What do you hate most with todays crowd/fans?

What do you hate most with todays crowd/fans?

  • The crowd don't love the stars, they want to be the star of the show. Takeover/hijack.

  • PG kids who like Cena or like to write tittymaster Ambrose on a meme. Kids ruining it.

  • Too smarky, it's not casual fans but mostly IWC nerds in the crowd overanalyzing everything.

  • The product suck so bad, the crowd will do it as well if the product is bad.

  • They only scream for catchphrases like puppets - more then someone winning a match.

  • Other

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Annoying chants: The Yes! chants got old real quick, What chants have always been annoying to me, Random name chanting during matches, "Sexual chocolate" chants to Mark Henry, the "Goldberg" chants to Ryback

In General:The lack of reaction from crowds is energy draining. Seeing an amazing moment followed by the sound of crickets really takes away from it.
Really have no idea why anyone would be surprised at some the shenanigans the fans get up to at these shows. You get a huge crowd of people in the same room, you're bound to get more than one asshole in the bunch. And it's always that asshole that spoils it for everyone else.
The first and third options are pretty much the same to me as it's always the smark crowd that try to hijack the show with their nonsense and are just downright disrespectful to some wrestlers.

You can see the way they work when they back a guy like Daniel Bryan when he's midcard but as soon as he reaches the top you get the smarks saying he's over-rated and shouldn't be in the positions he is in. I think it was the night after Mania (maybe the following week) where amidst the cheers you could here a handful of guys trying to start a Bryan sucks chant. Bryan himself even said something along the lines 'oh I guess now I'm that guy'.

It's why I really hope those rumours of Triple H looking to the IWC for feedback aren't true. A lot of the IWC thinks everything sucks and won't be happy until Raw is just three hour long iron man matches every week, at which point they'll start saying that sucks and we need to get more sports entertainment on the show.

Worst example of a smark crowd were those assholes who chanted Husky Harris during Bray Wyatt's debut. Oh wow you remember the season of NXT he was on and know that wrestlers all play characters, well done you.
Smarky crowds can be the absolute worst, they can be downright annoying. Some of them are of the opinion "I paid my money, I'll behave however I want" and can ruin the show for others. Some smarks flat out defy logic. What I mean by that is there are some fans who do nothing but rag on the product, whether it's WWE, TNA, ROH or whomever, yet they continue to tune in to watch their TV programs, order their ppvs and pay to go to house shows. It's something I've never understood: if you don't like what you're seeing, why not spend your time and especially your money on something else?

Some examples that spring to mind are Chicago and New York smarks. In Chicago, even though it's been close to a year since CM Punk walked out of WWE, they still chant for him. Even though information has come out that doesn't make Punk seem all that sympathetic, at least not nearly as much as he initially seemed, they'll still chant. They know he isn't coming back, they know that he doesn't give crap how loud they chant, they still do it just to make noise. They wanna be the "stars" of the show rather than suspend disbelief.

I somewhat agree with you Jackie but these crowds are a mixed bag. Stealing the spotlight is very cringeworthy, agree, but remember Money in the Bank when Punk walked out with the belt, the smark crowd combined with the hometown hero vibe made it more awesome.

But yeah chanting inane shit just to get some attention is pointless and adds nothing, I would personally rather be enjoying seeing the show & the
wrestlers in person. However, chanting "boring" is a good way of telling WWE to step up their game midway through a show.

Someone important to mention is Orton. He often plays up to the crowd's shit if they give him crappy chants, and he plays along which is nice to see. The stupid chants become even more annoying when wrestlers try to pretend they aren't happening. Orton beats it by acknowledging it as if to say "yeah okay smart guys, I get that you're not happy".
One thing I absolutely despise with every fibre of my being is...

You can't wrestle chants.

