When all is said and done - Edge's place in wrestling history

Well Men Im Sad For You That You Turned The Channel After Edge's Entrance Because You Just Lost A Phenomenal Match

He Can't Carry A Match If It Is Not A Gimmick Match? Ahahahahahah Are You Watching What? Tna Or Rho?

I Mean, You Want To See If He Carries A One On One Match????? I Recommend You To See This:

*edge Vs John Cena Summerslam 06 (tell Me If He Didn't Carry It)
*edge Vs Randy Orton Raw April 30, 2007
*edge Vs Batista Judgment Day 2007 And Nigh Of Champions 07
*edge Vs Rey Mysterio Royal Rumble 08
*edge Vs Undertaker Wrestlemania 24 He Did The Match!!!!!!!!!!

Men Please, Think About What You're Talking
Edge is a better wrestler than Hulk Hogan could have ever dreamt of being. Hogan made the WWF....true. But Hogan was the 10th best wrestler on the roster, even in the late 80's at the peak of Hulkamania. Lou Thesz said it himself....Hogan couldn't wrestle an inch.

Edge is not in the discussion of top 10 superstars ever because he doesn't have the crowning moment the big names do. But Edge is a surefire Hall of Famer.

Hogan could never have beaten Stone Cold Steve Austin in any sort of match, except maybe a pose off. Hogan=Overrated.

Well Hogan and Austin won't fight against each other so we'll never know and tell me why Hogan couldn't beat Austin. Hogan was the biggest draw in the 80's and part of the 90's. Edge would be lucky to be the biggest draw in one year.

Name me 9 wrestlers in the 80's who were better than Hogan since you so astutely placed him 10th.
I Hate Hogan Because Been A Shit In The Ring He Always Had The Title Just Because He Drew Crowdsssss Whoahhhhhhhhhhhh, While Some Amazing Wrestlers Like Ricky Steamboat And Many More Never Were Wwe Champions Because The Shit Of Hogan Had The Title!!!!!!!

I'm going to step in here and ask you, honestly, whether you understand the basic concept of professional wrestling. It's not a sport, it's about drawing crowds and making money. Ergo, you would do well to feature prominently a man who can:

A) Draw large crowds and entertain them


B) Take their money, both on live gates and relentless merchandising

Do you know who that describes, right there? I'll give you a moment, you seem to be slow.

Yeah, it was Hulk Hogan.

It's really sad that you actually complain he had the title because he drew large crowds. It's giving me a headache just comprehending your stupidity. That's the bloody point of wrestling, isn't it? To draw crowds? Yes, I thought so. You can be the most amazing technical wrestler you want to be and you're still not going to go anywhere if you can't draw a crowd.

Besides, it's an outright lie to call Hogan a bad in ring performer, when he wasn't. Go watch some actual Hogan matches, will you? There's some great DVDs out now, really. He'll go hard in the ring, and he'll entertain the crowd with it. He's not a technical wizard like Ricky Steamboat, sure, but what he can do is entertain the hell out of a crowd and keep them coming back for more. Could Steamboat have done the same in the WWE? Maybe, but not nearly as good as Hogan did. And besides, Steamboat got his time as NWA World's Champion, so hush up.

Hogan's a total package in professional wrestling, and the greatest of all time. A politician backstage, sure, but that takes nothing away from his professional accomplishments, and to believe Edge is, in any way, shape, or form, a better professional wrestler than Hulk Hogan is sheer, total, and complete idiocy.
Hehhahahahahaa Little Lawler I Think You Found Yet Another Person That Says Edge Is Way Better Wrestler Than Hogan Ahahahah You're Right Bernack6!!!!! Goodd!!!!!!!!

Men I Really Dont Know What Is Entertaining About Watching A Big Man 6foot 6 Getting A Beating And Then Hitting 3 Punches, A Big Boot And A Leg Drop To Win Men Pleaseeeeee!!!!!!!

