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Which star could help the WWE the most?

  • Kurt Angle

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Matt Hardy

  • Sting

  • AJ Styles

  • Mr. Anderson

  • Kevin Steen

  • Edge

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Team Finnley Baylor
We know there's many wrestlers we used to be fond of no longer wrestling in the WWE. Guys like Kurt Angle, Dudley Boyz, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Edge, and the list goes on. There's also wrestlers that have never had a significant run with the WWE like Sting, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe (I'm aware they both wrestled on Velocity or whatever and such. Doesn't count).

My point is to get debate started on which current non-WWE wrestler would bring the most back to the WWE's table if they were to return or jump ship from whatever company they're with.

My choice is Kurt Angle. He could be an instant main event star when healthy and would work with the entire WWE roster. I think he has a few more years left of good, solid wrestling and would be a great asset to the WWE.

Mind you, all of this is purely hypothetical and shouldn't factor in current contracts or whatever heat they have with the WWE.

So who you got?
Jeff Hardy is my pick. He's got unfinished business with CM Punk, he connects with kids and teens, young women go insane for him, those arm things sold like hotcakes, and most importantly, he's still got gas left in the tank.

Jeff, despite any deficiencies he may have, is over, relevant, and moves merch. Bonus points for a potential last run for the Hardy Boyz, which would do wonders for the rejuvenation of the tag team division.
Of the options in the list, the ones that jump out are Edge, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy. Sting's too old to make a huge impact now, although it would be a lot of fun. I don't know why Matt is on the poll, Steens incredible but doesn't fit that well in WWE, same for AJ and Kennedy hasn't shown any indication of fulfilling his potential.

Edge, Angle and Hardy would all be main eventers in the WWE today - Angle would produce the more fresh feuds as he left longer ago, so I'd pick him too. It'd be great to have a healthy Edge or committed Jeff back though.

Also want to throw out Bobby Roode - he'd fit like a glove in WWE, absolutely everything they look for in a main event heel. He's great all round, would work the WWE style perfectly and obviously is super fresh having never gone there. Roode would be my pick.
Ya left off the two guys I immediately thought of after reading the title: Bobby Roode and Austin Aries. Roode has the look and for the better part of a year, was the champion of TNA and honestly provided the best TNA I've ever watched. I hadn't watched TNA for years due to Immortal sucking THAT bad. When Roode won the championship, I tuned in every single week solely to see him retain the title and grow more and more legit each and every week.

As for Aries, he lacks the WWE look. Though you can't really say that's a factor anymore what with Punk and Bryan. Fact is, Aries could offer just as much as Punk or Bryan can to WWE. And in my honest opinion, he's better in the ring than both of them. That's saying something.
Looking at that list of stars, I would say none could be top wrestlers in WWE again.

Sure, they would get a huge pop when they first arrive back at the WWE, but after several months they would end up back in the midcard jobbing to someone like Khali.

Unfortunately this is a huge problem with the WWE which decides to keep useless talents on the card to try and win over certain countries instead of pushing the talented wrestlers.

However I could see any of the people on that list returning as either managers, leaders of stables or even general managers. Kurt Angle and Edge immediately jump out as stars who have done it all and no longer need to wrestle to prove themselves. They are both great on the mic and have huge respect from all the wrestling communities. Not to mention the fact that Edge cannot wrestle anymore and that Kurt is getting to that stage where he is constantly wrestling injured...it is only a matter of time until they become part-time wrestlers or full-time managers.
why didnt anybody say abyss? after all, kane will be retiring soon and with his mannerisms, he reminds me of a kane/mankind. he could make for a good psychotic main event heel. i could see him even bringing back the boiler room brawl matches and so forth
Its funny how the WWE fans always want TNA talent to be in WWE. And when a certain WWE guy joins TNA they start talking about how he is a WWE has-been, rejects or whatever.

Nobody who is working for TNA would get anywhere in WWE because WWE will let them job in mid-card or they will get worthless title reigns just to lose the title to a WWE guy, just because they were in TNA. see : Christian, R-Truth etc.
I think all of those guys could make a big difference, especially with regards to ratings. The dude I think they miss the most is Edge. He's not MY personal favourite from that list, but he was carrying Smackdown at the time of his retirement. He can't wrestle anymore, so how he made the list is beyond me, but if he COULD, he'd be great.
Its funny how the WWE fans always want TNA talent to be in WWE. And when a certain WWE guy joins TNA they start talking about how he is a WWE has-been, rejects or whatever.

