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WHC Match: The Rated R Superstar Edge vs. The Big Show Vs John Cena

This is just...just...ridiculous. I'm fine with the actual match, but the build up for it has just been ughhhh. They're making that ugly, fat, Vickie Guererro the focus of this damned match! That's just moronic. The storyline isnt entertaining, and no one really cares about the match. Any of the three could win the match, and I really dont care who does win. I'm predicting Bigshow wins. He's in the middle of the push from hell, so there's no reason he shouldnt win. I'm guessing that Bigshow will win after Vickie screws Edge. Then Show will hold the title on Smackdown untill whoever wins the MITB case cashes it in on him.

Even if they did tha match lyk that. Why would they let their top guy who has only lost one Wrestlemania lose twice in a row at mania. In fact, John really doesnt need to be in tha match if Big Show iz gonna win. They could have easily have out John an another angle. Now lets see. Fans think that if Edge or Big Show wins then they will get Vickie, after that, i really dont see a after WM storyline to that. If Cena wins, then I can see Vickie wantin to be with him, Edge and big Show try to get him, and damn, u got a good one two ppv's down.
This Is Going To Be A Alright Match IMO, Because WWE Looks Like They Are Going To Put The Belt On Orton At WM25..Plus WWE Can't Have 2 Heel Champions Winning At WM25, So I See Cena Winning This And Staying On SD! Cause He has Feuded With Everyone On Raw Atleast 2 Times.
Typical smarks. "The Big Show is the saviour in this match". Okay, fine have it your way, would you really want to see a heel vs heel match for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 25? Oh hang on, this is the IWC I'm talking to, where heels like Edge and the Big Show are treated like royalty, because they are "so kewl". Which ever way you look at this match, it's a clusterfuck. You know why it's a clusterfuck? Because Edge and John Cena have faced basically everyone including each other. In order to make it feel fresh, they added in the Big Show.

The real saviour in this match is John Cena. Well, because it adds a fucking babyface into the match. I know you all don't like babyfaces because they aren't tough enough and all that other bullshit, but without John Cena, this match isn't even worthy to be the main event of Monday Night Raw, much less Wrestlemania. You know what else sucks about this match? The feud has been horrible. Edge and the Big Show have been so damn boring for this feud over Vickie Guerrero. Yes, I mentioned "Edge" and "boring" in the same sentence. Get over it. So it's essentially a soap opera/comedy build for one of the two top matches at Wrestlemania 25. Seriously, what were the bookers thinking?

It's sad that the top dog of the company, is booked in two consequetive triple threat matches for Wrestlemania. This feud is not Wrestlemania worthy. John Cena should not take the pinfall here. Because he was pinned last year at Wrestlemania, and if you smarks took your head out of your ass, you would realize that having your top superstar being pinned twice in a row at a Wrestlemania is not a very wise decision. The Big Show isn't walking away with the Title here. He doesn't deserve it, and he is just in this match for the fresh feel of it. Edge or Cena is winning this. J.R said he thinks this match here will be the main event of the evening, meaning that it will end happily with John Cena winning the World Title.

I personally think Randy Orton vs Triple H won't be the main event on the night, because I think Orton will win the WWE Title and ending a Wrestlemania with a heel winning a World Title doesn't have that "feel good" moment that every Wrestlemania needs to have. So basically if Orton wins, Cena wins. If Triple H wins, either Edge or Cena will win this match. It should be a decent 20 to 25 minute triple threat match. I'm not expecting a classic, but I'm expecting a scene comparable to Andre vs Hogan where Cena gives the Big Show an Attitude Adjuster (I'm still not used to that name yet).

I'm predicting a John Cena victory after he pins the Big Show for the 3 count. Nothing about this match screams "Wrestlemania 25" to me. Considering my favourite superstar is involved in it, I'm just not pumped up for the match like I should be.
This is just...just...ridiculous. I'm fine with the actual match, but the build up for it has just been ughhhh. They're making that ugly, fat, Vickie Guererro the focus of this damned match! That's just moronic. The storyline isnt entertaining, and no one really cares about the match. Any of the three could win the match, and I really dont care who does win. I'm predicting Bigshow wins. He's in the middle of the push from hell, so there's no reason he shouldnt win. I'm guessing that Bigshow will win after Vickie screws Edge. Then Show will hold the title on Smackdown untill whoever wins the MITB case cashes it in on him.

