Ohno would be my pick, and I'd put him straight in a feud with Cesaro. It might seem like an obvious reason but it's also the most logical, since they have such a good history and chemistry they'd be able to work plenty of entertaining matches, seen for the first time by the majority of WWE viewers.
After Dean Ambrose, NXT Champion Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns(aka Leakee) debuted, I started wondering about who will be the next NXT superstar to make their debut/re-bebut on the main roster? I have thought of a few, impressive superstars that I feel could make it in WWE if booked properly.

The Acension (Connor O'Brien and Kenneth Cameron) : A dark tag team, that will very much be needed once the tag teams quit being interesting(aka when team Hell No! breaks up). They will easily be tag team champions, as they are both talented in the ring. While I haven't seen much mic work, it is only the tag team division, so they won't even need it.

Bray Wyatt: When NXT started showing Bray Wyatt promos, I was actually interested. He is a great change from the average big man. He is fast for a man his size, and he is the best in NXT on the mic. WWE can easily just start his debut with a couple of vignettes, and I wouldn't even care if they just had him squash jobbers for a few months!

Richie Steamboat: The son of Hall of Famer Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, Richie displays an athleticism in the ring that is hardly compareable to anyone on the current WWE roster. He should be debuted in a tryout match, with an underdog victory. He keeps the streak going until finally 'getting a contract'. Have him go after the US Championship, until finally building him up until an upper-midcarder. This is my pick as the next NXT superstar to debut.

Who do you guys believe should be the next superstar from NXT to debut? Do you believe that I forgot anyone?
I'm a big fan of Chris Hero, but I've also felt he's a bit uninspired as Kassius Ohno on NXT. His recent match with Trent Barretta was very slow, and poorly worked. It was just flat-out boring, and that's not something I ever said of the Kings of Wrestling, or Hero in Ring of Honor.

Big E Langston is somebody I could really see being something special in the WWE. I like that he demands a 5-count from his matches, and his full body cutter is one of the cooler finishers in wrestling right now. He's also a fucking tank, but can also move like the wind. On the latest episode of NXT that I've seen, Vickie Guerrero put a $5,000 bounty on his head. This should be pretty fun, as we'll be able to see him rip through talent after talent. I absoutely love that if the referee won't count to five, he'll do it himself after the match. The small sample crowd at NXT gets behind him, and that's something that could translate really well into big WWE events. I like him.

Bray Wyatt is fucking incredible. The promos he cuts are creepy, but so damn good. I was psyched to see him return on the last episode of NXT. People are saying he's too out there for WWE, but i think that's exactly what the WWE product needs right now. Something different. Reminds me of Zack Galifianakis. In a very good way.

It really could be anyone, at any time. Look at Roman Reigns. He was in NXT for what, a single set of tapings before they brought him up at Survivor Series. I like the kid from the single NXT show I saw him at. And all he did was come out and cut a promo. Seems like a natural heel. Very good charisma. He's got some work to do on the mic - a bit generic to be honest - but you can tell he's not nervous, and is very confident when speaking. That is a very good thing.

I'm also liking promos for Cory Graves. He seems like he could be a good talker.

EDIT: The last episode of NXT I saw was the 11.8 show. Sorry about any confusion.
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the next batch of NXT wrestlers to be brought to the main roster includes Big E. Langston, Bray Wyatt, Bo Dallas & a tag team known as The Ascension.

Big E Langston is a powerhouse wrestler that's pretty over with the NXT audience. Most of his matches have consisted of squashes in which he tells the referee to utilize a 5 count instead of a 3 count. His real name is Ettore Ewen, he's black, about 5'10 and weighs around 300 pounds of solid muscle. He's a powerlifter who placed first in the USAPL U.S. Open Powerlifting Championship in 2010 and the USAPL Raw National Powerlifting Championship in 2011. He competes in powerlifting in which the lifters don't use any equipment designed to lift more weight like bench shirts. His personal bests in powerlifting in competition are 711 lbs on squat, 529 lbs on bench press and 799 lbs on deadlift. All these are raw lifts, so basically the guy's a friggin' animal. He has an impressive look but it's hard for me to get excited as it's very much a hit & miss deal with powerhouses.

Bray Wyatt is better known to WWE audiences as Husky Harris. His real name is William Lawrence Rotunda, the son of Mike Rotunda. His new character, Bray Wyatt, is a character heavily influenced by the character Max Cady. Max Cady is the antagonist in the movie Cape Fear. It was originally made in 1961 starring Robert Mitchum. It was remade 30 years later with Martin Scorsese as the director and Robert De Niro as Cady. Bryatt's character is based on Cady in the remake, which is basically a charming & intelligent but insanely violent sociopath. I've seen Rotunda as this character and he does a good job with it. It suits him well.

Bo Dallas, real name Taylor Rotunda, is Wyatt's brother in real life. I'm not really familiar with this guy, I can't really recall if I've seen him or not. He's only 22 years old so I'm not so sure about him.

The Ascension is probably the top tag team in NXT, or WWE's territorial system altogether. It consists of Conor O'Brian and Kenneth Cameron. They have good look to them, both are about 6'4" with O'Brian being about 250 and Cameron about 225. They have a cool entrance and style that sort of reminds me a bit of a mix between The Undertaker and Edge. They're a lot of fun to watch and really work well as a team, using a lot of tag team moves like we used to see back in the 80s. With more emphasis put on the tag team scene, it's likely these two will be there before long.
I would like to see The Ascension, it'd give the tag division even more shine and their dark gothic gimmick is really nice and refreshing. It's nice to see more 'out there' gimmicks WWE needs more of this in my opinion.

Bray Wyatt i liked Husky Harris, i thought he was pretty decent and had room to grow he was better than half the other NXT guys. Him being sent back down could be a blessing though as lots of people are getting hot over the new gimmick, i like it although i'm not as big a fan as others. I wonder how this gimmick will go over with the main programming fans.
Big E Lanston - I'd love for Mark Henry to introduce him as his protégée. Mark has the experience to show him how to cut good promos and how to work a good big man match.

Paige - she's a better in ring preformer than most of the divas on the main roster!

The asension - at first their gimmick was abit much but I've come to enjoy it and they work their characters well. A feud with team hell no would do them great

Kassious ohno - love the character and his promos....just can't stand the elbow strike finisher he uses (or Barrets for that matter) it just looks weak on tv IMO.

Everyone seems high on Bo dallas and Ritchie steamboat but I don't know why? Yes they are talented in the ring but that's it. Bo couldn't do a promo to save himself and I just can't see ritchie getting past his dads shadow

I'm also a big fan of Byron saxton - he's GREAT on the mic!

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