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Did Daniel Bryan's return kill The Miz's Push?

Daniel Bryan's return will not warrant an affect on The Miz's push at all. In fact it's a great thing these two guys are feuding because at Night of Champions the inevitable US title match will be: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan. Also for when that match comes I truly hope Bryan takes the title off of Miz. My reason for this is because Miz always seems distracted with something else when he holds the US title. First it was the Unified Tag titles, now it's also the fact that he's holding MITB. He is too busy to put any attention on the US title and therefore as I have said many times he needs to drop the belt. Daniel Bryan seems like the perfect option and hopefully Bryan will wear the belt with pride and defend it on a regular basis and make it relevant once more, much like Kofi Kingston did last summer.
What I see happening is Bryan winning the US Title and that fued going just long enough for the Orton / Sheamus fued to get old. I honestly think that Wrestlemania is when the Miz will use MITB. It'll probably be the 'last' Orton / Sheamus match. We all know that feud needs to last a while with some build up. That would give Miz a chance to either stay heel or turn face......depending on who wins the title. I know WM is a way off, but, Bryan still needs to get some legs, Miz needs to get just a little better in the ring to be the 'champ'.
Not at all. It's actually a way to push the Miz further, because Bryan will probably feud with the Miz and take the US title off of him, which will allow Miz to move on to bigger things. He'll then Cash in his MITB briefcase and become champion.
Hopefully it kills the Miz push. That guy does not deserve any push. Daniel Bryan will take his title away.
WWE has been very smart, it has elevated 2 for the price of one in Miz and Bryan... their interactions are arguably integral parts of both their pushes... the feud with Bryan over the US title will showcase Miz as a top wrestling talent... and Bryan as a top talker... at the end of it, Miz can progress... or if he hasn't quite cut it over Bryan, can retake the US title and Bryan move up...
No, I really don't think Miz was ever supposed to be a part of that 7-on-7 match. I wouldn't doubt if they had him in mind for a back-up, but I don't see Miz being a part of the match whether or not Bryan had come back. They let him cut a huge promo at SummerSlam, had the entire team beg him to join, and then let him run in and screw over Team WWE in the main event of the PPV. Not only that, but Cole has been basically sucking the guy off for about a month now...it's ridiculous. Couple all of that with the fact that the first thing Miz did after SummerSlam was absolutely destroy Daniel Brian, and I'm pretty sure Miz is still the WWE's type prospect right now.

The thing is, I don't think Miz is really getting a standard "push". It's more like...he's getting set up to take over... They have all their chips on this guy right now, and I"m loving it. I think it might have been the first good choice they've made in quite some time. Daniel Brian is over with the fans, but he's not going to overshadow Miz, because backstage people don't really like him. They just needed him for the SummerSlam surprise, and now he'll probably fade into the mid-card.
same scenario with CM Punk. he even lost his mid card title on Raw (not on pay-per-view = more/mainstream viewership = more exposure) than up CM Punk went. world title and solid main event run = strong pay/strong career as long as stays WWE. So, to answer the question based on history, this will help MIZ especially if it is a sympathetic Title loss = easier face turn and strong run if scriptrd right. easy peasy. it will help both MIZ and Danielson.
This is done for 2 reasons, and does NOT kill Miz's momentum. This is the WWE's good idea of getting the US title off of Miz. They know he has MitB, so he'll be cashing in sometime, and he can't be a double champion (IF he wins). Bryan is a good technical wrestler, and will HELP Miz's push, because he will be able to help him in the ring with his natural talent and ability. He will make Miz look even better, and that will make sure Miz will at least be accepted into the main event once. Bryan is more over than some of the other superstars who got pushes (See John Morrison), and his ability makes him one of the only people who will be able to win the US Title, and keep Miz going. This wasn't ruining it, but helping Miz's Main Event push.
Not at all at NOC he will pull a Bret he will lose to Bryan opening match and then after the grueling 6 pack challenge he will come down lay out the champion...and not cash in. Her will the say tomorrow night on Monday night Raw your time is up and he will do it become a face sell 20 million T shirts and Raw will become the highest rated show in the history of Television Ok I kid but the first part is true he will lose and then cash in and win so no I dont for see his push hurt at all.
As long as WWE does it right, this could help both. to people who dont watch ROH or any independents Bryan/Danielson is a nobody. give him a push and give him the u.s. title and miz does like edge did at new years revolution. give up on the mid card and move up to main event in one night via MitB
I have to agree with what most of the people have been saying. No, Daniel Bryan won't hurt The Miz. Here's my thought and i thought about this since after SummerSlam. Miz and Bryan have a US title match. Bryan wins by a roll up, Miz looks shocked that he lost that way and looks upset and the fans cheer. Then the WWE title match happens, it's a though match, Sheamus wins. Now this next part depends on the health of Triple H. If he's healthy, i think he should return on this night, come out, beat up Sheamus, hit him with his sledgehammer, then pedigree him. Then when Triple H leaves, The Miz comes out, cashes in the WWE title shot, does the skull crushing finale, and then Miz wins and Michael Cole goes nuts, now if Triple H doesnt come back, they can just have Sheamus be tired after his win or have Randy or one of the losers attack him.

