Whats wrong with wrestling today (please don't move)


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Please dont move this to "wwe complaints" as it is not a complaint about a wwe storyline, or character, it is more a general critique on the WWE of today.

As all of you are fully aware, we are in a PG era. The nature of a PG era ofcourse is directly linked to the show being child friendly, and therefore children make up the majority of the viewership.

This is where the problem lies - BRING THE ATTITUDE ERA BA....just kidding. The problem i think with wrestling today is that kids are the majority audience. This is a problem for me, as it is children that attend the live shows and attend raw and smackdown week in, week out.

You may be sitting their asking, kinsey, why is this a problem... and ill tell you. I think this is a problem, because kids do not like professional wrestling. Kids do not like Promos. Kids do not like wrestling matches. Kids do not like storylines and kids do not like wrestlers. Kids like John Cena.

John Cena is the reason kids turn up to wrestling shows week in, week out. Again, you may well be asking yourself, hey kinsey, whats wrong with John Cena drawing in thousands of kids and selling loads of merchandise? The answer to that is, there is no problem with Cena doing that. The problem is that, the kids watching the shows could not give a rats ass about anything else on the show, except for Cena.

This means that for 90 minutes of every show, the crowd will be next to dead. The kids watching the show aren't interested, making people who are actually damn good professional wrestlers, such as Ziggler, Christian, MAI BOI D-BRY and Cody Rhodes seem distinctly average. The crowd, time and time again, will show no reaction to these guys, making them seem irrelevant and making them seem like failures to everyone watching, when in reality, to the hardcore fans, we understand they are damn good, but to the casual fan - ie. the majority of the audience - they hear a dead reaction, and therefore have no interest in the character.

This is not me bashing Cena at all, or me bashing the PG era, it is simply me saying that the live crowd are ruining wrestling, because they are only there to see Cena.

Your thoughts?
As all of you are fully aware, we are in a PG era. The nature of a PG era ofcourse is directly linked to the show being child friendly, and therefore children make up the majority of the viewership.

Nope. WWE has stated that 74% of their audience is over 21.

This is where the problem lies - WE NEED THE ATTITUDE ERA BA....just kidding. The problem i think with wrestling today is that kids are the majority audience. This is a problem for me, as it is children that attend the live shows and attend raw and smackdown week in, week out.

Parents take their kids to WWE events? Wow, you are truly a visionary. Now tell me, what's the problem with that exactly? Kids get money spent on them by their parents (good) and a father bringing his kids to the show with him has to buy more seats (= more seats sold, a good thing), buy them food, drinks and merchandice (=more money made at the concession/merchandice stand, a good thing) and is less likely to act like a jackass (he's got to set a good example, after all). And it's not like there weren't kids in the audiences in the past (cough, Hulkamaniacs)

You may be sitting their asking, kinsey, why is this a problem... and ill tell you. I think this is a problem, because kids do not like professional wrestling. Kids do not like Promos. Kids do not like wrestling matches. Kids do not like storylines and kids do not like wrestlers. Kids like John Cena.

Using that logic, kids don't like reading they like Harry Potter. But guess what, John Cena is a wrestler who wrestles and cuts promos. If they like John Cena and watch WWE and buy his stuff then that's a good thing. Because it means that they are watchign and because Children are perfectly capable of liking more than one thing, chances are they'll discover other wrestlers that they like. Maybe not as much as Cena, but enough to watch them perform and listen when they talk.

John Cena is the reason kids turn up to wrestling shows week in, week out. Again, you may well be asking yourself, hey kinsey, whats wrong with John Cena drawing in thousands of kids and selling loads of merchandise? The answer to that is, there is no problem with Cena doing that. The problem is that the kids watching the shows could not give a rats ass about anything else on the show, except for Cena.

So? You could say the same thing about Hulk Hogan and he still carried the WWF to dominance in America.

This means that for 90 minutes of every show, the crowd will be next to dead. The kids watching the show aren't interested, making people who are actually damn good professional wrestlers, such as Ziggler, Christian, my boy D BRY and Cody Rhodes seem distinctly average.

Yeah, Cena's better than those guys anyway and there's still the 74% of people over 21 in the crowd to make noise. You are wrong in your assumptions.

The crowd time and time again will show no or reaction to these guys, making them seem irrelevant and making them seem like failures to everyone watching, when in reality, to the hardcore fans, we understand they are damn good, but to the casual fan - ie. the majority of the audience - they hear a dead reaction, and therefore have no interest in the character.

And that's Cena's fault because? If those guys aren't good enough to make the crowd love/hate them then they deserve to get no reaction. End of story.

Your thoughts?

I think you're an incredibly incorrect idiot.

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