Jeff Hardy, Triple H's Protégé

Jeff Hardy is one of the most overrated wrestlers in the WWE (along with Kennedy).

I use to think the same thing, but recently I've realized he's slightly underrated by people in the IWC. Neither Kennedy or Hardy are overrated.

All he is, is a spot monkey who jumps around to get pops from the crowd.

The purpose is to draw attention and entertain right? He does that and he does it very well. He's not mat technician or a power brawler as he doesn't have the size for that and I'd take Hardy's spotty style over shitty power wrestling anyday. I agree he's just an average wrestler but he entertains me alot more than most of the jackoffs we have on RAW these days.

with poor mic skills,

We haven't really seen enough of him on the mic. So it's hard to judge him. All I know is he impressed me with his promo with Kennedy a few weeks ago.

and has shown no reason why he deserves to be in the main event.

He's over, has good matches, has good build up from being IC Champion.

Those are good enough for a run in the upper mid-card/main event and a feud with Triple H.

Can anyone name me a great Jeff Hardy match that didn't involve a ladder?

I can name you one from this year.

UmaNga/Hardy at the GAB.
I think this may help elevate Jeff Hardy to the next level. I really hope Trips & Hardy tag for a while then have HHH turn on Hardy, turning heel and they can feud. I really hope HHH wont use the shovel and burry Hardy b/c he may be a spot monkey but there is no denying he can be entertaining and does get big pops. I think this partnership will only help Hardy unless Triple H just wants to burry him.
I think you all need to forget about Jeff being Triple H's protege. Imagine a match between these two? Espesially if Trips desides to go A-Wall on him and bash him in with the Hammer. That would make a great rivalry. I'm not gonna comment on Hardy getting a title, I think all the pros and cons have been filled in by the rest of you, but I will say that as long as we see this team fizzle with a HHH heal Turn, that will sell, I garentee it.
Well the match he had with Umaga on Monday was pretty good. So were the matches he had with nitro last year, the couple matches he's had with orton were good, not to mention the ones recently with kennedy and finlay.

I asked for a great match, not a good one. None of those matches were great.

I use to think the same thing, but recently I've realized he's slightly underrated by people in the IWC. Neither Kennedy or Hardy are overrated.

Kennedy is arguably even more overrated than Hardy. Everyone goes on about his great mic skills, but what exactly are those skills? Screaming your name, twice?! That's all Kennedy is good at, and he sucks in the ring.

The purpose is to draw attention and entertain right? He does that and he does it very well. He's not mat technician or a power brawler as he doesn't have the size for that and I'd take Hardy's spotty style over shitty power wrestling anyday. I agree he's just an average wrestler but he entertains me alot more than most of the jackoffs we have on RAW these days.

Well that just goes to show that such few WWE wrestlers know how to wrestle and entertain these days, if Hardy is one of the most entertaining.

Rey Mysterio works a similar high-flying style to Jeff Hardy. However, Mysterio knows how to transition between moves properly, and how to pace a match. Hardy just relies on randomly hitting his high spots, with no real purpose to the story of the match.

He's over, has good matches, has good build up from being IC Champion.

Those are good enough for a run in the upper mid-card/main event and a feud with Triple H.

Yes, he's popular. And he does have decent matches. But wherever his push leads, I can only see him being a career mid-carder.

I can name you one from this year.

UmaNga/Hardy at the GAB.

Again, the keyword here is "great". That was no way a great match. A good one, maybe. Definitely not great though.

Jeff Hardy has had ZERO great non-gimmick matches in 10 years. How the hell does that make him deserving of being a main-eventer?
Kennedy is arguably even more overrated than Hardy. Everyone goes on about his great mic skills, but what exactly are those skills? Screaming your name, twice?! That's all Kennedy is good at, and he sucks in the ring.

Listen to everything other than the name screaming. It's golden, Kennedy is a fucking god on the microphone if Randy Orton was on SD! I call him the best on RAW when it comes to heel mic work. His in-ring work again isn't terrible, if you look at the main eventers nowadays he's just as good as any of them.

Well that just goes to show that such few WWE wrestlers know how to wrestle and entertain these days, if Hardy is one of the most entertaining.

What's wrong with entertaining with high flying moves? The crowd digs it. Which is all that matters.

Hardy just relies on randomly hitting his high spots, with no real purpose to the story of the match.

