To quote my ex-flatmate, there are only two interesting non-kayfabe things to happen in a wrestling ring. One of them is the Montreal Screwjob and we talk about it every 35 seconds or so. The other is the MSG incident, which I haven't seen a thread on in a long while if ever.
For those that don't know what it was, basically Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels, Diesel and Hunter Hearst Helmsley all had a big hug in the ring at MSG after Hall and Nash's final show in the WWF. Michaels, being champion, wasn't punished, the other two were leaving, so Triple H bore the brunt of the punishment, an was basically held back for a year with his push going to Austin.
So my question basically is, if this hadn't have happened, what would the landscape of wrestling be like in the years immediately following?
For me, the extra year gave Triple H time to become the Triple H character, which has far more longevity than the snooty guy he was before. I think he benefitted a lot from it because it meant he could switch character before he was popular.
As for Austin, I think he would have made it to the top anyway, and while he would have been the biggest star eventually, he would never have feuded with Bret Hart and therefore may not have quite captured the hearts and minds of the WWE audience so well. What say you?