Where Does Homicide Go From Here?

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After winning back his Feast or Fired briefcase from Doug Williams, Homicide was able to cash it in and defeat Suicide for the X-Division Title in what was pretty much a non event. That was a sign of things to come as Homicide's title reign was one of the worst in recent memory. He was rarely seen on TV, and when he did show up Joe choked him out like a bitch. Homicide had a match against Joe at Hard Justice on Sunday where he lost his X-Division Title.

Daniels has already been named #1 contender, so it looks like Homicide is completely out of the title picture, especially considering TNA doesn't always recognize the "rematch clause." The question is, where does Homicide go now?

He was most successful as a part of LAX, put his former partner Hernandez is in the middle of a mega push that could be leading him to a World Title. He obviously has no need for Homicide anymore. After failing in the X-Division, I don't think Homicide has anywhere to go as a singles competitor either. Personally, I think his employment status may be in trouble. What do you think, is he done or is the best of Homicide yet to come?
i think he will end up doing dark matches for a while and be seen on tv once a month in a squash match with him either winning or losing pending on his opponent...but i think in the long run they are gonna do what they did with james storm and have him get another tag team partner bc as we all have seen he is best as tag team competitor
After reading the spolers for the next couple of TNA episodes.


World Elite try to get Hernandez to join them, he rejects their offer.


I think that the only option Homicide has from here, in order to remain active and secure a slot on Impact every week, is to join the World Elite.

It would be fitting, Homicide becomes a heel, joins one of the power stables in TNA, stays on TV. He'll be more benificial to World Elite than Rob Terry and Kioshi (excuse the spelling).

If Homicide doesn't branch out, he might be doomed.
If he doesn't find another partner he will probably go the way of Jim Neidhart and Road Warrior Animal. That will be to, in the end vanish. Animal had an ineffective singles run that ended his career and after Owen Hart got pushed as a singles competitor Neidhart disappeared. However I do agree that if he joins the World Elite and turns heel he may have a chance as a singles competitor.
Thanks for the spoiler, but I would imagine that would have been the outcome. He should definitely join because if he doesn't, he'll become irrelevant. His Latino gimmick fits perfectly with what the world elite represents, and he could probably pair up with Eric Young as a tag team, with a name having to do with the fact that Canada and Mexico are America's only borders (something like Border Patrol, which already exists, but something like that).
It does appear that his only chance at staying relevant is by finding another tag partner, but there just aren't that many viable options at the moment. There just isn't another guy like Hernandez sitting out there. Looking at the face side of things, Amazing Red and D'angelo are really the only two choices in terms of guys that aren't doing anything, and I'm not sure how he would work with either of them.
I have to agree that Homicide's singles career could very well be in the dumpster at this point. Unless he goes back to the tag team scene or at least hooks up with the World Elite, they could use a Latino member I suppose, then he's simply going to fade into obscurity. If something in the form of a tag team or hooking up with a faction doesn't happen, I'd say he'll either be let go or be reduced to working dark matches like Shark Boy.

He and Hernandez had great chemistry and, no matter how much a promotion might try to ram it down someone's throat, great chemistry isn't an easy thing to come by. There's not really anybody in TNA that I see being a good match for him as a tag partner right now. And, even if he did hook up with the World Elite, I have a feeling that he'd ultimately be reduced to playing the angry Latino thug again and I'm just sick to death of that stuff.
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I can see what people are saying now that he's no longer "relevant" as a tag-team partner for Hernendez, however I think there's another possibility that's been overlooked for Homicide. As his name suggests (as well as his ring attire) this guy is a stone-cold gang thug. Such things bring to mind such images as drive-by shootings, cuttings, beat-downs, true bloody gang-war stuff. Now that he doesn't have the stabilizing influence of Hernendez to "hold him back" he could go completely wild and vicious. Take the anger that's part of his gimmick and amplify it.

Once one has done that, I could see him becoming the technical "lighter-weight" addition to the alliance that has formed between Foley and Abyss. It seems to me these two big boys need someone with speed to round out the team. Homicide could match their psychotic violence with a brand of his own. They could fight the controlled precision of the Main Event Mafia with utter bloody chaotic mayhem. I'd like to see it done.
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After reading the spolers for the next couple of TNA episodes.


World Elite try to get Hernandez to join them, he rejects their offer.


I think that the only option Homicide has from here, in order to remain active and secure a slot on Impact every week, is to join the World Elite.

It would be fitting, Homicide becomes a heel, joins one of the power stables in TNA, stays on TV. He'll be more benificial to World Elite than Rob Terry and Kioshi (excuse the spelling).

If Homicide doesn't branch out, he might be doomed.

Thats actually an interesting thought, with homicide joining the world elite. Just a few months ago, the British Invasion took out Hernandez, who at the time was still teaming with Homicide. That would certainly be a twist, but how could they justify it? He is from Brooklyn. I certainly like the idea though.

