where does M.E.M. go from here ?

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Dark Match Jobber
this thread is NOT about Somoa Joe as a member, but I get how people are saying it's a NWO thing. The NWO were NOT all WHC's to become members.
I see MEM as the Elite of TNA who only wanted a little respect from the newer guys.

I was under the impression the "requirements" was you had to be WHC in more than 1 organization. I don't think somoa joe is that good, thats just my opinion He can fight for a few minutes then he goes "hardcore" by using a chair or something

Anyways I don't know what was storyline & what wasn't But I remember STING saying recently "Jokes" like Somoa Joe were the reason the MEM was formed in the first place & those were STINGS own words. And then they go and make him a member

So here's The Official Question: Where Does the MEM go from here ?
(like winning all the titles recently)
well it was explained through storyline when they kicked sting out its no longer about teaching the young guns respect thats whats stings agenda was all along. its like what Nash said its about the power and money "Your plan it aint working His is sorry man" Nash to Sting during the first Impact after slammiversary. Now its time for either Joe and Taz to take down the MEM from the inside or just strengthen the TNA frontline with Sting as the leader and with jarret off tv who knows what will happen now that it looks like kurt will be assuming jeffs role if thats what is really happening. IMO it would be nice to see Sting take out Nash for the Legends Title and have AJ go after Angle and the world title and if Joe stays with the MEM it would be nice to see Daniels take on Joe again they had some great matches in the early days of TNA and to really help push LAX in the main event have them go against booke and scotty just for a little while it would be nice to see them together one more time before they go solo have ther little fued with MEM to really push Super Mex then throw him in the Main Event
I'm hoping that Samoa Joe and Taz will turn on Kurt, although after VR, I don't have much hope for Taz. I mean having him just come down to ringside and stand there, I was hoping for interference. But yeah, hopefully the MeM last just a little longer to see them either dismantled by Joe or for someone on the inside to be turned ( possibly Nash? ) since he sees Sting's side but is blinded by money/power. Hopefully before Sting retires the MeM gets put to rest because right now the younger talent just don't seem fully ready to step up to the plate. Although letting Roode do what he did, not once, but twice to Book and Scott is a step up. Maybe they should have Beer Money keep feuding with them. Other then that, I don't know where this will go then to have people who aren't MeM face them. Oh and hopefully Joe goes back for the X title, he should put on a solid feud down there, to showcase where he originally shined and to get everyone to stop bitchin about him.
Obvioulsy they can't do much better. The MEM can't be on top for long. Now that they have all the titles, they are at their strongest. The will slowly start to crumble and becoming weaker, with it all culminating in an Angle loss, hopefully to AJ. Angle will then bitch and everyone and the MEM will break up.

A lot of faces will be put over if they take down the MEM and the storyline will have done it's job. Give us entertainment while elevating some of the younger superstars. What more can you ask for?
I have no clue where TNA will go from here, not just the MEM. When Angle won the belt, and Foley wanted his rematch, he was forced (as a matchmaker in TNA) to give the Mafia something they wanted (because apparently Kurt Angle has the authority to approve/disapprove title defenses), so he gave all the MEM members title matches. Now the Main Event Mafia has all the titles, there is nothing left for Foley to give up, so I have no clue how they will get Angle to defend the title, he can just do what he did last time, and say you have to give me something to get something (but there is nothing left to give, sans maybe Foley or Sting's career). and if he doesn't, then he just proves that TNAs booking is really short-sighted, to the point where it ruins the long-term product.

As for what TNA will do
***I have not read any spoilers, so do not know what they will do***

My guess is that Sting will put his career up (for the 132,746th time) for the title against Angle, because that seems to be the only way they can go now. Steiner/T will probably defend against somebody (I have no clue who) and Nash will defend the Legends Title (why it's named that I don't know) maybe in a rematch against Styles or Daniels. Joe will win the X-Div title soon (although TNA should try and keep at least 1 title in the TNA camp) so LAX can go after the Tag belts again.
M.E.M has become nWo resurrected from the ashes they are invncible and unstoppable
TNA will end up getting Hulk Hogan soon to possible join MEM hey it would be great!
Ric Flair will also be heading to TNA that's where he belongs and MEM will get bigger and badder all they need is GOLDBERG and SID VICIOUS in TNA! When nWo had the belts in the stable they got bigger and badder! MEM as I had predicted on the threads they would capitalize on winning the titles in TNA now they need Samoa Joe to beat Homicide for the X Divison Title!
For evabody wondering if joe is gonna turn on mafia, if he wastin wouldnt he had droped tha nation of violence gimmick, i think MEM is gonna take over like NWO believe it or not, Taz will be there comentator, an i didnt kno tracey brooks was wrestling anymore so i think she will be there referee or maybe earl hebner , say he doin it for tha money an tracey win knockout title she really deserves it she is tha only girl veteran . taz an joe gonna say they going in from tha inside gonna kill them but they wont do nuttin i c a team goin wit lashley & joe very soon. but i cant wait to c joe go for X divison title an straighten up all those guys. but i think AJ is gonna be put in tha main title picture wit angle bc he not only deserves it but he lost tha ledgends title to quick to not be gettin promoted in some sort. kurt will win tha triple threat with aj & sting, then aj fued wit angle. Book & Steiner will dominate tag divison for a while. Nash is gonna hold that title for a long ass time bc there is nobody to take it from him. daniels might get a shot but thats it nobody left. an morgan will be there jobber.
I agree with the fact that the ME storyline started to suck after the Frontline storyline was abandoned but I NOW think that it's way better.