I Mean Edge Is So Good, So Amazing, I Think You Haven't Wrestled In Your Entire Life!!!!! If You Were A Wrestler You Would Have Known What Im Talking About When I Say These Words Unknown For Hogan, "sequence", "technique", "counter", High Risk Maneuver'


Hehhahahahahaa Little Lawler I Think You Found Yet Another Person That Says Edge Is Way Better Wrestler Than Hogan Ahahahah You're Right Bernack6!!!!! Goodd!!!!!!!!

Men I Really Dont Know What Is Entertaining About Watching A Big Man 6foot 6 Getting A Beating And Then Hitting 3 Punches, A Big Boot And A Leg Drop To Win Men Pleaseeeeee!!!!!!!

I Mean Edge Is So Good, So Amazing, I Think You Haven't Wrestled In Your Entire Life!!!!! If You Were A Wrestler You Would Have Known What Im Talking About When I Say These Words Unknown For Hogan, "sequence", "technique", "counter", High Risk Maneuver'



If you haven't wrestled in you life either, don't be telling me about if I was a wrestler. Edge is okay in the ring but he is not an all-time great like you claim he is. He's not of the best now and hasn't been in the past. When it is all said and done, Edge will be in the 3rd tier right alongside HHH and Undertaker and that is not a bad thing.

I'm done for now but I will be back later.
Boss Jim Harthan, You're Right, Wrestling Is About Drawing, But You Said That Someone Who Doesn't Draws Cannot Be World Champion? Ahahahahaha So Exactly That's Why Edge Has Been A 9 Time Champion!!!! Ahahahah You See Boy, And Ahhh One More Thing, Hogan Isn't A Pro Wrestler, Being A Pro Wrestler Is Knowing When To Drop The Title To Another Man, And Not Trying To Keep It In Anyways By Using Your Backstage Power!!!!!!!! Coward As Hogan Did, Such A Bullshit

And Hogan Didn't Wrestle, Men, Wrestling Is A Sport Dude, But Simply A Different Sport, With Politics And Storylines And Drawing Yeahhhh, But Edge Edge Can Teach Hogan How To Make A Sleeper Hold Or A Camel Clutch..... Hogan Was So Slow And Stupid In The Ring, Is The Worst Technical World Champion To Ever Set Foot In A Ring
Without getting too carried away here, I think Edge will be remembered as one of the best heels of the modern era. Like it or not, I don't think it is possible to argue that Edge doesn't do his job well as a heel. His purpose is to get people to hate him and my God he can do that. I don't think it matters how he got there either i.e. screwing Lita and then associating himself with annoying personalities like Vickie Guerrero....because at the end of the day heat equals heat and Edge is capable of drawing a lot of it.

As for where he will be ranked in the hierarchy, it's difficult to say....yes he has held 9 World championships but as some have mentioned that doesn't automatically equate to greatness. Although, what I would say regarding Edge's short reigns is that his gimmick is based around the 'Ultimate Opportunist' and in a way, the manner in which Edge wins and holds the title compliments his gimmick perfectly.

I don't think Edge will be remembered in the same way as the Rocks, Hogans, Austins, HBKs, Takers, Flairs, Stings of this world but I imagine he wouldn't be too far off. Edge is one of the greatest performers of his generation and WWE clearly (and rightly so in my opinion) trust him at the top and in time he will be recognized for that. Edge is good and he will be placed near the top of the history books but maybe not just to the same degree as he aforementioned list....though that could all change by the time he finally hangs up his boots for good. He still has time to have that defining World title reign that some people say he is lacking, maybe that will happen if he returns as a face...
Hey Little Jerry Lawler, Run Run!!!!! Ahahahah Who The Hell Do You Think I'm????????? You Said I Haven't Wrestled? How You Know? I Am A Wrestler Not In Wwe But Independent, I Know How To Wrestle, Huhhhhh Bastard!
Annnnddddddd What You Said???? Hhh And Undertaker 3rd Tier? Ahahahahahahaaha Triple H And Undertaker Are Wayyyyyyyy Better Than Hogan Tooo They Are Some Of The Greatest Of All Time, So If You List Edge There, Well You're Right He's One Of The Greatest In History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Little Jerry Lawler, Run Run!!!!! Ahahahah Who The Hell Do You Think I'm????????? You Said I Haven't Wrestled? How You Know? I Am A Wrestler Not In Wwe But Independent, I Know How To Wrestle, Huhhhhh Bastard!

