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Where do you see Evan Bourne in the future?


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As odd as that might sound, I actually put a fair amount of thought into this one. I'm a fan of smaller technical wrestlers, they're actually my favorite type of wrestlers, hence why I was a huge Malenko, Eddie, and Benoit fan. As far as I can think of off the top of my head there aren't any small stature technical guys on the roster. ECW back in the day was great for producing technical guys, like the three guys mentioned above. Of course Borune isn't a technical guy, but continue reading and then make your decision.

Which brings me to my main thought, can Evan Bourne become the next Benoit or Malenko? There's not much i can say about Evan Bourne except he's jumped to the top in a very short amount of time, he's over with the crowd, and is crazy in the ring, at this point he's one of my favorites, but he lacks in size as did Benoit. He hasn't been given much mic time, but from what I've heard from him he's not that good on the stick, but neither was Benoit.

Of course they'd have to tweak his character a bit, instead of the big smiling, waving to audience guy we see now, he'd be a bit more toned down, serious, ready for action type guy like Benoit. Obviously they'd have to add a few basic technical moves to his moveset, like German Suplexs and a few submission moves but I do think it could work. Last I read as well (on the main page of Wrestlezone), he's been working out hard for his return and has put on a few pounds which is obviously an advantage.

So there you have it some random thoughts from me. Obviously WWE won't try anything like this in the near future, the old saying goes if it's not broken don't fix it. Bourne is doing great for himself in WWE and he can be successful riding the momentum he has right now. However in my opinion, if he's gonna get anywhere in singles competition on the big brand like RAW (which it's rumored he's gonna move to during this year's draft), he's gonna have to be a little more than generic highflier number -. Remember Kofi Kingston was doing great on ECW, once he was moved to RAW his character didn't develope and now he's just doing okay, it wouldn't be good for Bourne if that happened to him.

Bourne is a better wrestler than Kofi. I remember one match with Miz that was almost entirely grounded for about 90 percent of it's duration. Both men showed themselves to be highly competent mat wrestlers: well, we already knew Miz was, but it's something you didn't expect from Bourne. He also sells better. And was/is more over. I see don't Bourne getting stuck a la Kofi.

So yes, if it ain't broke, why fix it.

The next Benoit? Eh, he's usually been thought of as the next Rey Mysterio. But I guess it work. Certainly Bourne has the ability, and he's much bigger than Rey...what, Eddie Guerrero size? Certainly it's not something I would expect to see for the next 3 years, accompanying a heel turn. It wouldn't last all that long, though. Bourne is a natural face.
I'd have to go with Tyson Kidd as the next Benoit/Malenko. Both Kidd and Benoit were trained by the same person (Tokyo Joe). There's too much emphasis about him being trained at the Dungeon and while i understand that it's "just a gimmick," Joe should get some mention.
When I look at Evan Bourne, I don't see a guy with great Wrestling skills that could rival or match that of Benoit/Malenko. I look at a guy, who's the 3-year missing link to the Cruiserweight division.

I think arguably his best match was against Matt Hardy at Cyber Sunday, and it was a damn fine match at that. But he can't go with the bigger guys. Not in the same manner that Rey Mysterio can, and I just can't explain why other than to say he just doesn't seem to have the same abilities.

I think Evan Bourne is going to be a better survivor of the 2nd Age of Big Men, than say someone like Jamie Noble, or Jimmy Yang. But I don't believe for a moment Bourne will become anything beyond E.C.W. Champion one day.. if even that.
This is impossible for a lot of reasons. But the most important is that Evan Bourne as entertaining as he is, is not a technical wrestler. He's a cruiserweight highflyer. For Bourne to be able to compete with the likes of Benoit or Milenko would need years of intense training, and that's a little too late for Bourns stage in life. But non the less he is and will be a true entertainer. It's because people like spot monkeys (AKA people that fly a lot: Hardy Mysterio) so Bourne shouldn't need to worry about doing some complete different style that his own way of wrestling. And to answer you're question, it's obvious. No, Evan Bourne is not nor will be the next Benoit or Milenko.
As good as Evan Bourne is, I don't think he's in the same league as Benoit and Malenko. Well not yet anyway. He's a great high flier which I wish the WWE would showcase more but both Benoit and Malenko were great mat wrestlers. When Benoit and Malenko came to the ring, they had business on their mind. They were there to wrestle and not deal with gimmicks. For Evan Bourne to even be in the same league he needs to come out of the air and concentrate on his mat work once he does that then maybe he can be in the same breath as Benoit and Malenko
Evan Bourne has soo much potential and could become a huge part of the wwe. He has a terrific move set and is argueably the most entertaining wrestler in the wwe. All he needs to do is work on his mic skills.