The purpose of the story is to entertain. He does with his spotty style, loads of fans would choose Hardy's style over Batista's borefest power wrestling anyday of the week. He attracts fans of high flying moves which is what WWE wants. Storytelling is shit anyways. This isn't the fucking 80's anymore, as long as he entertains me and has my ass glued to the seat, That's all I care about and alot of fans seem to be the same way with the pops he gets.

Yes, he's popular. And he does have decent matches. But wherever his push leads, I can only see him being a career mid-carder.

He never got the push because he keeps fucking up with drugs, suspensions or whatever. With the right creative mind and feud he'll make it into the main event. It's just if WWE does it correctly. A feud with Triple H turning heel on him might do it but I don't know..

Jeff Hardy has had ZERO great non-gimmick matches in 10 years. How the hell does that make him deserving of being a main-eventer?

I never said he deserves it, I said he could probably make it as a main eventer. I still think Vince & Company have their doubts about him or he would already be there. If done right with the crowd responses Jeff gets, he could make it, Plus when you in the WWE mid-card you don't get a chance to pull off a 25-30 classic...
Listen to everything other than the name screaming. It's golden, Kennedy is a fucking god on the microphone if Randy Orton was on SD! I call him the best on RAW when it comes to heel mic work. His in-ring work again isn't terrible, if you look at the main eventers nowadays he's just as good as any of them.

Let's look at them then. Cena, Orton, HHH, HBK, Y2J, Edge, Taker, Batista. Except for maybe Batista, Kennedy's in-ring work is nowhere near as good as any of those guys. Neither is Hardy's. And for Kennedy's mic-work, he is not the second coming of The Rock or Chris Jericho as it seems you and various others are making him out to be. He's not even close. He has the potential to be very good though.

What's wrong with entertaining with high flying moves? The crowd digs it. Which is all that matters.

Nothing's wrong with it, as long as you do it right. (See Rey Mysterio).

The purpose of the story is to entertain. He does with his spotty style, loads of fans would choose Hardy's style over Batista's borefest power wrestling anyday of the week. He attracts fans of high flying moves which is what WWE wants.

His spotty style isn't entertaining to me, I find most of his matches complete borefests. He attracts fans because he's a spot monkey, not because he's a good wrestler.

Storytelling is shit anyways. This isn't the fucking 80's anymore, as long as he entertains me and has my ass glued to the seat, That's all I care about and alot of fans seem to be the same way with the pops he gets.

That might be the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. Storytelling is shit?! What?! Storytelling is what MAKES a match. It's what separates a good wrestler from being a great wrestler, and what separates "good" and "entertaining" matches from being "great" and "classic" matches. The ability to tell a story in the ring is one of the most important aspects of professional wrestling. It's something that Jeff Hardy and many others fail to do properly, which is why the overall quality of wrestling matches aren't as good as they used to be.
Let's look at them then. Cena, Orton, HHH, HBK, Y2J, Edge, Taker, Batista.

Cena- Hardy can entertain and put on a better match than Johnny Boy any day of the week, Cena wrestles a boring style with 5 moves, Hardy using high flying moves that draw more attention and excitement.

Orton- Good, but Hardy's in ring work is more fun to watch.

HHH- Hardy can entertain just as much as Trip's easily. His matches with UmaNga were better than the ones Hunter had, plus Trips had to add a gimmick to cover his and UmaNga's shitness.

HBK- Fading away, not his old self anymore. Hardy will never be on HBK's level when it comes to entertaining and stealing shows but he can hang.

Taker- See HBK.

Batista- ROFL, he and Cena are the pitiful 2 of the bunch. Hardy has entertained me loads more than either of the two and they are the two top stars, So why can't Jeff have a shot?

As for Kennedy, he shares the similar styles with each one of those. He's not the greatest in-ring worker at all but when it comes down to it he can hang with all of them in the ring or mic. He's similar to Austin, a god on the mic and nothing but below average in the ring.

And for Kennedy's mic-work, he is not the second coming of The Rock or Chris Jericho as it seems you and various others are making him out to be.

No, he's not as big as those two but given a WWE Title run and good feuds, he will turn some heads. He already has even as a buried mid-carder.

He's not even close. He has the potential to be very good though.

The keyword is potential, he has it. It's just he hasn't had his shot in the main event, the HBK feud will change that and he did damn well in the Batista/Taker feuds.

Nothing's wrong with it, as long as you do it right. (See Rey Mysterio).

Rey Rey does it right because he entertain's. So does Hardy. End of story because that's all that matters. Hardy draws the crowd into matches. It's simple.

His spotty style isn't entertaining to me, I find most of his matches complete borefests.

Well many many many many fans disagree.

See his pops.

