Where's Her Ceiling?


Leading A Revolution
The HER I am talking about is Brie Bella. For the past two weeks WWE has decided to make Brie and Bryan appear on TV together and after this past RAW I just got to wondering how where the ceiling is for Brie. For those wondering she is the Bella twin with real boobs. Not that theres anthing wrong with juiced up puppies. Not being perverted its just really the easiest way for me to tell them apart when there standing next to each other with out Cena or Bryan.

Aaaaaaaanyways back to the thread. People could say i'm full of B.S. but I have noticed an improvement in her in ring work over the past year or so. Not saying its all Bryan, but she has stated in interviews that she has been helping her. She obviously has a look WWE would like and her being Bryans wife does help some with the fans (not bringing up backstage politics cause i'm not back there so I have no clue). Her match with Paige was short, but when she was in the trainers room and yelled at Stephanie " Get Out! You Bitch! " I actually was like damn okay. To me it points to some kind of rivalry between the ladies somewhere down the road. We all know that the Divas Division is what it what it could or used to be at times. But maybe the addition of Brie into some top level storylines with Bryan and the Authority will trickle down to the Divas Division and give it some life. My hopes are not high, but at least I have have hopes right?:shrug:

Either way i could see this giving Brie Bella a nice push a maybe lead to her being Divas champ somewhere down the line. So the question simply is where is the ceiling for Brie Bella? And How High do you think she could go now that she's getting some spotlight in main event angles?
Brie has definitely improved. Both of The Bellas have. I'd guess it's probably a combination of hard work and just being around and working in the ring for so long, but they've come a long way without ever really shaking off the 'model' image, which is a shame. Being the faces of Total Divas probably doesn't help in that respect, but they're in a league above most of the other girls on that show in terms of ring work. I'm sure they'll play an important part in the divas division, alongside AJ, Nattie and Paige, in the years to come (although Brie has been implying that she might be ready to start a family, which could change everything).
I could see her being Divas champ, maybe even have a match with Stephanie down the line.

I'm not really a big fan of Paige, probably would have made sense for Brie to won the title off her, fans recognize her more and so much more creative with do with her. Brie vs. Tamina - face the bodyguard of AJ. Brie vs. AJ - face the ex-girlfriend of Bryan and put Bryan in the middle of it. Brie vs. Nikki.
It's easy to tell the Bella Twins apart, aside from the breast augmentation, because Nikki is a little heavier than Brie. I mean that in a good way as I think Brie could stand to gain a couple of pounds.

In all honesty, both Bellas have improved quite a bit inside the ring. During the time they were away from WWE, I think they genuinely put in some much needed ring time and actually learned how to wrestle. They've both had some pretty decent matches, but Brie is clearly the stronger inside the ring. As to where Brie could go, I could see her winning the Divas Championship at some point. Both she & Nikki have held the title before, but that was back when the title was....well it's still ugly as a pile of monkey turds, but at least it has some relevance and Divas actually do wrestle now.

Ultimately, at some point down the line, I think WWE is gonna try to split them up in order to feud with each other. Off & on over the past year, I think they've been testing those waters slightly. For instance, a few weeks back during the Diva battle royal on Main Event to determine a #1 contender for Paige at Extreme Rules, the Bellas got into it. IF WWE decides to break the up for the purpose of a feud, I see Nikki playing the heel, possibly due to potential jealousy. After all, Brie's been in a very happy relationship with Daniel Bryan for over 3 years now, they've gotten married and their overall lifestyles just seem to be different if you've ever watched Total Divas. Nikki, on the other hand, is trying to land John Cena and the show indicates that she wants to marry him while Cena seems to have no real interest in getting married again. Bryan's totally devoted to Brie while Cena comes off as pretty shady and secretive. If they decide to revive Cena vs. Bryan, I could see it as a catalyst for the Bella Twins each choosing their man to support that causes a big rift between them.
At first I was like... This kind of looks awkward her coming out with Bryan and something was off putting I couldn't put my finger on but when she yelled at Stephanie and called her a bitch it came off really really good even though it was 4 words and I was like "damn girl" and it won me over slightly.To be honest I would kind of dig a feud between Stephanie/Brie as a side feud to this whole Bryan vs Authority Story line. Nikki will probably jump to the real estate industry if she has the chance so why not give Brie a little push against Stephanie, she is screwing one of WWE's top guys right now after all.
I wasn't impressed by how Brie handled the segment being this pissed off wife that has a vendetta against Stephanie for what she did to her Husband. Something should've happened that night when she yelled at Stephanie calling her a bitch. She should've slapped her or at least pulled off a full fledged attack. Display your pain more realistically and entertain the crowd. Not just stand there and give Stephanie an angry expression from your face. After all that has happened to Daniel Bryan while she watched helplessly see Kane destroy her Husband. Come on now. Where's the Adrenaline ?
Brie is not good, IMO. Not good in the ring, and not good on the mic, and generally just an annoying personality.

Being married to Bryan should not get her a push.

So hopefully her ceiling is getting repeatedly owned by Stephanie, ie being used as a vehicle to create further heat on the heels and to give Bryan a reason to get "revenge" even though he's the champion.......he's better when he's going after somebody rather than defending himself from those coming after him.
Brie Bella should not be anywhere NEAR the Divas Championship!!!! I don't care if she is married to Daniel Bryan. People complain on a daily basis to this day about Trips being successful due to being married to Stephanie. So why even suggest that Brie see more success in the WWE due to marrying one of its top stars? No! I was furious that she got a title shot on monday. Had she won it would have been a giant step back for the division after all of the good that Kaitlyn, AJ, and now Paige have done for it as Divas Champion. The division is FINALLY improving after going through some of its worst years after the departure of Lita and Trish. Only the best girls should be challenging for the belt. AJ, Paige, Emma, Natalya, and Summer should be the title tier. The rest should either be jobbers or win matches where contendership and/or the title is not on the line.

Brie has reached her "ceiling" as the thread starter's question refers to. She is married to a top star in Bryan and having her real marriage be used to further a kayfabe'd World Heavyweight Championship feud her husband is in, that's the most relevant she will ever be. Neither one of the Bellas are good enough in the ring to deserve another run with the belt, they didn't deserve their first ones to begin with. It doesn't matter how pretty they are. They cannot do promos and are not gifted in the ring. Save the title pushes for the girls who can WRESTLE. This is as far as Brie should go as far as any type of success "ceiling" and relevance in the federation. I'm happy for her and Daniel Bryan. I really am. I just don't want her to unfairly get a push due to who she is married to. The girls who can work a match deserve to get the push over her.

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