Which matches do you show to a non wrestling fan?


Getting Noticed By Management
if you re trying to make someone like wrestling which wwe matches would you show them???

i finally convinced my girlfriend to watch wrestling with me (sounds like a bad idea already haha) and some of my friends watch wrestling shows here and there but they dont follow the sport so the question is......

which matches would you show them in order to make them wrestling fans

personally i was gonna show 3 ...... for great wrestling shawn michaels vs kurt angle at wm 21..... for violence im not sure if hhh vs cactus jack or tlc 2 at wm 17...... and for overall good match i think stone cold vs the rock at wm 17 too............what do you think??
first off, i feel like i've read this thread a thousand times, i might have even done one myself. but anyway.....
It really depends on what you are trying to get at. are you showing them matches to explain why they should watch it? or are you trying to get them to realize its not as cheesy as they think? or maybe you are trying to show them that its more than just fake wrastlin'.
If you are just trying to get them into the present times of it, then showing them violent, attitude era matches makes no use because then thats what they will expect. if you show them Stone Cold passing out in his own blood to Hitman's sharpshooter or show Taker throwing Mankind off the HIAC, then they will watch WWE now a days for 2 weeks and call it quits. These are matches you show them after they've learned whats goin on in the present and they are ready for the history.
Now, to get them into WWE in todays pg era, a grown person, you first gotta explain it to them the reason u watch it. me, i told my wife that its simply a Men's soap opera. instead of women fighting over men, u got men fighting over a title belt, with triple the action. yea, its fake, but so is soap opera, explain to them/show them a good present storyline. a good place to start would be to get on youtube and update them on whats present. i started my wife with the recent batista/cena feud and its simple, now she hates batista and loves cena. then i watched taker's DVD and HBK's DVD so she was ready for WM26. but if u were starting now, just show them the beginning of the punk/rey feud.
there. that should do it. do this and we've converted another WWE Universe member.
Do not show HBK vs Angle to a non wrestling fan. To much technical. I love the match, but for a non wrestling fan, it will be just boring. I would show TLC 2, everyone can enjoy that :)
Since it's for your girlfriend, I'd stick with the love story matches.

First, I'd say the Edge vs. Matt Hardy matches and tell her all the behind the scenes back story, that was straight up soap opera worthy. Like firing Matt Hardy and then bringing him back to have to work together in a "safe" working environment.

Or maybe some old school Macho Man vs. Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, or Ric Flair, since Macho Man's and Miss Elizabeth relationship was an on screen sweetheart story. I remember my sister really marked out for their wedding at Summerslam. We even called that hotline to congratulate the Macho Man for 3 seconds worth of long distance conversation charges.

Also maybe something from when HHH first got with Stephanie McMahon and Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho were in the mix.

I don't think Mankind vs Undertaker hell in a cell would be a good idea, to start with... save it for down time on the honeymoon.
Haha, long distance charges. I remember those.

I would show anything with RVD or Eddie Guerrero. Girls love RVD. Anything off his One Of a Kind DVD, but since this is a WWE question: either the Jeff Hardy match, the Christian match, or the Chris Jericho match; I recall the Hardy match (I believe his debut) being exceptionally good. Everybody loves Eddie Guerrero. He was one of the best "full package" wrestlers in WWE history, great on the mic, technically sound but still full of excitement in the ring, and all of his little showmanship things (laying on the turnbuckles, three amigos, shoulder-rolls, etc.) You could honestly show any Guerrero match of his last two or three years in the business and it'd do the trick.
This is an interesting thread. I think NorCal is going in the right direction with appealing to women's common interests. But if it's not a girlfriend, and it's say, a stepfather (who I recently attempted to get hooked on wrestling), then you go with a match that has wrestlers in it that even they will recognize. For example, I think the best overall wrestling match that fit's that criteria is HBK vs. Undertaker at WM26. I then showed him Mick Foley vs. Edge at WM22. Just to cover what I thought was one of the finer examples of a well wrestled hardcore match. And the last match I showed him was MITB at WM24. Now he watches Raw with me every week, so GREAT SUCCESS.
I read this thread 2 days ago...i don't know why they get duplicated...

Anyway, I would show wrestling from 1998-2002...the best times...but the thing is....wwe aint pg anymore...so it would be telling someone wrestling is like this...and when they see it, it's all pg bullshit..and they'll turn da tv off...

