What's your thoughts on Miz's attack on Sheamus and why?

I kinda thought that the Miz's attack on Sheamus was the start of a Face turn, mostly because they'll need someone to pick up the slack for whoever they turn heel to lead the Nexus. A recent wrestlezone article even talked about the Miz being a go to guy for Vince, so that may be a sign that Miz is a potential pick to replace Cena as the top face for the WWE should something happen (aka Cena retires, turns heel, gets a career-ending injury.)
I hope they don't take the US belt off of him before that. How many guys have held the US title and won the WWE title at the same time? None that I can think of. He could then be forced to give up the US title ala Warrior after WM6 and have a tournament to decide the new champ and have the finals be on a PPV. It would give him even more credibility and something else to brag about.
Even though it was a little bit different from guys like Punk and Edge cashing it in after their opponents have fought a match since they didn't attack them directly, it still felt a whole lot similar and I was put off by it. RVD is the only MITB winner to actually call when and where he is going to cash the briefcase in. I'm tired of the heel mentality to be an "ultimate opportunist" if you will. I would like the Miz to tell whoever is the champion that he is going to cash it in at a certain PPV or whatever and build a feud from there.
I thought the whole thing was great.

First, he comes out and cuts a great promo. Sheamus did a great job of looking scared that he lose his belt any second now. Then the GM says that Sheamus will be facing Bourne. Even though this was happening, I pretty much knew that nothing was going to happen.

During the match, they kept teasing that maybe Bourne would win and The Miz would strike. They even kept showing The Miz, holding his briefcase and looking ready to pounce at anytime. Then once Sheamus won, I assume most people were positive that nothing was going to happen.

Then the Miz comes in and attacks Sheamus. I was marking out, thinking that he might just win it right now. The SCF on to the briefcase looked great. It made the move look great and it actually made me finally believe that the briefcase hurts. The longer the whole thing was being drawn out with Sheamus on the floor, the more I was thinking that my prediction that he would fail was correct. Then R-Truth came out. I thought he was going to cost him the belt. But luckily, they called off the match and The Miz took back his briefcase.

Now we know that R-Truth will be taking the US belt from Miz. I dont think they will let him have both belts, so I expect The Miz to drop the US championship to R-Truth some time before he cashes in. The whole thing got The Miz looking like a legit contender with a legit finisher and we know that R-Truth still has a feud with him. As long as he has the briefcase, he'll only get better and better.
I loved this. The Miz is looking better and better each week (how many times have we said this?) And even though the SCF has some bit of a set up time, Miz really is making it finally a unpredictable, out-of-nowhere move.

On top of that, The Miz has also cemented himself as a Major threat to Sheamus and his title which will really push him over the top.

I also Liked the attack because there doing exactly what they should do with this Angle. Have the Miz stalk Sheamus to push him face and have him rival against R-Truth as a heel and see what the Universe likes better.

All-in-all, WWE has it right with the Miz so far...Here's to hoping they don't screw it up.
I don't see why people are being so quick to say that Miz has to or should lose the US title first. First, it would take credibility away from Miz to lose the US belt then cash in and get the WWE championship, unless it wasn't a clean loss. But do you really expect a face like R-Truth to win the belt in a heelish manner? Second, Miz is great at cutting promos. And one of the things he likes to do is tell people "I am the United States Champion," and go on from there. How great of a promo would he cut if he were able to say he's the United States Champion AND the WWE Champion?
Despite The Miz basically cashing in his Money in the Bank last night, I was always of the impression that he wasn’t going to follow through for one reason or another. For me, it was just too soon and with Kane winning the World Heavyweight Championship at Money in the Bank too, I felt that it would have been too much, too soon for the WWE and the respective brands.

However, I have to say that I completely marked out for The Miz handing the case to the referee. A small part of me wanted him to cash in and be successful but the more that Sheamus lay motionless, the more I knew that something else was coming. They just drew the moment out a little bit too much for me to realistically think that The Miz was going to win the Championship last night. You can also couple that with the referee “following procedures” and trying to get Sheamus to respond. I am not saying that he shouldn’t have done that because it is his job but for me, it was just dragged out too long for it to be taken seriously.

However, I am very pumped up by the thought of The Miz being the WWE Champion but I also feel that it wont happen for a while after last night. I think the WWE set out to make the Miz look like a legitimate threat for Sheamus and that is exactly what they did last night. For some of the doubters who think that The Miz might not be able to compete at that level, that moment was just for them and the WWE pulled it off quite well.
It actually looks like the Miz might get a face turn. Im not sure if this is a good thing or not. He did do good of making fun of his opponent like Christian did Pre-TNA so we might see the miz as a face
Well obviously Miz would attack Sheamus... he's Mr. Money in the Bank! Sheamus has to be aware of Miz at all times, because that briefcase can be cashed in at any time. I loved the attack personally, I though it was very realistic. The Miz shouldn't hold back at all. He needs to go all out and do whatever he can to win the WWE Title.

