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Where's the love for Rey Mysterio Jr.?


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let me get to the point......

i keep on reading rey mysterio sucks, ''hes a washed up has been'', okay so ur tittled to ur opinion, but what bugs me the most is when people say things like ''Sin Cara is better, hes a better high flyer''. first of all are u freakin kidding me, if rey mysterio was in his prime he could out wrestle sin cara by any type of wrestling..submission, high flying, tecnical u name it. and rey mysterio dosen't botch every single match. rey mysterio can acctually tell a story and u can see the emotions in his eyes. rey has had i think about 8 knee surgerys and he keeps on coming back not because hes ''washed up'' but because he loves the business of profesional wrestling. u guys say he does the same moves every time, look at chris jericho he does the same moves all the time, u guys are gonna say because jericho is old now, well same with mysterio hes old, and is always injured.

and another thing about rey is that he looked believable beating bigger guys like kevin nash for his size

heres a little clip of rey mysterio in his WCW days http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaJnoQPb76g

and rey's top 100 moves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE2F9Owi2Yw

so my question to you is...''How in the blue hell'' is sin cara better than REY MYSTERIO
Well do you mean wrestling wise or fan wise? Sin Cara has nothing on Rey in my eyes. When Rey was un masked in WcW he did moves that just made you go HOLY SHIT! Rey barley messed up and everyone along with himself made him look great. He was phenomenal in his early days and now. He sells a shit ton of masks gets a huge pop from the crowd is extremely over and still puts on good matches.

People bitch because he has never been "heel" and the IWC loves heels more than baby faces. They bitch because he does a 619 which isn't a legit finisher in their eyes. The complain how he does the same moves over and over like John Cena, Orton and pretty soon Sheamus will be on that list. They don't like Rey because it isn't believable for him to beat larger opponents, which, in all reality it is not true. Rey would have a better chance to take down a larger opponent due to being smaller, which means closer to gravity, his speed and also his brains. If you take down a big man’s leg they are going to fall, and as the saying goes the bigger they are the harder they fall. Every time he gets a "fluke" win they say it is bullshit and un realistic where in all reality it is realistic. He takes out legs where as he isn't trying to suplex the guy or scoop slam him.

Sin Cara isn't the better wrestler either nor is he the better entertainer than Rey is. He is just a fresh face out there that isn't injury prone as Rey is. Cara has botched more matches in a month than I have seen Rey do in a year. For Cara to be anywhere near Rey he needs to step his game up more than he has recently. Which means learn some English, sell tons of merchandise and finally, stop botching so much. In a few years if he is still around he might be up to par with Rey but I am not sure he would ever be better than Rey in any way shape or form.

I think Rey is better than both Sin Cara's even while he is out with injury. People just hate Rey for the trend of following everyone else. They hate on Rey for him being old, never going heel and his un legitimate looking finisher.

Rey in my eyes is awesome and still to this day is awesome and I don't mind that he has a limited move set as he still performs his moves like he hasn't had 6 knee surgeries. (not sure how many knee surgeries he actually has had)
I like Rey I think he's great as long as he's not holding a world title. A problem a lot of people have with Rey is the fact that they well internet marks don't think he could really beat the people he beats in real life. You don't know how many times I've read on here no way in hell Reys little ass could beat someone like Kane or Jack Swagger in real life. Again another people bitch about that Mysterio is so boring as a face and he needs to turn heel again it's all about the merchandise. Even at his current age and with all of his injuries he suffered throughout his career Rey is still one of the best wrestlers in the world and could almost put on a great match with anyone.
I used to hate Mysterio, couldn't stand him. His music, the masks, the goofy intro, the costumes at PPVs, ugh all so terrible. But then I remembered that he works his ass off in the ring, he gives 100% in every match, and the kids love him. People hate Rey for the same reasons they hate Cena, and for the same reason they should hate the Undertaker these three have been the same exact thing for so long and they want them to change, but it hasn't happened.

Respect Rey for what he does in the ring, respect him for not being selfish, respect him for putting over younger talent, respect him for sticking around for so long although he's been injured frequently over the past few years, he's still had some memorable matches, and been involved in some good feuds.