My question is where do you see him a few years down the road. I can see wwe treating him like rey mysterio (the little guy with a big heart) or using him extremely wrong and eventually releasing him.

In my opinion, for him to become very big he needs to showcase his stuff in a ppv match against rey mysterio. If these 2 brought out their best for 1 night, then evan could get more respect and catch the eye of even more fans. Also, what do you think the wwe will do with him when he returns and going into wrestlemania?
I think that he will be used similar to RVD. Upper mid card/lower main event. He is exciting, but doesn't fit the mold of a World Champion.
He has a terrific move set and is argueably the most entertaining wrestler in the wwe. All he needs to do is work on his mic skills.

I disagree; I would give that gesture to Morrison. On the count of movesets, Evan's are flashy, yes. Morrison's though are both flashy and devastating, at least in my opinion. Plus, John has all the mic skills in the world.

Oh, but if you compare him to Mysterio in high hopes, it kind of negates itself considering Rey was a joke of a champion. No wonder there haven't been any plans in effect for him to recapture it. I think Evan'll just remain a mid carder.
Evan Bourne has soo much potential and could become a huge part of the wwe. He has a terrific move set and is argueably the most entertaining wrestler in the wwe. All he needs to do is work on his mic skills.

My question is where do you see him a few years down the road. I can see wwe treating him like rey mysterio (the little guy with a big heart) or using him extremely wrong and eventually releasing him.

In my opinion, for him to become very big he needs to showcase his stuff in a ppv match against rey mysterio. If these 2 brought out their best for 1 night, then evan could get more respect and catch the eye of even more fans. Also, what do you think the wwe will do with him when he returns and going into wrestlemania?

Yeah I agree, I was hoping that they were going to do Rey VS Evan at Wrestlemania or if he does come back before WM put him in the Money in the Bank match. Evan reminds me of RVD and AJ Styles together.
he'll be a huge fan favourite but be screwed in the ass by management and creative..

RVD anyone?

name 1 smaller high-flying guy that has become the champ and STAYED in the world title picture or been a legitimate, main-event competitor on the roster.

and Rey Rey doesnt count -.-
1 title reign and then a mid-card jerk :|
Evan Bourne is a talent that I saw wrestling in ROH and found great success in the tag-team division and some moderate success in singles competiton. I have not seen him wrestle a singles match in WWE yet but when he does I would expect him to struggle against the heavyweights until he proves himself against competitors his own size, but you never know, I have seen competitors like him go from unknown to superstar in a short time so it will be interesting to see his progression.
I see him as a less capable Jamie Noble now, so i don't have high hopes for him several years down the line, at least not with WWE.

Now, i enjoy Evan's ring work as much as most other people, and hopefully, if he's given the time, he may develop his mic skills somewhat and they use him in actual fueds. If his mic skills don't improve however, i see him playing the Kofi Kingston role for a while until the fans start thinking 'yeah you're great and everything but, why should i still care?' and then he either resides in jobberville for a few months until being shown the door, or they just pay him to do nothing and THEN fire him.

I want to see the best happen for Evan, but after seeing what happened with guys like Paul London and Elijah Burke, i'm not going to get my hopes up. At least not until he actually gets a match on PPV, that isn't the Rumble or at SSeries.
^Does Cyber Sunday not count? I thought that was a pretty good match.

I hope to see Evan Bourne gain a high standing in the company, but he probably won't. It's sad, because I like him a lot. It's not that bad if he gets to become like the next Rey Mysterio. Rey still gets PPV spots and is still over, so it wouldn't be a bad thing if that happens.
i found hardy v even bourne at cyber sunday highly entertaining and i actually thought he might win. great match, and this is despite me having the opinion that matt hardy is boring.

i can see him being like an rvd as well. hes too small for main event, but could capture a world title for a short while. he will likely upper mid card and have great fueds with the likes of mysterio and jericho and rhodes and dibiase in the future. he could work well with all of the mid carders at the moment
At least not until he actually gets a match on PPV, that isn't the Rumble or at SSeries.

He wrestled Matt Hardy at Cyber Sunday. (edit-didn't see others said this prior to my post)

I agree with the premise though, seeing his size and the use of others his size, I can see him struggling in the long run. I don't mind him personally, and is rather entertaining overall, but my opinion only goes so far.

