John Cena's Fan Base Breakdown

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Why is this thread still open? And i love the fact that half the people calling this dude out for the racist dumb fuck he truly is, Then turn around and answer to the rest of his thread like everything's okay. This thread should have been deleted a long time ago. Don't give this giant can of douche juice the satisfaction of actually discussing the rest of his thread.
okay the rest of Thread makes sense who cares if the person who posted it is Racist we can still conduct a normal conversation about the good points of the topic it doesn't make us bad people. Just because we can see a good part of a Topic and not let one Racist fool ruin it makes us horrible people the Thread for the most part is a good Topic.
I like how you make fun of poor spelling and grammar errors when your posts are riddled with them. Great job adding nothing as usual.

And back to the subject of breaking down the fanbase. I don't think it's as simple as people make it out to be. It's not just women and kids who like Cena. I think his supporters are more diverse than his detractors who are mostly in their mid teens to early 30s and tend to spend a great deal of time on the internet.

Writing "though" as "tho" was on purpose. I didn't make any mistakes. Try again.

And it's funny that you said I add nothing while all you did was flame again, which adds nothing.

Cena's supporters aren't very diverse. Look around. You are one of very few 30-somethings who like Cena *tries not to laugh*. Ahem, just watch what Rocky said to the 21 year old Cena fan after Raw went off the air last Monday. And you're at least 10 years older than that bloke. No comment.
I thought it would be interesting to break down the different sections of John Cena's fan base and debate if a heel turn would turn that section against Cena.

3 The blacks. They cheer Cena because they relate better with Cena's hip hop background. Most blacks don't know that pro wrestling is scripted so a heel turn would most likely cause this section of Cena's fan base to turn against him.

:disappointed: The most utter disrespectful, bland, incoherent and racist thread made ever just because of one word,"B*ack".

You had me till the second point but after you included no.3 , you lost all the respect for a dignified human from me. Do you think they are not literate enough to find out what is right or wrong? Are you stupid? You are an illiterate man! Everyone is equal and I think black men are more literate than the whites because they don't make racist threads like these. (I am white FYI).

Before this thread gets the racist of the millennium award, I'll answer your questions.

Kids- The majority of Cena's fans are kids. I see almost every kid on the shows or outside wearing CeNation's shirt and bands. It shows how the kids like and idolize him. I also see some of the mid teens doing that but they think they are smart by hating on Cena. Children may turn on Cena if Cena attacks other babyfaces like Punk and Orton but that's highly unlikely because Cena is their superhero.

Women- Women always like nice and handsome men. Cena is both of them and that's why he's popular among them. Most of the women are not favorable about the kayfabe terms so they may not like him if he becomes bad but they'll still do because he is a man! (Pun Intended)

I won't answer the third because if I do, I'd be a racist like you.

I'd like to add more on this. I also see many adults cheering for him. Especially those from 30-40 range. I know they do it for their kids but yet they wear Cena's shirts and come to the shows. Anti Cena fans are 17-26.

Just my 2 cents.
okay can we just delete this thread and make a new not Racist version Admins please lol its getting more hits because its Racist then the actual intellectual parts of the thread if not for No. 3 it would be a good thread
I thought it would be interesting to break down the different sections of John Cena's fan base and debate if a heel turn would turn that section against Cena.

3 The blacks. They cheer Cena because they relate better with Cena's hip hop background. Most blacks don't know that pro wrestling is scripted so a heel turn would most likely cause this section of Cena's fan base to turn against him.

You CAN'T be serious.... I AM Black, and I've been watching wrestling for 30 years. I leaned at an early age that wrestling was a male soap opera. I am not in the minority of Blacks who have made this discovery. I hope like shit you were joking here, otherwise, this was about damn near the dumbest statement I've EVER seen in this board.
You CAN'T be serious.... I AM Black, and I've been watching wrestling for 30 years. I leaned at an early age that wrestling was a male soap opera. I am not in the minority of Blacks who have made this discovery. I hope like shit you were joking here, otherwise, this was about damn near the dumbest statement I've EVER seen in this board.
lol this guy is getting more views off this one statement just stop posting on here lol hes probably enjoying is infamy
I'd like to add more on this. I also see many adults cheering for him. Especially those from 30-40 range. I know they do it for their kids but yet they wear Cena's shirts and come to the shows. Anti Cena fans are 17-26.

Just my 2 cents.

