What's the worst wrestlemania of all time?

Wrestlemania 9 is without doubt the absolute worst PPV of them all. The whole Toga theme was stupid. The booking was shameful. No match really stood up or even looked good on paper. Hogan because of his enormous ego, coming out and winning the title from Yokuzuna shortly after he won from Bret made it perhaps the worst card of all time and that's saying alot considering the all the horrendous PPV's the occurred especially from WCW.
I'm as "old school" as you get around here, but honestly....Wrestlemania 2 sucked a bag of dicks.

The concept I can understand....with Vince trying to have it in the 3 biggest markets, but it failed miserably...at least in my eyes. The most memorable thing about that night was Roddy Piper bodyslamming Mr. T during the "boxing" match. What's that tell you? King Kong Bundy should never have main evented and they wasted Savage by putting him in with George Steele. Probably the worst match making in the history of Wrestlemania.

But boy did they make up for it the following year.

Wrestlemania 11 had potential....I didn't hate the Bret/Backlund feud, and I was also interested in seeing HBK/Diesel. Don't get me wrong, this WM sucked too....again Undertaker wasted with a match with King Kong Bundy? Please! We all know LT should never have been in there...and was a horrible ending to the show, but overall WM 2 wins the award.
A while back I said that WM 11 was the worst because how much more the celeb. meant more to vince then the actual matches themselves, I mean its constant Pamala Anderson. Wheres Pamala and who will lead HBK out, I mean who cares?

But I watched 11 and i see that Diesel and HBK was great match as well as the IC title match, the rest sucked. But I see that 15 is worse.

15 just had every pointless match in the world, Dlo and Test vs Owen and JJ wtf. Undertaker vs Bossman HIAC wtf? every match was bad with the exception of Xpac and Shane McMahon. Austin vs Rock was okay but so attitude era. I perfer there match at Backlash a month later. (and appently austin and rock perfer that match over this too, so what does that tell you).

The 5 worse manias imo are in this order
5. WM 27
4. WM 25
3. WM 11
2. WM 2
1. WM 15

I am not sure why people hate wm9 so much. I liked Bret vs Yokozuna, and the IC this is miles better than these 5 shitfest so called "manias"
wm 4 is also very high as far the worst goes, but i loved Macho Man winning but this mania was so fucking boring. 16 matches with nothing but complete bore, if Rick Rude vs Jake Roberts was a huge snooze fest how does that sound to you. Yea two of the best all-round wrestlers of the 80s have 15 minutes of the most boring and longest minutes ever but still this doesnt compare the shitfest of 11,2, and esp 15

Also whos the fuckhead whom put wm18 as one of the worst?
This wm had everything the other great wms didnt have, AWESOME Crowd. Watch Hogan vs Rock and you tell me the crowd was dead.
18 just has to be the best mania crowds ever. And the matches were amazing as well. RVD vs Regal good opener. Divas match was great but trish should have won. Taker vs Flair also amazing, esp when Arn came out and hit a nasty ass spinebuster on taker. HHH vs Jericho great but the crowd was dead, if it had went on before icon vs icon it would have had an amazing crowd and not tired one. Then you have the epicness of the hardcore title switching hands, which is entertaining. Austin vs Hall was great and had properly the best stunner ever, I swear Hall jumped 10 feet in air for that stunner, but this should have been austin vs hogan. Then you have proberly the biggest match ever, Rock vs Hogan which was nothing short of epic. Imo WM18 is atleast in the top 5 best manias. along with 7,3,19, and 14. Yes no wm17 on my list in the top 5.
Wrestlemania 11 was the worst mania of all time. Nothing memorable about that Mania. That LT/Bam Bam match was horrible, I don't care what nobody says. At least 13 had the great Austin/Bret match. There was nothing on this card that stood the test of time. I don't even remember where it was held.
There have certainly been some clunkers, but in my opinion, here were the bottom 5:

5: WrestleMania 11. This one was headlined by LT, a move that might've made sense for WrestleMania 10 since it took place in New York. This 'Mania featured 7 matches, which makes it the 2nd smallest card in 'Mania history. Only WrestleMania 12 featured fewer matches (6), but I'll give the 1996 event a pass since it featured a 60-man iron man match.

4. WrestleMania 13. The WWE almost went bankrupt around this time so that should tell you just how bad the product was back in early 1997. The defections of Hall and Nash certainly hurt - the injury to HBK didn't make things better. If it wasn't for Hart/Austin putting on one of the top-5 matches in 'Mania history, then this one probably would have landed at #1 on the list.

3. WrestleMania 2. The three arena concept didn't work at all. No arena got more than 35 minutes of action, and it just seemed like a giant waste with no real draw to it. Hell, Chicago had two matches go 2 minutes or less. Seriously, poor Chicago - between WrestleMania 2 and 13, they just dominate this list. In fact, if I expanded the list, WrestleMania 22 would've been ranked 6th.

2. WrestleMania 9. This is was when 'Mania just started to get silly. The toga party was a complete joke - as was half the card. It featured The Undertaker's worst WrestleMania match (Giant Gonzalez) and the dumbest ending in 'Mania history. That the only truly memorable moment of this event was Hogan "challenging" Yokozuna out of the blue should tell you just how bad it was.

