MEM to save TNA?

TNA cross the line

Pre-Show Stalwart
I know i may get bashed for this but im gonna go out in a limb here and throw the MEM into the picture. Like most people here i dont belive the whole Angle and Nash leaving talk. Now we have the 3 strongest and most relavent MEM members still in TNA Angle, Nash and Sting. What if Dixie gets the MEM back together to help her fight THEY. Also throw Pope in there with Maybe Anderson or Joe since he was MEM at one time or use them all. I think if TNA were to take this route it could be very entertaining or a complete bust. Now my question is could this work and be entertaining or would it just be more recycling?
I like MEM as a heel stable.


I like most of the guys in Fortune as faces. Except for Flair.

Maybe AJ grows a set and throws Ric out. Maybe Angle comes in and takes over.

Flair's been flirting with Dixie for a while, maybe she does "something" and gets him on her side.

Maybe Flair hates Hogan so much, he goes nuts and turns face.
I know i may get bashed for this but im gonna go out in a limb here and throw the MEM into the picture. Like most people here i dont belive the whole Angle and Nash leaving talk. Now we have the 3 strongest and most relavent MEM members still in TNA Angle, Nash and Sting. What if Dixie gets the MEM back together to help her fight THEY. Also throw Pope in there with Maybe Anderson or Joe since he was MEM at one time or use them all. I think if TNA were to take this route it could be very entertaining or a complete bust. Now my question is could this work and be entertaining or would it just be more recycling?

Hard to say. Their storylines are all intertwined now so I can't make heads or tails out of what they'll do next. Fact is, they've got a mess on their hands right now.

1. They have to explain how Angle gets around his promise to retire if he lost.
Anything short of his retiring is a lie done to further some other storyline.

2. Nash is supposedly retiring because they don't appreciate him. He said it...even HBK tweeted the same. Anything short of HIS retiring is a lie to further a storyline.

3. Sting is on a year to year deal and has no interest in doing house shows or traveling around the country. He likes doing the tapings and PPV's. So weaving him in and out of storylines while not having him travel makes no sense. He won't be around in another 3 or 4 years.

4. Samoa Joe is used as a tool for the weak links to balance power. A complete waste of a servicable talent.

5. Their best overall talent, AJ Styles, is being buried in a worthless storyline fighting over the hill bingo parlor stuntmen. More wasted energy by a great talent.

6. Pope being sucked into the "they" storyline and hopefully Nash and Sting help him get over. Would be nice to see this guy, who I also believe is a real talent, have a break out year in 2011.

7. You have Beer Money embroiled in the same, useless storyline as AJ. Wasted talent.

Just lots of wasted motion by a few guys getting checks before they cash out. (namely, Russo, Bischoff, and Hogan.)
The only problem that I have with this is that it seems like TNA has too many stables. Fortune, EV2.0, "They" and whatever you wanna call Pope, Nash and Sting. I feel like it's just too many groups and some of the true stars get lost in the shuffle. Hardy is your world champion and he is going to be taking a back seat to Hogan and Eric as far as mic and face time to me I don't see how it works.

I would like to see some sort of consolidation like you guys are talking about like the effect that Dixie rounds up the troops to save TNA from them. Then you run the chance of having some worthy talent miss out on the big angle. I like the idea of having MEM possibly come back, but then again it's an old idea that has been done. Do we really want to see all these old WWE/WCW/ECW stars representing TNA? If it's going to be a success to counteract "They" it needs to be ran by TNA originals like Joe and AJ mixed in with some of their vets, but it needs to feel like a real TNA group. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Nice to know I'm not the only won who thought of the MEM. For about a week i was pretty sure THEY = MEM. I figured Nash, Sting, Hogan and JJ would turn on Joe and Pope during their match and then Eric would somehow help Angle win the title bring back a group that never really had closure (Booker T running out the rest of his contract and Angle's face turn last year).

Now instead of the MEM route it seems to me like they are taking the Corporation route (i see more similarities there than with the nWo).

