Where to now? Original iMpact? Monday Nights? Thursday's?

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With all of these reports coming CRASHING in, and with the MAJOR hype with the Monday Night Wars coming forth and IMO, a success.. will TNA go back to it's original taping's and go back to Thursday Nights? Or is this Monday Night time slot confirmed? All of this commotion is going on and I don't know If I somehow missed an announcement, but is this permanent or still in the works as far as a Monday time slot?
Last night was a test for TNA, a trial run if you would. I believe depending on their ratings and what not from last night that they might return to Monday nights somewhere down the road. For right now they will go back to Thursdays, I just hope they keep the product filmed live, as that gave me a good feeling about the show from the start. Just knowing everything was essentially happening as it was being seen was great.
I was checking for Impact on Thursday on the Guide and it's just going to be a re-showing of last night's Impact. For all intents and purposes, this was just a trial run like the poster above stated. If they really want a war, they need to switch to Mondays permanently no matter what the ratings are. It's really a bad thing when even the TNA marks don't know when Impact is going to air! TNA really needs to get its shit together if it wants to make a run at the E and last night was a great way to start!
The last thing I read about concerning this, a week or so ago, said that TNA was going to have a total of four live iMPACTs on Monday night throughout the year. If that's still the case, then the next one should happen around early April. Based on how these shows do in the ratings coupled with what iMPACT is able to draw on its regular night and time could probably determine if another Monday Night Wars takes place. If TNA continues with this plan, then the "War" won't really start until next year.

However, depending upon what kind of numbers the show pulled last night, TNA might very well try to get Spike to move them to Monday nights on a permanent basis. Ultimately, we probably won't know until tonight when the ratings for both shows last night hit.
Yeah. It was really more of a way to get some wind behind their sails.
I have yet to have watched RAW from last night, but I must say Impact had me scratching my head a bit.

It started at the opening match. DQ? I'd rather Homicide beat the crap out of everyone and Hardy climb the cage and knock him down and have that be the DQ. It was a DQ and nothing happened for like a minute (at least).

Then the whole Hogan/Bischoff/Waltman/Sexy/Hall segment seemed really flat. Like there was not life to it. They kept repeating the same things back to each other for like 10 minutes and then it ended.

Didn't like Raven/Doc Stevie falling over. Or Wolfe taking a fall for Pope. Or Abyss submitting. I mean, we aren't too far from seeing Abyss a bloody mess and fighting on.

Last match seemed pretty anti-climatic. I would much rather have seen someone interfere with the match a create an angle (pardon the pun).

I'm intrigued and I want to see them succeed. But I think they fell flat on 1/4. I'm hoping they just had some loose ends purposely open to keep us excited for next week.
I was checking for Impact on Thursday on the Guide and it's just going to be a re-showing of last night's Impact. For all intents and purposes, this was just a trial run like the poster above stated. If they really want a war, they need to switch to Mondays permanently no matter what the ratings are. It's really a bad thing when even the TNA marks don't know when Impact is going to air! TNA really needs to get its shit together if it wants to make a run at the E and last night was a great way to start!

That's what I initially thought. So this weeks Thursday's iMPACT will just be a re-run? Considering they are taping tonight in the iMPACT zone, will they air tonight's taped iMPACT on Monday, or wait until next Thursday? That's a helluva wait for fans seeing the after math, since RAW will already have their follow up on Monday Night.
To tell you the truth I had been waiting for years to see the HitMan Bret Hart back in wrestling but It just didnt do it for me last night. It wasnt too exciting and Bret didnt seem too comfortable. His confrontation with HBK was corney and then when it comes to Vince. It could have been done much better and as for RAW. RAW was boring I found myself just sitting there waiting for the HITMAN, I hate to be that guy but RAW would have sucked if it wasnt for Bret..............TNA had a couple of problems with early finishes and the cage was a HUGE mess, I was embarrased for everyone involved, everybody at the party last night was laughin because no one could even get out of the cage if they wanted to. As for the hulk and his speech, Man it was COOL. His confrontation with Scott Hall and Sean Waltman could have been done better but It was fun to watch. All the surprise Superstars was Great!........My favorite moment was when Mick confronted Bicheoff in Hogans office. Mick tryed to mad handle Easy-E and then the NWO ran in and took him down.MAn I loved it and then Hogans face when he realizes what his peeps just did was CLASSIC. I havent enjoyed wrestling this much In a long long time.........TNA should go live every monday night.
To tell you the truth I had been waiting for years to see the HitMan Bret Hart back in wrestling but It just didnt do it for me last night. It wasnt too exciting and Bret didnt seem too comfortable. His confrontation with HBK was corney and then when it comes to Vince. It could have been done much better and as for RAW. RAW was boring I found myself just sitting there waiting for the HITMAN, I hate to be that guy but RAW would have sucked if it wasnt for Bret..............TNA had a couple of problems with early finishes and the cage was a HUGE mess, I was embarrased for everyone involved, everybody at the party last night was laughin because no one could even get out of the cage if they wanted to. As for the hulk and his speech, Man it was COOL. His confrontation with Scott Hall and Sean Waltman could have been done better but It was fun to watch. All the surprise Superstars was Great!........My favorite moment was when Mick confronted Bicheoff in Hogans office. Mick tryed to mad handle Easy-E and then the NWO ran in and took him down.MAn I loved it and then Hogans face when he realizes what his peeps just did was CLASSIC. I havent enjoyed wrestling this much In a long long time.........TNA should go live every monday night.