To me, it's the ultimate slap in the face to professionals who work day in day out entertaining the fans in the best ways they possibly can, and they have people, who, mind you, have NEVER stepped in a wrestling ring, telling them that they aren't simply wrestling. Then what the hell are they doing inside the ring, dancing? It's one thing (though still not acceptable) to chant it at guys like the Great Khali who are in the business solely for their size and presence, but grinds me gears further when they chant it at guys like Batista or Cena, guys that CAN actually wrestle, a lot better than most ever will.

Just because superstars don't do suplexes and monkey flips every two seconds, doesn't mean they can't wrestle. How would you like an outsider telling you that you absolutely suck at your job and that you should just quit, by someone who's never worked in your field of work.

Personally, I'd tell them where to go.
Exactly its the smarky assholes that really make going to an event not enjoyable.. Those who Boo Cena just to boo him are the ones who get on my nerves the most.. If you really have a dislike for someone,then by all means boo em.. Like last year in NY During the HOF ceremony..

People actually boo'd the Make-A-Wish what kind of sick twisted fuck would do that? If i was in charge of the ceremony i would have stopped it right there,demand to know who boo'd that confiscate their WM tickets as well as throw them out of the ceremony. Too boo Dying children regardless if Cena is being the presenter or not,is disgraceful.

Even when Mark Henry comes out,the chants of Sexual Chocolate. They think their being funny by doing that,but really their ruining it for others to enjoy the show.. So many examples i could give

Lol OH NO someone doesn't like Cena. Call the hate police. Take their belongings, anything even remotely valuable to them, TAKE IT ALL. Make them hate wrestling because that's the best answer!

OMG there are people that remember Mark Henry's time as Sexual Chocolate.. Throw all the old school fans out of the building! Take their signs, take their shirts, take their enjoyment away because they don't deserve to be in the same arena as the ones who forgot, or just weren't around!

Now that I'm done being sarcastic, why don't you give me some more examples, since you have "so many"? Sounds like you simply disagree with an opinion that doesn't match yours.

"Lulz I wasn't alive when Sexual Chocolate was around so therefore I hate you all."
I don't know how to respond exactly to this, but I will say this: The crowd reacts to the WWE the same way WWE reacts to its fans. Vince lost touch with the fans, so fans try to get back to him by trying to ruin his show, chanting for the guys we shouldn't etc. Yes, it ruins the show sometimes, sometimes it forces change, like Bryan.

To me, it isn't so annoying. I like a hot crowd that is getting involved in any capacity. I like the crowds chanting Cm Punk when Stephanie and HHH give a promo, because it feels real and to me this is fun.

I hate dead crowds. It just takes away everything from the show. Pro wrestling is a sport/act that tries to please the crowd, thus playing to it. If the crowd is dead, the show will be dead.

On the other hand you have white hot crowds that don't ruin the show. Sure, they might not be chanting for the good guys and booing the bad all the time, but that's ok. Wrestlemania crowds are awesome most of the time. Raw-after-WM's crowds are the most fun though, with all their random chants. Fans respect the competitors they enjoy and think need to be pushed. They don't chant random stuff at a Bryan match, or Ziggler, Punk etc... You get my point. They chant random stuff to boring matches /feuds with no meaning, things that have been played out and shoved down our throats.

The second thing I hate most are the puppet crowds, which in most cases are consisted of kids. Kids /new fans don't have criticism power / experience to judge what is good and what is not. Everyone has been in this position when we started watching. When I started, Orton was on top with his psycho gimmick at 2009. Even though he was a heel, I instantly liked him and still like him because of what he did. I liked Cena too, because I didn't know much, I didn't know how the pro wrestling business works. They all felt bigger than life. As time goes by and we see more things, we change out mindset and stop chanting for whoever WWE wants us, and we chant for who we enjoy. That's ok to me. We shouldn't be forced. Why should I like Cena? He is a good guy and all, but in my eyes, he is a guy who is gonna sit there and take everything like a bitch and I don't like that.

