Where Has Macios Been This Week?

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I think it has been noticed that I have been a lot less frequent on the forums as of late and I wanted to give everyone an update on what my life has looked liked recently.

Wednesday 29th Girlfriends graduation party, rugby training (injured but do what I can)

Thursday 30th Rugby Playoff Championships didn't play but support my club of course I did. Big drinking party with the pros.

Friday 31st- My Grad + A fun night with my girlfriend :rolleyes:

June 1st - After Grad. We get wasted, sleep in tents wake up hungover. Also a fun night with my women. :rolleyes:

June 2nd- Hungover as fuck. Not properly functioning. Also church.

June 3rd - Had to finish a speech for the sport's banquet the following day + history Part a final +girlfriend time

June 4th - Sports Banquet emcee. The thing lasted from 5-1030 PM. Holy crap it went long

June 5th - My aunt fractured her fibia, and my grandpa also admitted to hospital cause he's not feeling well as he puts it.

June 6th - Today, relaxed with the gf.

As you can tell it's been a crazy week for me but quite frankly don't think i'm going anywhere I'm just enjoying real life right now. :)
Ok I haven't done this before in the Prison but I figured I'd post a picture of myself with my girlfriend. Firstly I want to mention that I'm actually 6'5 although that's hard to tell from the picture as well as mention she's wearing 6 inch heels.

Looking rather dapper there Mac.

Sounds like an exhausting week. I'd layout my weekly schedule, but it would likely only consist of wrestling, work, and sleep. Living the dream!
I'm in a photosharing mood. Here's a picture of me a day after my labrum surgery. Not as fit as I usually look (although I'd been in a sling a long while before this) but yeah another one of me.

People here didn't used to be this kind to people who shared pics of their gfs.

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