Have them sit throught the amazing 30 minutes of HBK vs Taker at WM25
First off, an internet wrestling fan with a girlfriend?????
if shes hot im gunna kick off!!

i would show the HHH(champ) w/Mr. Mcmahon vs. The Rock w/Stone Cold, Shane Mcmahon as special guest referee @ Backlash 1999

with a little explanation about how the rock had constantly been screwed and how it was Austin’s return.

i went shit-my-pants crazy wen i heard the glass smash!
i was going to comment this, but I'd just be repeating exactly what TheBestThereEverWillBe said. so If you want my opinion, read his comment.
I got my girlfriend into wrestling through ROH On HDNet. I can't remember which episode it was, one of the very early ones, but she instantly loved it, and from there she got into ROH herself, and liked all the other wrestling I showed her, though she commented that WWE was a bit boring in comparison. I guess she was just naturally a fan without realizing so that doesn't help does it?

Many times I've tried to make my dad and brother take wrestling more seriously and it usually fails. I've tried Dragon Gate stars, Danielson, Samoa Joe, KENTA, Nigel McGuinness/Desmodn Wolfe, everything I could think of.

To be honest I'd be a bit hesitant to show someone WWE, because I honestly think WWE is only good if you get into it as a child and can then just accept it growing up. There's too much crap on your average WWE show that ruins the better stuff. A non-fan gets one look at Hornswoggle and they are ripping wrestling to shreds.

I'd go with some kind of big PPV match, with a stipulation of some kind that prevents it from being too much ground wrestling. But then again, I wouldn't show them anything with an extended brawling in the crowd segment or anything like that.

TLC is probably a fair shout, because it's something different and love or hate, I don't think many people wouldn't be slightly shocked at the crazy spots they busted out in the classic TLC matches. Jeff Hardy is good for cheap thrills.

Something with high-flying, not too much waiting around, nothing tooooo violent because they'll find it over the top, and just plenty of action. AJ vs Daniels vs Joe might work pretty well because it seemed to just be non-stop action.
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania 25. For an all around amazing match. Or if its for a girl, a match involving Rey Mysterio or Jeff Hardy or John Cena in. The amazing Edge vs. Jeff Hardy ladder match last year, Cena/Orton I Quit because if they watched the Iron Man match they'd get bored if its a non wrestling fan. Rey vs. Jericho, any of their matches or for the story Rey vs. Eddie in 2005. Again any of their matches from that time. It doesn't matter what era its from, WWF and the pre-PG WWE era or todays product. All eras have a stand out match or stand out matches, product and rating wont affect it. Depends on what your friends like as well, my close friend whose a huge WWE fan like I am, had he not been a fan and I said take a look at this I'd show him Undertaker/Triple H matches, or just one match, their match at WrestleMania 17.
I explained WWE once to my friend as being like Santa, when you're a kid you believe in it wholeheartedly and can't wait for it but when you get older there is of course that moment when you realise it's fake, but then you like it for the nostalgic childhood type feelings you have whilst watching it. So with that said i think it's difficult to get people into WWE but not impossible if they treat it like a violent soap opera (which lets face it, it kinda is) that way they'd maybe give it a couple of weeks to get into it and then you've got a chance
I actually showed my wife the Combat Toyota vs. Megumi Kudo match from FMW. The Toyota retirement death match....yeah she cried.

Anyway WWE wise, anything with the Hardys, Edge & Christian, or RVD. Chicks dig them for some reason. My wife seems to like HBK, but she likes late 80's and early 90's HBK. Go figure. Depending on why she's not a wrestling fan may make a difference too.My wife thought it was "too fake", so that's why I showed her that death match. In the end though, you might want to find some good cruiserweight style matches, as they aren't too slow paced. Rey Mysterio is a good pick too.
I think many will say WM17 Rock vs Austin, but I'd say no because a non wrestling fan wouldn't know the complex story of the long time feud between boss Mr. Mcmahon and Stone Cold, plus Austin turning heel and what not.

I would pick Undertaker vs HHH at WM17 or HBK vs Undertaker HIAC from IYH Bad Blood. Just because those matches get to the point, and they are good ol' fights, and they sure aint hard to follow with the kind of chaos that happens in a TLC match.
the real answer to the question may be to have the gf watch raw. that way she gets the interviews...the building of storylines...and the overall "soap opera" that wrestling is. but as far as a match to pick, I would think something with the cruiserweights would be fun for a first time fan to watch. Rey Mysterio's matches never have slow points...its usually all fast pace action. It may not be considered the greatest match but with the story line of "win the title for eddie" and how that fueled the fued between Rey and Orton... Mysterio vs Orton vs Angle at WM 22 may be a good pick with its fast pace, backstory, and results.

PS...there is also always the Red Rooster vs Bobby Heenan at WM 5. :)
Since WWE hasn't been on tv since 2001 in Holland not many people of my age seem to know about the WWE. Everytime I talk with them about it they go: oooo that fake wrestling? So at those times I show them HIAC mankind vs. undertaker.
Other things i show to them are not matches but more promo's of AE especially those of The Rock, Stone Cold, HHH and Angle.:)

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