I made a comment about this a couple of days ago. I am in that 30-40 range. I am able to appreciate Cena because I remember how wrestling was BEFORE the Attitude Era, and BEFORE the NWO when it became cool to root for the "bad guy". I see that the majority of fans booing Cena out of the building are fans who started watching during a time when heels were cool, and they don't want to let go. I'm pretty sure that a time like that will come again because wrestling runs in cycles. Just an observation I've made.
I made a comment about this a couple of days ago. I am in that 30-40 range. I am able to appreciate Cena because I remember how wrestling was BEFORE the Attitude Era, and BEFORE the NWO when it became cool to root for the "bad guy". I see that the majority of fans booing Cena out of the building are fans who started watching during a time when heels were cool, and they don't want to let go. I'm pretty sure that a time like that will come again because wrestling runs in cycles. Just an observation I've made.
Cena= This Generations Hulk Hogan does it mean hes horrible no lol i just prefer Villians ever since i can Remember
I thought it would be interesting to break down the different sections of John Cena's fan base and debate if a heel turn would turn that section against Cena.

1 Women. Love him or hate him you gotta admit Cena is a chick magnet. Every WWE event I've been to women just love the guy because he's a good looking cat. A heel turn would have no effect on his female fan base at all. Cena could kick kittens in the ring and every single female in the building would still adore him.

2 Kids. Kids love him because he's sorta that over the top cartoon super hero that 4 to 12 year olds love. He's the g.i. joe to cobra. Would a heel turn make kids hate Cena. I think it's a toss up. I think the younger kids would boo Cena but the pre teens would dig an edgier heelish Cena.

3 The blacks. They cheer Cena because they relate better with Cena's hip hop background. Most blacks don't know that pro wrestling is scripted so a heel turn would most likely cause this section of Cena's fan base to turn against him.

Quite possibly the worse shit thread in awhile on here!! Especially no 3 damn can you get any more racist? SMH:disappointed:
I thought it would be interesting to break down the different sections of John Cena's fan base and debate if a heel turn would turn that section against Cena.

1 Women. Love him or hate him you gotta admit Cena is a chick magnet. Every WWE event I've been to women just love the guy because he's a good looking cat. A heel turn would have no effect on his female fan base at all. Cena could kick kittens in the ring and every single female in the building would still adore him.

2 Kids. Kids love him because he's sorta that over the top cartoon super hero that 4 to 12 year olds love. He's the g.i. joe to cobra. Would a heel turn make kids hate Cena. I think it's a toss up. I think the younger kids would boo Cena but the pre teens would dig an edgier heelish Cena.

3 The blacks. They cheer Cena because they relate better with Cena's hip hop background. Most blacks don't know that pro wrestling is scripted so a heel turn would most likely cause this section of Cena's fan base to turn against him.

You sir are officially a MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 The blacks. They cheer Cena because they relate better with Cena's hip hop background. Most blacks don't know that pro wrestling is scripted so a heel turn would most likely cause this section of Cena's fan base to turn against him.

WHY...!! That is one of the most flagrantly ignorant things I have EVER read!

Everyone knows the MEXICANS think wrestlings real, not the blacks.
This bitch. I like how some people hide behind computer screens and type what ever comes to mind. I'm a black man, a very educated black man, that has been watching wrestling for over the past 25 years, and I have to say, I know wrestling is scripted. Shit growing up in South Baltimore, where almost everyone is Black, and the "hip hop crowd" all knew wrestling was scripted. Most people made fun of the blacks that watched wrestling for years because it was scripted and "not real". Furthermore it is about the same like and dislike for John Cena in the Black community as it is in the white community. I think the picture of Cena with the Nick Romney guy will create more dis like for Cena in the "hip hop black community" if that picture got out to the casual black wrestling fan. Any way thanks for that laugh early in the morning sir.
This is absolutely atrocious. First off, I won't even comment on this thread about the topic. It is offensive and completely baseless at that.

Second, I am also offended by the admins. I have seen several thought provoking and interesting but much less offensive threads be CLOSED just because "D-Man" didn't jibe with the topic at hand. I forget the topic, but it had about 9 responses in the hour it was up, and then his post was "what the hell is this? CLOSED". Even though I was considering chipping in, and 9 others had before me in a short time. But then comes along this thread. 4 pages later NOT A WORD from the admins. Its completely unprofessional. I'm not saying anything about freedom of speech, if it counts here then it counts everywhere and they shouldn't close anything. But if they are going to be the big tough guys they want to be this needs to be closed. However I'm sure I will be banned for calling them out, I can't comment in the news topics because I called Paglino out for copying the EXACT post of Labar, which was a copy of an exact post of another site.... But racism lives, right?
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