Imagine if there were a New Generation Monday Night Wars with TNA and WWE?

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
Imagine if TNA became more underhanded decided to switch over from Thursday nights to Monday nights to compete with WWE, and then a ratings war were to start, this would be so awesome because it would spark a New Monday Night Wars and I for one would not be missing any second of that especially if TNA were to step their game up by trying to lure away WWE's top superstars only for WWE to step their game up by starting a New Attitude Era going back to TV-14 and perhaps even a New Invasion with TNA invading WWE and WWE invading Impact
Ummmm....where were you two years ago when TNA tried to do just this very thing and failed miserably????

When Hulk Hogan debuted in TNA on January 4th, 2010, TNA went head to head with WWE. They garnered a 1.5 rating and an audience of 2.2 million viewers, which remains the largest viewing in TNA history. Soon after, TNA moved to Monday nights opposite Raw to compete with WWE and proceeded to get slaughtered week after week. The ratings grew so bad that TNA moved to Tuesday nights to avoid competing with Raw and continued to lose viewers. On average, TNA has tended to draw about 1.5 million viewers each week for the past several years. By the middle of 2010, TNA lost nearly 50% of its viewers in its attempt to move from Thursday nights and it didn't help that the TNA product was one huge, stinking turd. Spike eventually moved the show back to its Thursday night timeslot and TNA spent the rest of the year slowly building back the viewers that they lost.

TNA can't compete with WWE. They don't have the audience, they don't have the finances to "lure away" top WWE stars and they don't have the resources. TNA isn't WCW. At its weakest in terms of audience & resources, WCW was still far above TNA has ever been. On top of that, stars just can't be "lured" away to rival companies anymore due to contract signings & 90 day no compete clauses in said contracts, both TNA & WWE have them.

TNA bragadociously declared "war" on WWE, in Hogan's on words. TNA took a shot at competing head to head with WWE, they gave it their best shot but they got their asses handed to them.
Not really much to add to this. Jack Hammer pretty much said it all. TNA tried and failed. I know I was pumped the first week, and it carried over to the second week. After that I realized TNA could not compete, and the whole thing kind of lost its luster for me. I wonder if the contracts and the no compete clauses have ruined any chance for a true Monday night war ever happening again. Anyway TNA has a long long way to go before they even think of going head to head with WWE again.
Like Jack Hammer said, TNA tried and failed with trying to go head to head with WWE. WCW had unlimited resources and could pick other promotions of top stars, where as stars that migrate to TNA were either let go, let their contracts run out, or wasn't re-signed. TNA is right where they need to be for now.
Imagine if TNA became more underhanded decided to switch over from Thursday nights to Monday nights to compete with WWE, and then a ratings war were to start, this would be so awesome because it would spark a New Monday Night Wars and I for one would not be missing any second of that especially if TNA were to step their game up by trying to lure away WWE's top superstars only for WWE to step their game up by starting a New Attitude Era going back to TV-14 and perhaps even a New Invasion with TNA invading WWE and WWE invading Impact

Imagine if TNA didn't have to exist within a budget and it didn't have to pay talent to come work for them. Imagine if the Rock came back on Raw this Monday night and told Vince that he was jumping ship to TNA!!! :band: Just imagine then if Rock said "fuck the 90-day no compete clause" and left Raw and showed up for the end of Impact wrestling!!! It would be so :band:!!!!!!!!!!!! Also then imagine if Rock announced that he was challenging Roode, Angle, AJ Styles, Sting, and Jeff Hardy to a six man Ultimate X Triple Lockdown First Blood Elimination Hell in the Cell Inferno Match!!!!!!! That shit would be sooooo awesome and I would totally tune in to watch that every week. WWE would piss its pants.


Edit: Then imagine if Bischoff faced Vince 1-on-1 instead of going to court to settle the impending lawsuit for Rock violating the 90-day no-compete clause!! I would be SOOOOO watching that.

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