"Where To Now?" with IC25 - Part One


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Let's see if I can create yet another reoccuring column here at the WZ forums with "Where To Now?" I will try to write up one of these after each of the WWE PPV's to take a look at feuds ending, feuds beginning, and feuds starting, with a mix of my own ideas for success.


We begin with the RAW brand. Last night's "Hell in a Cell" PPV saw yet another title change in the game of hot potato between Randy Orton and John Cena. Orton won clean, pinning "Da Champ" in front of the hostile, anti-Cena crowd of Newark, NJ. Incidentally, if you read my post in the PPV Section, this crowd reaction. should not have come as ANY shock.

I think most RAW fans have two major fears; first off is the continuation of the Randy Orton / John Cena program. I am one of the more patient internet fans, but the feud has been done to death for a while. The second fear is quite similar - a reignition of the HHH vs Orton feud. I am not sure how many times we've seen a combination of matches involving Cena, Orton, and HHH in the RAW Main Event scene for ther past 2 years or so, but I could stand for something fresh.

So it's probably time for Randy Orton to begin feuding with Ted DiBiase Jr. This is going to take time, but that is ok. Bragging rights is coming up next, which means Orton is most likely heading for an exhibition match with The Undertaker. I'd not be shocked to see some botched interference by DiBiase and Rhodes costing Orton a non-title PPV Main Event. This would set up Legacy (Orton, DiBiase, Rhodes, and two others) against the RAW babyfaces (Cena, DX, and one other, likely MVP and Henry) at Survivor Series, which is historically where good friendships go to die. Think about it - The Rockers split really started at Survivor Series, The Hart Brothers issues started at Survivor Series, and Shawn Michaels and Diesel started to feud at Survivor Series...I think Ted and Randy are next, with Cody caught in the middle.

As for DX, I wonder if either Michaels or HHH is looking to end this final DX run. The crowd is reacting to it, and instead of endless comedy skits, they've put on solid matches. So why not put them opposite the only legit tag team in the division right now, and have DX work against Jericho and Big Show. We all know that Jericho has done some tremendous work against HHH and HBK in the past, and Big Show has looked really good in the past 6 months. Plus, what other team looks strong enough to take the tag titles off of JeriShow than the biggest babyface team ever?

But we don't stop there. If you want to go nostalgic with tag teams, here's one for you. Batista got moved to SD recently, and I think it's to make room for a returning Edge, who would like to feud with JeriShow. Jericho made light of Edge's injury after it occured, and Show took Edge's place. So it makes sense that Edge returns on Raw, brings Christian over from ECW, and joins in the feud.

Where does this leave John Cena? Well, I expect Cena to see action against CM Punk at Bragging Rights, which will last all of a month, before Cena is in need of a new opponent. After seeing their match a few months back in the draft special, I'd love to see Cena feud with Jack Swagger. Talk about the youth movement. Cena would still win the feud, but Swagger could elevate himself with a win while Kofi and The Miz handle the US Title picture. The other option is to have Cena feud with Christian Cage, who has basically carried ECW for the past few months. Either man would be a fresh opponent for Cena, who is desparately in need of new meat.


Ok, so Punk is apparently in the Dog House. Folks, don't read too far into it. Punk's been there before, and he's come out the other side FAR stronger each and every time. The title is off of him for now, but he's still a hot name, and who better to feud with Punk than a returning babyface in Rey Mysterio? Rey just got done with a drug suspension, and after Punk's work with Hardy in this spot, why not just transition it to Rey? It's another example of how art imitates life in the WWE.

With Drew McIntyre's win over R-Truth on the actual PPV last night, I just feel WWE forced that match to set up McIntyre as a suitor to John Morrison's IC Title. John is a full fledged face now, and since it's clear young guns like Dolph Ziggler aren't getting the turn yet, I see Morrison feuding with McIntyre for a couple months over the IC Title. Ziggler will be back, though.

This leaves us with The Undertaker. He's the champ now, so who shall he feud with? The obvious choice foor Undertaker here is Batista. Rey Mysterio can go work against Punk, but few men have shown the ability to go toe-to-toe with Taker the way Big Dave does. I don't suspect it's long term, but it makes sense until Royal Rumble, or until the next talent swap. Other than that, I don't see Taker with a good big man feud, unless SD dips into the ECW talent pool.

