It's no secret that John Cena and Nikki Bella are together thanks to the web and Total Divas. It has also been hinted on Raw on occasions so I'm curious with all the Bella Twin drama where does John Cena fit in? How is it that Cena is allowing his girlfriend to be affiliated with the Authority when he is one of the targets of the Authority. I know that the relationship of Cena/Nikki and what goes on is being held secret to be shown on TD but with the season not premiering yet it does not make too much sense.
If Daniel Bryan was not needing another surgery in would think this would've been the perfect opportunity for a John Cena heel turn. It'd put DB as a loved face who could've stood up for his wife and John Cena coming out to defend Nikki causing a feud allowing Cena to side with the Authority. I just think this is bad timing for a Nikki Bella/Brie Bella feud. Course the way Storylines have been lately everything has been too drawn out or no longer making sense.
If Daniel Bryan was not needing another surgery in would think this would've been the perfect opportunity for a John Cena heel turn. It'd put DB as a loved face who could've stood up for his wife and John Cena coming out to defend Nikki causing a feud allowing Cena to side with the Authority. I just think this is bad timing for a Nikki Bella/Brie Bella feud. Course the way Storylines have been lately everything has been too drawn out or no longer making sense.