Not ONCE did I switch over to WWE. When I found out Hart signed with the WWE I was sick only because Vince is as shady and cold as it comes, and after ALL of what happened with the Montreal Screw Job, I thought I'd never see Hart in a WWE ring again. Since this happened, I can't take it serious. These men HATE each other and the awkwardness is through the roof and it just isn't believable after what happened so I have 0 interest in watching Vince/Hart/ and HBK make love in the ring and make up.

TNA put on a GREAT PROGRAM, and that was without a historic make up like Hart back in the WWE. I've TRIED watching WWE for years now and they just don't do it for me. I hate Vince, and I hate everything WWE/F. They've been getting away scotch free now for 9 years and it's about time another promotion woke up.
So i guess Bret put aside his pride and Basically just did it for the money thats pretty much it right? I thought Bret did very well last night.I think the hug at the end between him and shawn was a bit much but other then that i thought it was a nice return.Anyway back to the topic TNA I thought was a good show the opening match was awfull but i am a huge Hogan fan and i think depending on the ratings it will be back on mondays.
So i guess Bret put aside his pride and Basically just did it for the money thats pretty much it right? I thought Bret did very well last night.I think the hug at the end between him and shawn was a bit much but other then that i thought it was a nice return.Anyway back to the topic TNA I thought was a good show the opening match was awfull but i am a huge Hogan fan and i think depending on the ratings it will be back on mondays.

Yeah. Not sure what the motivation was. Perhaps blackmailing his kin currently under McMahons control? :banghead:

I know part of it was the launch of a Hart Family DVD. And now putting his pop in the HOF.

Could just be that he wanted to move on and put all the WWF/E troubles behind him and his family.

But, sure it came down to $$$
I hope that the regular Monday evening programs become a regular thing. Whether it is monthly, bi monthly or what, there is most certainly room for opposition to Monday Night Raw.

TNA last night showed that they can pull it off. They need to focus totally on making iMPACT consistently entertaining, focus on the in ring product that got them where they are and expand on it.

There is no doubt in my mind that they have the roster to expand to a separate program. Last night had no MCMG, Beer Money or Brits so why not work with Spike to get an extra hour going.
I must say both show's were tolerable. Over all I must say that I thought TNA's show overall was more entertaining with all the surprises. Some good, some not. TNA was under pressure to put on a above average show and I think they pulled it off very well. I thought the knockouts match was excellent, but the divas match on raw totally sucked. It was good to see Bret Hart again, but I thought his return after 12 years was horrible. He was "supposed" to be the general manager for a night. It didn't show him at all throught the show except with Jericho. Every week their general managers have a "hands on" on making matches, and stipulation's, nothing at all. It was a terrible return. They should have gave him a more prominent roll to at least seem like he was in control of the show. He is a legend, and could have made alot of incredible matches. They let Bob Barker "set up" matches, and even got physical in a promo with other wrestlers. The dx match could have been great, but hornswoggle is getting irritating, and he needs to go. The comedy vignette dx cut in the back was horrible also. Raw has lost it luster for great wrestling matches, and actual funny vignettes. I was the biggest fan of DX years ago. But when Road Dog, and Billy gun left, and Chyna, and Xpac, but to reform DX without the others is ludicris. They should have just renamed themselves as the "Degenerates." TNA could have done a much better job with their show last night, but even though, it was still more entertaining than what WWE put together. Last night's show for WWE was the exact same as any other week, except they had Bret Hart. I hope TNA keep's the momentum going forward this year. Their locker room just grew a great deal with alot of great talent, and they need to use them wisely, and give us some much needed wrestling matches.
"These men HATE each other and the awkwardness is through the roof and it just isn't believable after what happened so I have 0 interest in watching Vince/Hart/ and HBK make love in the ring and make up."