To recap, I'd like WWE to take us to:

Orton vs Taker @ Bragging rights, followed by Orton feuding with DiBiase, Rhodes caught in the middle. DX working against JeriShow, setting the stage for Edge to return, reform E&C, and challenge JeriShow long term. Cena vs Punk at Bragging Rights, followed by Cena feuding with Jack Swagger. CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio, John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre, and Undertaker vs Batista in the short term.

That's what I have right now, and I welcome thoughts, disagreements, and debate. Until next PPV...
Well said, IC.

I happened to attend the HIAC PPV last night and I kept my eyes and ears open to the different reactions that occurred during the event. New Jersey is definitely anti-babyface and I LOVE it.

First off, I can't agree more about a tag team feud with DX facing JeriShow. Let's face it, Jericho and the Big Show have done a TREMEDOUS job of allowing the audience to give a shit about the tag team titles again. They've built themselves up to be a strong random-pairing team, free from gimmicks and cheesy angles. They're a two-man wrecking crew that have bui,lt themselves up to be damn near unstoppable. The only tag team in the WWE right now that is up to the task of stepping up and taking them down is DX. Otherwise, no one stands a chance. We all knew that Crime Tyme would fail in their goals to capture the titles, MVP and Henry was a complete joke, and Batista and Mysterio (although very skilled and former TT champs) were too random and newly formed to take the titles off a team that are so good at what they do that they took their random pairing and built themselves into unstoppable behemoths. A feud with DX will be fresh, exciting, provide solid matches from four ring-veterans, and will pump up the importance of the tag titles even more. Whether JeriShow retains or DX loses, this match will be a big deal.

DiBiase's face-turn was teased (once again) last night in a short, backstage conversation between Legacy and Orton. And for the second time, DiBiase was shown as being slightly rebellious and somewhat of a loose cannon in the Legacy stable. He's really stepped up during recent months both in the ring and on the microphone and I'm sure that Orton will give him a nice rub when the time comes. But, the WWE needs to really take their time with this. I pray they don't rush things, because the tempo is perfect right now for DiBiase to become a major babyface and main event player once the full turn is completed.

As for Orton vs. Undertaker, I'd be lying if I said this match at Bragging Rights excited me. They had a decent match in their previous feud, but I think this new pairing can only be effective if it is built up correctly. Fans have been craving a true Raw vs. Smackdown feud for a while now and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

Now, onto the US Title picture. How can I put this lightly... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEEEEEEEEASE TAKE THE TITLE OFF KOFI KINGSTON! As far as I'm concerned, he is a tremendous in-ring talent that is the new equivalent of Shelton Benjamin. For one reason or the next, they're not handing him the microphone, the audience can't relate to his personality, and yet they're making him unstoppable. I can't remember the last time a mid-card champion has won this many multiple-competitor matches in a row (triple threats, fatal-four ways, etc). It's as if Kofi Kingston is the new mid-card John Cena. Since the WWE doesn't feel like putting decent time into a one-on-one feud for Kofi, they're throwing him in matches with multiple competitors and having him constantly squeak out wins. Meanwhile, diamonds in the rough with impressive in-ring skills and incredible mic-skills are jobbing left and right (a.k.a. Swagger and The Miz). I hope and pray that the only reasoning for this is to build Kingston up to take a big fall at the hands of the Miz, who is BY FAR the best heel midcarder in the WWE right now as far as I'm concerned. Being and HIAC, just listening to the way he insulted New Jersey, and feeling the rumble of the arena from all of the boos convinced me even further that as long as you hand this guy a microphone, his future is set in stone in the WWE. Now all he needs is some singles gold to give him the catapult.

I won't get into anything having to do with Edge since I feel that he still has a long way before he returns to television. His injury is serious and a real heartbreaker... I'm missing Edge a lot right now.

For some odd reason, I can see Morrison and Ziggler dragging out a bit longer in the IC title picture. If you really think about it, the majority of Ziggler's quest for the title involved Rey and not Morrison. So, I don't think this is over yet. I can see one last blow-off match in the near future. I believe Bragging Rights is only going to involve main event players, so I don't think we're gonna see Morrison vs. Kofi.

