Paper Bag Champion
If you dont know what it is, here is a description of it. it started w/ the Kliq, which is Shawn Michaels, HHH, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall/Razor Ramon, & X-Pac. they had pretty much all the booking power. HHH and Nash were heels. HBK and Ramon were faces. Nash and Ramon were leaving for WCW, and this was going to be there last night w/ WWF. the four of them, after HBK and Nash had a cage match. the four of them (minus X-Pac), ended up in a huge hug in the cage, which was odd b/c it was breaking kayfabe w/ 2 heels and 2 faces hugging. HHH was punished by being moved into a jobber for a few years. Michaels, as WWF champ, couldn't be blamed, and Nash and Hall were leaving for WCW, so only HHH got anything.
Fast forward to King of the Ring 1996. Enter Stone Cold. HHH was originally slated to win the tournament, but b/c of MSG Incident, it was passed to Stone Cold and the famous Austin 3:16 speech. that speech basically led WWE through the Monday Night Wars. HHH gets buried for a while, then guess what we get?
D-Generation X. Two-Man Power Trip. McMahon-Helmsley. Evolution. 13 time world champ. 5 intercontinental titles. Ranked #1 wrestler in 2000 & 2009 by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. King of the Ring. Royal rumble 2002.
Stone Colds Career:
3 Royal Rumble wins. 6 time WWF champ. 4 time tag champ.
thats all (3 royal rumbles prob beats most of HHH's, but still)
and now, Stone Cold is out of wrestling. HHH is still going strong w/ D/X
Fast forward to King of the Ring 1996. Enter Stone Cold. HHH was originally slated to win the tournament, but b/c of MSG Incident, it was passed to Stone Cold and the famous Austin 3:16 speech. that speech basically led WWE through the Monday Night Wars. HHH gets buried for a while, then guess what we get?
D-Generation X. Two-Man Power Trip. McMahon-Helmsley. Evolution. 13 time world champ. 5 intercontinental titles. Ranked #1 wrestler in 2000 & 2009 by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. King of the Ring. Royal rumble 2002.
Stone Colds Career:
3 Royal Rumble wins. 6 time WWF champ. 4 time tag champ.
thats all (3 royal rumbles prob beats most of HHH's, but still)
and now, Stone Cold is out of wrestling. HHH is still going strong w/ D/X