I don't understand TNA fans. I REALLY don't. They contradict themselves OVER and over again. So that's awkward right? Not believable. Ok.

Well is it believable that Foley couldn't figure out how to enter the arena and he "OWNS" part of TNA, but a drunk like Hall figured it out rather quickly?

What about Hogan, Jeff and Russo. Why didn't Hogan just fire Jeff and Russo? They hate each other. Oh that's right, it's in TNA so it doesn't count.

The reason the WWE is big time and TNA is small time is look at Raw and look at TNA. TNA had stars galore, everybody debuted except Angelina Love, they went balls out. They have nothing left to shock the fans next week, or the week after, or the week after that.

WWE, gives the fans JUST enough Hart to want more next week. You have JUST enough contact between Hart and McMahon to know there is more coming. And the end result will be WM. Vince, if anything, knows how to make an angle work better than anybody else in the business. He did it with Hogan, he did it with HHH, with Austin, Rock. He does it with Taker, HBK. He understands you can't win a "war" in one night.

Too bad TNA didn't get that memo. They just shot their load all in night and didn't even get the money shot
If TNA wants to compete with RAW, they need to find their identity and find it quick. WCW was all about the cruiserweights. Sure, they got big names from WWE, but if you ask people what they liked about WCW that WWE didn't have, or what they would like WWE to do more of, the answer is usually "more cruiserweights". That's why TNA needs to showcase the X-Division.

Hogan said it himself last night that this company was going to be all about giving the young guys a shot. So why did we get so many segments with old, fat, out of shape has beens like Hall and the Nastys? Why did we get so many segments with Foley? Make the show about the young guys. If people tune in and see great wrestling with a few backstage segments or in ring promos, they'll come back. But if they get to see the first hour of last night's show (2 matches for a total time of roughly 15 minutes) and a bunch of backstage crap, why bother switching from WWE?

But to hit the topic, if TNA want's to compete with WWE, they HAVE to go live. At the very least every other week. I don't care if it's Mondays or Thursdays, but taping your show tonight and not showing it until next Thursday is going to kill a good chunk of your viewers. Sure, not everyone checks wrestling sites everyday to see what's new, but quite a few do.
Wait, all of you are really saying that TNA put on a good show? It was barely decent! That opening match was so AWFUL it made me laugh. Watching Homicide try and climb out of that stupid looking cage, was horrid. The Hogan promo was nothing good. The Hogan/Hall/Easy E/Nash/Waltman promo was terrible. The promo with Lashley askin for his release was great, then I realized it was a work and was disappointed. I am a fan of Pope, but he should not have gone over Nigel. Angle and AJ was a great match, but it didn't save the show for me.

I felt like I watched the 3 hour first chapter to the book "How Hogan and Bischoff killed their second wrestling company".

TNA has alot of things that the WWE doesn't have. Alot of young workers who have the ability to put on great matches. What did they do with them? Put them all in one match to open the show that was terrible, with an even worse finish, inside the ugliest cage in wrestling history. And now, they are getting rid of the one thing that really makes them stand apart? Really they are getting rid of the six sided ring? Expect to see a squared circle with a giant "Thunder" logo and blue ropes at the taping.

Yes, Raw was not as good as it could have been. But all in all, I liked it better. Orton/Kofi was a really good match, with a good finish. The DX/Jerishow match was really good, with a good finish. Bret Hart and Shawn had the feel it needed, and Hitman/Vince segment was awesome in my opinion. Set up a great storyline leading to wrestlemania.