I think Smackdown has really suffered with the continued success of the Orton/Triple H angle. That particular storyline has just gone from strength to strength. They built it up well and it will reap the rewards so to speak. The Cena/Edge/Big Show match has unsurprisingly shriveled in comparison to this match and I think it's for this reason that the Smackdown main event, i.e The WHC match is so poor. To this extent, what you are saying about the Big Show is true. I have raised point before that if Batista was healthy, Show would be nowhere near that main event. I don't even think Show would be getting this push but there you have it. I don't think that the Big Show will win however. He just wouldn't pull in the crowds that other champions do like Jeff Hardy or Triple H or Edge. I haven't met one person who switches onto Smackdown just to see the Big Show, so for that reason it wouldn't make sense for Show to hold the title at all. I predict Edge to keep the title and Orton to beat the Game hence sorting the 1 title per show ratio. I just hope it's a good match and no one interferes.
FAN FUCKING TASTIC promo out of Edge tonight. a jewel buried in a steaming pile of shit episode of SD. Casts him to be the underdog, and gets one pumped for Mania.

This will be...alright. They have done a so-so job of molding the characters, Edge trying not to loose it all, Show trying to take it all, and Cena feeling the title is THE ALL. Not to bad, but nothing too inspiring either. Should be a good match, and im hoping very much that Cena comes out on top. Which is the point I guess.

NorCal Prediction : Cena
I predict Edge to keep the title and Orton to beat the Game hence sorting the 1 title per show ratio. I just hope it's a good match and no one interferes.

No offense, but what tha hell kinda Wrestlemaina is that, both heels win, not a good desicion. The only way that could happen is if Taker vs HBK goes on last which it should, but will not happen. In the Attitude era, maybe, but not in the f**kin recoverly on the "Golden Era" of the WWE where tha fans are everything. If Edge retains, Big Show regains, then that means either have a bad reaction from the younger fans of the WWE, or The Game retain, which would ruin the whole event for me.
OK, if Cena doesn't win this match that is a horrendous booking decision especially because a heel is winning the other main event. Also, Cena is the top guy in the company and has been treated brutally recently, the fact that hes in this match at all is bad booking but thats another story for another day. A Cena win in this triple threat really isnt a 100% lock, apparently he went on some talk show and flat out said he was going to win at wrestlemania, which makes me think it wont happen. I dont know we will just wait and see.
Cena is in a movie which means he is gonna be in the main event. I would rather watch him get super kicked for an hour than watch him in a match with Edge and Show. I honestly don't even care who wins, kinda sad. If edge wins I have no idea where they are gonna go with it ( I swear If I have to see a few months of re-matches I'm gonna punch myself in the penis). If Show wins that may give him some credibility, they could build him up to indestructible (which he should be, cause he is) and put him against someone they really wanna put up front (no Cena, please not Cena...I would even take Batista over Cena). If Cena wins then I pray he loses it really quick, or at least gets in a good storyline, he has gotten so damn boring. Overall, this match is sad. The Orton/HHH storyline on the other hand is great; although I honestly think If HHH wins its going to end up cheasy, unless they can find a way to make it look good; which they have been failing at lately. Bag guys have been outshining the good guys lately. Orton, Edge, Jericho, Morrison/Miz (thats the order they go in; Miz is awesome) are all so damn good at their jobs that everyone else is looking bad, I wanna cheer for the bad guys most of the time. Cena is played out (Ice Ice Baby....gettin old), The Legend match is a thrown together ball or crap cause they could come up with something better. HHH is still good but I don't want him to get boring and they can't seem to get a respectable tag team to put them against (Rhodes/Dibiase are too bust warming up Ortons sack and there isn't much else past that. Don't even try to tell me that CM Punk and Kofi Kingston is a good tag team...kingston is good, punk is already boring; wht exactly is cool about a spinning slap? and I've only seen one GTS that actually looked good...not kidding, one). I'm getting into too many other topics...sorry guys. Basically Cena should not win...Show probably should...Edge will either get hurt or win (or both).
a few mess ups in my last post...Bag guys is bad guys and Miz is not awesome....huge mistake on my part. Morrison is awesome (we are talking future HBK awesome; which would be sweet to see them in a 3-4 match series) and I meant to say that they could NOT come up with something better than the legends match.
My Prediction

World Heavyweight Champion Edge (c) v John Cena v Big Show - I honestly have no idea who will win this. There are so many possibilities, and I can't help but have my pick to win influenced by the winner of the WWE Championship match; these are the combinations I can imagine logically happening tonight: Orton/Cena, Triple H/Big Show, Orton/Edge (although this is assuming one of the two turns face tonight, most probably Edge, as I cannot see two heels winning Mania main events, particularly at the 25th Anniversary), Triple H/Cena. I cannot see: Triple H/Edge (that would mean both titles being retained, again, just unimaginable at Mania). I am undecided on the combination of Orton/Big Show. I have done all those in order of likelyhood IMO, so I am going to stick my neck out and go with John Cena to win this match (with Orton winning the other).