So how do you know I haven't wrestled and I have more important things to do right now so that's why I am leaving.

Edge will be remembered as one of the best in the past ten years but not one of the best all-time. He will be remembered behind Hogan, Austin, Flair, HBK, Taker, Rock, and HHH. Edge will be remembered as good but not an all-time great.
When Edge Is Inducted Into The Wwe Hall Of Fame, I Will Be So Proud Of Knowing That You Will Not Like It Ahahahahhah!!!!!!! Overcoming Such Injuries Because You Put Your Life In Risk Every Night Actually Having A Match Is Much Better Pride Than Having A 3 Moves Match Hahhhhhhhh Like Hogan, That's Why I Consider Edge Better, And Actually A Wrestler, Because Hogan? Hogan Doesn't Even Deserve To Be In The Same Sport As Nature Boy Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Edge, Triple H, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero. Edge Wwe's Biggest Blockbuster Of All Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You Think You Know Me???????? Ahahahahahaa
At The End

Hogan In The Ring= Shit

Wrong! Hogan in the ring=example of how you can draw a crowd without doing much.

Edge In The Ring= Incredible

Solid working, good technicality, but not incredible. Better workers have graced the squared circle. Edge was a gimmick man. TLC, Ladder, MiTB. He shows technical prowess, but he's been forced to use it now because of health issues.

Hogan As A Draw= Maybe The Best In History

There's no maybe there. Hulkamania doesn't lie. Shoving wrestling into the pop culture limelight is attributed to one guy and it's Hogan. Hell, Edge has admitted that the match between Warrio and Hogan was THE match that got him into wrestling. Goes to show you...everything in the world is connected.

Edge As A Draw= A Good One In This Period Of Time In Wrestling History

Doubt it. He carried Smackdown! for a while, but it's not the second coming of the wrestling messiah!

That's All Im Saying Edge Is Better Wrestler And More Entertaining, Hogan Is The Actor, Egotistical Guy Who Simply Draw Crowds And For That He Had The Title Not For His Talent.

You might call him egotistical, but Terry Bollea didn't walk out and put on matches with other people. Hulk Hogan does. Bollea's the guy behind the tron, and THAT's the selfish guy.

I Prefere To Be Given The Title For My Work For Years And My Wrestling Talent Than Been Given The Title Because A Stupid Crowd Applauds Me!!!!!!!!!

That's not the point, man. The point is bringing cash to a promotion. Hogan did that. Edge's work is worth of the price of admission, but Hogan's footprint in the business is way too large to ignore, and IMO, too unfair to compare Edge to. Edge will be considered an influence to other wrestlers. He's a great heel, and it's gonne be a guarantee that someone in the future will be inspiried by his work. Maybe for Adam Copeland, that will be enough of an achievement once he hangs up his boots.

I Hate Hogan Because Been A Shit In The Ring.

refer to my retort

He Always Had The Title Just Because He Drew Crowdsssss Whoahhhhhhhhhhhh.

this contradicts your sentence, which is this one:
Hogan As A Draw= Maybe The Best In History

While Some Amazing Wrestlers Like Ricky Steamboat And Many More Never Were Wwe Champions Because The Shit Of Hogan Had The Title!!!!!!!

It's called a wrestling boom, and hulkamania was a huge factor in all of that. Like others have said, give us proof, or you're talking out of your ass, and you're looking bad.
Boss Jim Harthan, You're Right,

Yes, I know.

