Where would wrestling be today if WCW stayed in business and WWF folded?

TellMeWhy also makes a lot of ignoring important points...

Bottom line is that what STOPPED WCW winning the war was the contract position, when a war is lost - often people from the losing side go to the winner - but they don't run the show!

If Taker didn't want to job to DDP, the last person who would have complained is DDP, who himself knew he had a shelf life, was passing it too quickly for more than a fleeting shot at the WWE - but he got that shot, albiet short lived. He got his Mania match - he knew he was lucky in WCW to get what he got and appreciated it, and likewise in the WWE. They could have easily just "not bothered" with him at all, look at Jeff Jarrett!

Whether guys defected or not is not relevant - the point you are trying to make is that WWE got the "talent they wanted" before WCW folded with the exception of Sting, Rey and Goldberg. Any one else was a bonus, it was the wrestling version of Storage Wars... they got to pick up some contracts, some useful like Helms and Storm, others not so much. The person I neglected to mention who absolutely got used and pushed was Stacy Keibler! Not as a wrestler, but she was the top non wrestling Diva for a good while.

What happened after the war was lost by WCW is immaterial in many ways - WCW lost it, and they had lost it in reality by 1999. Their financials were what killed them, the crazy clauses in contracts and "at any cost" mentality that saw Bischoff called "ATM Eric". To have won that war, things had to be done differently in WCW from 1994 onwards... They got close and part of their model worked, but it was at too great a cost... That 80+ week run at the top became a Pyrrhic victory.

I am no WWE can do no wrong - but the fact is they DID do better, with less than WCW did. WCW did some great stuff but were so focused on putting WWE out of business, they lost their own. Even on the day he bought WCW, Vince was open to keeping them running as was... with changes of course. He didn't do so and that is arguably HIS biggest ever mistake and why WWE is where it is now... but to say he was anti-WCW is wrong and apologist for the complete FUCK UP that was made with WCW... Everyone associated with that should be ashamed... the guys who took the money, the guys who made the bad decisions, the guys who shut it down.... even the guys who defected to an extent, but to a man they all did better so were justified.

Just who are you supposed to be SHane Mc moron? Every WCW fan including myself knows it wasn t only WCW that fucked up. I agree WCW should have been managed much better and let a few people in charge and not rotational charge!
The Monday Night War ending was horrible for wrestling. Even though WWF was dominating at the end, there was still a legitimate alternative and made Vince always be at the top of his game. If WCW somehow won out and bought WWF I think it would be even worse.

Ideally Bischoff and his crew would have bought WCW with the nitro time slot and repackaged WCW.

At the time, I loved Vince buying WCW and the side I rooted for winning out. I also enjoyed the invasion angle more then most. By 2003 I was barley watching because the show declined so much (in my eyes) and I really think it's the lack of competition that did it.

Now it's nearly impossible to see anyone emerge as a competitor. As soon as they catch steam, that companies top stars will jump to wwe as soon as they get the call. There's only one big leagues in wrestling now and everyone knows it.
If it is still around is because mc moron has your wrapped around his finger and he knows how to deceive and sucker fans like you into his excrement product and people who fall into these traps and dislike the ppv still complain again and again when all they have to do is quit watching it and boycott this excrement product. The only one who is laughing is vince mc moron himself who suckers fans time and time again and you people don t learn but keep falling into it and getting fooled!
If fans can try to broaden their horizons watch other wrestling promotions like ROH, NJPW, TNA, and Lucha Underground and be amazed at the wrestling action you will then realize Wrestling is packed with action and not unnecessary storylines ! But you fans are closed minded and stick to this excrement product like bible worshippers! Come on LOL

Then why are you [posting here?

I don't get what you want. So if anyone commends WWE, then they are brainwashed by Vince McMahon. However, if someone criticises it, why then doesn't that just make them a hater?

You are just a troll. I bet you are an ugly troll, who lives under a bridge.

Answer me this. If WWE is SO bad, then how come every major wrestling name of note, has joined WWE? Goldberg joined WWE, even though he had hated it for years. Flair joined, even though he was WCW's biggest star. Even Sting, who swore that he would never join, did.

You know why? Because WWE can deliver fame, fortune, and make you a household name. Just like every NFL player dreams of playing in the Superbowl, every wrestler dreams of a match at Wrestlemania. I don't see many guys from WWE joining ROH, or other basement leagues to find fame and fortune. TNA is mostly WWE rejects who were future-endeavoured, and aside from Kurt Angle, few have name value.

If you hate WWE so much, then how do you know what Vince has done lately, unless you follow the product? And why follow something you hate? Because you are trollboy who wants to be an individual and be "cool" by running down anyone who likes WWE and its product.

WWE doesn't do everything right, but to be the most prominent wrestling company in the world, to make millions, and to have every important wrestling name want to be employed by you, speaks volumes. WWE will survive, and I bet Vince doesn't even care if a little pissant like you doesn't watch the product, as long as a lot of others are.

As for being brainwashed, every consumer is "brainwashed" into buying whatever someone is selling. You have probably been brainwashed by Steve Jobs to keep updating iPads and iPhones. That's how selling a product works, and the fact you don't know that is why you are making minimum wage and not having people know your name for any significant achievement.
Wrestling would be in the same place. WCW would be the same as TNA but with better ratings and a more financially stable future.

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