Which name would you prefer??


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On the new DVD the Rise and Fall of WCW it is revelaed that in the early days McMahon actually broadcast some shows on a television programme titled: World Championship Wrestling...ala WCW...

So, this got me thinking about todays WWE formerly known as WWF..not many people like the name WWE: World Wrestling Entertainment...

What if McMahon had worked the invasion storyline with the alliance winning and thus WWF becoming WCW?? - Sounds a bit stupid I know. All I'm saying is I prefer the name WCW far better than WWE. World Championship Wrestling sounds way more dignified than World Wrestling Entertainment.

I might get some heat for this.

Unfortunately, because the name "WCW" was scorned and chastised by WWE for so long, there was no possible way the company was going to be renamed to this. Not to mention the effects it would cause to its Brand Imaging. It would definitely cause a lot of confusion amongst a lot of people.

So they simply tried to rename the company as close to the former company name as possible.

I would personally prefer the initials WWE as compared to WCW ... as it sounds more true to WWF, but that doesn't mean I am happy about WWE changing its name.

I doubt there is one person out there who wouldn't support WWE returning to its former WWF name.
First, If the alliance would have won the invasion and the wwe would have changed to wcw, would all the wwe history have a wcw banner on it? Im sure Mcmahon wouldn't want that.
Second, I prefer wwe over wcw but I prefer wwf over both of them.
But the World Wildlife Foundation HAD to keep the initials for themselves.
Fuckin Panda.
WCW could make a comeback, as ECW did even though they were to be banned and shut down after the Survior Series match. I would have liked to see WCW return under the banner as ECW did with it being a proving ground. AS ECW is ECW only in name alone as the current ECW does not match the old ECW. I've always wanted to see the WWE rebrand itself under the three former wrestling companies. Change Raw to WWE Monday Night Raw, ECW on SyFy and WCW Friday Night Nitro.
On the new DVD the Rise and Fall of WCW it is revelaed that in the early days McMahon actually broadcast some shows on a television programme titled: World Championship Wrestling...ala WCW..

That show actually was a broadcast for NWA Georgia Championship Wrestling, and at the time GCW had a TV deal with Ted Turner's TBS, having a Saturday Night Slot. Ole Anderson was booking GCW, and he wasn't getting along with Jerry and Jack Brisco, so when asked the brothers sold their stock in the company to Vince McMahon. McMahon then began to air WWF style wrestling on WCW. After seeing the WWF style instead of GCW's regular NWA style wrestling many southern fans wrote in thousands of angry letters to Tuner. McMahon's WCW rating's fell, and TBS gave Mid South Wrestling a Sunday time slot, which raped WWF in ratings. With the failure McMahon got from buying GCW he was forced to sell it to Tuner.

I don't think it would have been a good idea for WWF to become WCW. The Invasion storyline had been over by the time they became WWE. The WCW name hadn't what it had been anyway.
I would perfer WCW or WWF rather than WWE.

World Wrestling Entertainment actually implies that its fake wrestling because of "Entertainment" instead of World Championship Wrestling or World Wrestling Federation.
Renaming WWE World Championship Wrestling makes absolutely no sense. That's almost like giving them the victory...it's like saying, "We're honored to be taking over your company...the better company." It'd be like if the AFL took over the NFL and changed the name to NFL, it's literally saying, "We are taking over this better organization, to hell with the old piece of crap we were running." Like I said, that makes absolutely no sense. I also see nothing wrong with WWE. World Wrestling Entertainment is the most literal name for the brand and it sounds more mainstream whereas World Championship Wrestling, though also a great name, may be taking itself too seriously.
I was as pissed as anyone when the World Wildlife Fund messed everything up. But it's all based on nostalgia. If we go back to the beginning of the WWE being created and there was a nationwide vote among wrestling fans if the name should be World Wrestling Federation or World Wrestling Entertainment, I guarantee you World Wrestling Entertainment would win. People would say stuff like, "Federation...that sounds like a bunch of old guys getting together in some republic party convention." The word federation is not a word that comes up hardly ever in the real world. Look at other companies...Ultimate Fighting Championship. All three words are common. National Football League...National Basketball Association....all those words are pretty common and rudimentary. Federation always sounded like, "why'd they pick that" but you didn't care because you grew up on it and learned to love it. But like I said, if WWF never existed, WWE would be the easy choice.
Although we all prefer the name World Wrestling Federation, I think the company would be better described as World Wrestling Entertainment, mainly because it explains what its about, you'll be entertained by wrestling, but under the WWF name (I doubt this but its possible) people would be most likely to associate it with the amateur wrestling circuit but for adults and think of it as "legit", plus seeing the fact that only kids and idiots believe its real nowadays, being under the federation name, the media might ridicule it more for trying to sound real.