Nobody who is working for TNA would get anywhere in WWE because WWE will let them job in mid-card or they will get worthless title reigns just to lose the title to a WWE guy, just because they were in TNA. see : Christian, R-Truth etc.

Jeez, irrelevant much? Some people are just wrestling fans, and recognize talent regardless of promotion. Besides, Lariat clearly stated that this is all hypothetical, so everyone should be assuming the best case scenario. Like my pick, Jeff Hardy. I could've said to myself, "the schedule will take its toll on him, and he'll get back on drugs and strike out on the Wellness Policy." Rather than be an ass, though, I went with the how's and why's of how he'd be an asset to WWE.

In short, stop being a Negative Nancy and answer the OP's question.
Around WrestleMania, definitely Sting. No one cares how old he is, they just want to see him in WWE... and face Undertaker at WrestleMania.

Overall? I still think it's A.J. He has the tools to be a top guy in any company, especially within WWE, where they make sure the top guys who can't talk have a lot of help (coaching, scripts, etc).

If you can do crazy stuff and have great matches, you can make it as a top guy in WWE. He's not John Cena, but he wouldn't need to be.
I've picked Angel, just because he can main event straight away, and also help the mid-carders up the ladder (Angle Vs Ziggler could be awesome).

I'd actually like to throw my weight behind Magnus though. Right now he wouldn't make that much difference but, he's not an indie darling or TNA mainstay that would have that stigma in WWE (or the "he doesn't know how to work" thing either) and he could, quite possibly, be used to help create a new British hero to get behind. He's got the looks and build WWE likes, has charisma to spare. He'd be my pick if I was going to take someone to WWE and look at a future money player
Sting. Nothing Angle and Hardy can do to top the Sting vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania. After Stone Cold vs Punk it's the biggest match ever possible to happen at this generation. And I say this as a huge Hardy mark.
Just to get it out, AJ Styles is the man based on all the "dream" matches he could have with the countless WWE stars... we all know who, it's been documented many times on this forum.

But, the man I'd like to see (and you may not agree...so what.) is James Storm. I beleive storm can be a huge star with the "machine" behind him. He reminds me at times of a young SCSA but much cooler. He has a natural charisma, his own distinguished look (not an abs guy) a good wrestling style, a slick catch-phrase... and the coolest pair of wrestling boots I've ever seen!

I know he's not on your list...but that's who I'm rolling with.
Interesting thread.

Kurt Angle would bring a lot of nostalgia value to the WWE and could be used as a special attraction to be used at certain times of the year like Taker & Brock Lesnar. Angle is someone who probably shouldn't do anything approaching a full time schedule in WWE if he were to return.

Sting is someone who would also bring a ton of nostalgia and initial momentum coming in. The fact that Sting is the biggest star in American wrestling of the past 30 years to have never worked for Vince McMahon is a novelty that will generate buzz. However, after the enthusiasm has died down a bit, I don't think things will be quite as rosy. Sting will always have a lot of fans and will always have his name value, but he's not what he once was and that's pretty obvious. He's well into his 50s and I don't think he could deal with the rigors of a WWE schedule. Like Angle, the best use for Sting could be to bring him in at certain times of the year to help jack up ppvs.

Jeff Hardy is someone that has a lot to offer WWE. When Hardy left WWE, he was at the peak of his professional career. His popularity legitimately rivaled John Cena and he helped generate a lot of money in merchandise sales for WWE. However, I don't think Hardy has any real desire to do anything approaching a full time WWE schedule. At the same time though, Hardy is someone whose not quite the legendary status of guys like Sting or Angle, nor is his name well known in the mainstream media as Brock Lesnar's. If Hardy had no real desire to wrestle a full time schedule, I could see him wrestling part time like Chris Jericho. However, like Jericho, don't expect any title runs or main event feuds to be in Hardy's future. While Hardy's popularity is deserving of main event attention, it's too difficult to put a part timer in such a spot. There's also issues of trust when it comes to Hardy & his past issues with drugs. WWE, I think, would be reluctant to put Hardy in major programs if they're not convinced that he's truly gotten it together.

Mr. Anderson brings nothing to WWE just as he's brought nothing to TNA. Overall, Anderson is one of the most overrated stars of the past decade. Not that he doesn't have talent, but the IWC has jacked this guy's abilities to an obscenely exaggerated level. He's not nearly as good on the mic or in the ring as some want to portray him. In WWE, there were issues regarding Anderson's health. With the WWE schedule, Anderson kept getting hurt right when the company was in the process of building him into a major star. I think he also has a Wellness Policy violation under his belt. Anderson is someone who potentially brings a lot of baggage to WWE but not much of anything else.

