Whats been the best Wrestlemania so far?

I can't agree with you there, after the Brock/Goldberg match, it kinda took the air out of the ppv, and it didn't really recover until the Triple Threat. Also, while I love WM 12, it only had 2 matches on the card that carried the night, those being the Iron Man match and the Taker/Diesel match. My Votes:

Wrestlemania X-7 - For having the most jam packed lineup, and yet managing to have one of the few main events that stole the show at WrestleMania that year.

In a close second, WrestleMania 19, followed by one that everyone seems to have forgotten, WrestleMania X. The two title matches, the ladder match, Bret vs Owen, and the first ever falls count anywhere match with Savage vs Crush.
I agree, WM 17 was the best by far. Every single match was top quality. There was shock value too in Shane vs Vince and especially The Rock vs Steve Austin. TLC matches are always amazing. I really miss the days of the Dudley Boyz, Hardys and E & C.

Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle was one of my favourites too. Two of the best technical wrestlers going at it. I would have liked it if that match ended cleanly though, not Angle using Benoits tights.

I also enjoyed Undertaker vs Triple H. The Last Ride out of the corner was one of the best endings to a match I've ever seen (though it's a bit overused these days). Plus, it's rare to see Triple H lose cleanly.
Wrestlemania 18 has to be mine for the fact that I got to see the Rock fight Hogan live. I sat about 5 feet from the aisle and I loved the way the crowd turned on the Rock and gave Hogan the respect he deserved and always deserves, it was incredible. Here's a guy as leader of NWO. They did everything they could to make him a huge heel leading up to the event. The 18 wheeler hitting the ambulance and the great stare downs. I grew up watching Hogan and that match was an epic battle to say the least. It also had Austin fighting Scott Hall, Taker and Flair, Edge and Booker T, DDP vs. Christian, William Regal vs. RVD, Kane and Kurt Angle, Jericho and Triple H for the title. It was just a defining moment for me because it is my first and only Wrestlemania live in the Skydome where 80,000+ were chanting HOGAN, HOGAN, HOGAN!
Without a question, WMX7 was not only the best WM ever, but the best PPV ever. You know you have a special PPV on your hands when the Benoit-Angle match as arguable the 4th or 5th best match on the card and it was a great match! I just loved Rock-Austin. I remember watching this match everyday for a month after WMX7. It was that good. I cant think of a match that has been as intense as that one. And the shocking ending with Austin-McMahon was great! Def. my favorite match of all time. Also, TLC 2 was a classic, as well as was Taker-HHH. I loved the ending to that match. The street fight was very entertaining and the Hardcore match was my favorite Hardcore Title match. Even matches like Y2J-Regal and Test-Eddie was solid matches.

WM19 was great as well. Angle-Lesnar was a classic. It was the MOTN IMO. I wont ever forget that match. Angle put his career and life on the line in that match and he delivered as did Lesnar. No doubt, their best match in WWE. Y2J-HBK was a VERY close second. The more I watch the match on DVD, the more I appreciate it. Hogan-McMahon was fun to watch. It was a classic Hogan match. Even though like one poster said, Rock-Austin overkilled their finishers during the match and noting new was done in the match, it was a good match. It was great to see Rock finally beat Austin at WM. Women's title match was one of the best womens title matches I have seen. However, HHH-Book wasnt as good as I thought it would be and the ending was bad.
Wrestlemania III, for me. As I am old enough to remember the storylines regarding some of those matches, even without Hogan bodyslamming Andre, in perhaps the most memorable moment ever in wrestling history, the payoff in the Randy Savage/Ricky Steamboat feud was worth the PPV cost, and then some. This was before RAW, this was before they had a PPV every month, those two built that feud for months and months, to the point that the fans were heavily invested in the outcome. And then, the two deliver what is generally considered to be the greatest match in North American wrestling history...

