Which feud do you think the WWE dropped the ball on?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
The question is simple, which feud in the WWE do you think they dropped the ball on and was a huge missed opportunity.

Personally, I gotta go with the Triple H/Cena feuds of 2006 and 2008. I still don't quite understand why they haven't had a feud (against each other with Orton or Michaels being involved) that has lasted longer than a month? I know what you're thinking, "ITZ STALE!!@! THEY RESTLED ORTON AND MICHAELS! ALL THE TIME!@!!!!" but just read and maybe, it'll shed some light on why I think they dropped the ball big time on this one.

Go back to '06 when they had a critically acclaimed match in the main event of WM 22 that lighted the whole wrestling world on fire. They really built the feud amazingly and they really gave the match that "big match" feel to it. Of course, once their match concluded, a rematch was set for WM 23 but after Triple H got injured, that plan was thrown out the window and they met once again in another month long feud at that concluded in another critically acclaimed match at Night of Champions 2008. They then got involved in two forgettable and meaningless matches on Raw and they just totally killed the feud's credibility. ...at least in my opinion.

I don't understand what happened to this feud, it began as the WWE's Mayweather/Pacquaio feud and now it's just totally forgotten. Not only did the two put on great matches, but they drew some damn good PPV buys and ratings for Raw. I think if they had a long and thought out feud that lasted longer than one month, then they could have the ability to put out some great moments.

If you're too lazy to read everything I wrote, then here are the main points on why their feuds were a missed opportunity:
- They delivered some amazing matches.
- The PPV's drew large numbers and the ratings for Raw were great.
- Has the "big match" feel to it.
- The two two biggest names in the business.
Two come to mind immediately..

Flair/Hogan during Flair's first run. WWE could have billed this as the greatest match of all time. The feud could have stretched out over two WMs.. instead Hogan went on to something I cant even remember and Flair had great matches with Savage.

Matt Hardy/Edge is probably the one that most people will think of. They dropped the ball on this one completely. It could have been a year long blood feud. Instead it was quite short and unrememberable.

For WCW, I would say Hogan/Hart when Bret Hart first appeared in WCW. But since this is a WWE thread, I'll digress.
this one wasn't entirely in their control but i'd say Warrior Jake the Snake...that could have been a great feud...another one is Warrior Nailz haha i'm just kidding but i think warrior snake would have been great, and had some amazing promos on jake's end...i was so ready for this feud when Jake had buried the warrior alive and left him with the snakes
Without a doubt, its Hogan/Flair, back when Flair 1st debuted in WWE. They gave away the match on TV at MSG, instead of at that year's WrestleMania.They were the biggest names in pro-wrestling at the time, but WWE failed to capitalise, although I think its was Hogan's idea to bury the fued.
Another one was the failure to have Hogan face Bret Hart in '93.It would have been a watershed passing of the torch,but again it was probaly Hogan's Ego.

Not necessarily a fued, but how WWE failed to put over RVD in 2002(when he was the most over face in the company) and Edge when he 1st won the WWE title.Edge bumped up ratings to Attitude era levels, yet they had him job to Cena 2wks later, and put him in a dead end fued with Foley.If they had stuck with Edge ( and had Edge vs. Cena at WM22) Not only would Cena not endured the faceheat that characterised '06, but WWE would be in a different place.

While the match itself redeemed the lazy booking, HBK vs. Taker at WM25's promotion didnt do it for e.At times it seemed as though Shawn was half-assn' it when doing promos.They way the match came about was silly: Why would someone the calibre of HBK have to "challenge" Undertaker.He didnt have anything to prove.

I do wish that WWE would drop the ball on HHH /Orton.I'm damn tied of that fued, which in case anyone noticed, was never resolved and may rear its ugly head in 2010....
i would have to go with micheals and the rock wm 20 they both fought on the card instead of a 3 way we simply could have had benoit vs. the game for the whc and instead of the handicap match we could have had foley pick the dudleys i think they were beefing with flair and batista at the time neway, micheals and the rock is my one dream match that will never happen if it did i would mark out like crazy and then die. the rock has not fought at a wm since then and it was in msg how big would this have been they have never wrestled and this was prob the last time we would have seen the rock in a wm ring but just maybe one day i'll get proved wrong remember never say never

btw just picture the build up the promos the sneak sweet chin music attacks the sneak rock bottom attacks this would have been the best up there with micheals/taker wm 25
Ill agree with the Matt/Edge and HBK/Undertaker fueds, that they dropped the ball on them. Something definatly could have been done after Mania with HBK and Taker but i suppose Taker did get injured. They should definatly follow that up if they have a Taker/HBK match at wm26. Probably have a match at backlash (if backlash still exists) and something after that. If they book it right they could follow with them a fued through to summerslam, which would be cool.