So, to recap, I hate dead crowds and puppet crowds. I love crowds who get involved in any capacity, especially those who are actually involved with what is going on and chant relevant stuff.
The best example of a smarky New York crowd was at last year's HOF ceremony when they were booing a Make A Wish video presentation. I don't know if it's mostly because Cena was out there or if they were just booing in general. I thought it showed a complete lack of class and total disrespect. It's one thing to voice displeasure over something you're not into, but there are times and places for that. In my opinion, it's not during a presentation of a charity organization featuring footage of sick and/or dying children, some of whom won't live long enough to get out of elementary school.

Even though it actually sounds horrible at first glance, if you look more into it, people might just be booing the fact that WWE is assosciating with Make a Wish, which tends to bring in mind Be A Star and all those "anti-bullying" things, when in fact, WWE is as much of a bully as someone can get. Might be a long shot, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason behind the booing. I doubt the fans that were booing are heartless idiots who took enjoyment in booing the sick children...
Absolute worst thing about today's WWE crowd is that they don't go DEAD FREAKING SILENT and close their eyes or sit with arms crossed and look bored when stupid as hell segments like Hoda & Kathiloser are on the show and the mascots fighting.

If the crowd would just go dead silent and cross their arms then WWE would FINALLY understand how dreadful those segments are.
What do I hate most about crowds? You mean besides the fact that RAW was in my hometown of Brooklyn and I had to sit this one out? Seriously, I wouldn't say I hate it, but what annoys me is the crowd making themselves a part of the show. I see fans in the audience looking towards the Titantron waiting for their image to come on screen so they can wave instead of watching what they paid to see in the ring. The sometimes annoying chants can be a bit much as well. It would be nice if they dimmed the lights and put a spotlight on the ring to put more focus on the action instead of fans clamoring for recognition. It won't happen but I'm just saying...
It varies. Sometimes it works, other times it makes it awkward. I really enjoyed the recent 'Miz Vs Sheamus' match, not because it was anything special (although it wasfine), but because the crowd was into Damian Sandow. Sometimes its nice when the crowds back someone who doesn't get that much attention, like when they cheered for Ryback when he was in his hometown.

On the other hand, whenever CM Punk chants start up during AJ Lee's segments, I get uncomfortable. They're undermining her talent by doing so and I find myself wondering if that can cause strain in their marriage. Since now she's apparently stuck in his shadow.

It varies. The crowd can sometimes be the highlight of the show, even when they're trolling, or they can make it difficult to watch. But I suppose an unpleasant crowd is still more interesting than a dead one.
Whew, the Suess-esque snarky smarks are my main pet peeve.

It's no mystery to anyone who knows me, I hate John Cena. John Cena the character that is, who behaves in ways that are applicable to a show centered around what lures a reaction out of me. Chanting that he sucks is fine in my opinion because it warrants his fans to return with you know what. It's a fun part of the show.

To John Cena's fans, they paid for a ticket too. I didn't lease the whole damn arena. It doesn't upset me if fate places me in a section of the audience where some kid's first John Cena experience hinges on my good behavior. I'll chant what they're chanting because it's all just a damn show.

I see a lot of smarks at shows become offended if someone near them chants for a hated performer or that smark-ass will even start that "boring" bullshit. As much as I hate Cena and Orton, I was more pissed off at the Pittsburgh crowd when they verbally shat all over the match that was taking place. I looked at it as a few over-opinionated smarks ruining the show for people who may have been having their first live experience.

I try desperately to not be a smark, the show just isn't fun anymore if I'm reading every frickin spot for errors or if I'm judging every storyline for what the back-stage motive may have been. Sometimes the show is so ridiculous that it's hard to play the part of a mark, either way I learned a long time ago that only idiots find bliss in misery.
This is an easy one for me. It is fans shouting 'what?!' during promos. It wasn't funny when it started, it's not funny now and it is so disrespectful to the performer who is doing their thing in the ring. Shut up and actually pay attention to the show you paid money to go and watch instead of shouting at the end of every sentence

This. Alot of the talent and Vince must be cursing the fact that Austin came up with it

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