You know what I don't want to see? The Nasty Boys, or Hall, or Waltman, or Val Venis, or Orlando Jordan, or Jeff Hardy working for TNA. I will read the results to tonights tapings, but I am expecting to decide I am done with TNA. I don't want to watch a good wrestling company slowly killed by Hogan and Bischoff again!

Just my opinion, I could be wrong......but I doubt it.
As a UK viewer, I somehow managed to stay up for most of the RAW show last night (TNA isn't ever shown live and we are apparently getting a cut down version on Saturday night, kinda weak) and to be honest, aside from the opening 20 minutes, RAW didn't seem too different to me. Seeing Bret back made me feel a mix of several emotions. I started watching wrestling, more specifically WWE, in 2000 when the Royal Rumble was shown on channel 4 and I watched a documentary on the Montreal Screwjob recently to try and garner a better understanding of everything. But this isn't a WWE board so I'll move on.
As I said, Impact isn't shown live, so so far I've only seen up until the confrontation with Hall/Pac/Nash/Hogan/Bischoff but to be honest I enjoyed what Impact had on offer far more than what Raw had, and yes I saw the opening match. What saved it (the opening match) for me was the Impact fans chanting the whole way through and even the 'This is Bullsh1t' chant had me entertained. I'd prefer to see a botched finish to a Steel Asylum to a Diva's match any day of the week, dunno how other people feel about that though. To be honest, as long as TNA are doing stuff that RAW/WWE isn't doing, I'll find myself tuning into them far more often.
Impact showed potential - nothing more, nothing less. It was decent, and yes there were mistakes. And, as I said in another thread on here, there was also a hell of a lot of nerves, even from the veterans.

Raw was... meh, Raw from the last few years. Gimmiky, watered down, and disappointing in my eyes. The only saving graces were the Bret / NBK segment and the Orton v Kingston match.

Monday night proved two things to me: 1. Impact MUST go live to help improve their product. And 2. Raw needs to get away from the PG rubbish its doing atm and find a way to return to almost an Attitude era standing.

If they both happen, there will be only one winner - WRESTLING.
Finally got to watch RAW last night. I think it was said best here a few times, it was RAW.

Yeah, they might have been setting something up for the coming weeks into WM. But, at as Vince was walking down the ramp, the whole time I was waiting for the Hart Dynasty to show up. And have it go off the air there with Vince between Bret and the HD. But, it ends with Vince walking off into the sunset and Bret wondering what the heck happened. Impact at least ended with some drama.

So, 1/4 ends like this in my eyes:
1) Impact! - disjointed with screw ups but at least an attempt at making a splash and moving forward
2) RAW - same old with some push towards WM. Which leads us to Mike Tyson next week. I'm hoping that he is not as stiff as Johnny Damon up there. And Mike Tyson without Steve Austin showing up would be a missed opportunity. Which means it won't happen.

I think something that I really haven't heard mentioned here (probably because HDNet does not have a ton of subs) is that ROH also moved to Monday. So, Impact moving to Monday blows up my DVR!

Impact live was killer. Fan reaction was awesome. Start taping Impact live on Thursdays! Please!

Forgot to mention two things I noticed:

1) Jericho doing Hogan-isms to the crowd during RAW match
2) Hogan saying the two words that should never be put together in his segment - sports and entertainment :banghead:
"These men HATE each other and the awkwardness is through the roof and it just isn't believable after what happened so I have 0 interest in watching Vince/Hart/ and HBK make love in the ring and make up."

I don't understand TNA fans. I REALLY don't. They contradict themselves OVER and over again. So that's awkward right? Not believable. Ok.

Well is it believable that Foley couldn't figure out how to enter the arena and he "OWNS" part of TNA, but a drunk like Hall figured it out rather quickly?

What about Hogan, Jeff and Russo. Why didn't Hogan just fire Jeff and Russo? They hate each other. Oh that's right, it's in TNA so it doesn't count.

The reason the WWE is big time and TNA is small time is look at Raw and look at TNA. TNA had stars galore, everybody debuted except Angelina Love, they went balls out. They have nothing left to shock the fans next week, or the week after, or the week after that.

WWE, gives the fans JUST enough Hart to want more next week. You have JUST enough contact between Hart and McMahon to know there is more coming. And the end result will be WM. Vince, if anything, knows how to make an angle work better than anybody else in the business. He did it with Hogan, he did it with HHH, with Austin, Rock. He does it with Taker, HBK. He understands you can't win a "war" in one night.

