Where is John Cena in all this drama?


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It's no secret that John Cena and Nikki Bella are together thanks to the web and Total Divas. It has also been hinted on Raw on occasions so I'm curious with all the Bella Twin drama where does John Cena fit in? How is it that Cena is allowing his girlfriend to be affiliated with the Authority when he is one of the targets of the Authority. I know that the relationship of Cena/Nikki and what goes on is being held secret to be shown on TD but with the season not premiering yet it does not make too much sense.

If Daniel Bryan was not needing another surgery in would think this would've been the perfect opportunity for a John Cena heel turn. It'd put DB as a loved face who could've stood up for his wife and John Cena coming out to defend Nikki causing a feud allowing Cena to side with the Authority. I just think this is bad timing for a Nikki Bella/Brie Bella feud. Course the way Storylines have been lately everything has been too drawn out or no longer making sense.
I'm sorry but with all due respect, what does their real life relationship have to do with their on screen characters?

A lot of wrestlers are in relationships with each other: Rusev and Lana are apparently involved and that's not mentioned.

Undertaker married Michelle McCool and it was never mentioned.

One of the Uso's can't remember which one is married to Naomi I believe, but you wouldn't know it, as again it's not mentioned.

Edge and Beth Phoenix just had a baby. They might not count because both are technically retired.

Brock Lesnar and Sable are married, as well as Miz and Maryse. I guess you get my drift.

Just because two people that work with each other are involved or get married in real life, doesn't mean it would or should be part of the storyline they are part of. They don't interact, like Bryan and Brie Bella do, and have never said on RAW or SD that they are a couple. So not surprised that Cena hasn't said anything, he's not part of the story line.
I'm sorry but with all due respect, what does their real life relationship have to do with their on screen characters?

A lot of wrestlers are in relationships with each other: Rusev and Lana are apparently involved and that's not mentioned.

Undertaker married Michelle McCool and it was never mentioned.

One of the Uso's can't remember which one is married to Naomi I believe, but you wouldn't know it, as again it's not mentioned.

Edge and Beth Phoenix just had a baby. They might not count because both are technically retired.

Brock Lesnar and Sable are married, as well as Miz and Maryse. I guess you get my drift.

Just because two people that work with each other are involved or get married in real life, doesn't mean it would or should be part of the storyline they are part of. They don't interact, like Bryan and Brie Bella do, and have never said on RAW or SD that they are a couple. So not surprised that Cena hasn't said anything, he's not part of the story line.

Neat list Navi :D but I think what OP means is Nikki Bella now works for the Authority(sort of) and Cena is now feuding with the Authority. Which wouldn't be a problem but it's been mentioned that they're dating. So it's like, they're only dating when it helps the WWE, if it complicates things suddenly there's no mention of it.

And I definitely agree, if anything Cena being mad at the authority now confuses me. He could have came to Nikki's aid back when she was in all the handicap matches, telling Trips to lay off..would've added a bit to the resentment Triple H has.

But keep in mind that on Raw Nikki said something to the effect of, "Brie was the first to get married and said I'd never be in a serious relationship." So if they mentioned that Nikki is dating Cena it would take away that argument from the Bella feud.

Again, I'm no expert just my thought
john cena heel turn not happend now. They never mingled cena with nikki. He still has lots of childrens and womens and international fans in his back. So heel turn no needed. If they turn him heel then they lost most of his sale profit.
Neat list Navi :D but I think what OP means is Nikki Bella now works for the Authority(sort of) and Cena is now feuding with the Authority. Which wouldn't be a problem but it's been mentioned that they're dating. So it's like, they're only dating when it helps the WWE, if it complicates things suddenly there's no mention of it.

And I definitely agree, if anything Cena being mad at the authority now confuses me. He could have came to Nikki's aid back when she was in all the handicap matches, telling Trips to lay off..would've added a bit to the resentment Triple H has.

But keep in mind that on Raw Nikki said something to the effect of, "Brie was the first to get married and said I'd never be in a serious relationship." So if they mentioned that Nikki is dating Cena it would take away that argument from the Bella feud.

Again, I'm no expert just my thought

I understand completely what you're saying, but if Cena comes out to help Nikki because of a real life relationship they're having, then it puts him directly into the middle of this storyline. Which by the looks of things, no one should be involved in, much less the face of the company. And I would argue that the only reason the Bella's are so pertinent right now is because of Daniel Bryan and Cena. Otherwise no one would give a rats ass about them. Just like in the past.

