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WHC Match: The Rated R Superstar Edge vs. The Big Show Vs John Cena


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz

Yup, it's the ugly little truth that no one wants to talk about. Seeing as the Big Show is the #1 contender, and seeing as Edge is the champion, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is the title match as scheduled right now for Wrestlemania 25.

What's lacking, well John Cena at this point. Now speculation runs rampant that it'll be a triple threat, or Cena will somehow manage to get the #1 contender spot from Show, but as I said, right now, one of the two title matches at Wrestlemania 25 is Big Show vs. Edge.

That taste disgusting. I enjoy Edge, and I enjoy Big Show, but nothign, at all, remotely, sounds good at all about this matchup. In fact, it's fucking terrible. If Cena becomes involved in another big time matchup at the card, and this match remains, I feel that it'll be one of the worst things the WWE has done this decade as far as booking matches. The only, remotely possible good thing that might happen is if it is Show vs. Edge, the Money In the Bank winner cashes in that night and takes the title off of one of these guys.

In all honesty, as this match stands right now, it sucks, and it sucks bad.

EDIT : John Cena is in the match now!!! YAAAAAAYYY!!!
Even if Cena is included this match still seems like a second rate PPV mainevent and not a WM spectecular. I actually like Edge & Cena more than I like HHH, but his feud with Randy is developed and built up well, where this just seems strung together.

If it's just Show vs. Edge(which I don't think it will)it might be a good match, but it just doesn't scream wrestlemania. Big Show has been a upper-midcarder/mainevent jobber for a while so he doesn't seem to fit in to a mainevent spot. He also isn't a beloved face or a really hated heel so I don't see the fans carrying about this match at all. Vickie is the only thing that could make the match interesting(if it's just a singles match)but even she is getting old, tired, and repetitive.

Now if Cena is added it automatically seems more WM like, just because Cena is the biggest thing in the WWE right now. But it still seems very uninspiring. The "feud" right now with Cena against Edge/Vickie just seems so thrown together and half-assed that it just doesn't excite me. I think creative could have made the 3-way match alot better if they made a better feud and a better build up(like RKO/HHH)but as of now this match regardless if Cena is in it or not, just seems yawn worthy.

Agree with Shocky that this match just seems perfect for the MITB winner to cash in, just so the match will seem more exciting then it will probably be. At the very least I hope there is some kind of crazy stunt or omg moment in the match(but I won't hold my breath).
Why did they take the title off of Cena in the first place? When was the last time the Big Show won at a PPV? Then he gets force into the World Title picture. If the WWE makes this a triple threat match it will be a mistake. The best match that can happen at this point is Edge vs. John Cena. I was personally looking forward to Edge vs. Triple H and Randy Orton vs. John Cena. We are less than a month away and we still don't have a clear World Heavyweight Championship Match. I think when people look back on WM25 they will think of what could have been rather than what was. I really think the money in the bank winner will cash in and win this match. If that is the case, I would expect a big name to be entered in, maybe a surprise entry like Batista (I know he is suppose to be out, but what if). Anyways... We will have to wait and see!
If this does wind up being a singles match with Edge & Show, and the MITB winner does go after whoever's got the belt after this, I really hope that MITB is NOT Cena.

If Cena winds up in & winning MITB, that's just blasphemy right there (even considering the less-than-stellar contenders already in it, cough, cough, Mark Henry, cough), but say he does. And Edge barely scores a win over Big Show. OK, Cena can come out & be all like, "Remember three years ago?", cash in the contract, & take the belt off Edge. Ha, ha, we all get the irony, Cena's champion. Yet again. Joy. That would still not make things any better. Putting Cena in the match to make it a Triple Threat would STILL be ho-hum. There's no excitement there. Either Edge or Cena is going to walk out with the belt that night, Show is just there for, well, show.

I still say Edge vs Orton would've been the way to go.....
Meh. I'm more intrested in a straight Edge vs. Big Show match than I am another Edge vs. Cena match, or even a triple threat involving Cena.

Edge needs to keep the title, and Cena shouldn't lose at two Mania's in a row. This sounds like the better option to me. The ''real'' main event is the Orton/Triple H match. This, as a mid card match, is perfectly adequate.

It's fresh and different. It's not like there are many Heel vs. Heel matches. It also takes two very talented wrestlers to pull it off.

I also think Cena deserves a bigger match.
I also think Cena deserves a bigger match.

What would be a bigger match than a World Championship Match?