He may not be my favorite wrestler, but I do enjoy what he brings to the table. I hope he makes it back by WM28 so he can work a program with a heel and help get them over further. In the past two years his work with CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, and Alberto Del Rio has helped all three of those superstars get over more. How can you hate a guy thats helped establish so many other superstars?
Got to agree with French Kiss there. Rey has been instrumental in pushing the younger superstars in the past few years. I especially loved his program with Rhodes during Wrestlemania season last year.

I think everyone who has commented on this has been on the button with saying that the IWC does not like baby faces who do the same moves over and over again. Well I am on the IWC and I think Rey is really good to watch in the ring and he does tell a good story.

I look forward to him making his return, but I think he is now in the twilight of his career and I do hope that he has one more world title one - and a legitimate one..... not like his last one.
everyone already has said everything in this so mine will be short and sweet. rey gets a lot of love, but it has been the same match for him for a long time. he's a great worker and to compare him to sin cara is dumb considering cara just got on the main stage and is working a different style of match then he is used to. rey got to work with great lucha libre wrestlers his whole career. he needs to get healthy and push sin cara and work with him as an old qb does with a rookie qb. maybe it would help if they hired more cruiserweights to work with both. my fav part about nitro was the 6 man tag matches at the start with all mexican and japanese wrestlers. bring it back to atleast entertain us, wwe!
I think you could compare both the cena and mysterio hate and realise it's pretty much identical.

The majority of people who dislike rey are the same ones that dislike cena because they appeal and entertain children and for some reason alot of "fans" really hate that. I think the only reason for this isnt because they are "forced down our throats" but quite simply because they hate to admit that they might enjoy something that children enjoy.

Rey has worked his ass off his entire career and is a great performer and wrestler. Heck even to this day, when he is fit, he can still put on a good match with pretty much everyone. And i have always enjoyed seeing him wrestle. Sure his world title run was not believable but who really cares? Is it a reason to hate the guy or say he sucks? i dont think so.

Alot of people these days are just so damn scared to admit that they watch something alot of children also enjoy so they target their heroes...pathetic much?
Even at his "prime", Mysterio was never as agile or could fly as high as Sin Cara/Mistico. I just watched that "tribute" video of yours. He does standard lucha libre moves - hurricaranas, etc. but he doesn't do it like Mistico. I'm not a Cara mark by far, in fact I think this "Two Sin Caras" storyline is ridiculous, but an in prime Mysterio v. an in prime Mistico? There's really no contest. I watched both your videos, and Mistico can do all that and more - and of course Mysterio didn't botch, he's worked in the US for a long fucking time, Mistico has just started this year. He has to get acclimatized.

Also, I personally dislike Rey Mysterio because he's really terrible on the mic and it grates at me. Furthermore, let's be honest, if Eddie hadn't died, he'd never have been champion.
Mistico was bigger than Rey Mysterio because Mistico was world famous, Rey only has the US and Mexico, no one else gives a sh-t.

Where's the love for Rey Mysterio you ask?... Back in 1996.
Even at his "prime", Mysterio was never as agile or could fly as high as Sin Cara/Mistico. I just watched that "tribute" video of yours. He does standard lucha libre moves - hurricaranas, etc. but he doesn't do it like Mistico.

well that statement is just null and void.

Wrestling has evolved since mysterio's prime. Back then hurricanranas and other "standard lucha libre moves" were exciting, new and unique on the global wrestling scene.

It's totally idiotic to compare mysterio in his prime to sin cara now. Wrestling and the way its percieved has changed so much in the space of time between the two men.
My only problem with Rey Mysterio is that he has had nearly 10 knee surgeries, and who knows what other injuries he has had over the years. I just don't want to see him end up crippled by the time he's 40. he's been a huge star in this country for 15 years, so it easy to forget that he is still a young man, only in his mid 30s.

Has he put on some great matches, absolutely. is he a legend in this country and Mexico? yes. But at this point in his career the damage that he is doing to his body is starting to out weigh the entertainment value of his matches.

I just think that its time to step aside, pass the torch, what ever other cliche that you want to use. I think that they should give him a very limited schedule where his wrestles one or two matches a year on huge shows. I don't think that anyone wants to see him hobble down to the ring, struggle to just get in the ring, then try to have a match simply because he makes the company a lot of money, or because he just can't walk away from the spotlight, BROTHER!
wait up why the hell are people dising rey mysterio!?!? thats crap, he puts it all on the line to give us great matches yet some people have nerve to talk bad about him, sickening. As for sin cara being better then rey mysterio thats never going to happen, rey mysterio is one of the greatest to ever live. sin cara is good but he wont be rey mysterio he will never be as good or better.
I'm not versed on the current arguments and I don't want to spend all night doing so, therefore I'll ask for your pardons if I'm just reiterating established points.