But sticking to the thread topic, im going to suggest (although i dont think its over yet) Kofi/Orton. They've had a fair few matches and it started off looking good with the Boom Drop on orton from the crowd, but then it kinda went downhill. The match on Raw after TLC definatly should have been extreme rules or something. But then, if Kofi costs orton the title at RR they'll have something like LMS at no way out- i mean elimination chamber, or on raw. But i'm not sure if they can revive it at the moment. that had good potential.
Hogan and Flair never really took off and is one that should have blown the roof of wrestling.

One for 2009 would be Ziggler and Mysterio. I know Mysterio got injured and dropped the title to Morrison but the Ziggler Mysterio feud was going great and then just died. They could have had Mysterio drop it to Ziggler before his suspension then have Ziggler parade around as the new IC Champion until Mysterio came back to continue the feud. They were putting on consitantly great match's and Ziggler was turning into a real superstar. Since that there's been nothing memorable from Ziggler and apart from a few good match's from Morrison the IC title hasn't been in the picture as much.
ok, im a switch it up real quick...... as far as the most recent, i have to say brock lesnar and goldberg, that match could of been great. wrestlemania.... stone cold as the ref, i know both of their contracts were done but they could at least put on a good match! the feud starting up to the actual match wasn't that great, i know it started at survivor seris & lead to the royal rumble with brock being the reason goldberg didn't win even at the number 30 entry but yea.... that's my pick
If we're talking all time, then Hogan/Flair and, for want of a better phrase, the passing of the torch from Hogan to Hart are two obvious missed opportunities for the WWF. If we're talking over the last year, I think I'd probably have to say Miz and Morrison. I know they've had a couple of fights, but theyy could have had a lengthy programme with each other had they been kept on the same brand for a while. By the same token, I think they could have had a good feud between the second genaration teams of Legacy and the Harts. That might still happen, but I think Legacy are not too long for this world, to be honest with you.
WCW invasion angle was pathetic .. and the NWO invading WWF should have lasted longer.. Both could have been done better. Also Wrestlemania 8 should have headlines Hogan/Flair .. (even though I liked the Savage/Flair run but that could have took place after mania)

I also think they missed an opportunity to have The Rock vs Diamond Dallas Page with the peoples champ vs Peoples Champ fued.
Edge Vs Evolultion in 2004 - i thought this couldve been what pushed edge to the main event he comes out and says that hes going to take evolution down one by one then he beats orton and they just stopped it dead there like wtf i thought it looked great and couldve made edges career being the one that toke down evolution when countless others failed it just seemed so right.
My, My. There are so many feuds to pick from:

Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair (didn't happen)
Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan (didn't happen)
Triple H vs Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 25
Hulk Hogan vs Steve Austin (didn't happen)
Randy Savage vs The Undertaker (didn't happen)
Undertaker vs Sid Justice
Edge vs Gangrel
Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho vs Undertaker
Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy

Take your pick.

However, the single biggest feud WWE dropped the ball on was unquestionably the Invasion storyline. I attended this PPV at Cleveland, OH and it was just a disappointment itself. However the entire feud was the biggest disappointment for fans in WWE history.

WWE went wrong with several things:

1) ECW should have NEVER been teamed up with WCW. ECW as an organization stood against EVERYTHING the two big companies stood for. They despised WCW, especially. But they apparently are going to team up with WCW to take on the WWF? Get the fuck out of here with that stuff.

It should have been WWF vs WCW vs ECW all along, just like the organizations were when they were legitimately around.

2) Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon should have NEVER been made the "owners" of "WCW and ECW". They should have stayed with the WWE. They could have worked a storyline of trying to sabotage Vince from within his own company, however making them both the "owners" of ECW and WCW showed everyone just how egotistical Vince was in having McMahons all over the place.

3) Vince should have made a power play to bring Eric Bischoff into the WWF. There never was going to be a true feel of the organizations actually competing against each other unless you had the 3 main players involved: Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, and Paul Heyman. Bischoff was an absolute must in order to get this angle to work and make it realistic.

4) More major players were needed for WCW ... especially Ric Flair and either Lex Luger or Sting. WWE had none of them, even though they were the key players of WCW.

5) Apparently Dave Meltzer reported once that Vince actually had plans to evolve WCW into a separate entity for the purpose of the feud. He was going to make Monday Night into WCW Monday Nitro and keep Smackdown as his WWF show. Apparently, USA Network absolutely rejected it out of fear that fans wouldn't know the difference.

However, I would have pushed for Thursday night to be my WCW show and see if I would have had any better luck with UPN, while keeping Raw on Monday Night.

I would have also tried to build things up enough to do WWF House Shows mixed with one or two "cross promotional" matches ... but also have tried to do a limited number of "WCW House Shows" (if the talent would have been able to be secured) with some "cross promotional" matches .... along with a couple "ECW" House Shows for the ECW fans in Philly and New York.

Maintaining the image that the organizations were still around would have made the angle a lot more believable and would have made TV a lot more interesting than what they actually did.

The Invasion Storyline .... the single biggest botched feud in WWE history.
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