I have a feeling that Drew McIntyre is going to get involved in a stupid feud that will test him before he gets a shot at gold. He's too new to challenge for the IC title, so I can see him in the ring cutting a promo making an open challenge which will be answered by soemone like the Great Khali. Then, we can all take a nap until the feud is over.
I agree with most of what IC25 said except for a few things:
1) If E&C reforms they should both stay on their respective brands, if they leave they can leave a huge gap.

2)If Ted turns face, so should Cody, if he stays with Orton he'll probably get lost in the mid-card shuffle and eliminate another team, staying with Ted would elevate both of them instead of just Ted. Just because Ted's in a movie doesnt mean hes the only one eligible for a push, Cody was here first.

3)Undertakers next feud, I would suggest Kane, elevate him he needs credibility.

4) Drew McDonald or whatever should keep feuding with Truth, then maybe Finlay and finally challenge Morrison, as for Morrison he and Ziggles should continue.

But that's just me.

Side Note: Ninja Turtles 4 way @ Bragging Rights.
Good read over all,

after HIAC last night I do believe changes are in made also and the Jerishow program looks like it still might continue at least for another week with Boretista and Mysteriod lol. I see CM Punk demanding his title shot on a weekly Smackdown episode and run it batista or rey backstage and cut a promo on them. Even if punk is in the dog house, as it has been said before, he is still a hot name and will still be given ample time for his feuds. Punk is still a main eventer and a feud with either Rey or John Cena would be great and new.

Back to jerishow, they have been Gods ever since they formed for the tag titles and I get a kick everytime i see Big Show in a suit along with Jerishow which makes you believe more in them. Jericho has always been great and now the big show is getting good time to promote and he has really been good also in recent months. I Dont want jerishow to lose the titles until Edge comes back. While the feud with DX would be interesting, the titles given to DX would not benefit them as they would face tag teams that would not be easily to put over. There are no other heel tag teams besides Legacy and The Hart Dynasty other than jerishow to face. So Jerishow vs DX would end with Jerishow still dominant and some interference from Legacy.

Speaking of Legacy, wow! They got the huge main event spot in HIAC and they worked a near perfect match at that. It seems that after their performance at Breaking Point, HIAC really did something for their careers and orton being confused by there cockiness is teasing a heel turn. Back what does it mean? Who will turn heel when Legacy Turns face as there is usually a balance for it. The current heels on RAW as follows: orton, legacy, swagger, miz, show, carlito, masters, the other 10 are faces. Usually someone would have to turn heel and it would have to be a main eventer i think. maybe its time for cena to turn heel and give something new after losing to Orton without legacy! thats pretty huge to say the least as legacy always helps him. Well again, hopefully they dont rush legacy's face turn.

Now, dealing with the Undertaker. I, for one, do not want to see Batista vs Undertaker for a little while. What I would like to see is the revival of a great feud and that be the Undertaker vs Kane! These two always put on some unique matches for there sizes and they were also known for their gimmick matches (Buried Alive, Inferno, Casket, etc.) Since Kane is just coming out of his feud with Khali (thank god) I think Kane should go back to the title picture again. While Batista is busy probably feuding with Punk for a little while. Kane could get some good ring time against his brother. Kane promos were always sick and demonic but in this PG era i dont think well see much of that but their matches were still good. There would never keep doing their programs with each if it wasnt IMO.