There really isn't much for options ou there at the moment, unless Hogan or Austin are on the card to put Cena over. Not sure either would do that, especially Austin with it being his HOF Weekend.

If for some reason we do get Big Show vs. Edge on the card, Cena is either in Money in the Bank or ends up fighting Jericho, which we have seen a few times over the past few months. Batista getting hurt through off the idea of doing Cena-Batista 2.

It is obvious the focus of WM25 will be Triple H vs. Randy Orton with HBK/Taker being a close second. Too bad the WWE didn't put the title on HBK or Taker to really hype this one. It should be great either way.
What would be a bigger match than a World Championship Match?

WWE Championship match? A special attraction match?

Or A match with Rey Mysterio. You've got the two most kid friendly wrestlers going against each other. That's bigger than a triple threat with Big Show & Edge. Cena has faced them both before, but he hasn't Rey.
Yup, it's the ugly little truth that no one wants to talk about. QUOTE]

Well, everyone is talking about it and there is like 5 threads on this topic flying around these forums where people are talking about it. But I'll chime in here with basicly the same thing I have been saying in the other threads, it will NOT be Edge -vs- Big Show at WrestleMania. The very worst case scenario is it will be a three way match with Cena included, but what WILL probably happen is a Cena -vs- Big Show re-match on Raw or Smackdown where Cena will win back his #1 contendership spot and wrestle Edge at WM25 in a title bout. Anything other than this would be downright stupid.
Well, now Cena is in, thank goodness. I guess, you sorta have to see him as the odds on favorite to come out on top, being as he is the face, going into the WM title match. I can see them wanting to stretch out the "Cena chasing Edge" thing, though, and wanting to cement Edge as a better champ than someone who has little cheap title reighns. A win at Mania over two of the biggest stars of the decade could do just that. For now, I think Cena gots this, but I wouldnt be THAT shocked if Edge pulled a Randy Orton, and has a suprise escape with the title
It was always gonna be a matter of when and not if Cena was gonna be in it, for some reason the WWE loves their triple threat championship matches recently and no one has a place stepping into the Orton/HHH feud. I'm interested to see where this whole Show/Vickie/Edge love triangle leads us, it could make this whole situation a tad more interesting if they keep working it right, i also liked how they worked Cena into the match, instead of just having him beat them or some crap like that.

Also i think if cena is gonna win this, Show will take the pinfall, so they can keep the Edge/Cena thing rolling for a bit longer, but you never know, Edge may pin Cena and going on to feud with Show leading to a winner takes all match- The Broad and the Belt, although if you ask me Vickie is more of a punishment than anything else.
I don't know what everyone is complaining about. We all kind of figured that one of the major Title matches was going to a triple threat or 4-way considering there's been like 4 in the past 5 years. I like this match and I hope they put it on last, ending the 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania with the Heel who tapped out last year earning redemption by keeping his Championship...GO EDGE!!

Edge is a great Champion...while he has the belt that is. For some reason he only keeps a title for a matter of weeks before dropping it. I would assume he is a transitional Champion but they don't put the strap on T.C.'s 8 times in 3 years. So I think it's about time to let Edge hold onto that belt for at least 6 to 9 months
Edge is a great Champion...while he has the belt that is. For some reason he only keeps a title for a matter of weeks before dropping it. I would assume he is a transitional Champion but they don't put the strap on T.C.'s 8 times in 3 years. So I think it's about time to let Edge hold onto that belt for at least 6 to 9 months

I agree, I really like Edge as a Champion, I wish they would at least give him a 3 or 4 month reign. It would prove he is a great champion. How many times has he actually retained the title after he defends it. He is one of the best performers in the company yet he keeps jobing. His fued with the Undertaker was amazing. I think anyone who he fueds with would be a great fued. I do think that Cena will go over at WM and Edge and Cena will swap shows after the draft. That or they will continue a fued on Smackdown. I just can't see the fued not continuing past WM. With the interpromotional championship matches it makes sense to have one draft to the others show. I guess only time will tell.
can someone please explain to me why big show is even in this match??? he has not even been in the title hunt at all except for filling a spot in the elimination chamber match, but by that standard mike knoxs should also be in the HHH/Orton feud. I understand in a round about way how it makes the match more intriguing now having edge feuding legitimately with showand it has us all wondering if edge will stay heel or go face for vince new plans for raw after the draft. It just really seems rushed to me to throw show in this, a show/edge feud just seems to be a feud for 2 or 3 lesser ppvs.
can someone please explain to me why big show is even in this match??? he has not even been in the title hunt at all except for filling a spot in the elimination chamber match, but by that standard mike knoxs should also be in the HHH/Orton feud. I understand in a round about way how it makes the match more intriguing now having edge feuding legitimately with showand it has us all wondering if edge will stay heel or go face for vince new plans for raw after the draft. It just really seems rushed to me to throw show in this, a show/edge feud just seems to be a feud for 2 or 3 lesser ppvs.