On a side note, I think they should change the meaning of ECW from Extreme Championship Wrestling to Entertainment Championship Wrestling, because, well its not extreme any more and it separates the WWE brand from the infamous defunct company.
I like the name world championship wrestling, but wasn't the original plan to hold WCW and WWF as seperate shows, as Smackdown and RAW are now? but the reason this didn't happen was because no network would touch a show with a name WCW because the reputation and ratings were so appaling? Thats what I was lead to believe anyways...

But the name WWF beats WWE or WCW anyday. ECW is a travesty and an insult to the original brand. The shows are good, but to cal, them ECW is borderline blasphemy to me at least...There is nothing there which ECW stood for
Definately like the WCW name better. Problem is/was WWE is truly a global company known pretty much everywhere. WCW on the other hand had ventured to Japan and i think maybe Europe a few times but wasnt a truly worldwide company. So the WWE name was definately worth more. Most interesting thing I saw on that dvd was Jericho said if he had known WCW was selling for so cheap he would have bought it. Makes me wonder what kind of comapny the great Jericho could have built.
i def would go with wwf if they could but i think insted of doing a full roster split, they couldve kept wcw nitro for tues night and keep the wcw originals and ppv on nitro with trades back n forth.vince did the right thing buying it but destroyed it for spite, shouldve just kept it the way it was, how great would it of been to have another war games or starcade. maybe if vince was more respectfull of wcw he could of got sting and botching the nwo dont get me started wcw should of won the invasion cause its good tv. picture the nwo takin over and running smackdown raw and nitro def more exciting then orton/cena 3000 od hhh/orton 5000 wish wcw was still competing on mon thats when it was gold
Everyone knows why The WWF changed to the WWE because of the World Wildlife Foundation....However, the reason why they chose the WWE in my opinion is when the company went public in '99 or '00 they traded under the name World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, WWFE.....I rather the WWF cause it's just the history behind it and what i've known it as since i was a kid. Also if u notice they used to announce champions ship matches such as, "For the World Wrestling Federation Championship" or "For The WWF Championship"...whereas now they only say "For the WWE Championship/title. Because "For The World Wrestling Entertainment Championship" just doesn't flow.
Maybe I'm alone here, but I always felt that instead of WWE they should have simply gone back to WWWF. World Wide Wrestling Federation had a history, a legitimate feel to it, and more importantly didn't infringe on any copyrights.

WWWF to me sounds better than WWE and there really is no logical reason for Vice to rename his company after Ted's.
i think world wildlife fund should of changed there thing to wwlf everyone is just trying to make a buck of wwe anymore look at the company that owns the slogan in the raw in canada its just stupid
I was as pissed as anyone when the World Wildlife Fund messed everything up. But it's all based on nostalgia. If we go back to the beginning of the WWE being created and there was a nationwide vote among wrestling fans if the name should be World Wrestling Federation or World Wrestling Entertainment, I guarantee you World Wrestling Entertainment would win. People would say stuff like, "Federation...that sounds like a bunch of old guys getting together in some republic party convention." The word federation is not a word that comes up hardly ever in the real world. Look at other companies...Ultimate Fighting Championship. All three words are common. National Football League...National Basketball Association....all those words are pretty common and rudimentary. Federation always sounded like, "why'd they pick that" but you didn't care because you grew up on it and learned to love it. But like I said, if WWF never existed, WWE would be the easy choice.

That seriously makes no sense. I don't know where you live but if the word federation is as uncommon as you claim then I'm a tad worried. World Wrestling Federation made the most sense and still does. A federation is literally a large organisation that formed when several smaller parties merged into one. That's exactly how WWE came into existence and whilst I don't mind the WWE name, the WWF has a far better ring to it.
I remember it was around the time of Survivor Series 2001 that rumors started about WWF having to change it's name. I was so worried that the Alliance would win the Survivor Series main event and they would use that as an excuse to switch the name to WCW. That's one of the few matches since I've become an adult that I really cared about the outcome. I was actually relieved when the WWF won. I think it would have been horrible if the name was switched to WCW. As a life long WWF fan I was conditioned to hate WCW. I didn't want to see my beloved WWF switch to the enemy name. That would have somehow felt like a win for WCW even if it was in name alone.
I don't think the name matters too much, it could be called the marvelous adventures of Dr. Shitballs and the cumdrop crew and I would still watch it.

I think WWE makes more sense as it is a more literal meaning of what the company represents so I supposed based on that WWE gets my vote. But I really don't think it matters.

