WWE Fastlane: WWE Divas Championship - Charlotte (c) VS Brie Bella


It was officially announced last night that Brie Bella will get her Divas Championship match against Charlotte. This is basically a filler program for Charlotte until WrestleMania, which suits me as I've no problem waiting until the big event for Sasha Banks to have her shot. Brie won't win the title, but it could still be a pretty decent little match. Truth be told, I think it'd be entertaining to have Daniel Bryan in Brie's corner since Flair will be in Charlotte's. Maybe the "interference" could come with Bryan & Flair getting in each other's face outside the ring, Brie gets distracted for a moment, allowing Charlotte to roll her up for the win. I think it'd add some interest to a match that, truth be told, isn't all that interesting as we know how it'll turn out; having Bryan as a cheerleader for Brie will had a lot of energy to what'd otherwise be a paint by the numbers sort of situation.
I like the Daniel Bryan & Ric Flair idea. The problem, of course, is that whatever they do might get the fans watching them instead of the match. When we're seeing only Ric & his daughter, it's bad enough when he takes the attention from her, which Ric Flair is bound to do in any situation. Now, if we add Daniel to the mix to take our focus off of Brie......well, it would probably negate the effect of the actual match, which isn't of much interest anyway. One way or the other, I'll guess we'll spend the diva segment of Fastlane wishing for Charlotte vs. Sasha.

Still, we'll get the diversion of watching "Yes!" confronting "Wooooo!"

Small comfort.
This match is a waste on a weak card already.

Brie's barley been visible since Nikki went down, and the random "Sorry we forced your Hubby to retire" Rey Mysterioesque title match just detracts from the push the newer ladies have been getting.

Ric Flair interfering in Charlotte matches is already stale, I'm ready for it to backfire on her, but I think that spot waits for Mania.
Although I liked the idea of Brie Bella accompanied by Daniel Bryan, Yet I think presence of Bryan would overshadow Brie. We already have Charlotte who is the Divas Champion overshadowed by her father Ric Flair.

More importantly, I dislike Brie and Charlotte hasnot ignited any interest for me so I have no reason to watch it. Another reason would be this feud being a filler due to which the result is already confirmed. There is no way that Brie can become Divas Champion by defeating Charlotte.

By the way, I hope its a fatal four way match amongst Sasha, Becky, Charlotte(unfortunately) & Paige at Wrestlemania 32. I am doubtful about Paige though. :shrug:

Although I liked the idea of Brie Bella accompanied by Daniel Bryan, Yet I think presence of Bryan would overshadow Brie. We already have Charlotte who is the Divas Champion overshadowed by her father Ric Flair.

More importantly, I dislike Brie and Charlotte hasnot ignited any interest for me so I have no reason to watch it. Another reason would be this feud being a filler due to which the result is already confirmed. There is no way that Brie can become Divas Champion by defeating Charlotte.

By the way, I hope its a fatal four way match amongst Sasha, Becky, Charlotte(unfortunately) & Paige at Wrestlemania 32. I am doubtful about Paige though. :shrug:


Maybe Brie wins, Charlotte turns on her dad to get more heat and Charlotte wins the title back on RAW the next day or sometime before WM since there's a lot of time between FL and WM and it'll be a 4 way match at WM 32 - Sasha, Becky, Charlotte and Brie.
What a terrible decision for a match at the PPV leading into WrestleMania. They give us a pathetic pity party match to the worst Diva on the roster. If they wanted to have a filler match fine but at least let the fans have a good wrestling match! They could of given us Charlotte vs Naomi, Paige or Nattie at least so we get good quality wrestling. But Brie Bella really?? This is so sad.
Maybe Brie wins, Charlotte turns on her dad to get more heat and Charlotte wins the title back on RAW the next day or sometime before WM since there's a lot of time between FL and WM and it'll be a 4 way match at WM 32 - Sasha, Becky, Charlotte and Brie.
I hope this doesnot happen. I dont want Brie to be Divas Champion anytime. And seeing her with Sasha, Becky and Charlotte at the greatest Wrestlemania would be too bad idea. Charlotte can turn on Ric after she loses her title to Sasha at Wrestlemania 32.

Instead of Brie, I would love it to be Paige. :blush:

I hope this doesnot happen. I dont want Brie to be Divas Champion anytime. And seeing her with Sasha, Becky and Charlotte at the greatest Wrestlemania would be too bad idea. Charlotte can turn on Ric after she loses her title to Sasha at Wrestlemania 32.

Instead of Brie, I would love it to be Paige. :blush:


Paige had so many title shots it's crazy. I hate it for her because it's like if she isn't competing for the title, she's useless.
The more I think about it, the more I would like to see Brie be given some sort of reward for her time with the WWE. As we all know, she is due to leave the company pretty soon and it would be nice for her to get some sort of WrestleMania moment for her service. That said, I sincerely doubt that it is going to happen. Charlotte has been on a roll and is one of the most protected people on the entire WWE roster right now. The company seems to be really high on her right now and I doubt they are going to give her a loss against someone who is on their way out of the company.

With it pretty much set in stone that Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch will head to WrestleMania in some capacity, I think the opportunity exists to give Brie a small title run until WrestleMania but, in a more realistic turn of events, tonight will be her swansong. I don't know the status of Nikki Bella after her surgery in January, but I would love to see her come out tonight and give Brie the win. Have Nikki carry Brie with mic work into WrestleMania and have a fatal 4 way between Charlotte, Banks, Lynch and Brie. It gives Nikki an "in" after she returns too after Brie loses the match.

I don't know; I'm just brain storming. But all I know is that Charlotte is the clear favourite and I don't like it.
I'm uneasy about this, because I have feeling WWE will try and capitalize on Daniel Bryan's retirement and Nikki recovering from her surgery to give Brie a feel-good and emotional title win moment. I can see it now. A teary-eyed Brie clutching the title and kneeling in the middle of the ring, and shortly after that, we'll get a fairly large ovation and a "YES!" chant, and we'll see all of this about 1,000 times over before Mania on replays and highlight packages.

Charlotte is clearly the better choice to retain, because Brie is just awful in every way imaginable as a wrestler and a character, but I'm not putting it past WWE to milk whatever they can from Daniel Bryan's retirement to give Brie a title reign before she inevitably rides off into the sunset.

Brie is a terrible in-ring performer, but she'll rally enough support from the fans in the ring, if she continues to use the "YES!" kicks and some of DB's mannerisms (mainly the chant). I'm hoping it doesn't happen, but the only way I can see a Brie Bella title reign working is Brie riding DB and Nikki's coattails long enough for her to have a short title reign until she drops the strap to Sasha or Becky in a Fatal 4 Way (I'm guessing they'll find a way to squeeze Paige into the title picture before Mania) at Mania.

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