Whats your favorite TV series?


Andy G

Similar to the movie series thread. I would have to go with that 70s show series. I currently have all 8 sets unopened, and I have them downloaded onto my computer. Ive watched each episode atleast 3 times or more. Its an entertaining show and I really enjoy.

What about you?
Not sure if any of you guys have heard of it, but it's a show that comes on The Movie Network called Dexter. It's about a blood splatter specialist, who is also a serial killer. The thing is though, he only kills people that harm others, like child molesters and other serial killers. It's quite interesting.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: I wasn't addicted to this until a friend of mine watched it every other time I stayed over. They slowly got me hooked on the unique storyline, & I now own every season. Its a shame they had to bring it to an end. But I suppose everything has to end at some point.

Angel: Spin-off after only 3 seasons on Buffy, I loved Angel better than I did Buffy. Charisma Carpenter was amazing on Angel & her character truly evolved. The only thing I dispised about the Angel series was how they ended it on the amazingly stupid last segment. (with the Dragon & all the creatures coming toward them) Also, this show brought out the big emotion in me. I hated it when Cordy & Angel had their thing never quite meet eye to eye.. & her last moment, in the last season. Also, in the last season, I hated Fred's demise.. but LOVED the new look.

Tru Calling: Its funny how it still ties in with the above two, with the actress who played "Faith" from the above series.. being the lead role in this show. After only one season, & 6 episodes into the 2nd, Fox cancelled it. Originally, I didn't like this show, but my Wife got me hooked. We bought the 1st season.. & thats how I got hooked. It pissed me off when, after I was hooked, they cancel it.

Brisco County Jr.: Are you kidding me, I dispise Westerns, but Bruce Campbell made me love them with this series. I'm still looking to buy the only season they did.. I loved it, never truly seen the ending I don't believe.. unless it ended without an official "ending."
Also, I loved..

Hercules: Toward the ending of this series, I kinda drifted off. But I loved the mythical storyline. I hope to own the entire series some day. I had personal favorites, like Aries.. but once Xena was brought in, then created a spin-off, I kinda drifted over.

Xena: Just to show how much I loved this series, I half-way named my Daughter after the secondary character. Gabrielle. lol The name wasn't decided upon strictly FOR that reason, but it helped. My favorite part of this series was the introduction of Calisto. To this day, I feel she's one of the all-time best villians in any type of movie, or show. Also, Gabrielle's daughter, Hope. I stopped watching this series when it got beyond the mythical parts, into travelling to Japan & Asia.. then (to me) it turned stupid. I still hope to buy these seasons too, however.
My favorite TV series has to be Quantum Leap. All about a guy who guys from life to life making things better in said life. I love the action, I love the feeling, and I love the message that this show sends out. In a generation filled with gore and blood I think this TV series does a good job of bringing us back to the little things that matter in life.
My fav shows that are no longer on air would have to be, Sex and the City, Alias, The west Wing, Carnival and The Golden Girls.

A mixture i know. The West Wing would be my fav by far.

At the moment i'm really into Greys Anatomy and brothers and Sisters.
I love NBC's Thursday Night line-up: My Name is Earl, 30 Rock, The Office, and Scrubs. The four best comedies on TV are all on the same night, same network. The Office especially is hilarious. The comedic timing of the whole show is fantastic. Steve Carell is the funniest guy in Hollywood right now. They've mastered the art of the awkward-funny moments. It's distinguished itself from the classic UK original and in some ways is even better than the original.

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