The build-up to this (co)-main event has been a little anti-climatic to say the very least, although there have been the odd parts of goodness in it, it has generally been okay at best for such a big match. Then again, I suppose with them making the other title match so violent and personal, there had to be a bit of a comedic side to this. Let us hope the match plays out in to a 7/10 at the very least, and is at least 15 minutes long. On a sidenote, I can see Vickie Guerrero being hit by both Big Show (probably unintenionally, Big Boot/Knockout Punch - likely during the match) and Edge (intentionally - probably after the match), especially if Cena wins.
Cena wins the Heavyweight Championship - Cena gets beats up by Edge and Show on Raw, and anyone expects him to lose at Mania. Cena will once again overcome the odds, and beat both Show and Edge. Edge will drop the strap two years in row, which is a shame.
I seriously hope Cena doesn't win. He's an untalented clod with a super dumb gimmick. After the whole release of his awful movie "The Marine" he's adopted this soldier gimmick which has really gotten old. My prediction is no-contest or Big Show winning it.
When I heard Big Show was going to be in a title match at WrestleMania, I was pissed. He's OK for a big man, but not anything that I want to see in the main event.

I was proven wrong. He was important to the match, and worked well between Edge and Cena. It was smart to have him tied up in the ropes, so he didn't have to always be in the match. Even then, he still moved the story along, by yelling at Edge when he speared Vickie. Cena lifting both of them was just sick, and the match did a lot to change my mind on Big Show.

NSL Grade: B
Wow, no one is talking about Cena's reign in here. That's weird. Go discuss it in Cena's official thread.

So anyway, decent enough match. Well, when I say decent enough I don't mean that it was good enough for a world title match at WrestleMania. It wasn't. It wasn't even saved by a shocking ending. Cena won his belt back a month after he lost it. I hate to break ranks and detract from Cena but I really feel that result was dull. I appreciate why they did it; so Edge can have an inevitably bad feud with the Big Show without that pesky title.

But that's not the reason Edge shouldn't have won it. The reason he shouldn't have won it is because it's as much - if not more - of an anti-climax as Cena winning it and because the Big Show should have won it.

You would have been surprised if the Big Show won that belt, admit it. Even if you predicted it and told everyone how it was definitely going to happen, you weren't expecting it. There was an 80% chance Cena would win and a 15% chance Edge would. Big Show's shit, don't get me wrong. The shock factor would have carried his title reign though.
I am sick to death with Cena holding the world title, its like he cant have a decent feud unless he has the title to fall back on, it was predictable, it was poor and Cena needs to change his move set cos that is boring as hell.

As much as i love Edge and am a massive fan, Big Show should have won, he has been dominant on TV the weeks leading to WM and looked good in the match, he should have had it.

Better than I thought it would be....but stilll not a very good match.

Or maybe it was a downer due to the fact that it was immediatly following one of the best matches EVER being Taker vs HBK.

Or maybe I only found it to be OK due to the environment I was in while watching WM25.

And Cena as champ? No thanks. I'd even rather of had the Big Show win that match over Cena. Nothing against Cena, I just don't think he should be champ right now.
This was such an awesome match (as far as triple threats go, I usually hate them).... getting to see Cena win the world title is something I will never forget, as he is my favorite. To anyone who thinks only kids and girls like cena, dead wrong because I am a 23 year old male. Cena's character is a great role model and the best in WWE. Lots of people like Cena, so just wanted to clear that up before any Cena-bashing begins.

Edge's pyro was LOUD. Much louder than I expected. Also cool to see the Cena clones coming out to his old song, great entrance for the champ although the one from 23 with the car crashing through the window is still the best entrance of his.

No one thought anything could follow Taker/Michaels, but this match did (while not being as good, but nothing was) and Cena's win at the end got a massive pop and lots of pyro. That was the wrestlemania moment that should have closed the show.

This is far better than most are giving it credit for. This match had a little bit of everything, and was truly enjoyable. It didnt quite have the epic feel of last years Triple Threat, but was still damn good, and still had a pretty big match feel. Loved show going through the barrier, and the spot with him tied up in the ropes. Very good match, very enjoyable. 8/10

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