When all is said and done - John Cena's place in wrestling history

He won't be considered the greatest ever by most, but I'm sure those who tuned in to watch him, with relatively little knowledge on the history of the business would try to argue a case for him. He has done a lot for the business, and despite personally not finding him that entertaining, I think it's obvious he's a big draw for the WWE, and he will be remembered as one of the best in the ring. Maybe not as much as Hogan/Austin, but certainly just below that tier.
He won't be considered on the level as Austin and Hogan are but maybe on the same level as The Rock. Cena is already transcending wrestling with his movie roles just like Rock but it's hard to see if it will garner in new wrestling fans. He already has something on Flair, HBK, and Hart in the fact that outside of wrestling, Cena is well-known which the others are basically not. He will probably have 10 or more world titles when he retires and he will be put in that second tier but too far away to be with Austin and Hogan.

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