He attracts fans because he's a spot monkey, not because he's a good wrestler.

From the great words on the Lord Slyfox I'll bring you the following quote.

Wrestling is entertainment. If his spotty style attracts and entertains fans, then he's a good wrestler.

Storytelling is shit?! What?! Storytelling is what MAKES a match. It's what separates a good wrestler from being a great wrestler, and what separates "good" and "entertaining" matches from being "great" and "classic" matches.

As I've said. This isn't the fucking 80's. Nowadays if you can get fans to give you loud pops with whatever style or gimmick it may be. Then in WWE's eyes your a good wrestler. Did the cruiserweights tell stories? No they just entertained which attracted fans, which made them good wrestlers.

It's something that Jeff Hardy and many others fail to do properly,

Well then How come many fans love Jeff Hardy?
Can anyone name me a great Jeff Hardy match that didn't involve a ladder?

I can name a few, Jeff vs. Y2J at No Way Out 2002, Jeff vs. Raven in Six Sides of Steel Tables match in TNA, and of course BFG 2005 the Monsters Ball match with Jeff vs. Abyss vs. Sabu vs. Rhino, and then you have the Cage match he had with Nitro awhile back (about a year ago I believe), and those are just off the top of my head, I also think he had a match against AJ Styles while in TNA too, and I'm geussing that was probably pretty good too:D
Cena- Hardy can entertain and put on a better match than Johnny Boy any day of the week, Cena wrestles a boring style with 5 moves, Hardy using high flying moves that draw more attention and excitement.

Are you seriously saying Jeff Freaking Hardy is better than John Cena? Cena is probably the best in the world right now. He knows how to work a crowd, he's a good draw, he's good on the mic, he has great ring presence, he's got lots of charisma and he tells a great story in the ring.

Jeff Hardy is just a spot monkey who gets cheap pops from the fans because he jumps and flips around a lot. Jeff Hardy is nothing compared to John Cena.

Well many many many many fans disagree.

See his pops.

He's popular because of his spot monkey style, not because he's a good wrestler. He can perform a few flashy moves that make the fans "ohh" and "ahh" but there is no depth to his wrestling ability. He does have some charisma, I'll give him that, but wrestling-wise, he sucks.

Wrestling is entertainment. If his spotty style attracts and entertains fans, then he's a good wrestler.

That makes no sense. Being a spotty wrestler means you're not a good wrestler. So you're saying if a poor style of wrestling attracts fans, it becomes good wrestling? No logic in that at all.

Also, by your notion you just admitted that Cena is a good wrestler. His "boring" style attracts and entertains fans (he gets more crowd response in his matches than anyone else). Therefore he must be a good wrestler by your statement.
Are you seriously saying Jeff Freaking Hardy is better than John Cena?

He entertain's me a hell of a lot more.

Cena is probably the best in the world right now.

Kurt Angle.

He knows how to work a crowd,

Hardy can. That's why they are on their feet throughout his matches.

he's a good draw,

So is Hardy.

he's good on the mic,

Haven't seen enough of Jeff to know.

he has great ring presence,

He's boring. Hardy's not.

and he tells a great story in the ring.

That same story is like a goodnight story it will put you to sleep. Hardy's is a thriller and will have you glued to the Television set.

Jeff Hardy is just a spot monkey who gets cheap pops from the fans because he jumps and flips around a lot.

Jumps and Flips attract certain types of fans. Just like trashcans, drugs and porno attract ECW fans.

It's a matter of taste.

Jeff Hardy is nothing compared to John Cena.

His matches are more fun to watch IMO.

He can perform a few flashy moves that make the fans "ohh" and "ahh" but there is no depth to his wrestling ability.

How? He manages to get a reaction from fans.

That makes no sense. Being a spotty wrestler means you're not a good wrestler.

HE STILL GRABS FANS ATTENTION, which is all that really matters to WWE. So if WWE sees him as a draw. No, he's not a good wrestler but he is a damn good entertainer.

So you're saying if a poor style of wrestling attracts fans, it becomes good wrestling? No logic in that at all.

No not really, but it still gets a fan reaction. He's not a good wrestler but he isn't as terrible as some make him out to be. Just because he doesn't use mat skills or power moves.

