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Which star could help the WWE the most?

  • Kurt Angle

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Matt Hardy

  • Sting

  • AJ Styles

  • Mr. Anderson

  • Kevin Steen

  • Edge

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3 that are not on the list who were great, Brian Kenderick, Paul London and Super Crazy! Its a crime these 3 are not working for WWE right now! Just recently watched them in a hilarious Youtube Vid I have to share! This shows how funny these guys can be outside the ring! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7wGBLh9_ss

You personally may want to see those guys back in the WWE, but none of them would "make a difference" in the WWE.
How in the hell could you ask this question and not have Bobby Roode on the poll. It Factor is more than just a catchy name for the guy he's freaking amazing and could give the WWE something they have needed for sometime, a heel who has the look to back-up his actions.

Let's be real here I love CM Punk and think he's one of the best heels in the business today, only Bully Ray/Roode/Aeris come close, but he really doesn't have the look of that dominate heel. Most of the times he looks more like a raging teenager in a hoody. Roode has the look to be a dominate heel, a strong in-ring style and he's great on the mic. He would be a throw back to heels like Kurt Angle and Triple H, sure they might use under handed tactics but they actually fight instead of running at every turn, like pretty much every heel in existance has done since HHH and Angle.

Bobby Roode hands down would make a bigger impact in WWE than any wrestler you put on that poll.
Out of all the guys that are listed in the poll, I would have to go with Kurt Angle. I know the guy is 44 years old now, But in the last few years has put on some of the best matches of his career and continues to make even the worst wrestlers in TNA look good.
Plus if Kurt was to return to WWE it would be for the first time since 2006, meaning that Kurt would not have faced many off WWE's top tallent. making for some very fresh and entertaining feuds and matchups.

As far as the rest of the list goes there are a few others that would make a difference if WWE was to sign them. Sting is the first one that jumps to mind just for the fact that his is probably the biggest name in professional wrestling to have never worked for the WWE at some point in his career and it just seems a shame that the WWE fans will never get the chance to see the icon compete in a WWE ring. Plus it would also mean that we could finally get to see Sting vs the Undertaker, Which is a match all wrestling fans want to see. Jeff would be another great choice for the WWE to resign as he is still got a very large fan base and just like Kurt would help put a lot of the younger guys over. Edge is a no Brainer, but to be fair if it was not for his health issues then he would still be competing in the WWE.

As for guys that were not mentioned on the poll, I would have to agree with entertainer101 and go with Bobby Roode. The guy has been one of the top Heels in the buissness for quite some time now and I cam see him having some great matches with guys like Cena and punk.
My pick would be Angle from that list, although Roode and Aries would be actual top choices.

I think Angle vs Cena, Punk and Lesnar would all draw big and he's a guy who'd be willing to work with guys like Bryan, Barrett, Cesaro, The Shield etc and elevate them.

Jeff Hardy, obviously. Was the most over face in the company before he once again decided that pardy Hardy was better than Mega-Hardy. Sting would be awesome, but I think the novelty would wear off, and when has he ever truly been a BIG draw before anyhow.
Great thread.

I'm sorry but I think many of you are missing one key thing about Sting:

Besides limited ability (age-wise), he's not known to the WWE audience. The IWC and long-term fans will know who he is, yes, but what you need to realise is that 50% of the WWE's audience are kids (I think it was Cole made that point recently). I'm not saying the WWE couldn't build him up as a legend, I'm not saying he couldn't have a successful run. I'm saying he won't have the immediate impact and recognition many of you think he will. Further, a Sting/'Taker WM match has the potential to be a terrible match. Sting is no HBK or HHH. That's the quality of worker Taker needs in his current condition to get a fantastic out of him.

Imo, and I concede that one day I could be proven wrong, Styles will never be a Main-Eventer in the WWE let alone a household name. He just doesn't have it in him. He's a very good in-ring competitor, I won't deny that, but he just doesn't have "it". He doesn't have star quality, as much as you may like him he just doesn't possess the appeal that other workers possess. He may be your favourite wrestler but that doesn't mean he can or will connect to a wider audience. Eventual Upper-Midcarder for the WWE is the best Styles could hope for. I think he'd flounder in the WWE, tbh.

Roode. Believe it or not I think one day he could do great things in the WWE. However, contrary to what many of you think, he's nowhere near ready to Main-Event for the WWE. I'm not a TNA hater but I do think there's a distinction between what it takes to ME in TNA compared to WWE. You have to tick a WHOLE lot of boxes and appeal to such a wide range of people in the WWE. TNA's audience, one could argue, are all of a much more similar demographic than WWE's are. It's the same for Styles, what you may like the WWE audience may not be impressed by.

I'm not saying either Styles or Roode couldn't be successfull, I'm saying they wouldn't have the immediate impact TNA fans think they'd have because they're familiar with the pair.

Kurt Angle. He could have similar problems as Sting, recognition wise, but it'd be far easier to educate the audience about his history, imo. He's also a MUCH better worker than Sting. He's got one part time WWE run left in him I think. While one shouldn't give too much credence to rumours, some have speculated that Angle could be one of the self-medicating breed in the wrestling business. If that is the case he might not be able to perform to standard without pain-killers. Maybe he's got no issues and the rumours are false but if they're true it could be a huge factor in him avoiding the WWE.

I'd echo the view of Anderson as over-rated. Not a bad performer.....but not a great one either. He's had more than enough opportunities to shine in both companies so I don't think he'll ever be a huge asset to either company. Comfortably performing in the midcard/upper-midcard for the rest of his career, wouldn't have too much impact in the WWE.

Matt Hardy: As someone else said, a sober Matt Hardy is much more use to TNA than WWE. Those who say he was never too over in the WWE towards the end need to rewatch his last Rumble entrance and the MITB match that involved Christian. The crowd can emotionally invest in him because he's been around so long that the fans have been on a "journey" with him so to speak, that was a huge factor in Jeff's rise also. Not that I think WWE would ever give him that opportunity again.

Kevin Steen/Aries/Etc, would all be starting from scratch in the WWE. They'd go the way of Daniel Bryan: over with the IWC who would complain about EVERY loss on the way up the card. For that very selfish reason alone I hope they never go the WWE....I couldn't listen to the same rants DB inspired on this forum!

Jeff Hardy. Like it or not he has widespread appeal. As JR said it's a very rare breed: a performer that appeals to men, women and children equally. The audience are not only familiar with him, they LOVE him. Those who say he wasn't quite at Cena's level should note that towards the end of his WWE run, 8 of the 10 best selling items in the WWE store were Jeff Hardy items. To this day I've never seen a worker get even close to that, not Cena, not Punk, nobody. He's the only worker I've ever heard of that got offered a WWE contact with no wrestling commitments...just the right to sell his merch. They did that for a reason. Whether you like him or not he brings the most to the table out of that whole list, by a mile. I concede that his stock would rise, immeasurably, when he finishes his probation in a little over a year I think.

You're all missing a key person: Batista.

I don't like Batista, at all, but he's proven to be over with the non-IWC audience and could make an instant impact in the WWE. For sheer fact of Hardy's probation issues, Batista could be the best addition out of anyone mentioned in this thread. The WWE need another Main-event full-timer. Batista is a ready made Main-Eventer.
Jeff Hardy is so over with everyone. I don't know about people new to WWE, it seems like they'd get repackaged in some way some how. I don't really see Kevin Steen doing to well in the WWE unless he's able to showcase his moveset. Otherwise people would be like "oh that's just some fat guy with a weird accent".

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