Leading A Revolution
The HER I am talking about is Brie Bella. For the past two weeks WWE has decided to make Brie and Bryan appear on TV together and after this past RAW I just got to wondering how where the ceiling is for Brie. For those wondering she is the Bella twin with real boobs. Not that theres anthing wrong with juiced up puppies. Not being perverted its just really the easiest way for me to tell them apart when there standing next to each other with out Cena or Bryan.
Aaaaaaaanyways back to the thread. People could say i'm full of B.S. but I have noticed an improvement in her in ring work over the past year or so. Not saying its all Bryan, but she has stated in interviews that she has been helping her. She obviously has a look WWE would like and her being Bryans wife does help some with the fans (not bringing up backstage politics cause i'm not back there so I have no clue). Her match with Paige was short, but when she was in the trainers room and yelled at Stephanie " Get Out! You Bitch! " I actually was like damn okay. To me it points to some kind of rivalry between the ladies somewhere down the road. We all know that the Divas Division is what it what it could or used to be at times. But maybe the addition of Brie into some top level storylines with Bryan and the Authority will trickle down to the Divas Division and give it some life. My hopes are not high, but at least I have have hopes right?
Either way i could see this giving Brie Bella a nice push a maybe lead to her being Divas champ somewhere down the line. So the question simply is where is the ceiling for Brie Bella? And How High do you think she could go now that she's getting some spotlight in main event angles?
Aaaaaaaanyways back to the thread. People could say i'm full of B.S. but I have noticed an improvement in her in ring work over the past year or so. Not saying its all Bryan, but she has stated in interviews that she has been helping her. She obviously has a look WWE would like and her being Bryans wife does help some with the fans (not bringing up backstage politics cause i'm not back there so I have no clue). Her match with Paige was short, but when she was in the trainers room and yelled at Stephanie " Get Out! You Bitch! " I actually was like damn okay. To me it points to some kind of rivalry between the ladies somewhere down the road. We all know that the Divas Division is what it what it could or used to be at times. But maybe the addition of Brie into some top level storylines with Bryan and the Authority will trickle down to the Divas Division and give it some life. My hopes are not high, but at least I have have hopes right?

Either way i could see this giving Brie Bella a nice push a maybe lead to her being Divas champ somewhere down the line. So the question simply is where is the ceiling for Brie Bella? And How High do you think she could go now that she's getting some spotlight in main event angles?