I figured that Miz wouldn't turn in his MITB Briefcase last night because the WWE wants one person to carry the briefcase for a while, and Kane had already cashed his in... even though I knew he probably wouldn't be cashing in... I still went crazy last night. That was a great segment.
A thought that I'm surprised nobody has thought of yet (or at least posted...)

Who says The Miz has to cash it in for the WWE (RAW) Title?

As a "Pro" on NXT, he's at the SmackDown tapings as well... What would stop him from cashing it in in pursuit of the World Heavyweight Championship?

He could also cash it in for a US Title Match... Say he loses the belt cleanly, attacks whoeever the "new champ" is and cashes it in afterward?

That's one major positive of having the Miz have MITB... He's on every WWE show... They could literally have him cash it in anytime... Against anyone.

Who says The Miz has to cash it in for the WWE (RAW) Title?

The rules? Raw money in the bank only allows to cash in on a RAW champion. Eliminating Smackdown.

As a "Pro" on NXT, he's at the SmackDown tapings as well... What would stop him from cashing it in in pursuit of the World Heavyweight Championship?

Look above.

He could also cash it in for a US Title Match... Say he loses the belt cleanly, attacks whoeever the "new champ" is and cashes it in afterward?

That would be ridiculous. Why would you want to book a talent, much less if it wasn't kayfabe. Why would you want to cash in to become United States champion when you can become WWE champion?

That's one major positive of having the Miz have MITB... He's on every WWE show... They could literally have him cash it in anytime... Against anyone.

Nope. Because he can't cash in on the Smackdown champions. He needs a tag team partner to cash in on the tag team champions. And he's United States champion. Which would be a ridiculous championship to challenge for when it's basically the one thing that screams "future world champion"
A thought that I'm surprised nobody has thought of yet (or at least posted...)

Who says The Miz has to cash it in for the WWE (RAW) Title?

As a "Pro" on NXT, he's at the SmackDown tapings as well... What would stop him from cashing it in in pursuit of the World Heavyweight Championship?

He could also cash it in for a US Title Match... Say he loses the belt cleanly, attacks whoeever the "new champ" is and cashes it in afterward?

That's one major positive of having the Miz have MITB... He's on every WWE show... They could literally have him cash it in anytime... Against anyone.


I seem to recall the commentators at Money in the Bank talking about how the Money in the Bank winner could only challenge the Champion of the brand that that respective briefcase was for. Either way, having him cash it on Smackdown would be a huge mistake and I am sure that the WWE are not even considering this as an option.

Let’s look at it this way, The Miz absolutely dominated Sheamus on Raw last night and it shows us that he could take Sheamus out at the drop of a hat. Given that he is the upcoming “face of the company”, why would the WWE want to move him to Smackdown where people wouldn’t get to see him? Make no mistake, The Miz is going to be a WWE Champion at some point and by moving him to Smackdown, it defeats the purpose of having the different matches at Money in the Bank.

The Miz will not cash-in his Money in the Bank on Smackdown. I can say that with the utmost certainty. Why would he want to? Smackdown doesn’t need him right now and he has proven that he can handle the competition at the top level of the WWE and that is on Raw. His attack on Sheamus taught me that The Miz is on Raw to stay.
The rules? Raw money in the bank only allows to cash in on a RAW champion. Eliminating Smackdown.
Because, in pro wrestling, "the rules" are of course, ironclad at all times. :lmao:

That would be ridiculous. Why would you want to book a talent, much less if it wasn't kayfabe. Why would you want to cash in to become United States champion when you can become WWE champion?
Didn't say it would be the BEST thing... Just said it was a possibility...

Also, just to clarify, I said absolutely NOTHING about him MOVING to SmackDown... He could be on RAW as the World Heavyweight Champion...

Keep in mind, SmackDown is changing networks in the fall... Just my personal opinion, but they're gonna want SOME kind of shakeup to attract viewers to get ratings up for SmackDown, especially on a new network. I can't see them going with Kane as their champ on SmackDown and honestly don't see anyone else currently on the brand that would attract more viewers... My thoughts are, someone from RAW will move to SmackDown, one way or another.

I'm not saying any of the Miz's cash-in possibilities that I mentioned WILL happen... I'm just saying they are indeed possible, which hopefully, will make for more exciting shows on RAW, SmackDown and possibly even NXT. Having The Miz with MITB makes the "anything can happen in the WWE" a bit more believeable.

I seem to recall the commentators at Money in the Bank talking about how the Money in the Bank winner could only challenge the Champion of the brand that that respective briefcase was for. Either way, having him cash it on Smackdown would be a huge mistake and I am sure that the WWE are not even considering this as an option.

