What's your thoughts on Miz's attack on Sheamus and why?

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
I'm sure most of us saw Miz's attack on Sheamus last night. When he first came out to threaten him I was glad. I liked seeing Miz go after someone of Sheamus' caliber and his little bit using the irish accent actually made me laugh. But I got no impression that Miz really was going to attack Sheamus last night, even after the match with Bourne happened. And I was glad cuz I don't think he's quite ready yet. But after the match was over Miz came in and started hitting Sheamus with the briefcase. Even then I wasn't sure anything was gonna go down. But after Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale on the briefcase (which actually looked really cool to me and to me legitamized his finisher, but that's a whole new topic) he tried to cash it in. Is that what you guys would've liked to see?

I know my thoughts the whole time were like "holy crap is he gonna be the new champion?!" but at the same time I'm thinking I don't want it. I feel it's just a touch too soon for him. I'd hate for his run to be like Swagger's where it was too early for him to get the belt and make his run, IMO, just bad. So were you guys like me, swaying back and forth between yes and no? Couldn't wait for it to happen? Or glad R-Truth ran out to stop it?
I think more than anything,they want to make sure everyone knows the Miz is a legitimate threat to the WWE Champion,and he really drove that point home with the assault on Sheamus.
I have never been a fan of The Miz till last night. He attcked sheamus and really looked a legit contender to take the belt. It also keeps the excitement of the money in the bank being cashed in at any point so every time there is a fight involving the champion there will be a buzz in the air with people thinking will the briefcase be cashed in.

I was glad it got stopped as sheamus took a beating giving The Miz credabillity and also gives him more time to establish himself before actually cashing it in.
I think that he attacked Sheamus, to prove that he is a major threat to the wwe champion. They are also showing that it can be cashed at any time and getting people on their seats for when he does.
it may be a bit too soon for Miz, but i do emphasize the word "may" there. maybe not. he might be as ready or more ready than other MITB cashers. i'm just not so sure.

but, the attack did help build his credibility and him leaving after R-Truth showed up kept the MITB case active which is always fun because of the surprise of when it does finally get cashed in.

i'd love to see Miz defend the briefcase in matches and PPV and then eventually cash it in ahead of time, a la RVD stating that he would cash it in for the main event of One Night Stand. Miz could do something similar if there's gonna be a show or PPV in his hometown, or one that would go with his gimmick.

to quote Jack Swagger, though, it's better to be booked as a weak world champion than to not be booked as champion at all. that said, if Miz cashes in and wins the title and looks like a total sissy during his entire reign, at least he's been world champion and he can build from there. even CM Punk's first title reign was pretty bad, and for sure Edge's first reign was terrible. but the following reigns got much better because they had some foundation with the world title and were able to build off experience.
The Miz's attack on Sheamus was to portray The Miz as not only the wise cracking heel, but also as a young, hungry and aggressive threat to Sheamus and his title run. The WWE has made The Miz's character more aggressive over the past several weeks and it plays well. The Miz is a young guy and has his first real chance at being a singles world champion. He should be hungry, he should be aggressive and he should be assertive. The Miz played his part perfectly last night.

I was so glad that The Miz cashing the briefcase in last night was a tease. I was torn between being disappointed and excited. I think the WWE is going to drag this out for a while, and they really need to because it keeps the tension between The Miz and Sheamus taut and continues to hype the importance of being Mr. MITB in and of itself.
Personally im glad the briefcase didnt get cashed in last nite. It would be a real shame if both briefcases were used within 24 hours, the anticipation of the case being cashed in will keep people tuning in to raw each week just in case.

In terms of the Miz, you can see WWE wants to push him to the moon, The attack on sheamus last nite, with the skull crushing finale onto the brief case looked brutal. The Miz easily looks like a genuine competitor for the WWE title. However by having R Truth come out and interupt, it keeps the case in play and it allows the feud between Truth and the Miz to develop and come to its conclusion, perhaps with the Miz dropping the US title. Kudos to the writers.
The only problem with the Miz going after Seamus is the audience was cheering for him, and Miz is a much better heel than a face. If the Miz were to beat Seamus for the belt I think that would make the fans cheer even more for him.

So I hope when the Miz goes seriously after the belt it is after summer slam if Orton wins the title, and then the Miz and Orton can have a great feud and it will keep the Miz a heel
It was a great spot WWE setup there, before RAW even started I knew Miz was NOT going to cash in early I really think he's going hold it for a while. And again Miz's mic skills are above average everybody knows this so he pretty much owned Sheamus in the arguement.