Matt Hardy will always be Jeff Hardy's little brother, just without the ability to connect with fans and an in-ring style that's a lot like his bothers only much more watered down. I saw Hardy on ROH tv a few weeks ago and the guy looks like shit. After having gotten himself back into shape in TNA, it looks like he's put on all the weight he lost and then some. Matt Hardy will always be something of a star because of his association with Jeff. I don't see what he has to offer WWE unless it's just someone to job out to fresher talent.

AJ Styles is someone who could bring a lot to WWE. In-ring, he's one of the best in the world. He's never been all that strong on the mic, but he's much better than he used to be. Styles is someone who definitely fits in with the workhorse wrestler like Punk, Bryan & Jericho who can be counted on to deliver quality matches. At 35 years of age, however, Styles' opportunity to go to WWE may have passed. Styles is still a young guy in the grand scheme of things but he's definitely not someone who could afford to spend a year or two down in NXT. It'd be a waste if he was to be sent there. Styles is someone that, to me, has been spinning his wheels in TNA for several years. He's either been shuffled around in TNA's mid-card limbo or engaged on one feud with Christopher Daniels after another. Styles is someone that brings a lot of reliability to WWE and that's always something any company can use.

As far as Kevin Steen goes, he's someone that brings a gritty type of guy into the WWE picture. Steen isn't really a good looking guy, he's not all that nice to look at and he's more than a little pudgy. However, he brings a kind of attitude to WWE that you don't see in a lot of characters. Steen is also someone who is deceptively athletic and has a surprising amount of technical skill. Steen is also known for being a great brawler. Steen is someone who would certainly be sent to NXT to be polished a bit and probably to drop some weight. At 28 years of age, Steen is someone that's youthful enough & experienced enough to be a potential boon to WWE.
Sting. Nothing Angle and Hardy can do to top the Sting vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

I pretty much agree with this. He may be old and he might not have a lot of years left in him but WWE would draw insane amounts of money just for that match alone. Nobody truly cares how old he is as long as they finally get to see the dream match. And Sting in the WWE may even bring back a lot of oldschool fans. It's not just that match with Taker that would bring in a lot of money, there's plenty of other (dream) matches he could have that would bring in shitloads of money for the company, matches against guys like The Rock, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, CM Punk etc.
Jeff Hardy, without a doubt.

He's on 35, same age as Cena. Before he was released in 2009, he was one of the most over guys on the WWE roster. He's a great babyface worker, is marketable to all demographics, and he's got alot of name-value.

Kurt's too mess up, Sting's time as a regular in WWE is over. No one has a clue who Kevin Steen is. AJ Styles is completely irrelevant to the WWE audience. Edge is retired. Ken Anderson just plain sucks and Matt Hardy is in his own little world.
I pretty much agree with this. He may be old and he might not have a lot of years left in him but WWE would draw insane amounts of money just for that match alone. Nobody truly cares how old he is as long as they finally get to see the dream match. And Sting in the WWE may even bring back a lot of oldschool fans. It's not just that match with Taker that would bring in a lot of money, there's plenty of other (dream) matches he could have that would bring in shitloads of money for the company, matches against guys like The Rock, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, CM Punk etc.

Sting get's gassed in about 5 minutes today and with Taker's condition, the match would be atrocious. Sure, the sotryline would be cool, but everyone will remember a huge letdown with the match being a bunch of laying around.
I'm going with Angle. When he left WWE, WWE didn't go down in flames but they lost a very solid in-ring performer and one of the best technical performers in the company's history. Angle would help the main event immensely, he's better technically than any performer in the current main event scene in WWE. Better than Orton, Sheamus, Punk, Del Rio, Cena, he is a better in-ring performer than all of them. He could also help to teach the younger guys on the roster how to work a decent match.

Edge, Jeff Hardy would be a close second. I didn't pick either, because Edge can't work anymore and Jeff Hardy while very popular, has too many issues. I think he seems to be in control now, but once he's back in WWE and their schedule, you never know. Also, if you pick him, you run into the risk of having to pick up Matt Hardy as well.