Also, by your notion you just admitted that Cena is a good wrestler. His "boring" style attracts and entertains fans (he gets more crowd response in his matches than anyone else). Therefore he must be a good wrestler by your statement

No, most of Cena's crowd responses are negative, he's not a good wrestler because he is boring as fuck with a stale/lame moveset. Something Hrady doesn't have a problem with.
I can name a few, Jeff vs. Y2J at No Way Out 2002, Jeff vs. Raven in Six Sides of Steel Tables match in TNA, and of course BFG 2005 the Monsters Ball match with Jeff vs. Abyss vs. Sabu vs. Rhino, and then you have the Cage match he had with Nitro awhile back (about a year ago I believe), and those are just off the top of my head, I also think he had a match against AJ Styles while in TNA too, and I'm geussing that was probably pretty good too:D

The match with Jericho was fine. But it certainly was no classic. It was like an Orton match. Good but unspectacular. I'm sure Jeff Hardy has had decent non gimmick matches. But he hasn't had many that's for sure. The only one I can think of is his one at The Bash against Umaga. Brilliant match. But it's not memorable.

Please name me 5 good (not great, I'm not evil) Jeff Hardy non gimmick matches. With reasons obviously.
He entertain's me a hell of a lot more.
Inconsequential on whether he's better than Cena.

Kurt Angle.
Is an overrated illogical spot monkey who wouldn't understand ring psychology if he looked it up in a dictionary.

Hardy can. That's why they are on their feet throughout his matches.

So is Hardy.
Neither one of these does Hardy out do Cena.

Haven't seen enough of Jeff to know.
And why do you think that is?

He's boring. Hardy's not.
While not only an opinion, it is also completely off-topic to what you're responding to.

That same story is like a goodnight story it will put you to sleep. Hardy's is a thriller and will have you glued to the Television set.

It's the same exact story.

Face takes early lead, sells for most of the match, comes back with the same moves to win every match. It's the same exact story. Just replace Cena's believable power moves with Hardy's aerial moves which make it hard for a fan to suspend disbelief.

Jumps and Flips attract certain types of fans. Just like trashcans, drugs and porno attract ECW fans.

It's a matter of taste.
Absolutely. But, wrestlers like Cena have time and again proven to draw better than guys like Jeff Hardy.

His matches are more fun to watch IMO.
His matches have improved tenfold since he left WWE the first time.

That being said, he doesn't have a single match that compares to Cena vs. Umaga or Cena vs. HBK on Raw.

How? He manages to get a reaction from fans.
The question is "why" does he get that reaction? Is it because of his ability to tell a story in the ring, draw the crowd into his matches, have fans legitimately care about his character in hopes that he wins?

Or, does he get reaction from fans because of the high flying moves he does? Could he get the same reaction from fans if he didn't do the high flying moves?

That's the biggest question.

HE STILL GRABS FANS ATTENTION, which is all that really matters to WWE. So if WWE sees him as a draw. No, he's not a good wrestler but he is a damn good entertainer.
First, by strict definition, being "a spotty wrestler" has absolutely nothing to do with quality. Randy Savage could be qualified as a spotty wrestler as so many parts of his matches were planned out ahead of time. Now, by the warped definition that has developed in the IWC, being spotty is negative, but by strict definition is not.

And, Hardy is a very significant draw. But, he's not on Cena's level.

No not really, but it still gets a fan reaction. He's not a good wrestler but he isn't as terrible as some make him out to be. Just because he doesn't use mat skills or power moves.
I completely agree with this.

Hardy's in-ring ability has increased so much since he came back to the WWE. He's working better matches, does better at working a crowd, and seems as if he's more into matches now than at any other time in his life. Before, he would always go for the easy pop with circus act style moves, instead of making people cheer for him because of the character and story being told. While he still has a few moves that are completely unrealistic (even for pro wrestling), the fact is that Hardy is a far superior wrestler now to what he used to be.

No, most of Cena's crowd responses are negative, he's not a good wrestler because he is boring as fuck with a stale/lame moveset. Something Hrady doesn't have a problem with.
And yet, Cena matches are ALWAYS hot. They ALWAYS have a great crowd, even if Cena is going up against someone like a great Khali. He's put on numerous Match of the Year candidates in the 9 months he worked in 2007, and there was no doubt about who the best worker of 2007 is.

While Hardy has done well for himself, he's not on Cena's level.
Ok I see its time for someone to play the mediator here. There seems to be a lot of the same arguments going around, so let me put it straight so you guys see each others' point of view.

The Hardy nay-sayers claim that, because he isn't as technical as a Bret Hart or Chris Benoit, he isn't a good wrestler. That's a little harsh, in my opinion, as he's been improving and adding more moves as time goes on. He may not be the best wrestler ever, but to say he's garbage is to say that 90% of the people they've had is garbage, and if you think that's the case, why are you watching the WWE?