Too bad TNA didn't get that memo. They just shot their load all in night and didn't even get the money shot

Listen dude, there is no contradiction in what I said. Yes, there were mess-ups during iMPACT but the thought of you and WWE fans tuning in says EVERYTHING right there. Not once did I give RAW a rating. I watched the whole Hart/HBK/Vince storyline on youtube and even though it was apart of wrestling history, it came off as a piss rant from Hart, one he never shuts up about and nothing but a pity party. Yes, RAW was going to beat TNA regardless given the history of this, but TNA drawing a 1.5 is huge and a start.

Like I said, TNA started from scratch, and all in ONE single night, Hogan, Dixie and company obviously turned their promotion around in a snap of a finger. What you must understand is that it won't happen over night. But look around dude, the hype is huge, and that's because of TNA.

As far as mess ups, ohwell, deal with it. When it's live, there will be production screw ups and what not, esp for the first time around. I've watched WWE and let me tell you some and MOST things in their storylines or what's going on make absolute no sense and is worse than TNA by far as far as wrestling is concerned. We all know TNA will have it's share of mistakes, but lets not pretend WWE is picture perfect, because their NOT.
My two cents: TNA hosting iMPACT on a Monday night to compete with Raw now would be wrestling suicide.
Raw's ratings were far superior to iMPACT's this week, despite iMPACT showing a noticeable improvement. TNA need to build their product and consilidate their new position after a big management shift before even thinking about taking on Vince at his own game.
ESPN is doing a series of documentaries called '30 for 30' and one that Dixie Carter should watch is 'Who Killed the USFL.'

USFL had a great thing going playing in the spring with no competition. It fell apart when they took a year off and decided to compete in the fall against the NFL.

There is absolutely no reason to go up against the WWE in regards to having a Monday night show. Do a live show on Thursdays. There is no reason to start a war that does not need to be fought.
My two cents: TNA hosting iMPACT on a Monday night to compete with Raw now would be wrestling suicide.
Raw's ratings were far superior to iMPACT's this week, despite iMPACT showing a noticeable improvement. TNA need to build their product and consilidate their new position after a big management shift before even thinking about taking on Vince at his own game.

How do you think WCW made the switch? They pulled the trigger and went head to head with the big guy, and punched the bully right in the mouth. The result? Changing the face of wrestling with not only the best storyline ever, but taking wrestling to its peak.

As I said multiple times, yes, WWE is superior right now. Everyone with a brain and who watches wrestling and watched everything knows this. WWE has been the ruler of wrestling for way over a decade now, and before that, competitors to a heated Monday Night battle. This is the whole reason Monday Night was so big. A small promotion like TNA, headlined by a legend like Hogan, coming in, with little fire power behind, and punching the bully in the mouth. No, it didn't leave a mark, no it wasn't big as far as WWE standards, but it was big for TNA and big for wrestling as a whole. 1.5 is something to be proud of for TNA and they certainly got their foot in the door!
I think that TNA needs to remain on Thursday nights, and see exactly how big of a success January 4th was. If the fans still tune in, and the ratings continue to improve, then I'd take a shot at putting a live show on Mondays, but keeping a taped show on Thursdays. It's always good to have a fail-safe.

Switching over to Monday nights full-time would be a bad move, because there's no guarantee that they'll keep all of these new fans, and there's no idea how the new guys will all pan out.
I've yet to watch either show but from reading them both, they sound really good.

RAW to be honest only has Bret Hart as having any appeal for me to watch while Impact has be excited to watch.

The 1.5 rating tells me TNA and Hogan can draw, but they have to now do it consistently which is a bigger challenge.
Hulk Hogan's grand plan for TNA involves them going live each and every monday night to compete with Vince because their one impact pulled a whopping 1.5 rating. IMO TNA's next logiacal step is to take their product on the road. They will gain more money from ticket sales, plus travleing the US will raise more awarness for them so when they do go live they wont be burried.

The only problem with this is if TNA gose on the road they will have a more intense schedule, IMO this will drive away some major stars. Almost all of WWE guys who "cross the line" only do so because of the schedule.

What are your Thoughts? Is Going on the road a good idea? Should they go live first? Will this drive stars away from TNA?
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