The whole thing doesn't make sense really, and makes your head hurt just thinking about it.

- Brie Bella marries Daniel Bryan
- Daniel Bryan gets injured and no return date is announced
- In order to keep his name out there, Brie has a fight with Stephanie
- That feud then involves her sister being put through the wringer
- Nikki turns heel and takes her revenge, not on Stephanie but her sister
- John Cena, Nikki's boyfriend in real life, is there but does nothing to help
- He's never said one word to anyone in the Authority about her treatment
- Nikki joins the Authority and Cena still does or says nothing
- It's never mentioned once on RAW or SD that they are a couple

Now I don't watch Total Diva's so don't know what happens on that show, nor care quite honestly. So I have no idea where their relationship is at and how it plays out. It's pretty obvious though that they don't want it on the main show and it won't be.

If you ask casual fans who don't watch Total Diva's or aren't members of IWC, they probably don't even know the two are a couple. The WWE must have a reason for not putting it out there, like they've done with others. I have no idea what it is, but maybe it will come into play later, right now though no.
I personally feel that John Cena is exactly where he needs to be as far as all this drama is concerned: he's not involved with it whatsoever. IF Vince could resist insisting Cena employ his attempts to be humorous or to avoid adding humor to the situation altogether, I might be okay with it. I very, very much prefer serious, intense Cena to him being Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky and comedy isn't what the feud with The Bella Twins needs.

For the most part, it's hard enough getting people to take storylines and feuds between Divas, or women in general, seriously without purposely injecting lame and corny humor into it.
Well I apologize then, I thought Nikki and Cena teamed up at some point on Raw or a PPV but Wikipedia is denying it so :confused:
It was actually mentioned during the Bray Wyatt feud as Bray Wyatt talked about Cenas "plastic girlfriend ". Everyone in their right mind knew what he was referring to. Nikki even responded on that comment on social media.
Total Diva's is a weird show. It's "reality" but some things on it are certainly scripted to bleed into RAW or Smackdown. It seems weird to just ignore something that's been a major plot point somewhere else. It seems like the Bryan/Bella thing was always intended to be a breakout from Total Diva's and it seems like they're just ignoring Cena/Bella.

It is a little weird that we're supposed to ignore the fact that Cena's girlfriend is aligned with people who are basically trying to end his career. Maybe it shouldn't matter, but like I said, they promote the show too much that it has to matter. It's a good point to be brought up here.
Well its weird he isnt involved being that this whole Bellas split is because its what Total Divas wanted for the show this season, so how does Cena not fit into this at some point during this feud.
Don't get me wrong, when I first posted this I wasn't saying Cena needed to be in this storyline. If just something that is hard to ignore with the fact they haves crossed TD over into Raw and now looks like they will use a storyline from Raw for Total Divas.

If the stars were aligned and it was Daniel Bryan who lost to Lesnar at Summer Slam and rematch at NOC, I think Cena could have gotten involved very well with this storyline especially to change up something in the authority. I'm kinda getting tired of corporate Kane and the same stuff from the mcmahons and Orton. If DB was around I think Cena could've finally had a Hulk Hogan Bash at the Beach moment.
If this storyline drama was the case, Nikki and Brie would be at each other in Total Divas as well.
Sable is married to Lesnar ??? Man, she gets around, from WCW to WWE to UFC, from McMichaels to Austin to Lesnar....unreal.

The Divas program is very low tier, its bottom card entertainment, it's not top card and that is where Cena lives. Cena's feuds are major events, tying him to the Divas storyline (where admittedly the Divas aren't very talented and typically don't draw much anyway) is waste of Cena's star power. Id rather see him in a feud with someone who has star potential like he did with Bray Wyatt rather than use him to add credibility to a storyline no one is interested in with performers who have very little upside and little to gain by his addition.
If this storyline drama was the case, Nikki and Brie would be at each other in Total Divas as well.

Apparently that is what you're going to see in Season 3 (it's been noted on a few sites as to them fighting on Raw was to set up TD.

The other thing is that with TD Cena and Nikki split up and are no longer together (if I remember correctly as I don't watch the show just read highlights) so he would have no reason to get involved with her now.

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