1: WrestleMania 8. This one falls to the bottom of the list for a variety of reasons. Outside WrestleMania 1 - which didn't have a WWE Title match - it was the first 'Mania not to have the title match main event the card. People complain these days that the WWE Title doesn't mean as much as it used to ... well look at this event, the biggest event of the year, and the company's top star (Hogan) turned down a chance to wrestle for the title because he had a grudge to settle. Basically, it was Hogan saying there were more important things than being the WWE Champion. That's unacceptable to me.

Add that with the fact that Hogan's actions on Sid at the Rumble were completely unjustified ... that Sid had every right to be pissed at Hogan ... and that the fans were originally on Sid's side (until WWE re-wrote their own history) [youtube]j1RqiVO1-uA[/youtube], and you'll see why most people shit all over this match.

But WM 8 doesn't take my top spot just because of the card that we watched... It took my top spot because of the card it could have - and should have - had.

Hogan/Flair - The dream match

Savage/Roberts - This feud dominated late 1991 and into the early part of 1992. The payoff should've come at WM 8 in my opinion ... instead we got the payoff at a Sat. Main Event. Ugh.

Undertaker/Sid - 'Taker was the top young heel in the company. Sid was the top young face. This had money written all over it in 1992 ... unfortunately, by the time we got the match in 1997, Sid was nowhere near as over with the crowd.
Strangely my two less favourite Wrestlemanias follow my two favourite. Wrestlemania 11 and 15.

WM10 was incredible whilst, for me, 11 is probably the worst Wrestlemania. 1995 was an absolute mess in the WWF and it showed at Wrestlemania and after the high of Wrestlemania 14 to follow it up with the abomination that was Wrestlemania 15 was incredible.

I struggle to think of a poorer WM card than the one at 11. The main event was garbage. I get the whole tie in between celebs and Wrestlemania, I do, but I see no need to put a celeb in the main event. As for fifteen, it was the first I watched live after getting back into the WWF in mid 98. What a pile of drivel it was, cheers for that Vince Russo
I personally liked wrestlemanias 13 and 9 and didnt fully hate 11 but could see the agrument putting them toward the bottom.
Putting Wrestlemania 8 even on the list let alone calling it the worst wrestlemania ever is insane. Taker/Roberts, Hart/Piper (top 5 IC Title matches ever), Flair/Savage, The Warriors return. Even Michaels/Santana, the tag match, and the 8 man were decent. If given enough time Skinner/Hart would have been pretty good. I understand we didnt get the much anticipated Hogan/Flair match but if was still a great card.
1: WrestleMania 8. This one falls to the bottom of the list for a variety of reasons. Outside WrestleMania 1 - which didn't have a WWE Title match - it was the first 'Mania not to have the title match main event the card. People complain these days that the WWE Title doesn't mean as much as it used to ... well look at this event, the biggest event of the year, and the company's top star (Hogan) turned down a chance to wrestle for the title because he had a grudge to settle. Basically, it was Hogan saying there were more important things than being the WWE Champion. That's unacceptable to me.

Add that with the fact that Hogan's actions on Sid at the Rumble were completely unjustified ... that Sid had every right to be pissed at Hogan ... and that the fans were originally on Sid's side (until WWE re-wrote their own history) [youtube]j1RqiVO1-uA[/youtube], and you'll see why most people shit all over this match.

But WM 8 doesn't take my top spot just because of the card that we watched... It took my top spot because of the card it could have - and should have - had.

Hogan/Flair - The dream match

Savage/Roberts - This feud dominated late 1991 and into the early part of 1992. The payoff should've come at WM 8 in my opinion ... instead we got the payoff at a Sat. Main Event. Ugh.

Undertaker/Sid - 'Taker was the top young heel in the company. Sid was the top young face. This had money written all over it in 1992 ... unfortunately, by the time we got the match in 1997, Sid was nowhere near as over with the crowd.

Just because you think there could have been a better card doesn’t mean the show we got was a bad one. WM8 shouldn’t be anywhere near the bottom of anyone’s list. Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair alone is enough to put this ahead of some manias. Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper alone is enough to put this ahead of some manias. The fact that both these classic matches happened on the same show is certainly enough to put this event closer to the top of the mania list than the bottom. I know most people wanted Hogan vs. Flair at WM8 but if you can get over the fact that it didn’t happen you’ll see that WM8 was pretty awesome anyway.
WrestleMania 22 was terrible. I loved the tribute to Eddie which was good and the Cena vs HHH match was pretty good as well, apart from that and the hardcore match it was pretty average. Kane and Big Show vs Carlito and Chris Masters, really? Sure it was tag championships but the match had no feel to it and Carltio and Masters weren't even a credible tag team (much like most of the teams during that time, but not the point). HBK and VKM was a shit match. The only reason that gets so much love is because of the Elbow of the ladder. Booker T and Boogey Man, ugh. Chris Benoit vs JBL was what was expected, boring a hell! Not even Benoit could make the match look good. Mickie James and Trish had a rather interesting appeal but it was a divas match which usually means it was bad. Undertaker and Mark Henry, wow..

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