As for The Miz and a face turn, i say let's not do that. I think he should remain a heel until further notice, he's a great heel and knows how to get under a crowds skin.
Fully agree here, Miz is doing great as a heel, WWE doesn't have many singles heels that draw heat like the Miz, and with all the improvement he's done these past couple years as a heel, i think a face turn would be difficult to do with the way they've been writing him
No D.B coming back didn't kill anything (as about everyone has said) if anything it actually did 3..not just 2 things...

1. It provided an unpredictable environment for the WWE audience that was live. Sadly us Internet dwellers that were sitting on here for the Play-By-Play essentially got the "surprise" before it happened. But it provided the fans in attendance a huge twist. That in itself can draw in bigger audiences. Just like when WCW was around the biggest way to attract people to come to live events. Make them think that something unexpected can potentially happen (even if nothing happens).

2. This could be GREAT. Get the US title off of the Miz. Give it to D.B but have it done in such away that it makes D.B look like a credible contender. Having him win by a surprise roll up really doesn't help his case. Makes it seem like he was more lucky than anything. Have it be a hotly contested match and have D.B come out on top CLEANLY. Then Miz can go on at any PPV of his choosing and cash in MiTB and WIN proving to everyone that he is AWESOME...I'm sorry but no matter how much he tries I just can't find it in myself to boo him... He's kinda turning into the Heel John Cena....right before his face turn..but I hope Miz doesn't turn face.. They have a golden goose in the Miz.

3. D.B having the US strap will allow for him to elevate the mid card talent. He can have matches with everyone from Nexus to Evan Bourne. From Kofi to JoMo. and everywhere in between. Perfect role for him IMO is defending his title week in and week out at PPVs on Raw. Everywhere!

D.B returning did wonders for the WWE and opened up a whole new opportunity to develop the future of the WWE.
Yeh, I dont think this hurt the Miz at all push wise.....but I do think creative is tripping all over itself, and has been for awhile with Bryan.....and even if Bryan can get a push, it wont last long, he'll be battling Santino to be the next Brooklyn Brawler.....As for Miz, he too has worked really hard and loves the business, but, I dont see him ever becoming a top guy, I could be wrong, but I see him having more of a Matt Hardy or Christian type spot when all is said and done.
i think this is actually helping both the wrestlers..and if u dun see it your are obviously a TNA fan and u cant go from point A to B u have to go from A to D to C To E to Z to B..morons...neway.. It helps US title shift from MIz so he is in the clear for his World championship reign. And with a fresh Bryan Daniel comin back he needs a lil push too, and goin toe to toe with the next World champion would be really good for him and the US title too. Give it some time and these 2 will definitely deliver. ANd oh i totally agree with paul heyaman...TNA should not want him walking through that door. Because if ur 40 and in the TNA roster and i quote "your fuckin head is getting cut off" LOL...pwned...Dixie WTF are you thinking? what are you afraid of hogan and flair that you can't fire them? seriously? you own the company not them. IF Paul Heyman does not want anything to do with you, and basically says what all the fans are saying about older guys going over people like MCMG and Beer Money (GREAT best of 5 match)....seriously..U dont make that your main event but instead you have RIC FLAIR beat up 40 year olds? You have no clue how deepp your diggin your hole :p

Yeh, I dont think this hurt the Miz at all push wise.....but I do think creative is tripping all over itself, and has been for awhile with Bryan.....and even if Bryan can get a push, it wont last long, he'll be battling Santino to be the next Brooklyn Brawler.....As for Miz, he too has worked really hard and loves the business, but, I dont see him ever becoming a top guy, I could be wrong, but I see him having more of a Matt Hardy or Christian type spot when all is said and done.

I hope that's not the case. Personally I think if Christian or Matt had gotten more of a push, maybe (just maybe) things might be a little different and maybe even more entertaining than it is now.
No, this does not hurt his push at all. Daniel Bryan is way over with the crowd and this kills two birds with one stone... Miz moves on to the main event (if he loses his US title, which is pretty likely) and Bryan picks up a mid card belt, and it legitamizes him as a solid, up and coming superstar.

There hasn't been a midcard/upper midcard feud with this much potential in a long time, Miz is getting great heel heat out of the crowd and anything DBD does makes the crowd go crazy. This feud might also give Miz a chance to look a lot better in the ring, especially since DBD is so good in ring... They can both elevate their game.

This is a great move by the WWE, one of their best choices in a very long time.
Quite the contrary. Daniel Bryans return actually increases Miz's push. You seem to be forgetting Miz has a certain MITB. The Miz was actually in a bit of limbo before Bryan's return, not having anyone to drop the US title too and not being in any major storyline. Great thing about Mz is he can be his own story line. Anyway, a feud between the 2 would be epic. Miz won't lose anything at all losing to Daniel Bryan, in fact Miz will lose something, that dreaded US title that's keeping him from cashing MITB. When Miz loses that to Bryan, he'll probably use his MITB and win the WWE championship. If his trainee Alex Riley wins NXT 2 and that title shot, I'm sure Daniel Bran will parlay his feud with Miz to Riley once Miz is WWE champion. Bryan doesn't kill Miz's push, just gives him someone good to work with.

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