Wrestling Is About Drawing, But You Said That Someone Who Doesn't Draws Cannot Be World Champion?

Yes, that's certainly true. To dispute it tests the limits of madness.
Ahahahahaha So Exactly That's Why Edge Has Been A 9 Time Champion!!!!

You go right ahead and remind me where I said Edge can't draw. Edge can draw, and that's why he's been a world champion. To claim he can draw better than Hulk Hogan is lunacy.
Ahahahah You See Boy, And Ahhh One More Thing, Hogan Isn't A Pro Wrestler,
If Hulk Hogan wasn't a professional wrestler, then Michael Jordan wasn't a professional basketball player.
Being A Pro Wrestler Is Knowing When To Drop The Title To Another Man, And Not Trying To Keep It In Anyways By Using Your Backstage Power!!!!!!!! Coward As Hogan Did, Such A Bullshit

Being a professional wrestler is engaging in the entertainment form of professional wrestling, i.e., two (or more) men engaging in mock combat with predetermined results in an effort to entertain (typically) a live audience and potentially an audience to view live on television or on tape delay.
And Hogan Didn't Wrestle, Men, Wrestling Is A Sport Dude, But Simply A Different Sport, With Politics And Storylines And Drawing Yeahhhh,

Professional wrestling is not a sport. Sports, my dear friend, require an element of competition, of which there is none in professional wrestling.

But Edge Edge Can Teach Hogan How To Make A Sleeper Hold Or A Camel Clutch..... Hogan Was So Slow And Stupid In The Ring, Is The Worst Technical World Champion To Ever Set Foot In A Ring

See, it's just...you seem to think technical wrestling automatically equals good wrestling, but it doesn't. Technical wrestling can be used to create a good match, but good matches aren't defined by the number of moves you do...it's about engaging the crowd and making it believable, aspects that Hulk Hogan was a master at.
Would I call Edge an "all time great" when it's all said and done? Probably not. He's arguably the best heel of his generation in my view, he's always put on solid and entertaining matches. I've always enjoyed watching and listening to the guy on the mic.

I think everyone tries to focus a little too much on titles sometimes. Not to say his title accomplishments aren't impressive, but title reigns don't automatically carry as much weight now as they did back in Hogan or Flair's day. Flair and Hogan are a couple of guys that have had world title reigns measured in years rather than weeks or a few months. Hogan's first reign as WWF Champion lasted slightly more than 4 years, that's much longer than all of Edge's world title reigns combined. Long term title reigns are, for the most part, a thing of the past. If a reign goes 6 months or longer, it's a rarity but even then, lots start to piss and moan about someone having the strap for too long. Anyhow, I guess the point is when you just look at things overall, I'm going to be more impressed with a reign that lasted 4 years than I am with 9 reigns that lasted a total of 434 days.

In order for Edge to be in the same league overall as someone like Hogan, he'd have to be a megadraw or to hold a level of dominance over the company he worked for that left no doubt at all as to who the top man is. Edge has done neither I'm afraid. He's can draw, don't get me wrong, but nothing like Hogan or Austin.
Edge is interesting. From word go people saw something in him. He was branded a future top guy for a while. Then he proved that he had range as a comedic heel and tag team wrestler. But as a singles, main event face he fell flat. Fans simply refused to buy him as a goodie goodie face. That's what made it remarkable again when he turned heel. Like it or not, he real life problems with Lita and Matt Hardy are what truly helped the man turn the corner and become a main eventer for the rest of his career.

Edge is the greatest heel of the modern era. As much as I dig Orton and especially Jericho, Edge is the man. It's going to take a lot to change my mind. Being a 9-time champ already is silly but for him it works. It fits his character like a glove. Edge is closer to being the modern day Ric Flair than Hunter in my book. Edge is the go to heel. Whenever a face needs someone to feud with in order to get them over you go to Edge. He'll make the fans love the face and he'll get a great match out of his opponent. Those are the bulletpoints for what makes a great heel.