One of the arguments is that he's a "spot monkey", which in some ways is used out of context. Essentially a spot monkey is someone who receives most of their admiration and pops through high risk and flashy moves. That is not necessarily a bad thing, remember. Everyone who is a fan of Rey Mysterio, the early Shawn Michaels, pretty much any Cruiserweight, etc, will tell you that those moves are very entertaining. If one ONLY does that, and can't execute any other types of moves, then yeah, that's a piss poor job. Hardy's dominated by his high risks, but if he literally only did those moves, he wouldn't be as popular as he is. As someone mentioned above, everyone has different tastes, and there are some people that think high risk is boring/fantastic just as there are some people that think submission is boring/fantastic, 20 minutes of headlocks is boring/fantastic, or ultra-violence with hardcore and extreme rules is boring/fantastic. Judging someone else's likes or dislikes does not prove your point whether you're for Hardy or against it. The fact of the matter is, you have to stand outside your own thought process and look at the man as a whole, since the WWE isn't tailoring just to YOUR likes and dislikes. I personally like Hardy and I'd love to see him as a WWE champ. Now, I also really like Kennedy, and I'd like to see him as a WWE champ. Would I put the belt on him right now? NO, because I don't feel he's ready. I like the guy a lot, and it seems like the majority of the fans do as well, but when I step back from my own pov, I can see that he could use a little more in-ring work, so I wouldn't book him as the champ just yet.

Another issue coming up a lot is the concept of "storytelling". For the fans of the old, old days, I feel there's a bit of the "rose colored glasses" effect going on. Fans nowadays would get bored watching no-name wrestlers from the 70s compete in slow, methodical matches. At the same time, there are too many fans nowadays that like too much fluff with not enough substance. Flashy colors and lots of bs doesn't mean its going to sell. Look at Snitsky. They've been trying to build him up for months with promos, squashes, a new look, etc, and it hasn't gotten over because for all their flowering, the root is still dead. The top men in the WWE have to be able to not only entertain in the ring but carry some sort of persona that the fans will care about, whether or not they're a face or heel. In-ring "storytelling" is totally dependent on the type of feud and the type of wrestlers. Do you think the Undertaker's story is ever going to be the "kid looking for respect"? You're kidding yourself if you do. Umaga right now is the "dominating villain" in the ring, so whoever he's up against has to reflect that. Last week with Umaga/Hardy, did Hardy not sell during the entire match the fact that Umaga was dominating him? Slam after slam, that incredibly repetitive nerve hold, etc, he never once acted like Chris Masters apparently did when he supposedly kept forgetting that the Undertaker was working on his arm. If Jeff in that match would've acted as if Umaga's moves didn't phase him, I'd support the hell out of the nay-sayers, but to say he can't tell a story in the ring is to not give credit where credit is due. Nearly every performer can tell the in-ring story, but it depends on whether or not a story is there. If you simply have Hardy vs Benjamin, there's no feud, and there's no title chase, then what's the story? See what I mean?

Now, I think I need to defend John Cena a bit. I've said it before, and I'll say it when he comes back again: the biggest problem I have with John Cena has nothing to do with John Cena, it has to do with management. I am NOT a big fan of his. I find his mic work a little predictable, his in-ring skills a bit flat at times, and I think he's a little overrated. Does that mean I would bury him? Not a chance. Even though Cena is not my favorite athlete in the WWE right now, and I would much rather see some others get the spotlight over him, I would be stupid to deny he has a lot of fans AND a lot of haters. The fact that he has so many fans is one of the reasons why he was pushed so hard and that's also one of the reasons why the WWE is considering pushing Jeff. Its business, guys, not playground rules. If the WWE sees something marketable, they'll run with it. Look at HBK, Austin, the Rock, etc. You think if they never sold a single t-shirt, they'd have been pushed as hard? NO WAY IN HELL. Whether or not you like certain people as wrestlers, you cannot, under any circumstances, ignore the "entertainment" aspect of this situation, because both "wrestling" and "entertainment" are included in the name of the company. If the WWE was not concerned about entertainment, revenue, and so forth, then they would not have pyrotechnics, half-nude models, fictional dead men, STORYLINES, etc. They would have straight-up strict wrestling matches, now wouldn't they? They can't push people just because they have great in-ring skills because the fans won't get behind someone who can't work the mic in the slightest bit and if that's the case, they won't make any money off the person. No profit = no point. Cena was making them a lot of money and that's the main reason why he was champ for a year...and the main reason so many people started hating his guts these past few months is because they were bored with the same thing and the WWE was too afraid to switch it up. Hardy is a fan-favorite as well, so he's profitable just in the same rights.

