Which is bigger?????

Im going to say hogan vs rock.. this is REALLY the 2 most important generations that went toe to toe.. the golden age(hulk hogan) vs the attitude era (the rock). but the build up for the rock n cena is pretty hype gotta wait a year to find out
lol did I just see "work rate" a while back? What a junk term that is. basically it's the amount of action. So fuck selling a hold I guess or working a hold for that matter.

Anyways, I think that Rock/Hogan was a great moment in time. However, with the current crowd climate and the fact that they've done it before (mega generational clashes), plus Rock being in better shape than Hogan was in, plus they have a year to build, I think Rock/Cena will be more entertaining.

However, because Rock/Hogan was really the first of it's kind. I mean, truly, for 2 global stars to clash on such a huge stage, that it'll always stand out.

Nobody mention Thesz vs rikidozan, that doesn't count. More people knew Hogan and Rock at the time.
Rock VS Cena will probably have the better build up. Seriously, how many other matches have gotten an entire year to promote them? We'll have to see though. The better final match will probably also be Cena VS Rock due to both guys still being in great condition and Hogan was already getting old 10 years ago in his match. The better feud overall COULD be Cena VS The Rock, but Hogan VS The Rock was epic. It will be hard to top. Honestly, Hogan VS The Rock is probably still more significant to wrestling history because it was two of the best of all time. Cena is the top guy in all of wrestling right now, but even a Cena mark like myself can admit he is not at the level of Hogan or The Rock yet. He might never be. Although Cena VS The Rock will be HUGE, it's not as significantly important to the history of wrestling as Hogan VS The Rock due to that match having bigger legends in it. Great topic!
Which will have the better build up? / Which will be the better feud overall?

Looks like Rock vs. Cena will probably have a better build up since it seems like there is some legit animosity between the two. How there's a year to build this but I see the it cooling off after May 2nd and heats up once 2012 comes in. However throughout this time I expect some heated Twitter comments between the two just to make things interesting.

Hogan vs. Rock was not so much about the build up but more on the idea Hogan and Rock will face each other. It also had nWo in the background which dilutes the buildup to epicness.

Which will have the better final match?

Rock vs. Cena no doubt. Hogan and Rock may have had an insane reaction but the match was horrible. Hogan's no selling and him fumbling was noticeable. Cena and The Rock are still both in their primes physically so I expect this to result in a better bout.

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history?

This is where Hogan and The Rock wins. Hogan made wrestling as big as it is today .. there's no denying that. The Rock was at his hottest in 2001/2002 surpassing Austin in popularity. Both Hogan and Rock were names outside wrestling.

Cena does have a following but outside of Wrestling not so much since his movie career is WWE manufactured it doens't count as breaking into Hollywood.
Which will have the better build up?
Cena vs. Rock. Both guys have delivered some good promos on each other, both men have been outdoing each other which is what a feud is all about and when this continues next year, it will keep me on the edge of my seat to see who gets the last laugh on the promos and with both guys being face, we'll see both guys doing some heelish things to each other at times which will show how deep this feud is, hell Rock cost Cena the match against Miz at WM, did anyone really expect that? Plus the kiddies vs. adult debate is far more interesting than generation vs. generation debates. And between now & WM 28, with the one off appearances by Rock in which he'll obviously do something with Cena each appearance and the Twitter war between him & Cena, the rivalry will just boil even more. With Hogan vs. Rock, Hogan was the one going over the most in the build up by taking him out in the ambulance and pinning him in a tag match, wasn't really exciting at all.

Which will have the better final match?
Rock vs. Hogan wasn't exactly a wrestling clinic but the crowd reaction made the match. With Cena vs. Rock, I don't expect a clinic here either but both men I believe can do better wrestling wise as they are young, fast and have some good moves in their arsenal despite peoples claims that Cena has only 5 moves and of course the crowd reaction for this will be just as huge as Rock vs. Hogan, so all in all I believe Rock vs. Cena will have the better match.

Which will be the better feud overall?
As mentioned above, I believe Rock vs. Cena will take the better build up & match, so Rock vs. Cena.

Which will be the more significant to wrestling's history?
Cena vs. Rock. Better build up, better promos, better wrestling match, kiddies vs. adults, generation vs. generation, PG Era vs. Attitude Era, there's a lot of substance to this while Hogan vs. Rock is just generation vs. generation, that's all and Austin vs. Hogan was supposed to originally happen, so tbh I just can't help but think of Rock as nothing but a replacement. If it were meant to be Rock vs. Hogan all along then I could take Hogan vs. Rock more seriously.

Cena vs. Rock takes all 4 categories.

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