First off, Sting became leader. Then Morgan tried to get in, Sting didnt let him. Angle won the title by buying Joe into the mafia with Jenna Morasca's money. That was thanks to Nash. Then Sting spoke out about the mafia and Nash said (Which I think is one of the best quotes of the year) "Your plan ain't working! His is, he's got the title! This is about money!". This lead to the mafia kicking Sting out. Now Sting is coming back with a vengeance.

Did you guys hear Angle tell the rest of the mafia that if they lost the title match, they're out of the mafia. I see this continuing until all of them are kicked out and Angle can't pay Joe any more. Joe kicks Angle's ass and wins the title. That should take us to the end of the year.

So...the MEM are looking good.
I think the M. E. Mob should dominate till October with the “All about M. E.” attitude. Then, at BFG, TNA takes back control and their Granddaddy of them All for the “feel good” moment of destroying their “lethal poison” and thus breaking up the Mob. It’s been a decent run for them so far and 3 more months of dominance should do the trick to building up the Flagship PPV.

This is indeed, in the tradition of the 4 Horsemen, n. W. o., DX, and Evolution. I believe the Mob will go down in history as one of the Top 5 Stables of all time, simply for the name value as well as, hopefully, where this whole thing is going. I can’t wait.

One more note, at Turning Point this year, I’d like to see Double J "Turn" on A. J. and really try to take back what’s his.
I think Kurt Angle should take out the entire Main Event Maffia...
They should have Jarret and FOley put together a team, and that team would face the MEM in singles matches at the next PPV. The team with the most wins would get to decide the fate of the MEM. In the end it would come down to a tie, and Sting vs. Kurt Angle would decide the fate of the MEM.
After a ridiculous amount of interference by the entire locker room, you have Angle make Sting tap out.
The next week on iMPACT, you have Angle give his decision on the MEM. He asks individual members to turn on each other, and basically gets the entire MEM to destroy itself in the ring. In the end, Samoa Joe is the only guy left standing and Angle hits him with the Angle Slam, and claims that the Main Event Maffia will continue on...with a small change. Kurt Angle is the main event. And he will continue to dominate as the TNA World Champion.

In this scenario, we set up the end of the Main Event Maffia, and also set up some awesome feuds. You could have Steiner turn on Booker T as the first takedown, so there's one feud. You could have Joe turn on Tazz as the second feud. And now you have Kurt Angle as the clearly dominate force in TNA. Have him beat most of the MEM members in separete title matches, and eventually lose it in an unrealated event to somebody like AJ Styles.
I get the feeling that they are slowly trying to get away from the idea that you need to be a former heavyweight champion to join. I mean the let morgan join, and has he ever been ANY champion? Anyways on last nights impact, i was watching, and I began to think that they really are trying to recreate the NWO. I mean this may sound stupid, but the MEM is like the wolfpac, the main eventers. Now the World Elite or whatever they are called seem the becoming more like the old NWO B-team. Anyone else notice this?
I get the feeling that they are slowly trying to get away from the idea that you need to be a former heavyweight champion to join. I mean the let morgan join, and has he ever been ANY champion? Anyways on last nights impact, i was watching, and I began to think that they really are trying to recreate the NWO. I mean this may sound stupid, but the MEM is like the wolfpac, the main eventers. Now the World Elite or whatever they are called seem the becoming more like the old NWO B-team. Anyone else notice this?

Yes!! I said the same thing on another board.

TNA just keeps getting more and more interesting by the episode, and I believe it’s because they have all of their eggs in one basket. Something like this could very well be done in the WWE if they were all on one brand, but I know, it’ll be too big. I’m loving this Main Event Mafia / World Elite Fac-gime, however, is it just me or does the Mob resemble the Wolfpac and the World Elite resemble the B-Team?? Either way, I’m liking this War that’s brewing.

I guess it's wasn't just me.
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