What everyone needs to stop doing in this thread is trying to diminish a wrestler's ability based strictly on whether or not you in particular are blowing a load over the guy. Its a little off topic, but it still applies...Lorne Michaels, the man responsible for Saturday Night Live, once stated that he had no idea what the people were laughing at when Adam Sandler came out and did his skits. He didn't see what was so funny. But, however, he did see that the AUDIENCE saw what was funny and they responded, and that's what counted. I've ran into just as many people that can't stand Adam Sandler as I've ran into wrestling fans that can't stand Cena, or Hardy, or Triple H, or (insert name here). The fact of the matter is that if the majority of the audience goes against you, you don't matter. If I was in charge of the WWE and I decided to do everything based on who I like the best, well then we'd see the Undertaker as WHC, HBK as WWE champ, we'd fire Khali, we'd never see the Women's division again, etc. Is that the best business strategy? No, because this isn't about what one person wants, its about what everybody wants. You don't like Jeff Hardy? Fine. He's your favorite? Fine. You don't like Cena? Ok. He's your favorite? That's good too. Saying that just because someone's style is different makes them a terrible performer because you prefer another style is just being stubborn, though. We can ALL agree that no wrestler should be pushed if they can't execute a single move and they injure someone every time they're in the ring, but we can't all agree on what the best finishing move out there is, can we? So for those that like Sweet Chin Music, are they wrong just because you like the Ankle Lock? No.

The WWE makes mistakes and sometimes they try to push the wrong people. Right now, the prime example of that is Snitsky. Can they save his career? Maybe, but most likely not. The best way to judge these things is a fan reaction. If a heel is getting heat, they're doing they're job. If a face is getting cheered, they're doing their job. If the crowd is dead, that's when you know the WWE has made a mistake. Snitsky's dead-asleep-reaction from the crowd is siren to management just as Hardy's cheers, Kennedy's screaming fans, Cena's merchandise pull, Rey's enormous fan base, and so forth. Snitsky's siren is a warning sign and the rest are glaring red lights to show them that they have something to offer us that the fans want to see more of. That right there gives you your answer to settle this quarrel from this thread. As long as ANY WWE wrestler has an impressive amount of fans, he deserves a shot at stardom, because no matter how important it is for people to be impressive in the ring, if you have nothing outside of that and you were the champ, you know damn well everyone on this forum would be complaining that "Charlie Haas is champ? Wtf. The guy just goes out there and wrestles. He doesn't even have a personality."

Everyone just needs something to complain about all the time here, whether its Triple H burying people, Cena, Randy Orton being the champ, Hardy getting a push, etc, so this issue will not resolve itself until there is a new distraction. I LOVE the fact that we get to debate about stuff. I LOVE having discussions about why I'd rather see HBK with the title instead of Orton or why I'm pissed that Edge's return at Survivor Series wasn't after the Undertaker won the belt. Keep your opinions and like and hate who you will, but no matter what your opinion is, no argument is sound if all the words coming out of your mouth is simply "I think this way so its right".

Sorry for such a long post. Its becoming a habit of mine. I'm just a little tired of seeing this back and forth bickering with nobody willing to accept the fact that not everything is black and white, but there are gray areas as well. By the way, happy Thanksgiving lol.
HBK-[/I] Fading away, not his old self anymore. Hardy will never be on HBK's level when it comes to entertaining and stealing shows but he can hang.

As for Kennedy, he shares the similar styles with each one of those. He's not the greatest in-ring worker at all but when it comes down to it he can hang with all of them in the ring or mic. He's similar to Austin, a god on the mic and nothing but below average in the ring.

HE CAN HANG WITH HBK? You ARE joking right, HBK is (alongside Eddie) by far and away the BEST all around wrestler in the last 10 years, I like Hardy and think he can improve to being a high-spotter who CAN tell a DECENT story in the ring, but statements like that just hurt your credibility dude!

Steve Austin, below average in the ring?! Have you ever seen a STEVE AUSTIN match, cos before he got the STONE COLD gimmick he was a really solid and reliable performer with great ability who rarely botched moves. Can you say Kennedy is that reliable, I guess time will tell but I doubt it!

Like I said I'm not a Hardy basher, I'm a fan, but I dont see him as the next HBK or Austin, I'm not sure if there's anyone besides Edge who I do see getting there at the mo!

