MEM the new NWO?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
When MEM first started, I thought it was a really interesting idea. The BEST that TNA has to offer in one group. It was freakin sweet. Now...I am getting visions of the old NWO.

But you know, it does make sense. Each member of the original MEM except for Kurt were in a faction of NWO at one point or another. But now they are recruiting more....and with what appears to be in inclusion of World Elite it looks like NWO Wolfpac and NWO Hollywood as one group all over again. Okay I didnt word that right, but you get the point Im sure.

Anyone with some thoughts about this?
If anything, the inclusion of World Elite is a good thing. It makes the Main Event Mafia look like more of a threat. TNA is on the right track. These last few weeks have been very exciting. The only thing I have a concern about is if they can keep this momentum up.
NO. For crying out loud. NO.

Because it is a stable? Because it has Nash/Steiner/Booker who were all former nWo members? Because the stable acquired new members?

Newsflash: pretty much every stable ever has had people added and/or taken away. This is not an uncommon concept.

Thus, MEM is not the "NEW" nWo. They are merely a stable playing by traditional stable rules.
Had Sting aswell Steamboat Ricky

Yeah would have to say it's similar in that TNA is WCW v2 but as steamboat ricky said, no different then any other faction or stable.

all 3 version of nWo, LWO, Evolution, DX, Nation Of Domination, Four Horsemen, Corporation, Corporate Ministry, Hart Foundation (attidue era) to name the biggest ones hell even Right To Censor did same

All of them were stables big or small, all of em did gang tactics, all of em added new people along the way either by force or willingly, all of em took over control of portions of the show they were on at one point or another, all of em used the concept of having titles under there wing. well except RTC who's only goal was to interrupt WWF programming and be very annoying. LOL

Difference was NWO got way too big to the point that most of the guys on the WCW roster were in NWO one way or another so they did control the show and had nowhere to go but down.

Stupid thing about MEM joing forces with World Elite, unless i missed something, Eric Young did the standard it's all america's fault, primarily the fans that he went heel much like Bret Hart did. But then he and the other WE members joined forces with a group comprised entirely of American's? A group i might add who only care about getting themselves over and taking over.

Not to mention that all out brawl which was kinda cool and a throwback to the Monday Night Wars era, then most came out to wrestle later no signs of pain, fatigue or anything LOL

Oh well. least it is alot more interesting atm then TNA have been pushing in recent months
There aren't really that many "original" concepts in pro-wrestling to begin with. It's always been (and always will be) face vs. heel, and there's not a whole lot of angles that haven't already been done (the way the villain draws heat, the way the hero beats him up, etc).

The fact is, yes....the MEM is similar to the NWO. Just like the MEM is similar to the four horsemen, the ministry, corporation, and every other stable before them. Stables will ALWAYS be compared to other stables, just as heroes will always be compared to other heroes, and villains will always be compared to other villains....nothing in this world is original anymore, and any thought that ANY wrestling promoter comes up with has probably already been done.
NO. For crying out loud. NO.

Because it is a stable? Because it has Nash/Steiner/Booker who were all former nWo members? Because the stable acquired new members?

Newsflash: pretty much every stable ever has had people added and/or taken away. This is not an uncommon concept.

Thus, MEM is not the "NEW" nWo. They are merely a stable playing by traditional stable rules.

I think he was meaning the way the nWo started adding unnecessary guys into an already strong stable. Not just the fact that some of the same guys are in MEM were in the nWo. MEM is almost becoming watered down. And yeah,the way World Elite have joined forces with them,it's like the nWo all over again,in a way. It looks ridiculous having that many people in the ring for a promo just like it did back in the late 90's for the nWo.
Everybody here seems to be missing one very important thing. If TNA is trying to make the MEM the new NWO then why not go for it. The NWO is the greatest angle in the history of wrestling. Its true. The NWO is the reason for the wrestling boom in the late 90s. Yes Austin v. Vince helped but it was the NWO. Anyway back on topic. TNA would be smart to try to recreate the success of the NWO. It worked very very well before so why not try recapture the success again.
True, the nWo is in the top 5 greatest angles of all time, but TNA constantly rips off WCW and WWE so why not recrate them, they even shortened the main event mafia into MEM, which i personally think stands for Morons Entertaining Morons. dont tell me russo is going to have them split into two factions. Adding the World Elite is really dumb, because nobody in it will ever be in the main event. it would be like DX in their heyday bringing in the Brooklyn Brawler. It makes no sense. They need to do what the WCW couldn't do and end this before it becomes a total joke. I will admit it has been exciting, but they need to end it soon before it is stale
It's practically impossible not to make the mental connection. Many of the same guys that were around in WCW, opposing sting, playing the "take of the company" angle... there's a lot of similarities that are hard to overlook.