Because he's been having it with Vickie behind Edge's back.

Anyway, I'm not going to be having any high expectations for this match although it may be a good one, who knows. I'm not so sure about Cena winning here because I think Edge will find someway to cheat to win because I think that they have been having the championships change hands quickly at the last few PPVs and so having the World Heavyweight Championship retained would be a bit of a swerve because Cena's probably the faveourite in this match. I think it'll end up with Cena giving Big Show the Attitude Adjustment or whatever it's called and Edge will attack Cena and quickly pin the Big Show sort of like how Edge won the WWE Championship on RAW a few years ago, by hitting Cena with the belt and then pinning RVD I think is what he done.
People amaze me with how ignorant they could be. Seriously, whether you want to admit it to the open forum or not, the Big Show is the savior of this match-up. Edge/Cena has been done to the moon and back. As has Orton/Triple H. And even, to some extent, HBK/Taker. (during late 97, early 98) So Big Show being the add-in, is adding a new element to this contest.

Big Show being in this match, makes me far more interested in it than I would've been with Cena, otherwise. Show siding with Vickie, allows Edge to skip out on being with Vickie throughout this whole thing. Show being in this contest, allows him to possibly return to being the dominate "Giant" he once upon a time used to be. And Cena being in this match, gives the naive fans someone to cheer for, plus with Show, gives Cena someone to show off his strength against.

This is arguably going to be one of the better matches on the card, much less in all of Mania history. I'm predicting this. I mean, think of it this way, could you possibly imagine a greater scene than Cena trying to "F-U" Big Show, only to get Speared by Edge, having Show come crashing down on him!? It'd be fucking amazing.

I think the storyline they have going for this match does more than enough to allow Big Show in. Fuck, there is a legit chance that Big Show could literally walk out as the Champion. I mean, if he fully has Vickie back him, or fully turn on Edge to help Show win. (which is how Show has won other Heavyweight titles - ala Heyman/Lesnar turn) I'm honestly excited for this match-up, because it's not going to be just another..

Cena overcomes the odds and defeats the "Ultimate Opportunist".
Edge finds yet another short-cut and cheats to retain against Cena.

Edge could honestly win, via Orton-style, and it'd be huge.
Cena could win, by F-Uing Big Show, and it'd get just as much pop now, as it did at Mania XX.

OR, Big Show could literally shock the world, win the Championship, and a near riot would be possible. It's truly going to be better than well over half of you are even willing to attempt thinking possible.
We all know that Cena is going to win because he is the face of the company no matter how much u guys hate him. They want him to be mr wrestlemania so that he can headline every card and all the little kids will force their parents to buy tickets and cena gear.
I'm intrigued by this match, it really could go any way, for an explanation read Will's post.

The storyline is a pretty good one, Big Show wants rid of Edge, Edge wants rid of Big Show, Vicky doesn't know who to trust, and on top of that, all three of them want rid of Cena for exposing all of this, whilst all Cena wants is the title (the title has to be in there somewhere, well done John).

As for my preferred ending? Big Show on the top rope, jumps, Cena catches him and delivers an Attitude Adjustment (not sure if that will be possible, but would look immense) crowd goes insane, he turns around and gets a chair from Edge for his troubles, who then pins Big Show. Vicky comes to celebrate, but Edge is having none of it and hits her with a spear.

That leaves you with Cena still wanting the belt HE worked so hard for, Big Show wins Vicky who forces the big man to get revenge on Edge and Edge still being the Ultimate Opportunist, but with a possible face turn if creative decides to go that way.