While i was a big fan of LAX, I would like to see Hernandez continue his push as a singles competitor. What they should do is bring in another wrestler to team with Homicide, he is a great tag team wrestler. Maybe it could be someone on the roster. I would like to see a team of Homicide and someone like a returning Chris Harris. It would be like the Gangstanators in the REAL ECW. I know Harris is done wrestling for now, but one can dream I suppose/
Wow. He's title reign was pretty lame and useless. But I guess losing to Joe is respectable. I like Homicide, and was a huge LAX fan. But really I always knew Hernandez was always going to move on to bigger and better things. Homicide on the other hand, I always though he'd sadly end up not nearly as big as he could be.

I think, he could be destined to be another X Division guy(ala Creed/Lethal)who is used occasionally, but really doesn't do much. Personally I would love to see another LAX type stable, it couldn't be too hard to find a Mexican type dude to replace Hernandez. I just don't see Homicide doing anything big alone.

And since it looks like Daniels & Joe will go on to feud, he's only other options are a feud with the Guns, The Pope, or a member of the world elite. I could see Homicide helping to take out the elite, but in the end I think Homicide is never going to be a big star.
Guys I really think you guys are selling homicide for less then he is. Homicide is a amazing talent. Just because he lost his belt to Joe doesnt mean he is gone from the company. I dont see him being one of those people that they cant do anything with. I mean like someone said him going against Worlds Elite is one option. Also there is still a bit till the ppv. Maybe make a 3 way for the x title joe vs daniels vs homicide. Then of course they could turn him heel. Look at his ROH days. He was and still is amazing. He played a great heel. They could take the heel run and incoperate their own version of the stable he had in ROH. He can play both a heel and a face with amazing talent and his style of wrestling is amazing. I could see maybe even a program with joe eventually. They had some great matchs in ROH. Maybe even a fued with Daniels or Aj if he went heel. If he were to join world elite have him act like he was helping big super mex then attack him right when he doesnt expect it for turning his back on LAX. There are many options. Just because he loses a title doesnt mean hes out of luck. He is not one of those only shineing when he has a belt.
I think people are moving too fast to close the book on a singles career for him. I mean it's TNA sometimes their booking doesn't make a lot of sense. Perhaps they gave him the strap thinking he could get his push then thought 'Oh crap...we need this belt for the MEM...better take it off him"

I think he will have his chance maybe joining the Frontline or something. It does seem like a certain period of midcard pointlessness is on the way, but long term I think he will either Team back with Hernandez (assuming his mega push fails) or find a niche in the X-Division
Guys I really think you guys are selling homicide for less then he is.

Not really, we're just going by what TNA has had for the guy in the past couple of months. Given the direction TNA seems to be heading at this point, the future just doesn't look all that bright for him at the moment. I suppose they could just recycle him back into the X-Division, but he'll probably just be reduced to the same level as Jay Lethal or Consequences Creed. As far as the World Elite goes, as I said, he'll probably just be reduced to the old reliable angry Latino male stereotype or just stand around taking up space like Bashir and Kyoshi does while wrestling the occassional match.

Just because he lost his belt to Joe doesnt mean he is gone from the company.

It's not really that he lost the X-Division Championship to Joe, it's mostly that TNA didn't have Homicide do anything with the title when he got it. TNA creative made Homicide into a weak champ and it showed. In the match with Joe he had on Impact, he was made to look as if Joe could beat him at anytime he really wanted. Then he disappears from TNA television with the exception of running off a few pretty bad promos. Then, Hard Justice comes and things happen just as everyone predicted they would. My earlier statement about him not doing anything with the title might be incorrect really, since the one thing he did with the title after he got it was to keep it nice and polished for Joe.
While yes he wasnt the greatest X-division champ in history,honestly in my opinion belts really dont make the guy most of the time from both a talent standpoint and a booking standpoint. Many guys in the past have not had much in the way of titles or even great title runs but still are over both with fans and booking. Look at RVD in like the 2003-2005 era. Title wise he wasnt on the top of the chain...infact he really didnt have anything and when he did it wasnt this amazing run with it. Yet this guy still worked with main event guys. Just because a guy isnt on top at the moment and is being used to make others look good doesnt mean anything. Most wrestlers love to do it. The Joe-Homicide matchs both at hard justice and the impact after were a win-win. Joe got the win and kept his dominance but Homicide showed something that since Joe's nation of violence hasnt been seen. Thats for the good amount of time,Homicide was controling the match. It looked as though he had hard justice won. Comming out now Joe still gets the win and the belt but Homicide in return gets noticed as hey this guy really took it to joe like few can. Too many times we look at things so one sided that we miss what booking is doing so we flame them because of what we think are bad choices when we only know a peice of a whole puzzle.

Also with this confirmed new show comming its gonna make more room to give more shine time for guys like Homicide,MCMG,Amazing Red and guys that have amazing talents but since tna only has a small amount of time a week,they can only build a certain amount of guys. Look at wwe. They got some talented guys that are in the same boat even though they have 4 shows now. Guys like Masters who had a huge return only now to be seen very briefly and to help others get over. This guy has talent and could be a great midcard guy but wwe can only push a certain amount of guys due to time space. This 2nd show is gonna give more guys tv time and opperunitys for booking to do magic with them. Honestly they do not have the point where it can be a entire knockout show quite yet and spin cycle is also unlikely to make it on tv. I can only see it being a X-Division show
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