Which rookies have the edge, to work a crowd?


City Dweller, Successful Fella
This is simply asking a question that out of all 8 rookies of this season of NXT, which ones has shown the most charisma, and the best skills on the stick, and who have the crowd in the palm of their hands? For me only two rookies have really seemed to have gotten over with the crowd due to their charismatic abilities.

Those two rookies are:

Alex Riley: This guy has a good gimmick it suits him well. He can really play that jerk off sports jock who thinks he is above everyone else. Not to mention he is already generating heat with his promos which have been great too. When he talks it feels so natural, and he seems really comfortable performing in front of a WWE crowd. This is why I think he has a great future after this season of NXT is over. Not to mention if in ring work ain't that shabby either. The best heel rookie on NXT is Alex Riley without a doubt.

Percy Watson: This guy has somehow been able to make his VERY over-the-top gimmick work. The crowd is really eating up his whole routine. From the dance down to the ring, to his goofy promos, the crowd is loving this guy. From what I have seen from episodes he seems to be garnering the best face reactions out of the rookies that are baby faces. Don't be surprised if he lasts because even though his gimmick is a little whacky and over-the-top he is making it work and the crowd is loving it.

So that leaves me to ask you which rookies have shown what it takes to get a career going from having a connection with the crowd? I have already listed of my rookies and gave reasoning, so it would be good to hear who other posters have in my mind. And remember this thread is on which rookies already has an edge with getting the crowd to either cheer and/or boo them.
I completely agree with your list.

Alex Riley could have the crowd in the palm of his hand as a heel, he reminds me a lot of The Miz and The Miz has that ability for people to pay attention to him, they have even started to chant a long side him with the "awesome" while I'm not sure it's awful or awesome their saying, nonetheless he has the ability to make them care.

And just as well does Alex Riley, he just needs to get more over with the crowd, and it won't take long for him to be at the levels that The Miz has of control over the crowd.

And I also agree with Percy Watson, it showed last night, he has all of the ability to make people cheer for him in the ring with the clapping and the strutting around, it's entertaining to watch for people, especially the kids, he's too over the top for my liking, but it seems a lot of people find him entertaining.

And just as well with his microphone skills, which I found entertaining even, he was still over the top, but it was great and he is naturally gifted on the microphone, with this gimmick, and the over the top attitude, he will be able to work the crowd as a great face.
Of all the rookies on NXT, I have to believe that only one of them really has the skills to work a crowd, right now. That person is Alex Riley and I don’t think that anyone else even comes close to matching him as of right now.

Last night was just another example of why Alex Riley is standing head and shoulders above the rest of the NXT rookies and I am increasingly sure that he will be the winner of the full thing. He is great in the ring and his work on the mic last night was probably the best of the bunch by some way. He was ever uncomfortable on the mic even though he went first and what he said didn’t seem rushed or too nervous. He is pretty over with the crowd right now and that is probably due to who his pro is and how he has been acting on NXT.

Of all the rookies, the one I enjoy hearing from the most is Titus O’Neill. Personally, I have found him to be utterly hilarious since he came out with the “make it a win” statement. That may have been one of the worst segments I have ever seen but for some reason it has stuck with me since day one. He looked a little better last night but there is definitely more room for improvement. The same is true of all the rookies though and hopefully through the rest of the season, they will all get that shot.
I agree with your list too.
Alex Riley saying he was stuffing people in lockers ten years was brilliant. It probably struck a chord with some fans and will get him great heat in the future. As a Brit, I imagine American high schools to be full of people like him. He seems really comfortable on the mic too, like The Miz. Not just good at performing, but really looking like the mic is meant to be in his hand.
Percy Watson is going to be the new Santino. The thing is, he has the ability. His dropkicks last night were perfect. I can see him being over with the kids, though. With his dancing and outlandish personality.
I think Lucky Cannon has the potential to be a top face, he is instantly likeable. He seems to be OK at talking and will probably only improve. At the moment, he isn't 'there' but he will be soon.
Well Percy Watson can work with kids, He would be the Mcdonalds of wrestling, just a happy and goofy face for wrestling kids. His glasses might sell, etc.. But it would make me root for TNA if he makes it to the top 2. Just show the kids some cartoons and let wrestling for abit more mature people, enough with the stupid faces. Hornswaggle and Khali are enough!! The only one acceptable is santino cause he is funny, but when you have a show full of a**clowns it wont be a wrestling show anymore.

As for Alex riley, along with kaval they should be the NXT breakout star. His is the best talker in NXT for season 1 and 2 i must say (well better than Otunga for me)

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