*Side note* I see Nero's turn more Rock-like (minus the charisma) than what happened in '96. So it's a rehash of something that happened 12 years ago not 14 lol. But really are there anymore "new" ideas left in wrestling. Everything is a rehash. Don't like it? Open your own promotion and become the booker.
I think anything that is done in a way that makes sense and engages viewers is entertaining and cannot be considered a flop or the recycling of old ideas. WWE recycles almost everything that's ever been done to death, (and in a very boring manner) and still WWE successfully holds an average rating of 3. So whatever TNA does could be entertaining and still be a complete bust, or it could be completely boring but everyone for some reason watches and TNA's ratings could go up even though subjectively we all think what they did should have ended up a complete bust.

I just have to say to Brian in Austin: who really cares what HBK tweets!!! A lot of you smarks out there talk about Shawn Michaels like he's the classiest guy alive and act like you know him. And don't get me wrong, I think Michaels should go down in history as one of, or the best wrestling entertainer of all time. But, he's one of the biggest con artists ever, Montreal Screwjob anyone, and he's as unclassy as they come and he will not stay retired. HBK will be back for at least one more match or run someday. In WWE everyone who retires comes back. No one stays retired ever. It's not a lie that Nash and Angle are 'retiring', it's a storyline and if you remember anything about the late 90s you'd know that this same route of 'messing with the internet community' has been done before and is all part of making wrestling matter again. And, really, does TNA really lie when they swerve their audience? NO. That's part of the entertainment, if you can't handle being 'lied to' then go watch John Cena. Wrestling companies don't lie to their fans through storylines. Your friend, or mom, or teacher might lie to you but a soap opera like Young and the Restless doesn't lie to you. An old rerun of Seinfeld doesn't lie to you. Fake reality tv, as much of a lie as it is, isn't lying to you. It's show business. You don't know the actors, so how on earth could they be lying to you?

And who is to say Sting has 3 to 4 years left. I'm sure he's alluded to it before, and you think so subjectively from what you have read. It sounds likely but who is really to say? People were saying the same of Hogan in 88, Flair in 91, Taker 10 years ago, list goes on and on. Even Hitman, the most dedicated to retiring came out of retirement. People say things one day and change their mind the next. It's not lying, it's called making a living, having a change of heart, entertaining fans and attracting them to the product. Retirement happens and life goes on and on and on and on and then usually the wrestler comes back. No big deal really. It's like when you tell a girl you'll love them forever and then dump them a few months later. If everyone stuck to their word Ric Flair would have retired in the 80s, the 90s, the 00s..Savage would have retired in 91. Hitman wouldn't have come back this year. Kevin Nash has retired before (99) and come back i do believe. Imagine how dull wrestling would have been for all those years without all those personalities. It's a good thing they lied and came back, its a good thing WWE and WCW lied to its audience time and time again. Please. Wrestlers are not our friends who sometimes lie to us, we do not know them and everything they plan on doing in the future. Reporters report what has been said and we read it and smarks take it all way too far as if its all unchanging permanent truth. Just ask Chris Jericho, i believe he ranted about this a few months back. So Bischoff and Hogan think its funny to stage Nash and Angle's retirement, they find it funny to make it appear as if Hogan's on his death bed, and all of you smarks eat it all up. And old school fans like me can see through it and laugh at how seriously this stuff gets taken by the IWC. In WWE, they tell you how it is and keep it simple to create you. Now Bischoff and company are trying to win smarks over or destroy them. I hope they succeed either way.

And Pope and everyone else is gonna get a rub from being around real entertainers that were and still are the real deal. Hogan might be a wrinkled gimp, but he made WWE and wrestling entertainment. Wrestling in 2010 doesn't make any sense without the major guys from the past and they need to be around for a few more years to give the future the proper groundwork going forward in their careers. Guys like Pope, Hardy, RVD etc will be so much more credible working with the business' best ever and much more credible than they would ever be in WWE wrestling guys like Sheamus and John Cena. Bischoff is the smartest guy in all of wrestling, self made unlike Vince McMahon and no resources he worked his way through the ranks into a business he knew little about and almost put the McMahons out of business and he may still someday.