Let's hope he has a successful mid-card career.
lol, i totally forgot they had that match tbh. Apologies guys, and i'll admit that that match in particular was actually pretty good as well.

Ok, i'll change what i said to, if they put him in a PPV match, where the participants aren't selected by the fans, then i'll get my hopes up.
He will be like Jeff Hardy, someone that the WWE does not want to be champion but is too exciting not to be champion at least once. I believe he will beat the Undertaker in WM 26. He is exiciting but not a big guy and injury prone. Fans love exiciting. WWE does not like his size.
I personally like Evan Bourne, but his style of wrestling is a bit to be concerned of. He uses high risk maneuvers, so his longevity in the long run can be a bit questionable. He can get injured pretty quickly with the stuff that he does hence I doubt he'll make it into the main event. Also, he can't do his awesome shooting star press forever.
I believe he will beat the Undertaker in WM 26.
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that one.

I like Evan Bourne, like most of you I'm super impressed by his in-ring abilities. He's been highly successful on ECW and has rose through the ranks rather quickly. However keep in mind it's not that hard to get noticed and take off on ECW (unless you're Ricky Ortiz). What matters is if you can take off and stay afloat when you're moved to the big brands. Once he returns I could without a doubt see him as ECW champion for a few months after a good feud with Jack Swagger, then being moved to RAW.

Before he was injured they were hinting a team up between him and Rey Mysterio on RAW. Which would really be great, they could have a whole lot of good matches with Priceless/The Legacy, and The Miz and Morrison over the tag team titles. That would definitely keep him noticed on RAW. But as for a singles push on RAW, i just don't see it. Not that he doesn't have the ability, but he lacks in size, which will ultimately keep him in the mid-card in Vince's eyes. There's a chance he could become IC champion or at least a contender for it. As for going beyond that I don't see it.
I'm a huge evan bourne fan as i am with many high fliers. I think comparing him to rvd is a little bit of a stretch but he does have amazing skills. People love to see the ssp and the other amazing things he does but his mic skills could break him. If he develops his mic skills and get people to care about him personally he could be huger then huge. I mean look at jeff hardy he has no mic skills and people love him imagine that with the ability to talk.
do you guys honestly think bourne will be huge in wwe? i really like him as he is something different but i don't see it happening. wwe just doesn't like high flyers. they have had some of the best in the world and proceed to ground them before moving them on. they did it to taka, kidman and even rey to a degree. i see bourne being more like paul london (i watched his debut with nwa tna back when it was the weekly ppv's and was beyond impresssed with his ability but he didn't get to really fly in wwe). he has had an impressive start but his style has already seen him miss time with an injury. they will slowly change his style to be more wwe orientated and without the mic skills to back him up he will slowly fade to lower card till he is released. i really hope that isn't the case because as i said he is fresh and exciting, something the wwe hasn't had in a long time.
I too am a huge Benoit, Guerrero and Malenko fan and I think Bourne has it and since he works for Vince, just some mic work might get Vince to give him the bump. Who knows but I sure hope so.
I don't believe for a moment Bourne will become anything beyond E.C.W. Champion one day.. if even that.


He's solid in the ring. Remember he is still young, so he has a lot to learn in the business. Give him time and he'll get better. The fans are into him, which is one of the most crucial, if not THE most crucial thing. They get excited for his matches because they're usually of a high level of athleticism and they're usually fast paced. He'll make the move to RAW in the draft & hopefully light up the IC Title scene. Following that, with the right gimmick, anything is possible.
Unfortunately for Evan Bourne, I don't believe he will amount to much. And that is not really any fault of his (maybe his lack of mic skills, but he can work on those). As talented and exciting as he is to watch, he will be lucky to get the one time champ story that Mysterio was given. It just comes down to his size - there hasn't been a high flyer as a legit world champ in many many years. It was thought that Shawn Michaels earlier in his career wouldn't ever attain the main title because of his size. In fact I honestly believe that his size is one reason that Shawn hasn't had a world title in so long. Sure you have to factor in age and the fact that alot of people find him boring now among some other things, but his size also factors in to some degree. Vince has always preferred to have larger athletes as the main guys. Bourne is smaller than Shawn, but slightly larger than Rey, so despite all his talent, he will ultimatley be one of the guys along the likes of Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, or Shelton Benjamin even - all are talented performers in the ring, but people grow bored when they aren't given the right attention and storylines.

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