When the 619 meets the 305

There's been a lot of Evan Bourne teaming on here but none with Rey Mysterio that I could find. It could be a teacher/student kinda relationship. Evan could be kinda down because he's never won a title or something like that and could get help from the experienced Mysterio and when the tag titles together.
They could bring prestige back to the titles like it needs but be a face team instead of all the heel teams thats been taking over the championship. They're high-flying style isn't completely the same but close enough that it won't hurt.
I would love to see Santino Marella team up with someone like Sheamus but that would have to make Santino a heel and many people like Santino but they would be a comedic duo like Booker T and Gold Dust.
i'd love to see several different tag teams come back in:

one that i read more than once on here would be Jericho/Carlito. the finisher of a back stabber into a code breaker or a code breaker into a back stabber would be awesome. can't think of a reason they should pair up, but the finisher is still awesome!

Carlito/Primo should get back together. they were a good team and both need to do something other than job on Superstars.

Goldust/Cody Rhodes would be fun. plus, it could bring back Dusty as a manager, maybe even feud with Ted & Brett Dibiase with Ted Dibiase Sr as a manager. get the dads involved as they had a pretty decent feud back in their day.

we already know about the Fortunate Sons coming in, which will be great.
Hart Dynasty is already in and they're great.

maybe reform MNM now that Joey Mercury is back. they were a great heel tag team and could be so again.

do something to reform either Crime Time or the old school Nation of Domination idea. both would be great.

there are enough wrestlers from Canada and overseas to do an anti-America stable with teams. i know it's been done, but WWE is in need of some good tag teams and this is an angle that would work, even though it's been done before.

Edge and Christian or Rated RKO could reform. both were great tag teams, though i'd much prefer to see Edge and Christian. they just reeked of awesomeness. plus, they'd be the perfect guys to dethrone a really dominant tag team.

as far as dominant tag teams go, i'd love to see either Big Show and Great Khali team up, or Big Show and Kane reform, or Kane and Undertaker reform. i love those dominant team angles that are just so tough and beat everyone up. my first pick would be to see Big Show and Khali team up and go heel, then have Edge and Christian turn face and beat them after a series of matches for the titles. but perhaps this is all just too much wishful thinking...
Okay, just because the thread is called "Tag Team Ideas" doesn't mean that it is all about the people in a Tag Team. If you guys want a good idea, how bout' this one, "Tag Team Money In The Bank". 4 teams start (ex. Morrison & Truth, Hart Dynasty, The Dudebusters, Carlito & Primo) and then it is a regular MITB match except the person that grabs the case for their team gets to decide when the team uses it to try and win the Unified Tag Team Belts. That could start a feud among the teams that don't really work and then elevate the minor wrestler into a better place (Carlito grabs the case, the team has an oppurtunity to win and then Carlito doesn't use the case, Primo is upset and challenges Carlito to a match for control of the MITB case. Primo wins, but the team breaks up so Primo finds a new partner, Evan Bourne, and cashs in the MITB case to win the titles. Team name: Air Puerto Rico)
Evan Bourne and Dolph Ziggler= these to have not been very pushed but both of them have a lot of talent and the team could be the perfect high-flyers . :)

Yoshi Tatsu and Primo = Primo was made for tag team wrestling and Yoshi Tatsu is not doing much.

Carlito and Vladimir Kozlov = these two could form a team to stop the raw guest host. ;)

William Regal and Wade Barrett = These two could form a pro British/anti American team because WWE does not have many British Wrestlers. :)
The reformation of the rated RKO would be awesome but do you know what would just be a bigger step above that The brothers of destruction, of Kane and the Big Show, and some how get the new age outlaws to agree to come back to face the newly reformed colons and if you didn't watch superstars Thursday Primo is now a heel because he would not fight his brother, just like the undertaker wouldn't fight Kane because he did not want to hurt him but they still fought eventually.
Santino and Kozlov! They were a tag team in OVW I believe, and they could reteam under the "once a team, always a team thing." This could work quit well with Vlad being Santino's straight man, but as a heel tag team.
How about a heel Sheamus-Finlay team? The Celtic Warrior and the Belfast Brawler could pull an Irish pride tag team. Both men are brawlers in the ring and are just nasty. Finlay definitely needs something. Teaming with Sheamus could put him over for a while. I'm a mark for Finlay and I believe he could use a WHC title run before he calls it quit. Hes had a decent career and is an asset to WWE for training and agent material. Giving him a proper retirement angle and have Sheamus save his ass against bigger, younger, stronger guys could lead to Sheamus eventually retiring Finlay after getting tired of saving him all the time. This could also be a decent HHH return angle. HHH interferes in the match and costs Sheamus his first match against Finlay.
Why not Sheamus-Hornswaggle; talk about a pair,they could have their own sitcom. Tag Team wrestling is dead enough as it is & they can't devalue the belts anymore.

