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Where would Jeff Hardy be....?

Where would Jeff Hardy be...?

  • Higher, as in multiple World title runs in WWE

  • The same, he would be in TNA anyways today

  • Lower, possibly a mid-carder, like his brother

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(Yes he is in TNA, but this is if he was in WWE, so i just thought it should be in this category, please change if nessecary)

What if WWE hadn't been released, due to a number of stuff (no-showing, being "burnt out", etc.) and then go to TNA in 2003? Since he is the obvious exception to the "if you go to TNA and come back you will be a jobber or lost in mid-card forever" rule, and since he was argueably the best seller of merchandise (next to Cena) when he returned and was extremely popular before being released, I would have to say he would be on a Rey Mysterio level, as in getting World titles once in a while for short spans of time, but nothing major, possibly a heel turn that would shock the WWE universe, but he would likely be at the same level but be content with it, maybe even get HBK treatment (shorter time on the road, more vacation time, etc.)

So where do you believe Jeff Hardy would be if he wasn't released in 2003?

Also the poll option higher means multiple as in 6-7 WWE or World Heavyweight.
You know, that is an excellent question. Honestly I could have seen him and HBK as a legit tag team. And even better, when they split the feud would have been believable because they were/are very very high caliber talents. If they had won Tag Team Gold, and done the usual feud follow-up , I could very well see Jeff Hardy winning the war as HBK wouldn't have needed the wins.

From there, I mean, with such a major feud he probably would've went into the upper mid card, earning WWE/WH title shots. They would've given it a few months to build his credibility, than given him the title. Honestly, if he hadn't of left, he'd be as big or bigger than Cena. Shit if he hadn't of left this last time he damn well was/would of continued to be.

Though, I have to say his trip to TNA was a blessing in disguise. WWE was unsure of him after what did happen with him. And when he got to TNA he showed he could main event a PPV, and be a star outside his arsenal. He also showed so much more character when he left for TNA than he did while in WWE, and WWE noticed. Granted, because of Jarrett's punk ass he didn't get the title because he wanted it for himself, he still showed he had everything WWE wants in a main eventer.

I think he'll still be a 7+ time World Champion, even after he returns to WWE to become as big a star as many thought he'd continue to be before he left. I think if they gave him the fresh feuds and title shots he had before, and than some, than he could become huge. Comparing him to Cena or Rock or SC isn't quite fair in terms of their popularity stemming from their mic skills, but Jeff Hardy has the die-hard fans and even the casual fans know he could be something bigger than just 'the guy who jumps off things.'

Last thing, is I'm saying he'd become 7+ time WWE world champ, not including his TNA world title reign whence he gets it. WWE considers both the ECW and TNA as non-credible world titles(take Christian/Matt Hardy for instance, being referenced as not being former world champs).
Also, I'd just like to point out he is also one of only 10 Grand Slam Champions throughout WWE's history... A list that includes HBK, Kane, HHH, Angle, Jericho, Eddie, Booker T, RVD, and JBL.
I think tjkyle316197 has got it completely right there isn't really much more to say than, I'm a die-hard Jeff Hardy fan.
If he was in WWE,
He would've won Royal Rumble 2010 because he was, without a shadow of a doubt THE face of a brand (Smackdown!)
He would've gone onto WrestleMania, beaten Punk for the WHC and would've ARRIVED!

But noooooooooooooooooooooo!!
The idiot had to go and paint!!

Look I apologize, I think Jeff is great but his timing for a vacation was so bad it was criminal.
He was soooo over and was a hair's breath away from making it!!
And in wrestling, once your gone, you can never EVER regain the same momentum that you had.
And that's the reason why Orton is till on TV, doing 2 min squashes, regardless of the fact that he has a serious shoulder problem.
Because he and the E realize that any off-TV time, and he would lose major steam!!
i honestly cant see matt morgan vs john cena. it would b too much like sheamus/cena and thats got old. i think that if morgan was in the wwe he would be on smackdown to feud with kane or even be in the ses he wouldnt b that big of a star like he is in tna. and thats where he should stay
I'm sorry
You meant 2003.

Well in that case I think he would've feuded with Shawn Micheals at some point and set up a showdown at WMXX.
Both these guys I believe would've had a great program and would've delievered at the big stage.
i honestly cant see matt morgan vs john cena. it would b too much like sheamus/cena and thats got old. i think that if morgan was in the wwe he would be on smackdown to feud with kane or even be in the ses he wouldnt b that big of a star like he is in tna. and thats where he should stay

When did I mention Matt Morgan?
You got there before me TheMizardofOzsome, this thread is about if Jeff didn't quit in 2003 where would he be now, not about if we would like to see Matt Morgan Vs John Cena.

Come to think of it I think John Cena Vs Matt Morgan would be pretty good, also I think a Matt Morgan Vs Kane feud would be awesome.
Come to think of it I think John Cena Vs Matt Morgan would be pretty good, also I think a Matt Morgan Vs Kane feud would be awesome.

Eh Matt is just another strong man, and we all know it would be Matt win win win on Raw, then Cena wins in the pay per views, the Kane would be more exciting since it be monster vs monster.

...But can we go back to Jeff now? This is a Jeff Hardy thread not Matt Morgan thread.
Isn't this a non-spam section, or did everyone just decide to ignore that for some reason today? This is like the 3rd thread I've been in where there's random bs.

If Jeff never would've been released in 2003.. well, there are two trains of thought to take with this. A) Hardy would've had his personal problems, been burnt out, etc. and completely destroyed his career. B) Excluding the reasons for Jeff's release, I believe Hardy would've become as big as John Cena is today. Hell, we all saw how over he was before he left last year, so add 4 years to that and you've got a promotional wrestling juggernaut in the form of hairdye and facepaint. Hardy would have won numerous world titles by now, and if he had stayed face, would probably be the huge star parallel to Cena, basically what Batista was following WM21.
If Hardy really stayed the whole time, I still don't think we would have seen him as WWE Champion anytime soon. It would have still probably taken him till 2009 to become champ since WWE had the cash cows of Michaels, Undertaker, Angle, Austin, Rock, Brock Lesnar, and Cena. He would have received the same treatment Matt Hardy received. He didn't accomplish much going to TNA the first time, but I doubt he would have accomplished anything in WWE.

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