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Where is Christian going?


On A Break From Sig Requests
Last week I made a pretty successful thread entitled "Where is big Zeke going?".
It can be found here:


So today: CHRISTIAN!!!

We all know what Christian has done:

Part of one of the best tag teams ever
good heel or face
former ECWWE, European, light Heavyweight, Intercontinental, 9 time tag team and Hardcore champion in WWE/F.
Former NWA/TNA World heavyweight Champion

Recently he's been shelved with an injury at the hands of Alberto Del Rio.

So, How high do you see him going once he returns?
Will we FINALLY have an E&C reunion?
Will he FINALLY win the WWE or WHC belt?
Perhaps a TLC match between him and Edge at Wrestlemania?

I'm interested in all of your opinions (unless you are a ********).

Also, some feedback on this series of threads would be cool.
I'd say give him a heel run as the IC champ. He should be coming back i a month or so then maybe give him another month to get alot of heel heat and become IC contender, by that time Ziggler may have dropped the title and lost the rematch to a face. But I don't see him in the world title picture because Edge is better off face right now because he wouldn't have anyone to feud with if he was a heel.
Put the IC belt on him to regain momentum. After that, run him up towards the WHC title. I would honestly like to see him win the title, and then, just before getting mauled by Kane or one of the younger guys, like Del Rio, have Edge make the save, with the brothers weary of each other despite Edge helping Christian out. Then, after a few weeks of similar incidents, Edge turns on Christian and they feud over the Belt. Throw in a younger wrestler who is ready and either Kane or Taker and have the fourth person (Kane or Taker) double chokeslam Edge and Christian before pinning the younger guy for the gold. Then, the first Smackdown after that, have Edge and Christian tense around each other, obviously not to keen to be near each other. Edge has a match against the losing youngster for the number one contendership that night. Have him lose with the youngster then beating up Edge and mocking him, only to be silenced and chased off by Christian. Then, have E&C reunite. Kinda lame, I know, but that's the best I could come up with.
Spam answer: To physical therapy in the morning.

NS: If he keeps his head down and doesn't ruffle anyone's feathers, he's looking at a long successful career as an upper mid card worker, like Kane before his title capture. Christian is a great talent and works well with the new blood, he's looking at a pretty good future.
I think that he will probably return post Royal Rumble. Maybe cost Del Rio a match with Rey at the rumble if they are still going at it. Have him get his revenge on the man who "sidelined" him. It would be probable that they face each other at Mania. After Mania I guess he could reunite with Edge and than make Edge betray him. Finally getting Christian to main event level by becoming face and beating Edge in the feud as a whole. I doubt that it could happen, but it does seem probable.
What I think Christian should do is he should come back at the royal rumble match but not win it but only throw Del Rio over the top rope. Then the following Smackdown have Del Rio fight Christian in a mini feud until wrestlemaina so that Christian can be in the money in the bank match and win it. Then have Christian flot around upper mid card until fatal four way then when the Smackdown champion is down have Christian run in and pin him. Then Christian should wrestle guys like Mysterio, Del Rio, Edge then finally drop the belt to Swagger.
Christian will be a surprise return at the Royal Rumble. Like John Cena and Edge before him, the sling on his arm is likely a ruse in order to throw people off. My guess is that we wont see him on WWE television again until he makes his return at the Royal Rumble.

But unlike Cena and Edge, Christian isnt going to win the Royal RUmble. He'll have a nice showing for himself but ultimately be dumped out by someone on Smackdown who he'll feud with heading into EC, possibly even Dolph Ziggler, if he's still the champion at the time. A Ziggler/Christian IC title match at Wrestlemania could be an excellent undercard match if they continue to push Ziggler the way they have, even if his win/loss record doesnt indicate it.

The other obvious option could be Alberto Del Rio upon his return. Since Del Rio was the one who injured Christian in the first place, a "grudge feud" between Del Rio and Christian could be a good program. Christian had been trying to fight Del Rio for weeks only for Del Rio to refuse, and put him on the shelf before they actually had a match. So they definitely teased a feud, and a Del Rio/Christian match could be very good as well, if Del Rio isnt in the championship picture come Wrestlemania.

So I believe that Ziggler and Del Rio are Christian's two most likely feud come Wrestlemania time. An Edge feud would obviously be the most enjoyable feud, but Edge is the WHC. Christian likely wont be in the main event scene when he returns, as he certainly wasn't before his injury.
Christian will probably feud with Del Rio when he returns. I don't think Christian will come out on top in this feud, because Del Rio will most likely go further than Christan when it comes to being pushed. As far his getting near the IC title again, it might happen, but don't expect him to win the gold. I think Cody Rhodes or Jack Swagger could be next in line for a IC title run, so that won't leave much room for Captain Charisma.

I like Christian, but you shouldn't expect a big push for him. Ever since his ECW Championship run ended, he's been stuck in the mid card. I don't think WWE has any big plans for Christian. He's tag teamed with Hornswoggle before, and unless your name is Triple H or Shawn Michaels, then being involved with the little guy can't be looked at as a good sign.
As you can tell by my name, I'm a Christian mark and I hope he goes somewhere. But that hasnt been the case, as he has pretty much worked his entire WWE career in the midcard.

When he comes back from injury, he will most likely feud with Del Rio for taking him out of action. And with the way the WWE has been pushing Del Rio, this could be a good thing for Christian. Maybe Christian will find himself in a feud with one of the bigger heels on Smackdown, elevating him just a little closer to the main event. This injury could work out to be a good thing.