But seriously though, I don't really have any ideas regarding two current stars teaming up, but there is something different I wouldn't mind them trying. What about a debut tag-team where one guy is pure heel & the other pure face, but they still stick together despite the tension it could cause? I think it would be something new, fresh, & could be very entertaining depending on who it is. Obviously I haven't put an enormous amount of thought into that idea, but it's an idea nonetheless.
ok i think they cant put orton and cena to one team because all those years between those two , all the battles all the matches all the feuds all the wars between them would have zero meaning they are enemies and they cant put them to one team
now for the team i would like to see would be mvp & kofi
first of all if mvp wont be turned to heel like he was in smackdown and if kofi is not chasing someone for the title they can put them together, mvp henry didnt worker couze henry is fat and not so atlethic
gremmlinsmith has the right idea. Santino & Kozlov would make a very entertaining tag team. I thought they were going there last week. It would be so easy to write backstage and old school "Fuji Vice" type segments to build them as a team. Santino could bring "classic masked teams of the past" as competition (Invaders, Thunderfoots, etc...) Eventually The Glamazon could come and help them win the titles (because she will have a thing for Kozlov). They could drag this out for 2 years. Maybe by then they would have more real tag teams.

Carlito & Primo need to be put back together as a heel team.
Bourne & Tatsu
And for some odd reason I think JTG & Skip Sheffield would be a good team.
Ok I have a problem with two things.

1.Why cant Cena and Orton be a team? Lets take a look at HHH and HBK. At one point these men wanted to kill each other and had some hardcore matches. Remember that? Now the are like brothers. Same goes for HHH and Flair. Not to mention Kane and Taker.

2. Secondly why is everyone mentioning thrown together tag teams when most hate that about the devision at the moment?

Anyway on to the topic. I would like to see more teams put together like it used to be. Same uniforms,size,look ect. also bring in some vets to help get them over. For example, Brothers of Destruction. None of them need to be in the main event and Kane pretty much floats around. Let a heel team maybe Miz/Jericho hold the titles for a bit. And they claim no one can stop them. Enter B.o.D. then have new teams challenge and eventually win. U get the idea.

If I had to put a team together Id say maybe Henry and Big Zeke. These men have size and a bit of a repackage same look. And it would give them something to do.
Personally, I would like to see a true World Tag Title tournament much like WCW did in 1992. I would want to see true athleticism and team work. Speaking of teamwork...I hope I have never to see another "face tagged and the referee didn't see it" spot ever again as long as I live. As far as current superstars, there are no superstars I would want to see tag up. I think if you're going to get this division going you need to bring in a new tag team ever couple of weeks until your division is nicely rounded. Bring in talent from around the world. Have some foreigners be faces for a change. This scenario will never happen though.
what if after everything is said and done after the miz-danielson feud that danielson might team up with evan bourne both are on the smaller side. Both are good in the ring. one is highflying(bourne) the other more technical(danielson). That could be a great tag team even i they are heel they could both be complete assholes 2 everybody or the could be faces and be nice a wait their turn at tag team gold but think of the possibilities. They could be epic.
What Miz and Danielson fued, the guy was elimated from NXT.But ok, Bourn as a heel I don't think would work.Evan gets cheered from the crowd even if it isn't heaps.And I don't think that he would work that good as a heel as he is a high flyer who can get the crowd onto their feet when he goes for the shooting start-press.Brain as a heel would work but most people that only watch WWE or TNA wouldn't know who Brain is.NXT was good but he needs to wrestle as Brain Danielson and win some matchs on Raw or Smackdown.

So to finish, this wouldn't work as Bourne as a heel IMO wouldn't work.He is over with the crowd and for Brain, people like him to.He didn't have to win any matchs on NXT and he still got cheered.
I'd rather see these two team up instead of some other possibilties on S.D! But again I'd rather see these two in the single titles picture but not everybody can be in a title feud all the time. I could see these two in teaming for a while just to put over S.E.S more especially since they apparently got Mercury coming back.
But after a while Rey and MVP could end up being a pretty good feud once they're tag team is up. But since they both are pretty well known single competitiors they probably wouldn't have a big deal if they ever break up. It was only one match so I won't take the team too seriously. But if they stick together, well there's worse ideas for teams.


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