Why Monday?

Mighty NorCal

this thread will probably suck ass. oh well.

Why the fuck does the WWE have its flagship show on Monday? Why did they start it on this day? They have to compete with Monday Night Football, which absolutely CRUSHES it in the ratings, and target age demographic.

Why not...er, wednsday, or teusday? what the fuck is on TV those days? were do people go those days? certainley not OUT. Do you think RAW could get better ratings on another night and timeslot? It makes more sense to me to have it on nights when people dont usually go out, were you have little to no competition in your target demographic, and in a time slot that people dont have to stay up late on a work night to see....
I've thought about this before as well. Though, their ratings would suck if they had it on Tuesday or Wednesday, 'cause of Idol being on and such. I say Thursday works best. Who goes out on Thursday? Oh, and they'd make TNA's ratings go down. That'd be mean. Vince likes mean.
I've thought about this before as well. Though, their ratings would suck if they had it on Tuesday or Wednesday, 'cause of Idol being on and such. I say Thursday works best. Who goes out on Thursday? Oh, and they'd make TNA's ratings go down. That'd be mean. Vince likes mean.

thats the thing though, PYT. Im fairly sure that the crossover from Idol to WWE isnt very large :lmao: while I think its perfectly plausable to think there is a LOT of crossover from WWE to NFL.

Id still go with Wed or Teus over Thurs, becuase even though TNA is shit, its still an alternative, and will take SOME vewiership away.
Well here's a little theory, it's a stupid one, but it applies to myself.

Monday is arguably the shittiest day of the week. The better the weekend you have the more you hate the fact that it's Monday, the more you hate that you gotta go to work/school. I despise Mondays. And Raw is what keeps me going!
I love wrestling, and knowing that Raw is waiting for me when I get home makes the day that little bit easier, no matter how disappointing I know Raw will end up being. So maybe it's to simply help people who love wrestling take the edge off Mondays. SD also helps make Fridays that little bit sweeter.

That's my theory, make of it what you will.
Well here's a little theory, it's a stupid one, but it applies to myself.

Monday is arguably the shittiest day of the week. The better the weekend you have the more you hate the fact that it's Monday, the more you hate that you gotta go to work/school. I despise Mondays. And Raw is what keeps me going!
I love wrestling, and knowing that Raw is waiting for me when I get home makes the day that little bit easier, no matter how disappointing I know Raw will end up being. So maybe it's to simply help people who love wrestling take the edge off Mondays. SD also helps make Fridays that little bit sweeter.

That's my theory, make of it what you will.

actually, its totally correct. I used to feel that way as well. It still doesnt change the fact that you have huge ratings grabbers on mondays, and some of them dip into your target demogrographic. I know im being sorta of amero-centric (made that phrase up, just right now) but America is were WWE makes the most money.

Dont belive there is a huge football-WWE crossover? Im pretty sure Vince thought it had enough of a corssover to start his own football league...
I've thought about this before and I have a theory on it. Factor in I have no proof about this and it's just a theory.

I've always thought that Raw was on Mondays for the night after PPVs. They would be the day before Raws and therefore people wouldn't lose interest. Say there's a great ending to a PPV, people would only have to wait one day for the next chapter in whatever is going on at the time. Vince has always been a strike while the iron is hot kind of guy.

Also, there's a possibility that at the time of Raw's debut Monday night was the only night that was available for Raw. If that's the case, maybe they just left it on that night for the sake of simplicity.
I've thought about this before and I have a theory on it. Factor in I have no proof about this and it's just a theory.

I've always thought that Raw was on Mondays for the night after PPVs. They would be the day before Raws and therefore people wouldn't lose interest. Say there's a great ending to a PPV, people would only have to wait one day for the next chapter in whatever is going on at the time. Vince has always been a strike while the iron is hot kind of guy.

Also, there's a possibility that at the time of Raw's debut Monday night was the only night that was available for Raw. If that's the case, maybe they just left it on that night for the sake of simplicity.

KB, the night after the PPV thing is the only one I can see as justifiable, and it does sound pretty right. You can generally capitalize on having shows the night after, but I still feel like its not entirely necessary. Once again, I point to football. If your gonna continue heat froma PPV, wouldnt you rather have your ENTIRE audience watching that, and not Colts Vs Patriots? Wouldnt it STILL end up being a better overall idea to have it on another day?