But when he started to attack Sheamus the whole time I'm thinking in my head Miz is just going to try to warn Sheamus and tease the the crowd. Never did I think he would try to cash it this soon so I got excited even though I didn't want it to happen this soon I was pumped to see it.

Thankfully Truth came out and stopped him, because when Miz cashes his MITB I think it should be at a time where nobody can predict.
I thought it was coming that Miz came out but it was the same thing as Swagger did, he cashed it in then ran off. But the crowd was buzzing for the Miz who has become one of the most popular heels in my opinion since his feud with Cena.

I'm glad that he didn't cash it in though but i think that he will cash it in when no one will expect it. But i think Orton will beat Sheamus at Summerslam then he'll have an on/off feud with the Miz. The miz just needs to take a dip in the main event pool first by placing him in a main event feud with someone like Cena.
Well last night to me made The Miz seem like a legit threat to the title like everyone else has been saying. I dont think it would make sense for him to cash in thr briefcase yet as he is still the US Champion. I think ultimately at a pay per view he will defend his title lose it then come back later in the night and cash in his contract. I just hope for the sake of The Miz its atleast after SummerSlam as he is still developing and shouldnt be thrown in the ring with the top guys just yet
Its still too early for Miz to cash in. It will happen, but it won't be any time soon. Vinny Mac has a hard on for Miz's work ethic. He will be the future top heel on Raw someday. Last night, like everyone has been saying, Miz was just establishing himself as a legit threat. This angle also sets up to further the R-Truth vs Miz feud more. Miz will continue holding onto the U.S. Title. If he loses it anytime between now and when he gets his World title, it will hurt him if he hasn't established himself more. Before he cashes in, he needs a high profile feud. I think Randy can give him a proper rub even if Miz cheats to win. All he needs is a pinfall of some sort. Miz is already a main event level speaker, he just needs the brutal side of him to come out. Last night was all about establishing a mean streak. This brutality from the Miz will continue for weeks to come. I'm very hopeful for Miz's future.
I absolutely loved every bit of it. I will admit, I never thought he was actually going to cash in the contract, especially after his promo. I will agree with everyone that he was out to prove that he is a threat whether the champ is heel/face.

Furthermore, I like the element of surprise with the MITB. Seeing talent furthere elevated adds to the show. Much like everyone else, I get tired of the same title scene. Hell, at one point, I wanted WCW to throw Norman Smiley in a Championship Match just to see the reaction of the crowd. I honestly believed most would have popped the way the crowd did for Miz last night.
The segment with Miz and Sheamus was a great move, for a few reasons.

First, it did establish The Miz as a threat with his MITB win. They've done a good job of builing him up in recent months as a legit contender. He does have a good persona, but they needed to show that he is not just a fluke MITB winner and can cash in at any time, which also puts Sheamus in a hunted position. Not only does he have to deal with Randy Orton at Summerslam (which means Miz probably won't cash in for a while), but he has to watch his back for The Miz as well. One of those paranoia-type angles. I think you may see an angle where if at any moment, Sheamus is at a disadvantage, Miz will swoop in and possibly cash in, only to be stopped by R-Truth or another superstar. I guess Miz's dedication to WWE is finally paying off with VKM.

Second, it elevated Miz's character a bit by showing that he's willing to attack the WWE Champion, face or heel. Hopefully, they keep him as a heel, which would be best done by giving Orton the strap at SummerSlam and starting that feud maybe for the fall PPV's.

Third, it was a good way to separate Sheamus and John Cena for a while, because that desperately needed to be done. Let Sheamus work as the champ against someone else for a while, although I see this Orton-Sheamus feud being short. Putting Cena in the 7-on-7 match with The Nexus furthers that angle, while giving some of the other main eventers (Jericho, Edge) and mid-carders (Morrison, Truth) and The Great Khali (Really?) something to do with a revenge angle for the gang attacks.
Miz should keep the US title into his WWE Title reign because then it would give him something to brag about and it would also seperate him from other champions, which will put him over even more.
It was classic and I loved the angle. I thought it really moved MIZ up another notch on the food chain as a legit guy for the title.

But of course, Stephanie-HHH et all had to screw it up.............WTF is R-Truth (in my opinion, he should be mopping floors somewhere) coming out to get involved for? The only equivilent I can draw is, having the greatest sex with the hottest woman in the world, and in the process you get VD.

Just amazing how even in moments of greatness, they fail.
I loved it too.

The main reason being it’s so fresh to see 4 new competitors in and around the WWE title scene.

OK R-truth and Bourne are not fighting for it, but for them to have credibility in fighting the champion, Mr Money in the bank and adding to the show is credit to WWE's pushes of new and different talent recently.