Rey should go back to the IC picture eventually. Morrison/Ziggler and Rey should have a triple threat which Ziggler would finally win. Kofi has done enough trying to bring more of a diverse crowd to the WWE and I think. We should give it to the Miz already. He is going to be known for his mic work because thats what gets him over the most with the crowd. Swagger needs to go to the main event status already or feud with somebody in the main event. He doesnt look right with the us title lol. I still picture Swagger as a fusion between Owen Hart and Kurt Angle. Give him more title to develop. Plus he also does the business suit thing when he was ECW champ which gave him that extra god like champ persona :lol:
I really hope that they give Taker a long,decent run as champion this time. Maybe until Wrestlemania if he retires then.Which is a possibility as apparently he is still hurt from his hip surgery. That is why his matches with Punk has been so short. At the same time for this reason I doubt Taker will have the belt for long because of this.I bet you Punk regains on Smackdown. I know Taker doesn't need the title but I do think the title need Taker. Then again who can he fued with? I would like Jericho but I like what they are doing with the tag titles. So for now he's out. Batista?? No thanks. It's been done and Batista is BORING.Maybe Kane? That could be good. If they do it right. Ziggles doesn't seem to be over with the crowd enough. Anyway guess we'll have to wait and see what happens on Friday night.
ur right about the dx thing,but i think that rey,baatista,taker and punk should be in an epic match at survivor series. theyll probbably have a big main event with all the top superstars at bragging rights. i think they should keep cena in
the title fued, but add a fresh face into the mix like the miz or swagger and eventually take orton out of it becoz hez been in it since january and cenaz only been in it since NOC.
ur right about the dx thing,but i think that rey,baatista,taker and punk should be in an epic match at survivor series. theyll probbably have a big main event with all the top superstars at bragging rights. i think they should keep cena in
the title fued, but add a fresh face into the mix like the miz or swagger and eventually take orton out of it becoz hez been in it since january and cenaz only been in it since NOC.

Ok, it's time for everyone to put their thinking caps on. Does Miz or Swagger really deserve a World title shot?? I know we all want new blood in the title picture, but come on people... they're nowhere near being ready for that. They just lost to Kofi Kingston, for cryin out loud.

I know we're all dying for some new main event competitors, but it has to be done the smart way. Just because we like superstars doesn't mean they should have the brass ring handed to them. They haven'e earned it yet.
I'm glad to see IC getting back to his roots. However, two things: the Rockers as well as Shawn and DIesel had been arguing already coming into the Survivor Series. Shawn and Diesel broke up there with Shawn throwing down the belt and driving off. Anyway that's neither here nor there.

As for Cena, you're absolutely right and I said this last night iin the LD: he is in desperate need of fresh matches. He and Orton have feuded on and off for years now and I'm just flat out tired of seeing it as I'm sure most others are. Putting him against Christian or Punk would be fine with me, but I'm not sure what Punk would have to complain about with him. As for Orton, DiBiase is I guess as good of a feud as anyone as the problem with Orton as champion is simply he has no one left to fight. The only person that's a relatively big name face on Raw that he hasn't gone at it with is Kofi and he's simply not a main event guy even in the short term. DiBiase is as good as anyone I suppose.

As for Smackdown, Punk vs. Mysterio does indeed seem like the most logical choice. Both guys can go in the ring when they need to and it's big face against big heel which is all you need most of the time. Taker....I really don't want to see him against Batista. It's been done, and while I know that was a few years ago it seems too recent. The only name to put him with would be Jericho, but something just doesn't fit right there for me. Smackdown seems to have far more available options than Raw, which is odd as they were just recently in desperate need of fresh names.

The future is most interesting at the moment as there's not a lot long term that you can see with Mania being a complete mystery at this point, even though we're getting to the time where we need to start thinking about what's coming at it.
Well, Bragging Rights is over and the dust is hardly settled. Cena is still on Raw, and is the champ. Undertaker has retained, Batista is a heel, and Survivor Series looms on the horizon. So once again, I will ask - "WHERE TO NOW?"


Personally, I think this is painfully obvious. Cena is the champ now, having won a 6-5 decision over Randy Orton. We now have to ask if the game of Championship Hot Potato is over, or if there are more quick title changes in our future.

The most obvious contender for the title is Triple H. He beat Cena in a pretty damn good match on Raw last week as Cena was "tuning up" for the Bragging Rights Ironman match. And it was a clean win, too, so Triple H damn sure has a claim as the #1 contender.

I do not, however, see that happening until December. Survivor Series is looming, and if there are two things I know about the Survivor Series 1) DX will be a part of it, and 2) a team will split up.

So, heading into Survivor Series, I can see Cena, DX, MVP, and Mark Henry getting placed opposite Legacy and Jerishow. The interesting dynamics on each side are 1) Cena being chased by Triple H, 2) both DX and MVP/Henry hungry for Jerishow's Tag Titles, 3) the crack in Legacy's armor, and 4) a level of distrust for Big Show by the rest of the Raw superstars following Bragging Rights.