Let’s look at it this way, The Miz absolutely dominated Sheamus on Raw last night and it shows us that he could take Sheamus out at the drop of a hat. Given that he is the upcoming “face of the company”, why would the WWE want to move him to Smackdown where people wouldn’t get to see him? Make no mistake, The Miz is going to be a WWE Champion at some point and by moving him to Smackdown, it defeats the purpose of having the different matches at Money in the Bank.

The Miz will not cash-in his Money in the Bank on Smackdown. I can say that with the utmost certainty. Why would he want to? Smackdown doesn’t need him right now and he has proven that he can handle the competition at the top level of the WWE and that is on Raw. His attack on Sheamus taught me that The Miz is on Raw to stay.

I wouldn't exactly call what Miz did dominanting by any stretch of the imagination. He hit Sheamus twice with a briefcase after he had a match with Bourne.

The problem with the Miz is that I've never seen him be consisently great in singles matches. I can't look at one singles match Miz has had which me think "That guy has it." I'm holding judgement on these grand declarations untli I see him do consisently well against the top competition which he hasn't done yet.
I've not been buzzing watching Raw as much as last night in absolute years. Firstly, The Miz mic work was in a different league from what anyone else has been offering lately (even the mighty Jericho). I totally loved the crowd reaction, it was almost like watching a heel Rock with the crowd eating it up.

I agree with most that the point of this was to build the Miz as a threat and build the hype of the briefcase. I also think we are seeing a tease of what a face Miz could do and how he would go down, after all he is the future face of Raw. He just oozed awesomeness last night.
Their trying to market the Miz.

And their trying to find an opponent on the same level as Sheamus for him to face. He might be a good main eventer, but his promo skills come across at the same seriousness as Miz. Although slightly better.
Two things stood out to me about this angle last night.

#1 The promo the Miz cut on Sheamus was excellent, best I've seen in a while.

#2 The crowd went absolutely APE SHIT when Miz handed the briefcase to the ref.

It showed me that the he could absolutely be WWE Champion right now. His Mic skills are probably the best in the company, he is a solid enough in ring performer with a good finisher, and that clothesline he does in the corner is a pretty sweet secondary move. Sure as hell better than the Five Knuckle Shuffle. I didnt think he was over enough with the crowd yet to be champion (A mistake they made with Jack Swagger), but last night changed my opinion. I know it probably wont happen for a couple more months anyways' but in my opinion Miz is ready for greatness right now.
Because, in pro wrestling, "the rules" are of course, ironclad at all times. :lmao:

Well WWE has been pretty known for sticking to the rules when it comes to booking storylines around the actual fact that ... is not supposed to be cashed in on ...

Didn't say it would be the BEST thing... Just said it was a possibility...

Also, just to clarify, I said absolutely NOTHING about him MOVING to SmackDown... He could be on RAW as the World Heavyweight Champion...

Yes, oh god yes let's have another thread about how Smackdown won't be credited enough. With a twist of course. Because there's NO WORLD TITLE THERE ANYMORE.

No Miz shouldn't cash in on Kane or whoever holds the championship on Smackdown. There's no need to move the championship to RAW because of that. And I don't wanna see a cross-brand feud of a newly achieved main event player. I could live with it being established or equal wrestlers ala Batista / John Cena.

Keep in mind, SmackDown is changing networks in the fall... Just my personal opinion, but they're gonna want SOME kind of shakeup to attract viewers to get ratings up for SmackDown, especially on a new network. I can't see them going with Kane as their champ on SmackDown and honestly don't see anyone else currently on the brand that would attract more viewers... My thoughts are, someone from RAW will move to SmackDown, one way or another.

And removing the world title will attract viewers? Not at all. SmackDown is drawing just fine viewers considering the fact that they are the second hand show. They don't need to be drawing huge ratings. Much less do they need a RAW superstar to be their world champion when there's a lot of other choices. Kane just got a world title. Do you want Miz to fuck that up? Do you want your predictions to be the reason the IWC is screaming for yet another Kane reign because it was too short?

And you're saying they can't go without current RAw superstars on Smackdown? Bullshit. Smackdown has been fine the past few months. They're pushing new talents and remaining interesting. And that's without proper main event material. Except for an inactive Undertaker.

I'm not saying any of the Miz's cash-in possibilities that I mentioned WILL happen... I'm just saying they are indeed possible, which hopefully, will make for more exciting shows on RAW, SmackDown and possibly even NXT. Having The Miz with MITB makes the "anything can happen in the WWE" a bit more believeable.

They are possible. I'll give you that. But I sure as hell don't wanna watch it. Smackdown needs to do their thing. And Raw needs to do their thing.

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