Im also not just on about days, but time slots. I always felt WCW saturday night was pretty reasonable, going on air at 605pm (pacific). Itd be over by 8, which is before most people go out on saturday nights anyway.
Perhaps Monday Nights was the only deal USA Network was willing to offer originally when the show started, and it was more so a matter of Vince wanting to be on their Network. Vince may have had a lot of confidence in the USA Network to help him promote the show and expand his audience. However now, Vince is probably afraid to take it off Monday Nights, after having it on there for so long, for fear of what might happen.

But I agree, that Monday Night Football absolutely kills WWE in the ratings, and the rating for WWE diminishes with each passing year during Football season. It would seem to make the most sense to try to get it off Monday night, if at all possible when you are up against the NFL for a good quarter of the year.
I've thought about this before and I have a theory on it. Factor in I have no proof about this and it's just a theory.

I've always thought that Raw was on Mondays for the night after PPVs. They would be the day before Raws and therefore people wouldn't lose interest. Say there's a great ending to a PPV, people would only have to wait one day for the next chapter in whatever is going on at the time. Vince has always been a strike while the iron is hot kind of guy.

Also, there's a possibility that at the time of Raw's debut Monday night was the only night that was available for Raw. If that's the case, maybe they just left it on that night for the sake of simplicity.

This is pretty much the reason I always thought it was for, that and over time Raw just became synonymous with Monday nights, keep in mind MNF isn't on year round, and I think unless their team is playing, most people just switch back and forth anyways, though this does beg the question Why don't they just air the PPVs on Sat. night instead of Sun. night, adn then just move Raw to Sun.?
I've thought about this before and I have a theory on it. Factor in I have no proof about this and it's just a theory.

I've always thought that Raw was on Mondays for the night after PPVs. They would be the day before Raws and therefore people wouldn't lose interest. Say there's a great ending to a PPV, people would only have to wait one day for the next chapter in whatever is going on at the time. Vince has always been a strike while the iron is hot kind of guy.

I think, if anything, the fact that it's the night after a PPV would be a reason to change it to any other day. If a major star has a PPV match that goes on for quite a while, or is a gimmick match then there's always a chance that the star will be in no condition to appear the next night on Raw. And if it's announced that the star isn't going to be on that Raw, wouldn't that star's fans change the channel?
The day after ppv's sounds like a logical reason, but WWE wrestling has been on Mondays even before Raw. Prime Time Wrestling was on Mondays too, so your talking like 20 years of the same program being on the same Night, the same channel minus 5 or 6 yrs, and almost the same starting time. And back then, not all ppv's were on Sundays. Maybe the fact that they've done it for so long and it's worked, why change it.
Well as a non football watcher, but a fan of sports that draw, I can see the problem. As I see it, in football, you are a lot more likely to watch another team then your own team, unlike in hockey, where if an Oilers game is on, and they are playing the Coyotes, Id rather watch Cheers (Vote Cheers in the upcoming Sitcom Tourny!) or nothing at all. But if that is not the case, football will take massive bites out of the WWE product for 20? weeks a year. That being said, moving it to another night has some problems I guess.

I watch more TV on Monday than any other night, because of a plethora of reasons. During the summer, the first day of work usually takes a lot out of me, so it gives me a chance to just sit back, and watch TV during this day. When I am in school, Monday I typically have the least amount of homework to take care of, and am least likely to start anything new after the weekend. My friends don't want to do anything, so I am stuck watching TV. So I watch Raw. The most exciting thing for me on Monday.

The rest of the week has some openings. Tuesday has been said, and I see no reason why it cant work there if they are afraid of football taking over its ratings. But by tuesday, I am doing homework, or going swimming or something fun like that. Wednesday, I am well into doing homework, as well as having some good network TV shows on (Lost). Thursday is the best TV night for networks historically, so WWE wouldn't want to go on that day. Then Friday, the worst night for TV is on, yet Smackdown survives.

Saturday is not a bad day for Raw however, in my opinion. Like NorCal said, people aren't usually doing something in the early evening, usually waiting for 9pm to start their shenanigans for the evening. Then you have a great show leading into PPVs, so why not?
I think that what KB said is why Raw is on Monday's.

