Where to now? Original iMpact? Monday Nights? Thursday's?

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I would actually go live, first. They managed a 1.5 average for the night, but peaked as high as 1.9, which is a tremendous improvement over their usual average of 1.1. They nearly climbed an entire tier in a single night, and if the momentum continues, going live is the most logical step, followed closely by beginning to film the show in a larger arena.

While live touring does increase national exposure, it's a very difficult task to juggle with a company this green right now. You have to understand – though TNA has been around for 7 years, ideally it's really been around for 3 weeks in terms of it's new branding efforts, and their focus should be on increasing the exposure as best they can in-house (like going live, and getting a larger iMPACT! Zone) without taking a leap off a bridge like trying to establish a better national touring policy.
Going on the road doesn't HAVE to mean a more intense schedule. I've always believed that about WWE and it applies to TNA as well. If you have a deep enough roster, you don't have to bring everyone with you every day. They could easily give every wrestler an "off-season" where they just stay home with their families, heal up and relax. Simply don't write them into the story for a few months at a time and push someone else into their spot.

I have no idea why this isn't being done in the WWE now instead of the stupid split-brand bullshit, but it could (and should) be done in TNA when they decide to go on the road. That would still make them an attractive alternative to WWE to anyone tired of not seeing their family for 300 days a year.
I say TNA should focus on a live product first. But, to do that, they need to focus on their own talent, rather than importing various other people. Guys like Anderson, Kendrick, and Hardy should stick around. Morley and Jordan shouldn't. Nasty Boys should be gone. Hall and Waltman should definitely be gone. Flair should stick around only a little longer, then leave.

If TNA relies more on the fans they already have to spread the word about their show, I'm sure they'll gain more popularity. They don't need more famous wrestlers to help boost their notoriety.
They should start going live on Thursdays first, being live would mean people just can't read the spoilers 2-3 weeks in advanced.
If TNA wants to take the show on the road, they need to see how going live does first. They should try about 6 months of going live in the Impact Zone, and test the waters, and then go on the road. Once they start building up the live ratings, and the fanbase is big enough to promise bigger shows on the road, they'll be fine.

But, I don't think they should be attempting to sell out huge arenas like Madison Square Garden. They need to do what ECW did, and stay semi-local, and do smaller venues. If they know they can fill up the Impact Zone week after week with 1200 people, then they need to stick to places that only fit 1000-1500.
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