Where do you see Evan Bourne in the future?

like everyone else is saying, he's like rvd. but i hope that with all this negativity that old "big brother" vince mcmahon will be watching all the internet activity and try to throw us a loop by having him win a world title or at least get put in the running.
I'm just not buying into Evan Bourne as anything great. He doesn't wear a mask, and he's more or less just a glorified spot worker. Similar to Jeff Hardy, without the drug addiction, ridiculous fan support, or lack of concern for his career.

He reminds me of a more popular Paul London, or Billy Kidman. Nothing more.

I can't see Evan Bourne being a World Champion, if that's what some are thinking. I could see him having a run as Intercontinental or United States Champion, especially if Rey Mysterio could win the I.C. title, assuming J.B.L takes up his challenge for Mania.

But in the end, I have nothing overly great to say about Evan Bourne, mainly because he's not great to begin with. He's fun to watch, and decent to have to entertain the fans through his in-ring work, but thats it. Nothing more.
I think Evan Bourne is like Eddie Guerrero without the history, rather than Mysterio or Kofi.

Bourne's offence is so much more believable that Mysterio's. The double knee thing off the top rope looks like it hurts infinitely more than the West Coast Pop. His kicks are the kicks of someone with training rather than Rey's weak kicks at the thighs. He doesn't have the lame set up to his finisher, it's been said before, but when other than Mysterio's matches do you see someone land on the middle rope (what especially bugs me is it used to happen, Bossman, Roaddogg etc all used to have guilotine style things on the ropes), in most matches a guy is down within reach of the turnbuckle.

While size again is a big issue, especially against bigger guys, I don't see with guys in the Main Event scene only being about 230lbish (I have no hardcore numbers, but they're not 275lb like the Rock), giving up 50lbs doesn't look so bad, plus he's in proportion unlike Kofi (who looks skinny, because he's long).

He's one of the better sellers in the company, and he's over with the crowd. If he can stick with the company for 3-5 years, he might get a title run, especially if they managed his push well and legitimise him. Maybe a Scramble win? I can't see him being in the same league as Benoit, but I think he can surpass Malenko, his aerial prowess being every bit as entertaining as Malenko's matt work (considering Bourne isn't exactly weak on the matt)
I can see Bourne being more of the next Shelton Benjamin. Both are talented and charismatic. Both have steadily had the support of the company (I'm saying this due to Benoit's and Malenko's status in WCW), and both are multi-faceted wrestlers. The thing is, while Bourne is fantastically over and exciting to watch, because of his finisher he's marketed as a highflyer like Rey Rey. I don't see that as a problem though as long as he stays balanced in the ring and healthy.
Hell no! I think Bournehas more personality and charisma and less technical skills than either Malenko & Benoit. I never was a big fan of either of thoes guys(even before the murders). Both were great in the ring, and Benoit was over with the fans but I found both to be painfully boring(maybe because I just am not a fan of their style).

Bourne on the other hand isn't the same style. He's a high flyer and flys around the ring alot more than either Malenko or Benoit. Plus I think he has more charisma than either of thoes two. Even as cruiserweights Malenko and Benoit wrestled a different style than Bourne. I just don't see a comparison personally.

And please don't compare Bourne to Benjamin, I hope Evan can actually make something of himself unlike Benjamin.
Is Evan Bourne a technical wrestler? I consider him as more of a high flyer than anything else. I'd compare him to Kidman lol but that's my opinion.

NO offence, but I think comparing a rookie to a guy like Benoit is a little too much. Before Mr.Benoit did what he did, Chris was considered one of the greatest true wrestlers out there..he might not have cut the greatest promos or take lead in the mainevents, but the man can really REALLY wrestle. That being said, I think its a little early to compared Bournes skills to Benoit..
And please don't compare Bourne to Benjamin, I hope Evan can actually make something of himself unlike Benjamin.

The only reason I compare the two is in regards to ability. Both can create high spots on the fly, both can work a good match, and neither is on the mic much. The difference between the two now is because Bourne came out flying, he's over as hell. Shelton has been in the WWE for a few years and had his time tagging and TRYING to become a legit singles contender, but no doubt due to his lack of creativity on the mic and possibly beef with agents or whomever (see: politics) he was mired in purgatory. But the guy is talented, and he has the look of a guy who can hang with most of the roster in the ring. Shit....with enough injuries (God forbid) he might even contend for the WWE Title. Then again, he might win Money in the Bank. We'll have to wait and see,
There's not some wrestler with Bourne same skills on top of wwe or wcw, in pro wrestling history. The only flyer became world champion is rey misteryo jr, but here again the style is quite different.

If Bourne will become world champion... someone in the future could be called "the new Evan Bourne" i guess :D and... nope, benoit and malenko are completely different type of wrestlers, nearer to Kurt Angle, for example.

(sorry for my bad english... i will be better in the future).

This is what i think :)
I see him as a special attraction kind of wrestler.
The wwe has phased out his kind of style and i dont see him going any higher than an IC reign.
By the way IC> ECW title.