Last year these 4 stars might not have even been on seen RAW or Smackdown.

I thought Miz did a great job whilst watching the match, stroking the briefcase like a Bond villain.

I'm glad the cash in was only a tease; it's almost as if he could have won it which gives him even more credibility.

His watching and eagerness will serve to keep Miz a constant and credible threat to the WWE champion, which if you said that statement a while ago you would have been laughed at.
What was going through my head...

'Holy crap is he going to become wwe champion'

I just wanted Sheamus to kick his teeth down his throat...

I think it was good what he did, they are both heels and it again shows that they are not on the same page because Miz has the breifcase and Miz was just reminding us how easy and out of nowhere the breifcase can be cashed in..

Clever move...
When the Miz hit Sheamus with the briefcase I thought to myself that he was just trying to make a statement with a beating, thus proving he can take him out at anytime. When he tried to do the Skull Crushing Finale onto the briefcase, but Sheamus struggled and I thought he was gonna weasel out from there and that would be that. When he actually hit it, my wife said "Oh great Miz is gonna win", I told her everyone who's cashed it won the title, every time but watch him be the first to cash it in and lose the match. I actually thought he would lose his opportunity right there, but luckily Truth showed up it was off.

It's gonna be interesting to see how they play this whole MiTB contract thing out with Miz, will he become the first to hold both the US and WWE title at the same time? He is one of the most interesting characters on Raw right now, they should definitely keep his momentum going strong.
Like the majority here, I too thought it was both awesome and awful. Miz definitely deserves that briefcase but I still think it's too soon to be putting the top prize in all WWE around his waist.

I didn't even expect a beatdown on Sheamus last night much less an attempt to cash in his briefcase. Then while it was happening all I could think was 'Oh no, Miz is gonna be the first person to fail at a cash-in.'

Even though I enjoyed the beatdown, and the overall aggressiveness Miz has been showing lately, last night seemed too much like a face turn. I know WWE has been toying with heel vs heel a lot recently but the pops Miz were getting was insane. Hopefully the follow-up with R-Truth keeps his heel heat intact and further primes him for the main event.
I think they can go a lot of ways now with the Miz. They can test him as a face by attacking Sheamus, keep him as a heel by attacking Orton(should he win) and see how it works. He got a strong face pop when they teased the cash in. I wouldn't be surprised to see him with the world title by Survivor Series.
i have a vague feeling Randy Orton is gonna win d title at Summerslam and d Miz will cash it on him which will not only start a fued between him and orton but also him him a heel which is better 4 him..... had he cashed it in yest he wud have become an automatic face or atleast a tweener coz Sheamus is a real good heel.....
I marked out a little bit. I think it was a good thing that Miz didn't cash it in. This way it will create a bigger buzz of it. It reminded me of the cash-in attempts that Punk had against Jeff Hardy. And I could see it working that way. Of course it wouldn't be something along the lines of Miz turning face because he cashes on a heel.

I think it could function to make The Miz a superheel so to say. He would get incredible heat for cashing it in on Randy Orton for example. It would be a little too soon I would say. But it could definitely work.

The Miz needs to capitalize on this. He needs to build around this. And he needs to shock the world through this one. At least that's what I'd like to see. It could work if booked right.

And then you probably ask "But Ferbian, how is it booked right?". Great question I can't even answer myself. But I'm certain WWE will find a way. They did it pretty well with Punk.
im not goignto lie and say i like miz. I dont like miz never have never will. I did last night want him to beat shumus becasue everybody hting he should beat cena why. Everybody clearly is tired of cena have the title. I hope he does cash it on shemus. run wena he has some after the title cean stand and fight. I think raw is getting alot better. I still wsih some who jsut thrw the lap top away and so some ting to it discontn and tell the gm if htey have some to say he should come to raw that they will ignor oyu untill you show your self and make gm should make mis defend his title
Even though it was a little predictable, I thought it was well done and personally I liked it. I knew Miz wasn't cashing in his MITB briefcase that night but it doesn't mean it wasn't done good as I thought it showed Miz as the opportunistic person that he is, and it also showed that he could strike anytime to take that belt away from Sheamus (since I assume he will be champ for a while).

Like I said, I knew he was going to attack Sheamus, and I also knew someone was gonna ruin it for him, but even with that said I was hoping the whole time I was wrong and Miz was going to become champ last night since I've been hoping for the Miz to become champ over the last 3-4 months. Obviously he won't use it until after he loses the US Title, and I also think they will hold off on Miz using it for a while, but I can't wait until he does use it and finally becomes champ.

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