Just My Opinion
I saw an interview with Vince in late 2002, where he said that the name would be changed back in the near future, as he expected an agreement could be reached with WWF. That never happened, so they stuck with WWE. I can't imagine that they would have gone with something as lame as WWE if they knew they'd never be able to change back.

I was suprised that he never went with calling the brands WCW Nitro and WF (or some other derivitive of WWF) Raw/Smackdown, under some umberella WWE name. He could never have made the whole thing WCW, as the brand was worth less than WWF, and it would look like he lost.
WWF is Vince's baby....WCW, his pet. If you have to change your child's name it's not getting changed to sparky. WCW has to recognized of a name for Vince to put it on his merchandise. I agree that WWF was so much better, but WCW is so much worse.

This is too small of an idea to start a whole thread, but how cool would it be to have WCW invade and try and take over Smackdown, with Jericho as the head I think it could work..I know there is no Eddie or Benoit to really cement the WCW feel, but Jericho, Show and couple others couldn't hurt...like one younger guy and then one surprise higher profile guy (maybe Rey). Have them try to get all of the titles. Sorry, this might need it's own thread...just an idea.

As far as the name goes, Vince will never sell himself out...and changing his company to WCW...that's selling himself out pretty hard.
That seriously makes no sense. I don't know where you live but if the word federation is as uncommon as you claim then I'm a tad worried. World Wrestling Federation made the most sense and still does. A federation is literally a large organisation that formed when several smaller parties merged into one. That's exactly how WWE came into existence and whilst I don't mind the WWE name, the WWF has a far better ring to it.

It's not about whether the definition is complex or if it requies a dictionary. Everybody knows what Federation means....but it still sounds a little too high brow compared to virtually every other major company. Major League Baseball, National Hockey League....the list goes on and on....do you honestly think every kid knows what federation means? Obviously you could go by the context of World Wrestling Federation to figure out the meaning that it's a large organization but if it weren't used in that context...if you asked anybody from 5-10 years old what Federation was, even a little older, do you think all or even most would know if not for that context? WWE is a better name. It is. Not even close. WWF is just nostalgic. Like I said, that's the only reason people like it more. If the name was originally World Wrestling Entertainment then it turned into World Wrestling Federation, people would be like WTF?? For the record, like I said, I was outraged when WWF had to change their name....but I see no problems with the WWE title except for as someone pointed out, "For the World Wrestling Entertainment" championship has no ring to it.
It makes me wonder if McMahon is going to do anything with the WCW Brand, what with the Starrcade and Rise & Fall DVD's.

As for what name I prefer, I liked both WWF AND WCW.

In terms of wrestling however, I always much preferred NWA/WCW.

Since the Federation changed to Entertainment, is has given McMahon the false impression that he can do whatever he likes with it.

Sadly, not very much of it is actually entertaining in my opinion.
It's not about whether the definition is complex or if it requies a dictionary. Everybody knows what Federation means....but it still sounds a little too high brow compared to virtually every other major company.

Again, what?? Federation is too high brow? And the little kids comment? So you're saying the word Association is easier for a kid to grasp? They're both in about the same "league", IMO. But anyway... WWF was the best name. Why, because that's what it started out as? Well, yes. You wouldn't want General Mills to change their name to Goody Meals, it just wouldn't be the same. GMC to GMA? No, sorry. When something works, it works. I think changing it to WCW would have ruined it because while WCW had a history unto itself, the fact was that Vince McMahon who ran the WWF/WWE bought the company and as such it was integrated under his banner, the WWF/E banner. Just like what happened with the old territories. They didn't take any of those names, did they? No, if you are what is recognized then that's what you should remain. When a corporate buyout occurs they don't change the name of the company doing the buying to the smaller, less recognized brand name do they? If anything they merge the name (ala AOL/Time Warner) but WWE/WCW would just be too much. Like what was said before, you don't lower the big name to the level of the smaller name. It's at the very least poor business sense.
Again, what?? Federation is too high brow? And the little kids comment? So you're saying the word Association is easier for a kid to grasp?

Yes, I am. Associate, Associated, Association, etc, is more common than Federation and I would say that substantially more kids are familiar with that word. Federation is not too high brow for the whole world, but for kids and when IN COMPARISON (which was my point) to other major organizations. If the NFL was called "National Football Enterprise" the word "Enterprise" would be too high brow for a rugged blue collar sport like that...it doesn't mean people don't know what Enterprise means or that Enterprise is a high brow word in every day life.

I like WWF, I like World Wrestling Federation...this thread isn't about whether we liked World Wrestling Federation, it's about whether it's a better name than WWE. When you ask what is a better name, you go solely on how it sounds, not on history, nostalgia, etc

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