Nothing against the more recent Wrestlemanias, but for my money, seeing the culmination of the Savage/Steamboat feud, Andre passing the torch to Hogan and shoot, the finale of the Billy Jack Haynes/Hercules feud (its been 21 years, and I STILL remember the build up to that) made WM3 an absolute classic.
Not to beat a dead horse, but it has to be X7. Not a weak spot on the card, even the squash of a women's title match served its purpose perfectly. The hardcore match was a match that exemplifies the fun hardcore matches that occurred, not just another weapons match. Street fight and tlc 2 were so well done with shane showing he's still as athletic as half the guys on the roster. The gimmick battle royal brought some lightheartedness to the show, and led up perfectly to the last two matches. To show how big a show it was, when HHH and Taker, which in any other year would be a mania main event, it was nowhere near as big a match as the main event. And the classic turn, which no one saw coming capped it perfectly. Easily it's x7.
My favourite Wrestlemania's:

Wrestlemania X-Seven (2001):

Solid card. Heck the Sunday Night Heat Match was even good.

IC Champion: Jericho (c) defeated William Regal

It was a great match. I didn't like the finish though, i would have liked to see Jerciho win with the Walls of Jericho or something. It was a solid match, Y2J was great in 2001 and having him kick of Wrestlemania was great to see. It got things rolling.

Tazz & The APA Deafeated Right to Censor (Val Venis, Goodfather, Bull Buchanan)

Action Packed match. It only lasted about 4 minutes but it was very exciting from the start. Both Jacqueline, the manager for the APA and Steven Richards, manager for the RTC got involved. APA had a pretty good 2001, it was a good action packed match. That's all.

Kane defeated Raven (c) & The Big Show

What a hardcore match this was! Very exciting. One of my favourite matches of that wrestlemania. Raven always makes a good hardcore champion. Add in the Big Show and Kane and you have a battle. Very good highlights, Raven going through glass, Kane diving off the stage for the win, and a lot of hard hits from weapons. Solid match, pretty funny too.

European Champion: Eddie Guerrero (RIP) defeated Test (c) to win the Euro. title.

Solid match here. I didn't think this match would get a good reaction but the Radical members drew some good heel reaction. Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko both interferred. The ending makes Test look like he got robbed after getitng hit with the title belt. I like how the Radicalz got heel reaction. Sure it doesnt have all the highflying moves and the high tempo and all but it was still solid. I really enjoyed it.

Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit

These two always and I mean always have a good match. No need for explanination. Look at there rivalry and you'll see the type of matches these two are capable of pulling off. I really enjoyed this match.

Womens Champion Chyna defeated Ivory (c) for the Womens Championship

It was like what? 2 minute match? It had great buildup but was very short. It made Ivory seem very weak, when really she's a great wrestler.

Shane McMahon defeated Vince McMahon

Great Storyline and great moments in this match. One of the best matches of that wrestlemania. Shane pulled off some great moves, it was really nice. You know what I like the most? Vince McMahon is willing to do anything for the company. He'll take a big fall or a huge chairshot. Shane McMahon will leapoff a titantron and off a ladder to the announce table as well. I really like how both McMahon's are willing to sacrafice for the company. Solid match. Trish turned face here.

TLC 2: Edge and Christian defeated Dudley Boyz, Hardy Boyz

The best match of Wrestlemania in my opinion. The best TLC match in my opinion and the three greatest tag teams of 01' in my opinion. lol, anyways you had three people interfere, one person from each stable. Lita interfered for the Hardy Boyz, Spike Dudley interfered for the Dudley Boyz he went through a table and delivered a couple of dudley dogs, and last bot not least..Rhyno for E&C. Who proved to be the X-Factor.

The Undertaker deafeated HHH

Now a days there the two biggest superstars. What a match they pulled off!

Austin defeated the Rock

One of the biggest rivaliries in the WWF/E. Their best match together, hands down. What a match. Austin finally turned heel too.

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