Then a week later the draft occurs and they all get split up, making my endless pointless. :icon_razz:
With Cena added into this match, i really cant see him walking out without the title. Both Edge and Big Show are heels, and heels dont win in the main event at wrestlemania OFTEN. And with The Trips-Orton ending with orton winning and overcomeing the odds, i dont see Vince letting two heels win the titles at wrestlemania. The list of factors include

-When Randy wins the WWE Championship, thats going to be enough heat from the audience, to let Edge and Big Show have it, then i imagine some of the younger people will not like it, and will lose interest in the company somehow.
-For Cena to lose twice in a row at Wrestlemania as the "top" face in the company, i just dont see it.
-The Royal Rumble winner usually wins the title at Wrestlemania, opposed to certain times. I dont see randy orton being built up by so much to be dropped by Trips(who hasnt won at mania is how long).
Storyline wise, I'm glad Big Show is in this match because there are a lot more directions for this feud after Wrestlemania. Edge could finally break away from Vickie while Big Show could be a dominant giant with the boss on his side.

However, I think this match would have been much more entertaining if Big Show wasn't involved. Cena and Edge have had great matches in the past so they have great chemistry together. I just can't see this match being great with Big Show involved. His style is far different from Cena and Edge.
First of all I'm with Will in the fact that Show is probably the savior of this match. We saw Cena vs Edge for a looooong time not all that long ago. Yes the two can put on one Hell of a feud and a pretty decent match, but the fact of the matter is we've seen it before and since we've seen it before, it shouldn't be taking place at Mania.

My opinion on the match is that Edge should win. Whether or not he does is beyond the point, I feel that he should. Reason being is that Edge is really a good champ, but we have yet to see what he can do without Vickie. If Edge wins then tells Vickie off then we could really see some interesting stuff happen on Smackdown since Edge would be alone, and Show probably with Vickie. Now here's what I see happening. I see Cena winning the match. Why? Two reasons. 1.) If HHH keeps the belt and Edge or Big Show wins, then both main titles are on Smackdown, and I really cannot see that happening. 2.) It's John Cena and if there is one guy on the Raw roster that can be really good with the title, it's Cena. Orton could beat HHH, but overall I see him loosing, and getting involved with Cena after Mania. Time will tell all, but this match should be pretty interesting, but I don't think it's really WM quality.
The storyline for Edge vs Big Show is fine. It's not spectacular, but it's respectful. Big Show shouldn't be put into a WHC match with no momentum throughout the year, but being used at only Wrestlemania is another topic.

To me, this match sucks because Cena is being wasted. Two years in a row you have Cena as the third-wheel in a championship match. He's good without the title, so there were plenty of better ideas they could have had rather than throwing him in this.
I'm not gonna lie, I like Cena, but with this match, I think the thing to do is let Edge win, and whoever wins MITB should cash it in, preferably Christian, and then have a Christian and Edge fued.

I'm sure this would work since the draft is the week after, and I am sure that Christian, Evan Bourne, Rey, more than likely Jericho, will all be going to Smackdown and at least Christian vs. (your choice) would shake things up and give others in the roster a chance to go up.
My reasons for either of these men winning

gives him the belt again, brings it back to raw. wether you like it or not. cena's a good champion and he brings in the money. and you know vince is "All about the Monnn-aayy"

Like many have said, id like to see edge win like orton did last year. have him feud with bigshow for a litlle, drop vickie, and then we could see what edge could do on his own

Big Show:
Big sow is.... he's kindaa... he's gotta... what am i saying. theirs no chance in hell big shows gonna win.

and if your not down with that
According to various reports, R-Truth was originally supposed to be in the Money in the Bank match and they couldn't decide between putting Big Show or Mark Henry in there, so they decided to give that spot to Henry and move Show into this match just to give him something to do.

I think its safe to say then, even more so than you would've predicted beforehand, that Cena is walking out with the title. Edge supposedly is having knee issues, so they might want to take the belt off him and give him some time to heal a bit, and if Big Show wasn't even planned to be in the match in the first place, then they clearly weren't planning on having him in a long title reign or anything.

I think its safe to say Cena walks out the champion here, possibly by pinning Edge, and then he might have a backlash singles match against Big Show just for something to do and since Show wasn't the one who was pinned in it.
This is just...just...ridiculous. I'm fine with the actual match, but the build up for it has just been ughhhh. They're making that ugly, fat, Vickie Guererro the focus of this damned match! That's just moronic. The storyline isnt entertaining, and no one really cares about the match. Any of the three could win the match, and I really dont care who does win. I'm predicting Bigshow wins. He's in the middle of the push from hell, so there's no reason he shouldnt win. I'm guessing that Bigshow will win after Vickie screws Edge. Then Show will hold the title on Smackdown untill whoever wins the MITB case cashes it in on him.

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