Now it looks like Edge will be returning from his injury as a face. I believe this run will help determine Edge's place in wrestling history. If the fans get behind him and finally love him as a main event face then Edge will be seen as an incredibly versatile guy once again. It'll provide more feud options and greater longevity. If it falls flat then Edge will merely be an amazing heel like Orton but ultimately a guy that can't really put together a face run.

Edge - much like Hunter - is a third tier guy. He's great but he's not a true icon or someone who caried a generation. Although he is coming closer to making me a liar on that latter statement.
I pretty much completely agree with what Black Snow says about Edge, especially about the fact he wasn't that over with the fans when tying to be a 'goody goody' face - i.e when he was teaming with Hogan or Rey etc. Cena is a 'goody goody' face and gets boos here and there, thats life. For a face to get really over these days they need a...pun intended...'edge'. Prime example - Triple H, same 'character' when heel or face, just with or without humor - sledge hammers a constant! When Edge came back from his broken neck and took on Evolution, he had intensity and that 'edge' that could have got him over as a main event face. But, Orton was getting over and they turned him face so that he could take Lesnar's crown of youngest champion and then shortly afterwards, they turned Edge heel to work with Michaels. Thats just bad timing. I think that when he comes back he needs to have that attitude and work with the big heels like Jericho, which has already been set up thanks to good foresight by creative (for a change). This will get Edge over as a main event face and only then after a face championship run can we truly judge how the man will be remembered. Personally, I think he's going to be an Icon when it is all said and done.
In short I see EDGE as the next Bret Hart, I mean a canadian wrestler who made it big time in wrestling. Criss Jericho I just don't care about his "career" ever since his days in WCW all he's ever done is JOB people.

he makes a good heel but he spent his whole career making other wrestlers look good. Edge on the other hand his held title after title, he's got a good gimmick & acting skills to go with it.

Edge HOF 100%, criss jericho what he did to the HOF's I don't think he should ever be inducted ever into the HOF.
edge is a sure fire legend. he is someone we all mark out for. hes great on the mic, and everything else that he does. His feats are unbeatable. Edge is at the top. the tier's from what ive seen so far are so wrong. who puts autin or hogan in the top tier? seriously? top teirs go to your edges, flairs, harts, angles, triple h, takers. those are the guys who live for this business. rock? ask cena about rock. he'll tell you everything about rock. sure, you have your greast legends such as hogan, andre, macho man, rocks and austins. and micheals is somewhere in between all of them. hes in a league of his own. edge will be one of the people who paved the way for young stars to shine. not for young stars to eventaully leave and become movie stars. just sayin.
edge is a sure fire legend. he is someone we all mark out for. hes great on the mic, and everything else that he does. His feats are unbeatable. Edge is at the top. the tier's from what ive seen so far are so wrong. who puts autin or hogan in the top tier? seriously? top teirs go to your edges, flairs, harts, angles, triple h, takers. those are the guys who live for this business. rock? ask cena about rock. he'll tell you everything about rock. sure, you have your greast legends such as hogan, andre, macho man, rocks and austins. and micheals is somewhere in between all of them. hes in a league of his own. edge will be one of the people who paved the way for young stars to shine. not for young stars to eventaully leave and become movie stars. just sayin.

1. The reason we put Hogan and Austin at the top because they deserve to be be at the top. They were the best in their generation and revolutionized the industry and Edge hasn't been close to doing that.

2. Living for the business doesn't automatically make you the greatest. By that you're saying Austin and Hogan didn't live for the business and you're absolutely wrong.