Performers who never worked for WWE, I'd go with Styles and Roode. They are good but I don't think they're as good as Angle, or will help the WWE more so than Angle would.
I would think if hypothetical case it would be AJ styles. AJ on that list to me has the most talent. He is still young and can bring it. I also believe he has untapped ability we really havent seen yet. I like AJ a lot and i do wish he was in the E. Kurt for special appearances would be great also.

But AJ I feel would not necessarily be buried on mid card status. He could do really well if hypothetical he did jump ship to the E
Hardy, Styles and Steen are the only three who make sense.

Sting- can't wrestle for shit anymore.
Edge shouldn't even risk it.
Mr. Anderson- not bad on the mic and not good in the ring.
Matt Hardy-?

Hardy would still be over in the E. Steen because he is young, big and can move. That is pretty rare to find. Styles because he is so damn good in the ring.
Kurt Angle - I think a WWE return is realistic for Kurt, if TNA ever lets him go. His name value and ability make up for his age and time away. He would be great for business, as a main event challenger or a midcard attraction. He's only got a few years left wrestling and it wouldn't be a bad idea to make WWE money before hanging it up for good.

Jeff Hardy - I feel Jeff Hardy will do a lot of good for TNA and add to their legacy, but will ultimately return to WWE for a major run before retiring. WWE is where Hardy's fans are, and I feel that he left a lot of them wanting more when he left WWE a few years back. I agree with most other posters here that he's probably the biggest draw WWE could snatch from TNA.

Matt Hardy - I think Matt Hardy's career in the big time is done. He is much more valuable to TNA than he is to WWE, where I feel he'd be a jobber along with JTG and Curt Hawkins. Matt failed to connect with fans after around 2008 and descended down the card until he went to TNA and exhausted all his options there. ROH is a great place for Matt to work, and his lack of a gimmick fits in with that promotion anyway.

Sting - I still feel that WWE could pull off a Sting match at WrestleMania, perhaps not with Undertaker but possibly a young heel like CM Punk or Dolph Ziggler. Sting has name value, wrestling ability, a lot of flash and a long list of accomplishments. It would be amazing to see Sting get the WWE treatment, but time is running out. WWE needs to act quickly, and perhaps Triple H can seal another deal that Vince couldn't.

AJ Styles - TNA has proven to AJ that they are not capable of expanding his audience. WWE can help AJ reach more fans. They can book him with a gimmick that pulls him out of his comfort zone. Styles deserves a WrestleMania moment, he's one of the best there is.

Mr. Anderson - His time has passed. I think he's lucky to be in aces and 8's right now, otherwise he'd be irrelevant. WWE has no use for him.

Kevin Steen - I could see Steen entering WWE as a Ricardo Rodriguez style manager who gets very physically involved. I think Steen could manage a guy like Mason Ryan and provide effective backup. Eventually you could transition Steen into a wrestler role, so he could pursue solo gold. I think Steen could be a sleeper hit in WWE like Daniel Bryan became.

Edge - Despite coming back as a heel manager, I don't see why Edge should return. He can no longer wrestle, plus his last year in WWE was underwhelming.
Jeff Hardy.

Sting is the biggest name on that list. But let's not kid ourselves, he'd only be good for one match and one match only. Jeff Hardy, on the other hand, is only 35 (go ahead, Wikipedia it, I'm not lying). He could feasibly remain a big deal in WWE for another five years. In addition to that, he's a proven draw in WWE. That's crucial. AJ Styles and Mr. Anderson may be draws in TNA, and Kevin Steen may be ROH's top dog, but that's completely different to being a major player in WWE. Jeff Hardy has shown that he has what it takes.

I guess I should cover all bases though. So here goes. Kurt Angle is old, Matt Hardy is worthless and Edge is one dodgy bump away from being paralysed. Of course WWE would benefit from having these men on the roster, but none of them offer what Jeff Hardy does. Angle offers one or two years max, Matt Hardy offers a steady midcard hand and Edge offers some entertainment in the form of commentary or management, but not money.
He's not on the list but I think the answer to the question is Matt Morgan. Why the WWE didn't bring him back when his TNA contract was up is beyond me. I don't want to hear about his lack of in-ring ability when you got Khali still taking up TV time.
Sting. I think the Undertaker vs Sting Wrestlemania dream match would be bigger than any contribution any of those other guys could make. There's no star on the rise on this list. It's just a bunch of guys in decline (Minus Steen, but come on.). Not saying they couldn't use any of these guys, but to put it in football terms these would be more like the Texans bringing in Ed Reed as a short term fix to their secondary.

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