I like Rey Mysterio. I liked him a lot more back in the day, but I still pull for the guy.
Yes, back in the day he was about as good as lucha got, at least to American audiences. The way a lot of people are popping for Sin Cara, now, is the way that people were popping for Rey. You'd never seen people move like that. I mean, 2 Cold Scorpio had a killer 450 splash, we'd seen other guys like Brian Pillman get around, and you may have even seen Ultimo Dragon before, if you'd looked for him, but Rey brought it all to the forefront. Nobody really liked Juventud Guerrera, at least not as much as Rey, and other luchas didn't steal the spotlight like he did. Rey was incredible, but you had to be there. Nowadays, it doesn't seem like much. But, when he first debuted, nobody could really do what he did as well as he did.

But, I think a lot of Rey hate nowadays comes from boredom; he's done the same thing for like, six years now. The 619 is not Rey at his best. It's Rey's signature move after he's had knee reconstruction and got old & fat. But, it'd be like going back and watching Ricky Steamboat tapes, only to respond, "Well, that's not so impressive. Plenty of better wrestlers have come along and done that. It's standard wrestling. But, back when he was current, there wasn't a doubt in anyone's mind that Steamboat was the best wrestler on the planet. Rey is like that: he used to be incredible. Just wait for Sin Cara to get old and fat, then see how much better he is.

Rey never does anything different, and I think that that just kills him in the interest department. But, I have very fond memories of how good he used to be, and that's why he's a legend, already.
My only problem with Rey Mysterio is that he has had nearly 10 knee surgeries, and who knows what other injuries he has had over the years. I just don't want to see him end up crippled by the time he's 40. he's been a huge star in this country for 15 years, so it easy to forget that he is still a young man, only in his mid 30s.

Has he put on some great matches, absolutely. is he a legend in this country and Mexico? yes. But at this point in his career the damage that he is doing to his body is starting to out weigh the entertainment value of his matches.

I just think that its time to step aside, pass the torch, what ever other cliche that you want to use. I think that they should give him a very limited schedule where his wrestles one or two matches a year on huge shows. I don't think that anyone wants to see him hobble down to the ring, struggle to just get in the ring, then try to have a match simply because he makes the company a lot of money, or because he just can't walk away from the spotlight, BROTHER!

I couldn't have said it better myself. The one other thing that bothers me with Mysterio is this Ultimate Underdog crap. I've said it at least twice before: Once you have a world title reign or two under your belt you're not an underdog anymore amigo.

And Hogan isn't the only one guilty of having a hard time walking away from the ring. Same goes for Ric Flair and the Undertaker. Don't get me wrong, I respect all 3 of them, but Hogan can barely even WALK, Flair bleeds like a stuck pig every time he hits a match lately, and Taker's matches are taking more and more out of him every time. If you'll remember, the Phenom was STRETCHERED OUT after his hellacious WM match with HHH. Not to mention the damage on his shoulders and neck has been building up for years.
I've always been a lukewarm fan of Rey's. First of all he's pretty terrible on the mic, frankly I wouldn't out him much higher than Morrison when it comes to that.

My biggest problem with him has always been the way he's been booked. Put him in a match against Jericho, or Morrison, or Evan Bourne and it's a tear the house down type of deal. Versus Batista? Kane? Come on now, I mean I'm willing to suspend a lot of belief for the sake of enjoying the product, but expecting me to swallow Rey taking out Kane on pretty much a regular basis is akin to asking me to believe that my 4 year old can beat me in a match. IC champ, US champ, Tag champ sure no problems with that, but WHC...sorry man just not buying it.

I've been watching him since WCW day's and really even back then they did the same crap having him going on this whole giant killer kick beating the Nash and the like. I've always enjoyed watching him when he's going up against people that are at least close to his size, but I can't stand the perpetual David vs Goliath booking that he gets constantly.
I love Rey Rey i have all his dvds!! Sin Cara will never reach the heights that mysterio has reached will never have the matches rey rey has had!! Mysterio Is a hero among the latino community and kids everywhere!! He actually inspires you to reach your dreams hes a great story teller in the ring and after all these years has the passion like its his first year!! Cant say enough about him

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