As for the US Champ The Miz, I can absolutely see a battle looming on the horizon between him and fellow heel Jack Swagger. Mix just beat his former tag partner, John Morrison, cleanly, and removed the Marty Jannetty stigma from his name. He's now ready for a major US Title defense program, and I really cannot think of anything better than two obnoxiously arrogant heels feuding. It's similar to the old Shawn Michaels / Rick Martel feud in the early 90's.

All in all, I wonder if WWE will even do a traditional Survivor Series match just one month after the Bragging Rights event, but it wouldn't hurt to take a PPV off from a title match.


I called this one last month, too. The Undertaker has essentially finished off CM Punk. Now that Batista is a heel again (great move), it's just a matter of time until big Dave sets his sights on the Dead Man. I wonder if Smackdown will place the Main Eventers in a traditional 5-on-5 match, but don't be shocked if Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, and John Morrison are placed opposite Batista, CM Punk, and Dolph Ziggler. It may be in a Survivor Series atmosphere, and I hope it is, because the Batista / Rey deal needs time to fester a bit. McIntyre and Escobar are both IC Title contenders as well, which makes it tough for Morrisson as the face champ. It's similar to when Kofi was being chased by Miz and Swagger.

Let's see if I am right. Next installment will come the day after Survivor Series. Until then, I welcome your comments.
Raw is a clusterfuck at the top for all intents and purposes right now. They need to do something other than Orton v. Cena, but what else is there? Legacy aren't ready, Miz/Swagger aren't ready to move up yet, and Triple H is in D-X reincarnation 82375298347 and can't turn right now.

It really looks like the best bet would be to not have a WWE title match at Survivor Series, which is crazy sounding, and just put all the major guys on Raw along with Jerishow in a traditional Survivor Series match, like you said. This gives creative time to figure out what the fuck to do for whatever the pay-per-view 2 weeks after that is. If there is a title defense, I think it will probably be the "let's see how this guy does in the main event" type match, a la Royal Rumble matches. My pick for that would be Swagger.

As for Smackdown, I could also see forgoing a title match in favor of the elimination match. Batista as a heel really changes the dynamic of the show. Before he turned, there was no heel that could match the power of Taker. They were all the smaller, striking, and cunning guys.

Batista, however, blew that notion up. I personally want to see him just be a crazy monster heel that blows through anyone in his way. They will probably do some kind of feud between him and Rey, but it is setting up for these two to collide at WrestleMania.

Now that I've typed all this out, I almost want Survivor Series to be all traditional matches. Creative has some tough decisions to make right now on both shows, so that would kill two birds with one stone: a) give them time to set up a title feud and b) give the fans an entertaining pay-per-view
Last night certainly gives the fans loads to look forward to in the coming months.

I hope you are right and Survivor Series does not feature a title match. It is a really good opportunity to emphasise the Survivor Series elimination matches as important by having that huge one you mentioned main event the show. However, Cena will probably have a throw away match up with The Miz for the WWE title with Kofi coming into the Survivor Series match up to carry on his feud with Rhodes.

Orton has to be kept away from Cena now, and concentrate on the fall out from his Legacy group. That storyline could be built up perfectly for WrestleMania, with Orton vs Dibiase happening there. Just build up tension slowly and have DIbiase eliminate Orton from the Rumble.

As for Smackdown, the future is exceptionally bright. You have a Batista/Rey feud, a 'Taker/Batista, a Rey/Punk, a Jericho/'Taker, a Morrison/Ziggler and a returning Edge that are all conceivable into the run up to 'Mania.

Also, the teamwork shown by R-Truth and Matt Hardy last night should result in them teaming up for a short while whilst neither has anything to do. They can battle with the Hart Dynasty or even Jerishow, and they should be exceptionally well over with the crowd.

Smackdown has feuds set up from now until WrestleMania with ease, Raw has some feuds set up, but the one lacking is who Cena will square off with in the long run. I believe he should drop the title around Royal Rumble and face 'Taker at WrestleMania, though, leaving a HHH/HBK or a HHH/Batista or a HHH/HBK/Batista feud for then (the brand split doesn't matter after the Rumble).

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