Read the shit before that. No wait here let me show you.

Me said:
HBK- Fading away, not his old self anymore. Hardy will never be on HBK's level when it comes to entertaining and stealing shows

He can hang with HBK nowadays not 10 years ago. Edge, Trips and a few others can hang with HBK this day in age because he's gotten old.


You ARE joking right, HBK is (alongside Eddie) by far and away the BEST all around wrestler in the last 10 years,

Eddie was overrated but that's another topic, HBK is possibly the greatest to step in a ring besides Chris Beniot. Hardy can catch my eye in a way HBK does, that is what I was stating by hanging with HBK, He'll never be as great or have as many great matches, he hasn't and never will but he shares the attention grabbing ability like HBK.

I like Hardy and think he can improve to being a high-spotter who CAN tell a DECENT story in the ring, but statements like that just hurt your credibility dude!

Yeah, Coming from an ROH mark I'm not very hurt by that last line.

Steve Austin, below average in the ring?!

Yes, he bored me too tears at times. Same with the Rock. Both were average.

Have you ever seen a STEVE AUSTIN match,

Lots from the Attitude Era and a couple before.

cos before he got the STONE COLD gimmick he was a really solid and reliable performer with great ability who rarely botched moves.

He was still average. His wrestling was nothing great at all. If you want great wrestlers of the day in age, See The Undertaker.

Like I said I'm not a Hardy basher, I'm a fan, but I dont see him as the next HBK or Austin,

First of all, Please tell me just who in the hell said he was. He will never be that big, but he can hang with today's main eventers. Just because super great fabulous HBK is in the main event doesn't mean Hardy cannot be. HBK isn't close to his old self. Hell he even wants to have a match and feud with Hardy, same with Triple H(take Trip's word for what it's worth) but apperently Hardy is not only catching millions of fans eyes but wrestler's too.

I'm not sure if there's anyone besides Edge who I do see getting there at the mo!

Tell me something I didn't already know.
Matt Hardy would be much better. He's been slaving away in he WWE for years, and what did he get for it? The Cruiserweight championship. Jeff comes back, and all of a sudden he gets given the Intercontinental. How does that work?

I agree, Jeff Hardy isn't going to become WWE champion now. And also, Triple H, I just don't see how he particulary helps the matter. I'm a fan of HHH, but believe his best days are behind him now, as are most of the fans 'attitude era' favourites.
I think hhh is just using jeff hardy, why dont hhh just leave jeff alone, hhh acts like he is his friend or something but we all know in the end hhh will bury jeff hardy and with hhh aligning himself with jeff, i thinking the burying has begun, i think its because jeff is more popular with the fans than hhh is and hhh is jealous, the first step to burying jeff will be putting him in a feud with the useless snitsky, i pray for jeffs wwe career
1. YES they should use him in this spot, and push him to the main event level. Im actually suprised it took THIS long for it to happen, as he has had HUGE pops since his return. Im telling you guys, ive been to 4 live events, and Jeff Hardy ALWAYS gets one of the top 3 pops of the night. ALWAYS.

2. I get SO SICK of hearing people talk about Jeff being a "spot monkey"...sorry he doesnt do a bunch of german suplexes and chops and spinning toe holds for you guys....He gets fans into his matches, and is one of the best sellers in the WWE bar none. Continually wrestles hurt, and puts his body at an exteremly high risk far more than anyone in WWE, with edge being the next closest. Being a good pro wrestler is not about suplexes and reversals. Its about making the fans care, playing into the story of a match. And thats what Jeff Hardy does. I was just waiting for Slyfox to set everyone straight on this with Jeff lol

3. Jeff Hardy will never be as big a draw as Cena, becuase no one hates Jeff Hardy. out of 1000 people, 900 of them will love cena, 100 will vehemenantly hate him, but all 1000 will buy tickets to see what happens. Jeff hardy will put those 900 in the building, and yes the other 100 will be there, but not specifically to see what happens in HIS match. So no, Hardy will not ever be a bigger draw than Cena.
im a fan oh hardy and HHH but they just dont look right together hardy is skinny and a high flyer and triple h is massive and a power house when there together hardy looks like HHH's bitch, seriously
first of you cant say jeff shouldn't deserve the world title. who else does the high flying stuff he does and still gets up every morning saying yes another raw day. hey orton has done what jeff has done (plus more) but yet he has had the longest interconiental reign in teh last what 10 years and has had both world title and wwe title. so he does deserve.