The only way he will ever be main event is if every other viable contender is killed at once in a plane crash.
That includes Mark Henry and KOzlov as well.
i see Evan Borne being treated as a Cm Punk type person what i mean by this is that he will get one big push but it proabably won't last long and he'll be reduced to a secondary wrestler.The only way i see him not getting this treatment if he amazes the fans while hes on top so much they'll decide to live him there for a while longer
Evan Bourne has gotten over practically IMMEDIATELY upon his debut just because of his captivating style alone. Even now, we've seen him wrestling for months, and this June will be a year, and he's still doing things in his matches that you just absolutely never see anyone in the WWE do. As long as that happens, he can be very over for a long time.

I may be going out on a limb here, but I think if WWE doesn't drop the ball with this guy, he could be the next Rey Mysterio, obviously without the mask. A World Title run? Not likely. Heck, even Rey only got the gold as a tribute to Eddie and Vince has NEVER entertained giving him the gold ever again.
Heck, even Rey only got the gold as a tribute to Eddie and Vince has NEVER entertained giving him the gold ever again.
And was made to look like crap as a world champ on top of that.

I think Evan Bourne will do good in his own right, but as for a Malenko/Benoit comparison...those guys are of a caliber that I don't think we'll see for a long time.
A World Title run? Not likely. Heck, even Rey only got the gold as a tribute to Eddie and Vince has NEVER entertained giving him the gold ever again.

What about in the Elimination Chamber where he was last eliminated? I'd consider that "entertaining" the thought.

But anyhow, I am going to sound like a broken record, but, if they brought back the Cruiserweight title, gave it to Helms, I'D LOVE to see a feud between the two. I think they'd have an awesome chemistry. Helms, a great technical wrestler, Bourne a great flyer. Its a contrast that looks good in the ring.
You can't compare a strictly high flyer to Technical wrestlers like Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko that'd be like comparing Brooklyn Brawler to Bret Hart

Evan Bourne looks flashy like Rey Mysterio but seriously noone really believes that they can compete in the top tier. It shits me off that Rey gets the constant push over guys atleast twice his size, and why? just cause they don't have a cruiserweight division.

Now is he talented, absolutely. I have nothing against his ability in ring but once again going back to Topic, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko weren't cruiserweight size they were tweeners and anyway Dean Malenko never got the top title in WCW or WWE to my recollection, Benoit did cause he was an awesome wrestler but it died quickly assumedly cause
A) Vince doesn't like seem to like canadians as world champs (for long periods)
B) he wasn't the best mic worker or talker at all

which is a pitty cause Canadians seem to be the best in ring performers.
Bourne has a bright future I think. He can really wrestle. Right now, he can pull off winning the US title or the IC title. He's a good midcarder, but he can probably pull off being ECW champion, sometime later in the year. He's already beaten a former ECW champion, Chavo Guerrero. I can also see him winning money in the bank. Now compared to Benoit, I think it's too early for that. He's still below CM Punk's level, but he should be with Jack Swagger when it comes to a push. But with wrestling ability, he's better than CM Punk and Kofi Kingston, I think.
Ok, I like Evan Bourne...don't get me wrong. But watching his match vs. Morrison on ECW tonight I asked myself this question. Yes he can wrestle and yes it was a great match but... how many different types of head scissors snap takeovers or whatever can you really perform in one match? I seriously think I counted 4 or 5 in that match on ECW. I was not a fan of the constant snapping Morrison over from the top rope, reversals on the mat, where ever. I mean they don't even look realistic because Morrison flips over on his own while Bourne's legs aren't even near Morrison's. I'm sorry, but I can only take so many of those per match. Scott Steiner's was more convincing 15 years ago. That's just my one gripe about Bourne's otherwise great style.

Matt Syd... I mean Bourne's future is bright. How bright though? We all know he doesn't fit Vince's prototype superstar. And especially at just over 180 lbs, I honestly have no idea what direction he will go. He's got all the talent in the world and I think his future is really going to be a coin flip or a crap shoot.
I like him.Hes fun to watch and puts on a show. Hes over witht eh crowd and is athletic like hell. The guy knows how to work a match and i think could be a good candadate to reivnete thecruserweight or lightheavyweight titles.
I would be estatic if Bourne could do something huge, i reely would, he rocks! but realisticly with the way WWE treats guys his size it's highly unlikley:(
As huge of a even bourne fan I am i have to say i can see him being a top dog, why because he is that good and with his speed and the heart he can make it, plus mcmahon loves his style. Look what happen to rey he was small bulked up and former wwe champion, so anything can happen
Bournes got the Kofi Kingston syndrome right now. Both of these guys just ooze charisma and for whatever reason, the audiences absolutely love these two. I think Vince reconizes this, and has been giving both some small "rubs" to see what the reactions would be (Kofi getting the Elimination Chamber rub then the MITB), and Bourne getting some pretty solid rubs from Mysterio the last few weeks.

I think so far, Bourne's steadily getting better and better and he seems to be getting in good graces with Management with his popularity and money he draws. If he continues this trend I can see Bourne being a major player in the WWE in a few years. He certainly has shown all the signs of it thus far.

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