3. Edge isn't as great as Hogan or Austin and he won't have iconic status like Flair or HBK. Edge is a Hall of Famer but he is on the level of a HHH and Undertaker and that is not a bad thing.
I'm definately a big fan of Edge. I'm sure some way down the future he'll be in the HOF and be remembered as one of the best pro wrestlers. Edge has done a great job being a heel and was a great face too. What I really like alot about Edge is his Mic work and the way he could really get the crowd to react to cheer him when he was a face and most recently get alot of heat from the crowd, being a heel. I always find his matches very entertaining as well, from the days he was teaming with Christian and then when went his own way in singles competition. I still have great memories of some of those awesome TLC matches Edge was involved in. The most memorable was at WM17 I think, anyone else remember that spear from the ladder? Was one of the greatest ever moves in WM history if you ask me. Anyway I hope Edge can return asap and continue his career for a long time hopefully. I wouldn't rank him alongside someone like Stone Cold, The Rock, Hogan, Undertaker, those guys to me are in a league of their own but Edge would be I guess you could say on the next tier perhaps? Either way I've always enjoyed watching Edge, one of my fav pro wrestlers for sure.
As a huge Edge mark I think and hope he'll finish his career in the level of peoples like Undertaker,Shawn Michaels and Triple H but not in Hart's,Rock's or Flair's place.I'm one of the biggest Edge fans since I watched WWE and I always found he got his heat from Lita.Yes it's true for some extent but before Lita in his face run he was way too over and after Lita he kept his heat by himself.Did Vickie help him?Yes.But if I remember correctly when Vickie was with Chavo no one cared about her and until her relationship with Edge her heat was never like that.So Edge helped Vickie too and when they seperated they kept their heats.If we look at in keyfabe wise Edge is the best wrestler ever he had done everything that a single superstar can do in WWE.He's been carrying SD for 3 years and he draws very good heat from crow.When crowd tries to cheer him he always find something to make him boo himself.After his face turn his drawing will likely increase and 5 years later if Edge can keep himself healty I can see him in the position of Taker and Hbk with a lighter schedule and some creative control while putting young people over.
I think.. just like someone posted before. He did carry Smackdown for a while, but the honor of being the top guy in the company went to Cena, not him. I personally believe Cena wouldn't have been AS popular without his amazing feud with Edge, although that's maybe just my liking for Edge. I don't think Edge will ever be listed as a great among Stone Cold, The Rock, Hogan, etcetc, but there's no way in hell you can overlook this man's accomplishments, his skills, and everything else he's done for the company, he remained loyal throughout his whole career, through everything he's stuck right there with the WWE. He helped make ladder matches, TLC matches, Money in The Bank matches, what they are today, so Edge will definitely be up there in terms of place of history, just not AS high as others.
Edge will go down as one of the best heels of his era. If he ever turns face in the future he will have to be judged at that to determine if he is one of the greats due to his earlier face turns not being too spectacular.

People will argue he only got over due to messing around with Amy Dumas, but so what? He got major heat from the crowd and people were interested in his character. They were tuning in to watch him get his arse kicked. Hell, John Cena was getting positive crowd reaction at the height of "Cena Sucks-a-mania" when facing Edge. He knows how to get a crowd to hate him.

Although extremely short lived, crazy Edge just prior to Summerslam 2008 was one of my favourite characters. The sight of him smiling as Undertaker was entering the hell in the cell gave me goosebumps.

His feud with John Cena has been my favourite since I have returned watching the product and their TLC match was outstanding.

Edge has had numerous iconic moments in his career; the spear off the ladder, the look on his face after his Wrestlemaina match with Foley, being tossed into the Long Island Sound, winning the tag titles with Hulk Hogan. He has won every belt, is the most coveted tag team wrestler and could very well break Ric Flair's record of number of world titles.

He certainly won't be remembered as THE best, after all he has carried one brand, not revlutionised a whole company, but in the top 15-20 of all time in my opinion.
To me his place should be a bigger one then Cena. Why? He was part of one of the most well known tag teams with Christian and had many runs at the belt. And he fought as part of a main event card many times. Yes, his place in history will be remembered since he had a major role in the tag teams (after all he helped with the TLC matches, and was part of the tag teams before it went to the crapper with the brand split) and brought in alot as a heel (especially against Cena, Batista and HHH),

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