And anybody who uses that cliche line about "Hogan, Russo, Bischoff in it for the pay cheques" gets under my skin and totally destroys their credibility. It's essentially a cop out of an argument. It's like a monkey at the zoo imitating all the other copycat monkeys all making the same sounds. It signals a lack of independent thinking and intelligence.
I know i may get bashed for this but im gonna go out in a limb here and throw the MEM into the picture. Like most people here i dont belive the whole Angle and Nash leaving talk. Now we have the 3 strongest and most relavent MEM members still in TNA Angle, Nash and Sting. What if Dixie gets the MEM back together to help her fight THEY. Also throw Pope in there with Maybe Anderson or Joe since he was MEM at one time or use them all. I think if TNA were to take this route it could be very entertaining or a complete bust. Now my question is could this work and be entertaining or would it just be more recycling?

First of all, i like your idea it could possibly happen but it won't. Mr Anderson and D'Angelo Dinero cannot be in the Main Event Mafia because they have never held a world title, i believe the stable was formed on the basis that you were a former world champ. So that rules those two out.

Main Event Mafia returning is kind of silly because they never really were written off, it kind of just fizzled out, Steiner disappeared, Booker T's contract ran out and Kurt Angle became a face. A face Main Event Mafia wouldn't really work out, because how many stable does their need to be in TNA come on their is 3 already (Fortune, EV2.0 and THEY) we really dont need another one.
I think anything that is done in a way that makes sense and engages viewers is entertaining and cannot be considered a flop or the recycling of old ideas. WWE recycles almost everything that's ever been done to death, (and in a very boring manner) and still WWE successfully holds an average rating of 3. So whatever TNA does could be entertaining and still be a complete bust, or it could be completely boring but everyone for some reason watches and TNA's ratings could go up even though subjectively we all think what they did should have ended up a complete bust.

I just have to say to Brian in Austin: who really cares what HBK tweets!!! A lot of you smarks out there talk about Shawn Michaels like he's the classiest guy alive and act like you know him. And don't get me wrong, I think Michaels should go down in history as one of, or the best wrestling entertainer of all time. But, he's one of the biggest con artists ever, Montreal Screwjob anyone, and he's as unclassy as they come and he will not stay retired. HBK will be back for at least one more match or run someday. In WWE everyone who retires comes back. No one stays retired ever. It's not a lie that Nash and Angle are 'retiring', it's a storyline and if you remember anything about the late 90s you'd know that this same route of 'messing with the internet community' has been done before and is all part of making wrestling matter again. And, really, does TNA really lie when they swerve their audience? NO. That's part of the entertainment, if you can't handle being 'lied to' then go watch John Cena. Wrestling companies don't lie to their fans through storylines. Your friend, or mom, or teacher might lie to you but a soap opera like Young and the Restless doesn't lie to you. An old rerun of Seinfeld doesn't lie to you. Fake reality tv, as much of a lie as it is, isn't lying to you. It's show business. You don't know the actors, so how on earth could they be lying to you?

And who is to say Sting has 3 to 4 years left. I'm sure he's alluded to it before, and you think so subjectively from what you have read. It sounds likely but who is really to say? People were saying the same of Hogan in 88, Flair in 91, Taker 10 years ago, list goes on and on. Even Hitman, the most dedicated to retiring came out of retirement. People say things one day and change their mind the next. It's not lying, it's called making a living, having a change of heart, entertaining fans and attracting them to the product. Retirement happens and life goes on and on and on and on and then usually the wrestler comes back. No big deal really. It's like when you tell a girl you'll love them forever and then dump them a few months later. If everyone stuck to their word Ric Flair would have retired in the 80s, the 90s, the 00s..Savage would have retired in 91. Hitman wouldn't have come back this year. Kevin Nash has retired before (99) and come back i do believe. Imagine how dull wrestling would have been for all those years without all those personalities. It's a good thing they lied and came back, its a good thing WWE and WCW lied to its audience time and time again. Please. Wrestlers are not our friends who sometimes lie to us, we do not know them and everything they plan on doing in the future. Reporters report what has been said and we read it and smarks take it all way too far as if its all unchanging permanent truth. Just ask Chris Jericho, i believe he ranted about this a few months back. So Bischoff and Hogan think its funny to stage Nash and Angle's retirement, they find it funny to make it appear as if Hogan's on his death bed, and all of you smarks eat it all up. And old school fans like me can see through it and laugh at how seriously this stuff gets taken by the IWC. In WWE, they tell you how it is and keep it simple to create you. Now Bischoff and company are trying to win smarks over or destroy them. I hope they succeed either way.