After a great ppv the fans that saw it want to see the aftermath and the fans that didn't see the ppv want to find out what happened. So I think that Vince might of chose Monday or had no other Time slot to pick, So that the Fans would be able to find out what happened at the ppv by watching Raw and not their friends telling them the day after the ppv.

If you make someone wait a couple of days there might also be some interest lost but there could also be some Interest gained because the WWE knows that fans will not be able to wait and if they make them wait then it might make them want to see the show more than what they already wanted to see it.

So like KB said Vince has always been a strike while the iron is hot kind of guy. So he has Raw the next night after a ppv in order to make sure that he doesn't lose any fans interest or anticipation and draws a good rating.
They pretty much get the same ratings they do right now during NFL season so a switch won't matter. If they decided to start putting on a good product again I'm sure they'd get more viewers. It looks like a bad idea now but when the WWF was dominating during the Attitude Era they were getting about 8 million viewers on a regular basis which is pretty much unheard of on cable.
They should really think about their amazing English fans, who have to stay up until 2am to watch it. This is NOT something I want to do on a Monday night when I could be sleeping instead.

I'm not too fussed about what day it is..I don't exactly watch Monday Night Football. It's the timing I think is awkward. I'm not sure what time it's on in America, but in England wow it's annoying.
The simple reason for mondays is Monday is the worst day imaginable for most people, its the end of the weekend for kids, and most adults have the beginning of the work week to start off with, so with the week starting off why not let you think positive about the week by starting you off with action at its finest, its the same reason you have Monday Night Football. That is how WWE has made it for you now Action on Mondays to get you pumped for the week and Smackdown on Fridays to give the added ending to a week that could've went good or bad
mehy the same could be said for wednsday, I feel. Wednsday is the day of hopelessness. So is teusday. Id say why not have the entire audience at your disposal. every excuse that can be made for Monday being a shitty day could be made for teus and Wed id say. the difference being, you have more audience at your disposal on these days
The reason to have it on Monday was to have it close to the PPV, so after the PPV, you could tape the next show in a nearby city, and give the wrestlers a whole week (or two, depending upon taping schedule) to do house shows or other indy work. Or if you didn't have a PPV, you still did it early in the week to keep the entire week open for house shows. I'm not sure I believe Raw was ever intended as the flagship show, but just rather another television program, like Superstars was. So, you could keep all your workers together, do your PPV, tape the next day, and then not have to worry about TV for a while. Your superstars could take some time off, or hit the house show circuit, and it was just good to have it all close together.

Perhaps the "strike while iron is hot" mentality played a part, with having a show the next night capitalizing on the PPV, but when Raw first started, there wasn't a PPV every month like there is now, so I'm not sure that played as much of a part as just it being the most opportune time to do the tapings.

Why don't they just air the PPVs on Sat. night instead of Sun. night, adn then just move Raw to Sun.?
People go out on Saturday night, so offering PPVs on nights where people aren't going to be home isn't a good business plan for professional wrestling. UFC does it because legitimate fighting has a history of Saturday night fights.
WWF Prime Time Wrestling was on Monday at 9 p.m. (Yes, for 88% of you, it was before your time). It was basically a highlight show of what happened on Wrestling Challenge and Superstars on Saturday morning from 11 to 12 and 12 to 1, respectively. (Now that didn’t make sense to me). The only reason I can think of for Raw’s timeslot and day is because that’s where it’s always been. Why change it now??
They should really think about their amazing English fans, who have to stay up until 2am to watch it. This is NOT something I want to do on a Monday night when I could be sleeping instead.

I'm not too fussed about what day it is..I don't exactly watch Monday Night Football. It's the timing I think is awkward. I'm not sure what time it's on in America, but in England wow it's annoying.

Yeah, I Sky+ it every week and watch it on a Tuesday, but sometimes my Sky+ messes up so I have to wait until Thursday to watch it (it's on 9-11 on a Thurs). Now that's a pain, have to be careful which sites I look at etc.

TBH I don't really mind as I prefer Smackdown by miles, and Friday night's are generally a good timeslot for me

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