and i am the biggest jeff fan in aussie i do agree matt hardy is the better wrestler (ground type) and mic skills. so he does deserve it to but jeff is the best entertaining in wrestling today (next 3 years) because he trained himself with matt. jeff also is the ratings for raw (with trips and shawn and now jericho).

now back to the topic. i hope that trips and jeff do a thing together until wrestle mania with winnign the tag titles then loosing to londrick because orton came in after jeff won the money in the bank. so i hope tripes and jeff will work together for awhile.
As much as i like it, I don't see it lasting till wrestlemania, or even to the Rumble in my opinion... who are their opponents? Snitsky and Umaga, fair enough Vince seems to like them both, but I really don't see this lasting long, Umaga is rumoured to be jumping across to smackdown, and snitsky couldn't work this storyline for long. I see this being a classic Triple H storyline, Triple H will more than likely turn on Jeff, and go back to being heel, which (also rumoured) is why Triple H didn't want to do the DX thing anymore, and who is more over than Jeff, so it would be perfect for him to turn heel against Jeff, and then perhaps feuding with Jeff.
As much as i like it, I don't see it lasting till wrestlemania, or even to the Rumble in my opinion... who are their opponents? Snitsky and Umaga, fair enough Vince seems to like them both, but I really don't see this lasting long, Umaga is rumoured to be jumping across to smackdown, and snitsky couldn't work this storyline for long. I see this being a classic Triple H storyline, Triple H will more than likely turn on Jeff, and go back to being heel, which (also rumoured) is why Triple H didn't want to do the DX thing anymore, and who is more over than Jeff, so it would be perfect for him to turn heel against Jeff, and then perhaps feuding with Jeff.

I completely agree. Although many fans may enjoy seeing it, it won't last till the Rumble. It might even disintegrate before that the way WWE is going at the moment it might not even be planned storyline and we won't here anything about them again...
The match with Jericho was fine. But it certainly was no classic. It was like an Orton match. Good but unspectacular. I'm sure Jeff Hardy has had decent non gimmick matches. But he hasn't had many that's for sure. The only one I can think of is his one at The Bash against Umaga. Brilliant match. But it's not memorable.

Please name me 5 good (not great, I'm not evil) Jeff Hardy non gimmick matches. With reasons obviously.

I thought the match he had with Jericho at NWO 2002 was a great match IMO, for me it was the showstealer, and to this day is the first match I think of when someone mentions that PPV, the match was very well done, and both guys sold very well in that match and had great spots, as well told a great story, whenever somebody brings up Jeff Hardy or Jericho, this match instantly pops into my head

Now for the name 5 matches thing, I'm going to be honest, I hate when people do that cause what I consider to be a great match someone else may condier to be complete crap, that and I'll be honest again, at the moment I can't think of five good non-gimmick matches off the top of my head, Jeff Hardy is a gimmick wrestler, that is how he entertains, he has had good matches, but he's much much better when it comes to gimmick matches, and in wrestling today, being good at gimmick matches is almost as important as being good at standard one-on-one matches, just look at PPVs, you see just as many if not more gimmick matches on PPV then you do standard 1-on-1 matches, the bottom line is Jeff's style and matches entertain me and many others judging from the pops he generates, therefore he deserves to be pushed, is he WWE or WHC material yet, No, but it isn't in the realm on impossibility that he could be someday
I think it would be great if HHH gave Jeff Hardy a good "rub." HHH would make me a bigger fan if he did. Hardy would be a great champ, even if it was a transition champ....who cares. A great match would be HHH and Hardy at Mania for the belt. But then again, I want Jericho to main-event too. How about a multi-man main-event with Orton as well??
Jeff is a great wrestler/entertainer... What ever the fuck you want to call him. He entertains with every match he's in and since he's been back looks like he's going 110% every night. Just look at some of the slams he's been taking from Umaga recently. The fans love him and everyone calling him a spot-monkey should cut that shit out. Every wrestler has their spots but he only gets this label cause his are actually entertaining.(ie Five Knuckle Shuffle).

IMO, Trips is the one in need of any "RUB"ing cause for someone who is supposed to be in the top 3 of WWE, a lot of the times he gets less of a pop then Hardy. It would be a shame if their match at Armageddon is a one and done. I would love to see them have a fued culminating at the Rumble or the PPV after.

How bout this though- With all the build up of Trips turning on his tag partners, and how he is "all about the belt", Hardy should be the one to fuck him over in their match. Something similar to HBK's rocker heel turn.
Something that shows some motivation on behalf of his character.

In all likelihood though, we know what will happen. And it involves a shovel

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