However, he will most likely remain in the midcard. It just doesnt seem like they see him as the draw they need for the title. I wouldnt be surprised by another midcard title run in his future though.
One thing I'd like to see Christian do is something that he hasn't done before -- have a lengthy feud with a main eventer in the WWE. I don't want to see Christian hold the IC title again. That feels like a step down for him considering how he doesn't even need it and he should be soaring higher. I also don't want to see him reunite with Edge. What's the point of doing that in this stage of both his and Edge's respective careers? They could probably throw in one or two temporary team-ups for nostalgic purposes if that's what people want, but with Christian's charisma and in-ring fluidity, I'd much rather see him compete for the World title and/or against main eventers for once in his WWE career. It'd be refreshing to see. Also, if he did win the Royal Rumble, that would definitely elevate him and reintroduce him to people as someone that can hold his own.
Right now? I hope he's going to physical therapy to work on his chest strength.

It's hard to say where Christian is going because he has been out for so long. It is clear that the WWE doesn't want us to forget about him, they brought him back to present a Slammy with Edge, but it's nearly impossible to tell what the WWE has planned for him in the future.

When he left, he was in what appeared to be a talent enhancement phase. He teamed with MVP a few times (who was also doing talent enhancement) and would win a few and lose a few against heel teams. He also helped to put over Alberto del Rio by selling the armbar injury. I would not be too surprised to see him fall into a similar roll when he comes back, but he'll probably be a little more credible, perhaps picking up wins over some low level heels to put over a guy like Cody Rhodes.

I also wouldn't be surprised to see him come back to have a run with the IC title. Dolph Ziggler has really gone through most of Smackdown's faces, and I think he and Dolph could put on some good matches and make a decent feud out of it.

Christian is talented, but he hasn't exactly shined since he has returned to the WWE. Perhaps this is creatives fault, perhaps his own, but either way, he's going to need to prove himself before he is put into any serious programs.
Win the rumble and have him fued with Edge and not have either Edge or Christian turn heel.What is interesting is that Edge/Christian are brothers.Make this fued personal and entertaining,bring in childhood stories,talk about wrestling and training but make them bad and good memories,and dare I say it....bring back Gangrel for a short period of time,but before Mania.Vince needs to make WWE (though already entertaining) more watchable and if he went with what I just said,I would watch in amazement
I think it's safe to say he'll feud with Del Rio in a revenge angle when he returns. While I don't see Christian coming out on top, I won't be surprised if he does. Then he'll probably qualify for MITB if they do it at Wrestlemania this year (with them having a PPV and all) but what I would really like to see is a program between Edge and Christian. It would be a nice step up for Christian and personally speaking, it's something I would find intriguing.
How high do you see him going once he returns?
I see Chrstian remaining in the midcard for the remainder of his career, with the exception of maybe one high profile feud with Edge.

Will we FINALLY have an E&C reunion?
Maybe on a short term basis, but I doubt they will reunite as a full time tag team. The tag team division is dead, and Edge is to valuable of a superstar to be wasting his time in attempt to get Christian and the tag team division over.

Will he FINALLY win the WWE or WHC belt?
If I told you there was a 37 year old wrestler who had spent the majority of his career as an overrated midcarder, would you believe he could be a world champion? What if I told you that overated midcarder left the WWE five years ago to join another promotion? What if I told you that overated and disloyal midcarder was barely over with the crowd unless he was in the presence of Edge? Yeah, Christian is never gonna be a World Champion.

Perhaps a TLC match between him and Edge at Wrestlemania?
No, that's stupid.
easy and hopefully a return as a heel and challenge edge for the title at wm. i dont care if he wins but them two in their prime would be good
I would like to see this:

Have Christian make his return at the Rumble and have him get eliminated by Ziggler, have Christian interfere and get Ziggler eliminated. They fued to EC where they face off for the IC title and the #1 contender for Edges WHC. Christian wins the IC and the #1 contender spot setting up Edge vs Christian, WHC vs IC at Wrestlemania, just like Wrestlemania 6 where Edge was in attendance. Christian wins and has to vacate the IC title where they hold a tournament which can add prestige to the IC title and be used to further or set up fueds in the midcard
Last week I made a pretty successful thread entitled "Where is big Zeke going?".
It can be found here:


So today: CHRISTIAN!!!

We all know what Christian has done:

Part of one of the best tag teams ever
good heel or face
former ECWWE, European, light Heavyweight, Intercontinental, 9 time tag team and Hardcore champion in WWE/F.
Former NWA/TNA World heavyweight Champion

Recently he's been shelved with an injury at the hands of Alberto Del Rio.

So, How high do you see him going once he returns?
Will we FINALLY have an E&C reunion?
Will he FINALLY win the WWE or WHC belt?
Perhaps a TLC match between him and Edge at Wrestlemania?

I'm interested in all of your opinions (unless you are a ********).

Also, some feedback on this series of threads would be cool.

I would like to see Christian as a WHC. I think he would get the fan support and he is one of the last great hard workers left in the WWE. A fued with Edge would be good for him to show he can hang in the main event/WHC title hunt. Unfortunately he will come back to fued with Alberto Del Rio(which I think will only boost Del Rio just like Rey is doing now) and the fall back into the mid card ranks again. Its a shame leaving the TNA main event to mid card WWE.

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