And Pope and everyone else is gonna get a rub from being around real entertainers that were and still are the real deal. Hogan might be a wrinkled gimp, but he made WWE and wrestling entertainment. Wrestling in 2010 doesn't make any sense without the major guys from the past and they need to be around for a few more years to give the future the proper groundwork going forward in their careers. Guys like Pope, Hardy, RVD etc will be so much more credible working with the business' best ever and much more credible than they would ever be in WWE wrestling guys like Sheamus and John Cena. Bischoff is the smartest guy in all of wrestling, self made unlike Vince McMahon and no resources he worked his way through the ranks into a business he knew little about and almost put the McMahons out of business and he may still someday.

And anybody who uses that cliche line about "Hogan, Russo, Bischoff in it for the pay cheques" gets under my skin and totally destroys their credibility. It's essentially a cop out of an argument. It's like a monkey at the zoo imitating all the other copycat monkeys all making the same sounds. It signals a lack of independent thinking and intelligence.

Well it's nice to know the biggest dick on the face of the planet to women also knows exactly how classy or unclassy the old HBK is... then again I guess it would take one to know one in this situation?

Also as much as we all loved the rant about how hard you get over TNA (pun soooooo intended) I would like to just point out that Eric Bischoff was no were near a self made man with 0 resources that would have been Paul Haymen as Eric was the one running WCW which for the longest time had the very deep pockets of Ted Turner... Just saying you may now go back to making an ass clown out of yourself! *HAVE A NICE DAY! :lmao: *

OH!! and PS: Vince was a self made man who Purchased WWE from his dad! And the turned it into the monster it is today. Bet that makes you want to :banghead: don't it?
It's an interesting idea that never crossed my mind. The only problem with that is the members. As already stated the whole point of the MEM was that it was made up of all former World Champions, which Pope and Anderson have never been. Though I could deffinatley see a faction of Angle, Nash, Pope, Sting, and Anderson go after "They." But "Fortune" is the key here. Mabe Fortune will turn face and go after they. Or even play a tweener sort of stable that try to fight off "They." But if Fortune stays heel I can deff see the before mentioned Pope, Anderson, Angle, Sting, Nash, forming an alliance to take down they, just not under the name "Main Event Mafia"
Hitman wouldn't have come back this year. Hogan might be a wrinkled gimp, but he made WWE and wrestling entertainment. Bischoff is the smartest guy in all of wrestling, self made unlike Vince McMahon and no resources he worked his way through the ranks into a business he knew little about and almost put the McMahons out of business and he may still someday.

Well, I have to say Hart never retired from WWE/WWF, he left them and went to WCW. Hogan did not make WWE/WWF, they actually made him. Yes, Hogan put his body on the line and no one will argue that, but it was McMahon that made him. Look at it this way, Vince could have put the title on Steamboat and pushed him like he did Hogan. Bischoff got his start in AWA as an announcer and moved up.Wait, Vince did that and bought the company from his father and built WWF/WWF from just a northern territory to a world show. Yes, WCW almost won the war and put Vince out of buisness, but who is out??? Bischoff knows that TNA will never put them out of buisness and he knows it. TNA's best years were 2003-2006 and now it maybe making the turn, but time will tell.

As for the smartest guy in wrestling, well we all know who that is. Heyman, he is doing the smartest thing and staying away from the mess that is out there at the moment.
I was never really all that into the Main Event Mafia personally and have little desire to see them return. As of right now, TNA already has 3 stables in operation, with the official "arrival" of "They" at Bound For Glory.

The overall feeling I'm getting about this whole deal is that it's going to be one huge clusterfuck of a storyline in which there's another power struggle for control of TNA. I don't know if Fortune will oppose "They", join in with them or what but I don't think the return of the Main Event Mafia is going to improve things all that much. At least, that's just the general feeling I've got right now. After iMPACT! this Thursday, I might very well change my mind for all I know.

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