MSG Incident- A Good Thing?

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Paper Bag Champion
If you dont know what it is, here is a description of it. it started w/ the Kliq, which is Shawn Michaels, HHH, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall/Razor Ramon, & X-Pac. they had pretty much all the booking power. HHH and Nash were heels. HBK and Ramon were faces. Nash and Ramon were leaving for WCW, and this was going to be there last night w/ WWF. the four of them, after HBK and Nash had a cage match. the four of them (minus X-Pac), ended up in a huge hug in the cage, which was odd b/c it was breaking kayfabe w/ 2 heels and 2 faces hugging. HHH was punished by being moved into a jobber for a few years. Michaels, as WWF champ, couldn't be blamed, and Nash and Hall were leaving for WCW, so only HHH got anything.
Fast forward to King of the Ring 1996. Enter Stone Cold. HHH was originally slated to win the tournament, but b/c of MSG Incident, it was passed to Stone Cold and the famous Austin 3:16 speech. that speech basically led WWE through the Monday Night Wars. HHH gets buried for a while, then guess what we get?
D-Generation X. Two-Man Power Trip. McMahon-Helmsley. Evolution. 13 time world champ. 5 intercontinental titles. Ranked #1 wrestler in 2000 & 2009 by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. King of the Ring. Royal rumble 2002.
Stone Colds Career:
3 Royal Rumble wins. 6 time WWF champ. 4 time tag champ.
thats all (3 royal rumbles prob beats most of HHH's, but still)

and now, Stone Cold is out of wrestling. HHH is still going strong w/ D/X
I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason, but I'm also a believer that good things will happen when they are meant to happen. Although the MSG/Kliq incident resulted in various pushes and success for wrestlers such as Stone Cold, I don't feel that it was the only reason why he achieved the success that we all know of now.

Specific things create direction for a wrestler's career, but we need to judge this subject by trying to speculate as to whether the wrestler would've been a success even if the incident didn't occur. I believe that Stone Cold was always destined for greatness.

Breaking kayfabe and pulling the curtain of the wrestling business open is never a good thing. Professional wrestling organizations have enough trouble with suspending disbelief for their viewers. Even though the Attitude Era and Vince Russo's vision was to let us into the locker room and the board meetings (to en extent), the wrestlers took it upon themselves to break kayfabe during the live event without consent from the writers. That was a BIG no-no.
The MSG Incident I think even though not planned was one of the best things to happen to the WWE SCSA and HHH. 1) If it never happened what would of SCSA defining moment into the spot light be? 2) DX would they still of ever happened cause HHH didnt trust to many people because of how he was treated. 3) Did you forget how HHH became The Game? It was in an interview with Good Old JR and he flipped saying bout being a student of the game and how has not been getting rewarded for all he does he ended it by sayin " i am the f*ucking Game JR" The fan ate it up. which led to HHH we know.
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