Doesn't mean it's flat out copying and deserves our derision as a result, though. The nWo concept as a whole was fantastic and I don't mind a bit to see something reminiscent of it. As long as they don't drag this MEM thing out too far... I don't think it's anything but good for TNA, and I'm excited about where it's headed.
In my opinion, I believe TNA has a golden opportunity to make the Main Event Mafia greater than the New World Order. Think about it like this. TNA is, in a sense, trying to recreate the second best Stable in the history of Wrestling, but what everyone is not seeing is TNA is trying to avoid the mistakes WCW made with the NWO. The NWO went from a Tag Team in the Hall and Nash, to the greatest 3 Man Stable of Hogan and the Outsiders, to a Brand, not a Stable, but a whole Brand. Yes, WCW over did it to the extreme. That does not mean TNA will do the same. I think it was a smart move by TNA to create the World Elite for the future of this business, but right now, putting them together with the M. E. Mob gives the them backup in the form of the “Mid – Card Mafia”, without the “NWO B-Team” feel. I think TNA is right on the money with this and from the looks of it, it’s only going to get better.
I really dont think its fair to say the MEM is the next NWO. The MEM is all about having the Gold all of it at any cost. The NWO well they wanted power yes but not thru gaining the titles. Yes the NWO did have some titles but the MEM exists only to control the gold in TNA, if the have the gold they have the power.
I don't think so, the MEM is not the nWo and TNA is not WCW. The World Elite and the Main Event Mafia only have a partnership anyway, it's not like they added them to the actual Mafia. Furthermore, the nWo had like 721 members, the Mafia only has like 10. If you want to compare the Mafia to the nWo then you might as well compare it to every stable ever. They really aren't that similar.
Hey everyone, thanks for the imput. I do feel that in some ways Russo is trying to recreate the NWO, but his way. When he came to wcw he was left with very little talent, and a very had time warner company to work with. He didn't have the freedom to do what he wanted. MAYBE now he does, and as said before, trying to avoid the wcw mistakes.
I think they are the new NWO,all Russo lazy ass is doin is recreating it but i like MEM a little,i think they are trying to make Lashley the guy to destroy them like Sting was meant(Sting didnt because NWO destroyed itself by have 1000 members join)but atleast the MEM only has former champs not guy who dont belong like NWO did Buff Bagwell,Scott Norton,2 different factions(i like the Wolf Pack though)Konnan,Luger,Sting,and Eric B. but having old WWF guys made it seem like yeah we coming down here to take over!What are they doing with Joe??That like whenn Luger and Sting joined when at 1st they were enemies.Then Taz came now he not part of MEM no more which was dumb when they knew they wanted him to be at the booth!Morgan i like him.he gonna wind up helping Lashley.He knows Kurt is playing him!They can not make this last lokg like NWO did which in 98 got old after SCSA came along more with the Vince thing,thats when they split into 2 Team Hollywood and Wolfpac?
MMG likes to complain about lack of TV time.. MEM should come to the ring

MMG should then walk out to their theme, and yell "cut off that sh*tty music - i dont want to ever hear that again"

They go the ring and can go "Main Event Mafia - you cheesy ripoff of the nWo.. nobody wants to see old pieces of *#*% like you guys ever again.. Booker T - drugged up and washed up.. that's why you were fired from the WWE because you failed their drug tests and TNA loves picking up wwe has-beens like you.. they bring you guys in and put us on the backburner.. Steiner.. you 50 year old freak.. look at yourself in the mirror - that's all i have to say... nash - i have no idea why tna loves 60 year old hasbeens... Joe - you're the only one I respect and you dont really fit in here.. 1) you're a fatass, 2) you're not a world champion - the TNA one doesn't count - they haven't been around for 10- years.. 3) you're a fatass.. who are you trying to intimidate with your facepaint and your clownpants..

kurt: yes you're an olympic gold medalist.. " -- i dunno you guys finisht his off..

This is a sample of dialogue i'd have MMG say that would put them over .. if they do this every week (as an example), fans will react. That's wht got AUSTIN over.. he'd talk *#*%.. talk and do *#*%.. to the point of gathering a large fanbase.. I just made this *#*% up.. and if people talk like that, they have a chance of being recognized more...

MMG can then get beat up by MEM for a while but then use their tasers and shock some of MEM.. before MEM dives out of the ring... MEM will then have a mission of taking out MMG. Maybe down the line, they do that and MMG goes to the hospital.. but get ambushed there as well.

Just stuff like that to promote feuds are necessary on the show and would make it much more interesting than it currently is. Russo should know this.. I dont know what the last two weeks were. .they were okay development of feuds.. but nothing over the top or special - it needs to be that!
About the only line I can really draw between the two groups is that Angle is easily the new Hulk Hogan of wrestling. If the guy's ego get's any bigger his head is going to pop.
i would agree with the original post. The mem and we is like wolfpack and the nwo. What i would like to see is them turn on each other. This would make stars out of some of the WE guys. I might also add a third stable with guys like aj, sting, hernandez, and others like them and do a survivor series type match or better yet war games. Maybe even but every title on the line in war games (minus the knockout titles) and then the rest of the paperview would be crowning number 1 contenders and grudge matches. This could also leave some serious knockout ppv time and they are one of the biggest drawer for tna
I kinda like the mem. It's been entertaining. I pay more attention to tna now. I think the seeds were planted for the world elite and mem to turn on each other with british invasion getting the pin on steiner n booker. Then steiners line backstage to we that he hates foreigners and he spit. Pretty much disrespectful steiner stuff but its gonna happen at some point. Im sure mem will destroy we when it does too. It is interesting to see where this is all heading. I hope lashley isn't going to take em down. I see him being built up like goldberg though. Going through people like rhyno, and then eric young until he gets to angle. I like morgan but think he may still side with angle.
We'll see. The MEM should implode or be defeated at Bound For Glory. That is a one year storyline, and would make perfect sense and be an all around good thing. Otherwise it's going to be a long boring slog with people leaving and joining, much like the nWo as you say. It's all to do with Joe really. We need to see him turn back on the MEM, or let Styles realistically be given a chance to bring them down. The BFG main event is likely to be Sting vs Angle or something along those lines, let that be the match that ends the angle, and it'll be a success, carry it on for another year, and it will be all Wolfpac and Hollywood before you know it.
I think it is an unfair comparison - The MEM are not the new NWO but I think they are an equally good idea (the NWO was a great idea, lol, just poor execution towards the end) but I do think they are working very well.

They are a dominant stable, but so was evolution, so were dozens of other groups. A dominant stable is not an instant ripoff of the NWO
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